/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "libRS_jni" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jni.h" #include "JNIHelp.h" #include "android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h" #include "android_runtime/android_view_Surface.h" #include "android_runtime/android_util_AssetManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define LOG_API ALOGE #define LOG_API(...) using namespace android; #define PER_ARRAY_TYPE(flag, fnc, readonly, ...) { \ jint len = 0; \ void *ptr = nullptr; \ size_t typeBytes = 0; \ jint relFlag = 0; \ if (readonly) { \ /* The on-release mode should only be JNI_ABORT for read-only accesses. */ \ relFlag = JNI_ABORT; \ } \ switch(dataType) { \ case RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jfloatArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetFloatArrayElements((jfloatArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 4; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements((jfloatArray)data, (jfloat *)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ case RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jdoubleArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetDoubleArrayElements((jdoubleArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 8; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements((jdoubleArray)data, (jdouble *)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8: \ case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_8: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jbyteArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements((jbyteArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 1; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements((jbyteArray)data, (jbyte*)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16: \ case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jshortArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetShortArrayElements((jshortArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 2; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseShortArrayElements((jshortArray)data, (jshort *)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32: \ case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jintArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetIntArrayElements((jintArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 4; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements((jintArray)data, (jint *)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ case RS_TYPE_SIGNED_64: \ case RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64: \ len = _env->GetArrayLength((jlongArray)data); \ ptr = _env->GetLongArrayElements((jlongArray)data, flag); \ typeBytes = 8; \ fnc(__VA_ARGS__); \ _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements((jlongArray)data, (jlong *)ptr, relFlag); \ return; \ default: \ break; \ } \ } class AutoJavaStringToUTF8 { public: AutoJavaStringToUTF8(JNIEnv* env, jstring str) : fEnv(env), fJStr(str) { fCStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(str, nullptr); fLength = env->GetStringUTFLength(str); } ~AutoJavaStringToUTF8() { fEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(fJStr, fCStr); } const char* c_str() const { return fCStr; } jsize length() const { return fLength; } private: JNIEnv* fEnv; jstring fJStr; const char* fCStr; jsize fLength; }; class AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8 { public: AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8(JNIEnv* env, jobjectArray strings, jsize stringsLength) : mEnv(env), mStrings(strings), mStringsLength(stringsLength) { mCStrings = nullptr; mSizeArray = nullptr; if (stringsLength > 0) { mCStrings = (const char **)calloc(stringsLength, sizeof(char *)); mSizeArray = (size_t*)calloc(stringsLength, sizeof(size_t)); for (jsize ct = 0; ct < stringsLength; ct ++) { jstring s = (jstring)mEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(mStrings, ct); mCStrings[ct] = mEnv->GetStringUTFChars(s, nullptr); mSizeArray[ct] = mEnv->GetStringUTFLength(s); } } } ~AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8() { for (jsize ct=0; ct < mStringsLength; ct++) { jstring s = (jstring)mEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(mStrings, ct); mEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(s, mCStrings[ct]); } free(mCStrings); free(mSizeArray); } const char **c_str() const { return mCStrings; } size_t *c_str_len() const { return mSizeArray; } jsize length() const { return mStringsLength; } private: JNIEnv *mEnv; jobjectArray mStrings; const char **mCStrings; size_t *mSizeArray; jsize mStringsLength; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jfieldID gContextId = 0; static jfieldID gNativeBitmapID = 0; static jfieldID gTypeNativeCache = 0; static void _nInit(JNIEnv *_env, jclass _this) { gContextId = _env->GetFieldID(_this, "mContext", "J"); jclass bitmapClass = _env->FindClass("android/graphics/Bitmap"); gNativeBitmapID = _env->GetFieldID(bitmapClass, "mNativeBitmap", "J"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void nContextFinish(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextFinish, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextFinish((RsContext)con); } static void nAssignName(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong obj, jbyteArray str) { LOG_API("nAssignName, con(%p), obj(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)obj); jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(str); jbyte * cptr = (jbyte *) _env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(str, 0); rsAssignName((RsContext)con, (void *)obj, (const char *)cptr, len); _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(str, cptr, JNI_ABORT); } static jstring nGetName(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong obj) { LOG_API("nGetName, con(%p), obj(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)obj); const char *name = nullptr; rsaGetName((RsContext)con, (void *)obj, &name); if(name == nullptr || strlen(name) == 0) { return nullptr; } return _env->NewStringUTF(name); } static void nObjDestroy(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong obj) { LOG_API("nObjDestroy, con(%p) obj(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)obj); rsObjDestroy((RsContext)con, (void *)obj); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nDeviceCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this) { LOG_API("nDeviceCreate"); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsDeviceCreate(); } static void nDeviceDestroy(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong dev) { LOG_API("nDeviceDestroy"); return rsDeviceDestroy((RsDevice)dev); } static void nDeviceSetConfig(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong dev, jint p, jint value) { LOG_API("nDeviceSetConfig dev(%p), param(%i), value(%i)", (void *)dev, p, value); return rsDeviceSetConfig((RsDevice)dev, (RsDeviceParam)p, value); } static jlong nContextCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong dev, jint ver, jint sdkVer, jint ct) { LOG_API("nContextCreate"); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsContextCreate((RsDevice)dev, ver, sdkVer, (RsContextType)ct, 0); } static jlong nContextCreateGL(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong dev, jint ver, jint sdkVer, jint colorMin, jint colorPref, jint alphaMin, jint alphaPref, jint depthMin, jint depthPref, jint stencilMin, jint stencilPref, jint samplesMin, jint samplesPref, jfloat samplesQ, jint dpi) { RsSurfaceConfig sc; sc.alphaMin = alphaMin; sc.alphaPref = alphaPref; sc.colorMin = colorMin; sc.colorPref = colorPref; sc.depthMin = depthMin; sc.depthPref = depthPref; sc.samplesMin = samplesMin; sc.samplesPref = samplesPref; sc.samplesQ = samplesQ; LOG_API("nContextCreateGL"); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsContextCreateGL((RsDevice)dev, ver, sdkVer, sc, dpi); } static void nContextSetPriority(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint p) { LOG_API("ContextSetPriority, con(%p), priority(%i)", (RsContext)con, p); rsContextSetPriority((RsContext)con, p); } static void nContextSetSurface(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint width, jint height, jobject wnd) { LOG_API("nContextSetSurface, con(%p), width(%i), height(%i), surface(%p)", (RsContext)con, width, height, (Surface *)wnd); ANativeWindow * window = nullptr; if (wnd == nullptr) { } else { window = android_view_Surface_getNativeWindow(_env, wnd).get(); } rsContextSetSurface((RsContext)con, width, height, window); } static void nContextDestroy(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextDestroy, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextDestroy((RsContext)con); } static void nContextDump(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint bits) { LOG_API("nContextDump, con(%p) bits(%i)", (RsContext)con, bits); rsContextDump((RsContext)con, bits); } static void nContextPause(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextPause, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextPause((RsContext)con); } static void nContextResume(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextResume, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextResume((RsContext)con); } static jstring nContextGetErrorMessage(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextGetErrorMessage, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); char buf[1024]; size_t receiveLen; uint32_t subID; int id = rsContextGetMessage((RsContext)con, buf, sizeof(buf), &receiveLen, sizeof(receiveLen), &subID, sizeof(subID)); if (!id && receiveLen) { ALOGV("message receive buffer too small. %i", receiveLen); } return _env->NewStringUTF(buf); } static jint nContextGetUserMessage(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jintArray data) { jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); LOG_API("nContextGetMessage, con(%p), len(%i)", (RsContext)con, len); jint *ptr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(data, nullptr); size_t receiveLen; uint32_t subID; int id = rsContextGetMessage((RsContext)con, ptr, len * 4, &receiveLen, sizeof(receiveLen), &subID, sizeof(subID)); if (!id && receiveLen) { ALOGV("message receive buffer too small. %i", receiveLen); } _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(data, ptr, 0); return (jint)id; } static jint nContextPeekMessage(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jintArray auxData) { LOG_API("nContextPeekMessage, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); jint *auxDataPtr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(auxData, nullptr); size_t receiveLen; uint32_t subID; int id = rsContextPeekMessage((RsContext)con, &receiveLen, sizeof(receiveLen), &subID, sizeof(subID)); auxDataPtr[0] = (jint)subID; auxDataPtr[1] = (jint)receiveLen; _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(auxData, auxDataPtr, 0); return (jint)id; } static void nContextInitToClient(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextInitToClient, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextInitToClient((RsContext)con); } static void nContextDeinitToClient(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con) { LOG_API("nContextDeinitToClient, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); rsContextDeinitToClient((RsContext)con); } static void nContextSendMessage(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint id, jintArray data) { jint *ptr = nullptr; jint len = 0; if (data) { len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); ptr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(data, nullptr); } LOG_API("nContextSendMessage, con(%p), id(%i), len(%i)", (RsContext)con, id, len); rsContextSendMessage((RsContext)con, id, (const uint8_t *)ptr, len * sizeof(int)); if (data) { _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT); } } static jlong nElementCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong type, jint kind, jboolean norm, jint size) { LOG_API("nElementCreate, con(%p), type(%i), kind(%i), norm(%i), size(%i)", (RsContext)con, type, kind, norm, size); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsElementCreate((RsContext)con, (RsDataType)type, (RsDataKind)kind, norm, size); } static jlong nElementCreate2(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlongArray _ids, jobjectArray _names, jintArray _arraySizes) { int fieldCount = _env->GetArrayLength(_ids); LOG_API("nElementCreate2, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); jlong *jIds = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_ids, nullptr); jint *jArraySizes = _env->GetIntArrayElements(_arraySizes, nullptr); RsElement *ids = (RsElement*)malloc(fieldCount * sizeof(RsElement)); uint32_t *arraySizes = (uint32_t *)malloc(fieldCount * sizeof(uint32_t)); for(int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i ++) { ids[i] = (RsElement)jIds[i]; arraySizes[i] = (uint32_t)jArraySizes[i]; } AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8 names(_env, _names, fieldCount); const char **nameArray = names.c_str(); size_t *sizeArray = names.c_str_len(); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsElementCreate2((RsContext)con, (const RsElement *)ids, fieldCount, nameArray, fieldCount * sizeof(size_t), sizeArray, (const uint32_t *)arraySizes, fieldCount); free(ids); free(arraySizes); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_ids, jIds, JNI_ABORT); _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(_arraySizes, jArraySizes, JNI_ABORT); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)id; } static void nElementGetNativeData(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong id, jintArray _elementData) { int dataSize = _env->GetArrayLength(_elementData); LOG_API("nElementGetNativeData, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); // we will pack mType; mKind; mNormalized; mVectorSize; NumSubElements assert(dataSize == 5); uintptr_t elementData[5]; rsaElementGetNativeData((RsContext)con, (RsElement)id, elementData, dataSize); for(jint i = 0; i < dataSize; i ++) { const jint data = (jint)elementData[i]; _env->SetIntArrayRegion(_elementData, i, 1, &data); } } static void nElementGetSubElements(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong id, jlongArray _IDs, jobjectArray _names, jintArray _arraySizes) { uint32_t dataSize = _env->GetArrayLength(_IDs); LOG_API("nElementGetSubElements, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); uintptr_t *ids = (uintptr_t*)malloc(dataSize * sizeof(uintptr_t)); const char **names = (const char **)malloc(dataSize * sizeof(const char *)); uint32_t *arraySizes = (uint32_t *)malloc(dataSize * sizeof(uint32_t)); rsaElementGetSubElements((RsContext)con, (RsElement)id, ids, names, arraySizes, (uint32_t)dataSize); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { const jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)ids[i]; const jint arraySize = (jint)arraySizes[i]; _env->SetObjectArrayElement(_names, i, _env->NewStringUTF(names[i])); _env->SetLongArrayRegion(_IDs, i, 1, &id); _env->SetIntArrayRegion(_arraySizes, i, 1, &arraySize); } free(ids); free(names); free(arraySizes); } // ----------------------------------- static jlong nTypeCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong eid, jint dimx, jint dimy, jint dimz, jboolean mips, jboolean faces, jint yuv) { LOG_API("nTypeCreate, con(%p) eid(%p), x(%i), y(%i), z(%i), mips(%i), faces(%i), yuv(%i)", (RsContext)con, eid, dimx, dimy, dimz, mips, faces, yuv); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsTypeCreate((RsContext)con, (RsElement)eid, dimx, dimy, dimz, mips, faces, yuv); } static void nTypeGetNativeData(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong id, jlongArray _typeData) { // We are packing 6 items: mDimX; mDimY; mDimZ; // mDimLOD; mDimFaces; mElement; into typeData int elementCount = _env->GetArrayLength(_typeData); assert(elementCount == 6); LOG_API("nTypeGetNativeData, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); uintptr_t typeData[6]; rsaTypeGetNativeData((RsContext)con, (RsType)id, typeData, 6); for(jint i = 0; i < elementCount; i ++) { const jlong data = (jlong)(uintptr_t)typeData[i]; _env->SetLongArrayRegion(_typeData, i, 1, &data); } } // ----------------------------------- static jlong nAllocationCreateTyped(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong type, jint mips, jint usage, jlong pointer) { LOG_API("nAllocationCreateTyped, con(%p), type(%p), mip(%i), usage(%i), ptr(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsElement)type, mips, usage, (void *)pointer); return (jlong)(uintptr_t) rsAllocationCreateTyped((RsContext)con, (RsType)type, (RsAllocationMipmapControl)mips, (uint32_t)usage, (uintptr_t)pointer); } static void nAllocationSyncAll(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong a, jint bits) { LOG_API("nAllocationSyncAll, con(%p), a(%p), bits(0x%08x)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a, bits); rsAllocationSyncAll((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a, (RsAllocationUsageType)bits); } static jobject nAllocationGetSurface(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong a) { LOG_API("nAllocationGetSurface, con(%p), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a); IGraphicBufferProducer *v = (IGraphicBufferProducer *)rsAllocationGetSurface((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a); sp bp = v; v->decStrong(nullptr); jobject o = android_view_Surface_createFromIGraphicBufferProducer(_env, bp); return o; } static void nAllocationSetSurface(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc, jobject sur) { LOG_API("nAllocationSetSurface, con(%p), alloc(%p), surface(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, (Surface *)sur); sp s; if (sur != 0) { s = android_view_Surface_getSurface(_env, sur); } rsAllocationSetSurface((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, static_cast(s.get())); } static void nAllocationIoSend(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc) { LOG_API("nAllocationIoSend, con(%p), alloc(%p)", (RsContext)con, alloc); rsAllocationIoSend((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc); } static void nAllocationIoReceive(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc) { LOG_API("nAllocationIoReceive, con(%p), alloc(%p)", (RsContext)con, alloc); rsAllocationIoReceive((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc); } static void nAllocationGenerateMipmaps(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc) { LOG_API("nAllocationGenerateMipmaps, con(%p), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc); rsAllocationGenerateMipmaps((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc); } static jlong nAllocationCreateFromBitmap(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong type, jint mip, jobject jbitmap, jint usage) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)_env->GetLongField(jbitmap, gNativeBitmapID); const SkBitmap& bitmap(*nativeBitmap); bitmap.lockPixels(); const void* ptr = bitmap.getPixels(); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsAllocationCreateFromBitmap((RsContext)con, (RsType)type, (RsAllocationMipmapControl)mip, ptr, bitmap.getSize(), usage); bitmap.unlockPixels(); return id; } static jlong nAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong type, jint mip, jobject jbitmap, jint usage) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)_env->GetLongField(jbitmap, gNativeBitmapID); const SkBitmap& bitmap(*nativeBitmap); bitmap.lockPixels(); const void* ptr = bitmap.getPixels(); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsAllocationCreateTyped((RsContext)con, (RsType)type, (RsAllocationMipmapControl)mip, (uint32_t)usage, (uintptr_t)ptr); bitmap.unlockPixels(); return id; } static jlong nAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong type, jint mip, jobject jbitmap, jint usage) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)_env->GetLongField(jbitmap, gNativeBitmapID); const SkBitmap& bitmap(*nativeBitmap); bitmap.lockPixels(); const void* ptr = bitmap.getPixels(); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap((RsContext)con, (RsType)type, (RsAllocationMipmapControl)mip, ptr, bitmap.getSize(), usage); bitmap.unlockPixels(); return id; } static void nAllocationCopyFromBitmap(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc, jobject jbitmap) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)_env->GetLongField(jbitmap, gNativeBitmapID); const SkBitmap& bitmap(*nativeBitmap); int w = bitmap.width(); int h = bitmap.height(); bitmap.lockPixels(); const void* ptr = bitmap.getPixels(); rsAllocation2DData((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, 0, 0, 0, RS_ALLOCATION_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X, w, h, ptr, bitmap.getSize(), 0); bitmap.unlockPixels(); } static void nAllocationCopyToBitmap(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc, jobject jbitmap) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)_env->GetLongField(jbitmap, gNativeBitmapID); const SkBitmap& bitmap(*nativeBitmap); bitmap.lockPixels(); void* ptr = bitmap.getPixels(); rsAllocationCopyToBitmap((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, ptr, bitmap.getSize()); bitmap.unlockPixels(); bitmap.notifyPixelsChanged(); } static void ReleaseBitmapCallback(void *bmp) { SkBitmap const * nativeBitmap = (SkBitmap const *)bmp; nativeBitmap->unlockPixels(); } // Copies from the Java object data into the Allocation pointed to by _alloc. static void nAllocationData1D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint offset, jint lod, jint count, jobject data, jint sizeBytes, jint dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; LOG_API("nAllocation1DData, con(%p), adapter(%p), offset(%i), count(%i), sizeBytes(%i), dataType(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, offset, count, sizeBytes, dataType); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(nullptr, rsAllocation1DData, true, (RsContext)con, alloc, offset, lod, count, ptr, sizeBytes); } // Copies from the Java array data into the Allocation pointed to by alloc. static void // native void rsnAllocationElementData1D(long con, long id, int xoff, int compIdx, byte[] d, int sizeBytes); nAllocationElementData1D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc, jint offset, jint lod, jint compIdx, jbyteArray data, jint sizeBytes) { jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); LOG_API("nAllocationElementData1D, con(%p), alloc(%p), offset(%i), comp(%i), len(%i), sizeBytes(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, offset, compIdx, len, sizeBytes); jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr); rsAllocation1DElementData((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, offset, lod, ptr, sizeBytes, compIdx); _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT); } // Copies from the Java object data into the Allocation pointed to by _alloc. static void nAllocationData2D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint xoff, jint yoff, jint lod, jint _face, jint w, jint h, jobject data, jint sizeBytes, jint dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; RsAllocationCubemapFace face = (RsAllocationCubemapFace)_face; LOG_API("nAllocation2DData, con(%p), adapter(%p), xoff(%i), yoff(%i), w(%i), h(%i), len(%i) type(%i)", (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, w, h, sizeBytes, dataType); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(nullptr, rsAllocation2DData, true, (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, lod, face, w, h, ptr, sizeBytes, 0); } // Copies from the Allocation pointed to by srcAlloc into the Allocation // pointed to by dstAlloc. static void nAllocationData2D_alloc(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong dstAlloc, jint dstXoff, jint dstYoff, jint dstMip, jint dstFace, jint width, jint height, jlong srcAlloc, jint srcXoff, jint srcYoff, jint srcMip, jint srcFace) { LOG_API("nAllocation2DData_s, con(%p), dstAlloc(%p), dstXoff(%i), dstYoff(%i)," " dstMip(%i), dstFace(%i), width(%i), height(%i)," " srcAlloc(%p), srcXoff(%i), srcYoff(%i), srcMip(%i), srcFace(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstMip, dstFace, width, height, (RsAllocation)srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcMip, srcFace); rsAllocationCopy2DRange((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstMip, dstFace, width, height, (RsAllocation)srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcMip, srcFace); } // Copies from the Java object data into the Allocation pointed to by _alloc. static void nAllocationData3D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint xoff, jint yoff, jint zoff, jint lod, jint w, jint h, jint d, jobject data, int sizeBytes, int dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; LOG_API("nAllocation3DData, con(%p), alloc(%p), xoff(%i), yoff(%i), zoff(%i), lod(%i), w(%i), h(%i), d(%i), sizeBytes(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, xoff, yoff, zoff, lod, w, h, d, sizeBytes); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(nullptr, rsAllocation3DData, true, (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, zoff, lod, w, h, d, ptr, sizeBytes, 0); } // Copies from the Allocation pointed to by srcAlloc into the Allocation // pointed to by dstAlloc. static void nAllocationData3D_alloc(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong dstAlloc, jint dstXoff, jint dstYoff, jint dstZoff, jint dstMip, jint width, jint height, jint depth, jlong srcAlloc, jint srcXoff, jint srcYoff, jint srcZoff, jint srcMip) { LOG_API("nAllocationData3D_alloc, con(%p), dstAlloc(%p), dstXoff(%i), dstYoff(%i)," " dstMip(%i), width(%i), height(%i)," " srcAlloc(%p), srcXoff(%i), srcYoff(%i), srcMip(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstMip, width, height, (RsAllocation)srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcMip); rsAllocationCopy3DRange((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)dstAlloc, dstXoff, dstYoff, dstZoff, dstMip, width, height, depth, (RsAllocation)srcAlloc, srcXoff, srcYoff, srcZoff, srcMip); } // Copies from the Allocation pointed to by _alloc into the Java object data. static void nAllocationRead(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jobject data, int dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; LOG_API("nAllocationRead, con(%p), alloc(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(0, rsAllocationRead, false, (RsContext)con, alloc, ptr, len * typeBytes); } // Copies from the Allocation pointed to by _alloc into the Java object data. static void nAllocationRead1D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint offset, jint lod, jint count, jobject data, int sizeBytes, int dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; LOG_API("nAllocation1DRead, con(%p), adapter(%p), offset(%i), count(%i), sizeBytes(%i), dataType(%i)", (RsContext)con, alloc, offset, count, sizeBytes, dataType); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(0, rsAllocation1DRead, false, (RsContext)con, alloc, offset, lod, count, ptr, sizeBytes); } // Copies from the Allocation pointed to by _alloc into the Java object data. static void nAllocationRead2D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong _alloc, jint xoff, jint yoff, jint lod, jint _face, jint w, jint h, jobject data, int sizeBytes, int dataType) { RsAllocation *alloc = (RsAllocation *)_alloc; RsAllocationCubemapFace face = (RsAllocationCubemapFace)_face; LOG_API("nAllocation2DRead, con(%p), adapter(%p), xoff(%i), yoff(%i), w(%i), h(%i), len(%i) type(%i)", (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, w, h, sizeBytes, dataType); PER_ARRAY_TYPE(0, rsAllocation2DRead, false, (RsContext)con, alloc, xoff, yoff, lod, face, w, h, ptr, sizeBytes, 0); } static jlong nAllocationGetType(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong a) { LOG_API("nAllocationGetType, con(%p), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a); return (jlong)(uintptr_t) rsaAllocationGetType((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)a); } static void nAllocationResize1D(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong alloc, jint dimX) { LOG_API("nAllocationResize1D, con(%p), alloc(%p), sizeX(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, dimX); rsAllocationResize1D((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation)alloc, dimX); } // ----------------------------------- static jlong nFileA3DCreateFromAssetStream(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong native_asset) { Asset* asset = reinterpret_cast(native_asset); ALOGV("______nFileA3D %p", asset); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsaFileA3DCreateFromMemory((RsContext)con, asset->getBuffer(false), asset->getLength()); return id; } static jlong nFileA3DCreateFromAsset(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jobject _assetMgr, jstring _path) { AssetManager* mgr = assetManagerForJavaObject(_env, _assetMgr); if (mgr == nullptr) { return 0; } AutoJavaStringToUTF8 str(_env, _path); Asset* asset = mgr->open(str.c_str(), Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset == nullptr) { return 0; } jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsaFileA3DCreateFromAsset((RsContext)con, asset); return id; } static jlong nFileA3DCreateFromFile(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring fileName) { AutoJavaStringToUTF8 fileNameUTF(_env, fileName); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsaFileA3DCreateFromFile((RsContext)con, fileNameUTF.c_str()); return id; } static jint nFileA3DGetNumIndexEntries(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong fileA3D) { int32_t numEntries = 0; rsaFileA3DGetNumIndexEntries((RsContext)con, &numEntries, (RsFile)fileA3D); return (jint)numEntries; } static void nFileA3DGetIndexEntries(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong fileA3D, jint numEntries, jintArray _ids, jobjectArray _entries) { ALOGV("______nFileA3D %p", (RsFile) fileA3D); RsFileIndexEntry *fileEntries = (RsFileIndexEntry*)malloc((uint32_t)numEntries * sizeof(RsFileIndexEntry)); rsaFileA3DGetIndexEntries((RsContext)con, fileEntries, (uint32_t)numEntries, (RsFile)fileA3D); for(jint i = 0; i < numEntries; i ++) { _env->SetObjectArrayElement(_entries, i, _env->NewStringUTF(fileEntries[i].objectName)); _env->SetIntArrayRegion(_ids, i, 1, (const jint*)&fileEntries[i].classID); } free(fileEntries); } static jlong nFileA3DGetEntryByIndex(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong fileA3D, jint index) { ALOGV("______nFileA3D %p", (RsFile) fileA3D); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsaFileA3DGetEntryByIndex((RsContext)con, (uint32_t)index, (RsFile)fileA3D); return id; } // ----------------------------------- static jlong nFontCreateFromFile(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring fileName, jfloat fontSize, jint dpi) { AutoJavaStringToUTF8 fileNameUTF(_env, fileName); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsFontCreateFromFile((RsContext)con, fileNameUTF.c_str(), fileNameUTF.length(), fontSize, dpi); return id; } static jlong nFontCreateFromAssetStream(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring name, jfloat fontSize, jint dpi, jlong native_asset) { Asset* asset = reinterpret_cast(native_asset); AutoJavaStringToUTF8 nameUTF(_env, name); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsFontCreateFromMemory((RsContext)con, nameUTF.c_str(), nameUTF.length(), fontSize, dpi, asset->getBuffer(false), asset->getLength()); return id; } static jlong nFontCreateFromAsset(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jobject _assetMgr, jstring _path, jfloat fontSize, jint dpi) { AssetManager* mgr = assetManagerForJavaObject(_env, _assetMgr); if (mgr == nullptr) { return 0; } AutoJavaStringToUTF8 str(_env, _path); Asset* asset = mgr->open(str.c_str(), Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset == nullptr) { return 0; } jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsFontCreateFromMemory((RsContext)con, str.c_str(), str.length(), fontSize, dpi, asset->getBuffer(false), asset->getLength()); delete asset; return id; } // ----------------------------------- static void nScriptBindAllocation(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jlong alloc, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptBindAllocation, con(%p), script(%p), alloc(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, (RsAllocation)alloc, slot); rsScriptBindAllocation((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, (RsAllocation)alloc, slot); } static void nScriptSetVarI(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jint val) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarI, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i), val(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot, val); rsScriptSetVarI((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, val); } static jint nScriptGetVarI(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptGetVarI, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); int value = 0; rsScriptGetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, &value, sizeof(value)); return value; } static void nScriptSetVarObj(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jlong val) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarObj, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i), val(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot, val); rsScriptSetVarObj((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, (RsObjectBase)val); } static void nScriptSetVarJ(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jlong val) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarJ, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i), val(%lli)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot, val); rsScriptSetVarJ((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, val); } static jlong nScriptGetVarJ(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptGetVarJ, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jlong value = 0; rsScriptGetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, &value, sizeof(value)); return value; } static void nScriptSetVarF(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, float val) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarF, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i), val(%f)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot, val); rsScriptSetVarF((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, val); } static jfloat nScriptGetVarF(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptGetVarF, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jfloat value = 0; rsScriptGetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, &value, sizeof(value)); return value; } static void nScriptSetVarD(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, double val) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarD, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i), val(%lf)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot, val); rsScriptSetVarD((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, val); } static jdouble nScriptGetVarD(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptGetVarD, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jdouble value = 0; rsScriptGetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, &value, sizeof(value)); return value; } static void nScriptSetVarV(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jbyteArray data) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarV, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr); rsScriptSetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, ptr, len); _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT); } static void nScriptGetVarV(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jbyteArray data) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarV, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr); rsScriptGetVarV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, ptr, len); _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, 0); } static void nScriptSetVarVE(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jbyteArray data, jlong elem, jintArray dims) { LOG_API("nScriptSetVarVE, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr); jint dimsLen = _env->GetArrayLength(dims) * sizeof(int); jint *dimsPtr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(dims, nullptr); rsScriptSetVarVE((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, ptr, len, (RsElement)elem, (const uint32_t*) dimsPtr, dimsLen); _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT); _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(dims, dimsPtr, JNI_ABORT); } static void nScriptSetTimeZone(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jbyteArray timeZone) { LOG_API("nScriptCSetTimeZone, con(%p), s(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script); jint length = _env->GetArrayLength(timeZone); jbyte* timeZone_ptr; timeZone_ptr = (jbyte *) _env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(timeZone, (jboolean *)0); rsScriptSetTimeZone((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, (const char *)timeZone_ptr, length); if (timeZone_ptr) { _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(timeZone, timeZone_ptr, 0); } } static void nScriptInvoke(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong obj, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptInvoke, con(%p), script(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)obj); rsScriptInvoke((RsContext)con, (RsScript)obj, slot); } static void nScriptInvokeV(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jbyteArray data) { LOG_API("nScriptInvokeV, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jint len = _env->GetArrayLength(data); jbyte *ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(data, nullptr); rsScriptInvokeV((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, ptr, len); _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, ptr, JNI_ABORT); } static void nScriptForEach(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script, jint slot, jlongArray ains, jlong aout, jbyteArray params, jintArray limits) { LOG_API("nScriptForEach, con(%p), s(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)script, slot); jint in_len = 0; jlong *in_ptr = nullptr; RsAllocation *in_allocs = nullptr; if (ains != nullptr) { in_len = _env->GetArrayLength(ains); in_ptr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(ains, nullptr); if (sizeof(RsAllocation) == sizeof(jlong)) { in_allocs = (RsAllocation*)in_ptr; } else { // Convert from 64-bit jlong types to the native pointer type. in_allocs = (RsAllocation*)alloca(in_len * sizeof(RsAllocation)); for (int index = in_len; --index >= 0;) { in_allocs[index] = (RsAllocation)in_ptr[index]; } } } jint param_len = 0; jbyte *param_ptr = nullptr; if (params != nullptr) { param_len = _env->GetArrayLength(params); param_ptr = _env->GetByteArrayElements(params, nullptr); } RsScriptCall sc, *sca = nullptr; uint32_t sc_size = 0; jint limit_len = 0; jint *limit_ptr = nullptr; if (limits != nullptr) { limit_len = _env->GetArrayLength(limits); limit_ptr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(limits, nullptr); assert(limit_len == 6); sc.xStart = limit_ptr[0]; sc.xEnd = limit_ptr[1]; sc.yStart = limit_ptr[2]; sc.yEnd = limit_ptr[3]; sc.zStart = limit_ptr[4]; sc.zEnd = limit_ptr[5]; sc.strategy = RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_DONT_CARE; sca = ≻ } rsScriptForEachMulti((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script, slot, in_allocs, in_len, (RsAllocation)aout, param_ptr, param_len, sca, sc_size); if (ains != nullptr) { _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(ains, in_ptr, JNI_ABORT); } if (params != nullptr) { _env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(params, param_ptr, JNI_ABORT); } if (limits != nullptr) { _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(limits, limit_ptr, JNI_ABORT); } } // ----------------------------------- static jlong nScriptCCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring resName, jstring cacheDir, jbyteArray scriptRef, jint length) { LOG_API("nScriptCCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); AutoJavaStringToUTF8 resNameUTF(_env, resName); AutoJavaStringToUTF8 cacheDirUTF(_env, cacheDir); jlong ret = 0; jbyte* script_ptr = nullptr; jint _exception = 0; jint remaining; if (!scriptRef) { _exception = 1; //jniThrowException(_env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "script == null"); goto exit; } if (length < 0) { _exception = 1; //jniThrowException(_env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "length < 0"); goto exit; } remaining = _env->GetArrayLength(scriptRef); if (remaining < length) { _exception = 1; //jniThrowException(_env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", // "length > script.length - offset"); goto exit; } script_ptr = (jbyte *) _env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(scriptRef, (jboolean *)0); //rsScriptCSetText((RsContext)con, (const char *)script_ptr, length); ret = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsScriptCCreate((RsContext)con, resNameUTF.c_str(), resNameUTF.length(), cacheDirUTF.c_str(), cacheDirUTF.length(), (const char *)script_ptr, length); exit: if (script_ptr) { _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(scriptRef, script_ptr, _exception ? JNI_ABORT: 0); } return (jlong)(uintptr_t)ret; } static jlong nScriptIntrinsicCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint id, jlong eid) { LOG_API("nScriptIntrinsicCreate, con(%p) id(%i) element(%p)", (RsContext)con, id, (void *)eid); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsScriptIntrinsicCreate((RsContext)con, id, (RsElement)eid); } static jlong nScriptKernelIDCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong sid, jint slot, jint sig) { LOG_API("nScriptKernelIDCreate, con(%p) script(%p), slot(%i), sig(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)sid, slot, sig); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsScriptKernelIDCreate((RsContext)con, (RsScript)sid, slot, sig); } static jlong nScriptFieldIDCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong sid, jint slot) { LOG_API("nScriptFieldIDCreate, con(%p) script(%p), slot(%i)", (RsContext)con, (void *)sid, slot); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsScriptFieldIDCreate((RsContext)con, (RsScript)sid, slot); } static jlong nScriptGroupCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlongArray _kernels, jlongArray _src, jlongArray _dstk, jlongArray _dstf, jlongArray _types) { LOG_API("nScriptGroupCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); jint kernelsLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_kernels); jlong *jKernelsPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_kernels, nullptr); RsScriptKernelID* kernelsPtr = (RsScriptKernelID*) malloc(sizeof(RsScriptKernelID) * kernelsLen); for(int i = 0; i < kernelsLen; ++i) { kernelsPtr[i] = (RsScriptKernelID)jKernelsPtr[i]; } jint srcLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_src); jlong *jSrcPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_src, nullptr); RsScriptKernelID* srcPtr = (RsScriptKernelID*) malloc(sizeof(RsScriptKernelID) * srcLen); for(int i = 0; i < srcLen; ++i) { srcPtr[i] = (RsScriptKernelID)jSrcPtr[i]; } jint dstkLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_dstk); jlong *jDstkPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_dstk, nullptr); RsScriptKernelID* dstkPtr = (RsScriptKernelID*) malloc(sizeof(RsScriptKernelID) * dstkLen); for(int i = 0; i < dstkLen; ++i) { dstkPtr[i] = (RsScriptKernelID)jDstkPtr[i]; } jint dstfLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_dstf); jlong *jDstfPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_dstf, nullptr); RsScriptKernelID* dstfPtr = (RsScriptKernelID*) malloc(sizeof(RsScriptKernelID) * dstfLen); for(int i = 0; i < dstfLen; ++i) { dstfPtr[i] = (RsScriptKernelID)jDstfPtr[i]; } jint typesLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_types); jlong *jTypesPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_types, nullptr); RsType* typesPtr = (RsType*) malloc(sizeof(RsType) * typesLen); for(int i = 0; i < typesLen; ++i) { typesPtr[i] = (RsType)jTypesPtr[i]; } jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsScriptGroupCreate((RsContext)con, (RsScriptKernelID *)kernelsPtr, kernelsLen * sizeof(RsScriptKernelID), (RsScriptKernelID *)srcPtr, srcLen * sizeof(RsScriptKernelID), (RsScriptKernelID *)dstkPtr, dstkLen * sizeof(RsScriptKernelID), (RsScriptFieldID *)dstfPtr, dstfLen * sizeof(RsScriptKernelID), (RsType *)typesPtr, typesLen * sizeof(RsType)); free(kernelsPtr); free(srcPtr); free(dstkPtr); free(dstfPtr); free(typesPtr); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_kernels, jKernelsPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_src, jSrcPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_dstk, jDstkPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_dstf, jDstfPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_types, jTypesPtr, 0); return id; } static void nScriptGroupSetInput(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong gid, jlong kid, jlong alloc) { LOG_API("nScriptGroupSetInput, con(%p) group(%p), kernelId(%p), alloc(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)gid, (void *)kid, (void *)alloc); rsScriptGroupSetInput((RsContext)con, (RsScriptGroup)gid, (RsScriptKernelID)kid, (RsAllocation)alloc); } static void nScriptGroupSetOutput(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong gid, jlong kid, jlong alloc) { LOG_API("nScriptGroupSetOutput, con(%p) group(%p), kernelId(%p), alloc(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)gid, (void *)kid, (void *)alloc); rsScriptGroupSetOutput((RsContext)con, (RsScriptGroup)gid, (RsScriptKernelID)kid, (RsAllocation)alloc); } static void nScriptGroupExecute(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong gid) { LOG_API("nScriptGroupSetOutput, con(%p) group(%p)", (RsContext)con, (void *)gid); rsScriptGroupExecute((RsContext)con, (RsScriptGroup)gid); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nProgramStoreCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jboolean colorMaskR, jboolean colorMaskG, jboolean colorMaskB, jboolean colorMaskA, jboolean depthMask, jboolean ditherEnable, jint srcFunc, jint destFunc, jint depthFunc) { LOG_API("nProgramStoreCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsProgramStoreCreate((RsContext)con, colorMaskR, colorMaskG, colorMaskB, colorMaskA, depthMask, ditherEnable, (RsBlendSrcFunc)srcFunc, (RsBlendDstFunc)destFunc, (RsDepthFunc)depthFunc); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void nProgramBindConstants(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong vpv, jint slot, jlong a) { LOG_API("nProgramBindConstants, con(%p), vpf(%p), sloat(%i), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramVertex)vpv, slot, (RsAllocation)a); rsProgramBindConstants((RsContext)con, (RsProgram)vpv, slot, (RsAllocation)a); } static void nProgramBindTexture(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong vpf, jint slot, jlong a) { LOG_API("nProgramBindTexture, con(%p), vpf(%p), slot(%i), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)vpf, slot, (RsAllocation)a); rsProgramBindTexture((RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)vpf, slot, (RsAllocation)a); } static void nProgramBindSampler(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong vpf, jint slot, jlong a) { LOG_API("nProgramBindSampler, con(%p), vpf(%p), slot(%i), a(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)vpf, slot, (RsSampler)a); rsProgramBindSampler((RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)vpf, slot, (RsSampler)a); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nProgramFragmentCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring shader, jobjectArray texNames, jlongArray params) { AutoJavaStringToUTF8 shaderUTF(_env, shader); jlong *jParamPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(params, nullptr); jint paramLen = _env->GetArrayLength(params); int texCount = _env->GetArrayLength(texNames); AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8 names(_env, texNames, texCount); const char ** nameArray = names.c_str(); size_t* sizeArray = names.c_str_len(); LOG_API("nProgramFragmentCreate, con(%p), paramLen(%i)", (RsContext)con, paramLen); uintptr_t * paramPtr = (uintptr_t*) malloc(sizeof(uintptr_t) * paramLen); for(int i = 0; i < paramLen; ++i) { paramPtr[i] = (uintptr_t)jParamPtr[i]; } jlong ret = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsProgramFragmentCreate((RsContext)con, shaderUTF.c_str(), shaderUTF.length(), nameArray, texCount, sizeArray, paramPtr, paramLen); free(paramPtr); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(params, jParamPtr, JNI_ABORT); return ret; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nProgramVertexCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jstring shader, jobjectArray texNames, jlongArray params) { AutoJavaStringToUTF8 shaderUTF(_env, shader); jlong *jParamPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(params, nullptr); jint paramLen = _env->GetArrayLength(params); LOG_API("nProgramVertexCreate, con(%p), paramLen(%i)", (RsContext)con, paramLen); int texCount = _env->GetArrayLength(texNames); AutoJavaStringArrayToUTF8 names(_env, texNames, texCount); const char ** nameArray = names.c_str(); size_t* sizeArray = names.c_str_len(); uintptr_t * paramPtr = (uintptr_t*) malloc(sizeof(uintptr_t) * paramLen); for(int i = 0; i < paramLen; ++i) { paramPtr[i] = (uintptr_t)jParamPtr[i]; } jlong ret = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsProgramVertexCreate((RsContext)con, shaderUTF.c_str(), shaderUTF.length(), nameArray, texCount, sizeArray, paramPtr, paramLen); free(paramPtr); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(params, jParamPtr, JNI_ABORT); return ret; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nProgramRasterCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jboolean pointSprite, jint cull) { LOG_API("nProgramRasterCreate, con(%p), pointSprite(%i), cull(%i)", (RsContext)con, pointSprite, cull); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsProgramRasterCreate((RsContext)con, pointSprite, (RsCullMode)cull); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void nContextBindRootScript(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong script) { LOG_API("nContextBindRootScript, con(%p), script(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsScript)script); rsContextBindRootScript((RsContext)con, (RsScript)script); } static void nContextBindProgramStore(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong pfs) { LOG_API("nContextBindProgramStore, con(%p), pfs(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramStore)pfs); rsContextBindProgramStore((RsContext)con, (RsProgramStore)pfs); } static void nContextBindProgramFragment(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong pf) { LOG_API("nContextBindProgramFragment, con(%p), pf(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)pf); rsContextBindProgramFragment((RsContext)con, (RsProgramFragment)pf); } static void nContextBindProgramVertex(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong pf) { LOG_API("nContextBindProgramVertex, con(%p), pf(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramVertex)pf); rsContextBindProgramVertex((RsContext)con, (RsProgramVertex)pf); } static void nContextBindProgramRaster(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong pf) { LOG_API("nContextBindProgramRaster, con(%p), pf(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsProgramRaster)pf); rsContextBindProgramRaster((RsContext)con, (RsProgramRaster)pf); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nSamplerCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint magFilter, jint minFilter, jint wrapS, jint wrapT, jint wrapR, jfloat aniso) { LOG_API("nSamplerCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); return (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsSamplerCreate((RsContext)con, (RsSamplerValue)magFilter, (RsSamplerValue)minFilter, (RsSamplerValue)wrapS, (RsSamplerValue)wrapT, (RsSamplerValue)wrapR, aniso); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static jlong nPathCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jint prim, jboolean isStatic, jlong _vtx, jlong _loop, jfloat q) { LOG_API("nPathCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsPathCreate((RsContext)con, (RsPathPrimitive)prim, isStatic, (RsAllocation)_vtx, (RsAllocation)_loop, q); return id; } static jlong nMeshCreate(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlongArray _vtx, jlongArray _idx, jintArray _prim) { LOG_API("nMeshCreate, con(%p)", (RsContext)con); jint vtxLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_vtx); jlong *jVtxPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_vtx, nullptr); RsAllocation* vtxPtr = (RsAllocation*) malloc(sizeof(RsAllocation) * vtxLen); for(int i = 0; i < vtxLen; ++i) { vtxPtr[i] = (RsAllocation)(uintptr_t)jVtxPtr[i]; } jint idxLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_idx); jlong *jIdxPtr = _env->GetLongArrayElements(_idx, nullptr); RsAllocation* idxPtr = (RsAllocation*) malloc(sizeof(RsAllocation) * idxLen); for(int i = 0; i < idxLen; ++i) { idxPtr[i] = (RsAllocation)(uintptr_t)jIdxPtr[i]; } jint primLen = _env->GetArrayLength(_prim); jint *primPtr = _env->GetIntArrayElements(_prim, nullptr); jlong id = (jlong)(uintptr_t)rsMeshCreate((RsContext)con, (RsAllocation *)vtxPtr, vtxLen, (RsAllocation *)idxPtr, idxLen, (uint32_t *)primPtr, primLen); free(vtxPtr); free(idxPtr); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_vtx, jVtxPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(_idx, jIdxPtr, 0); _env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(_prim, primPtr, 0); return id; } static jint nMeshGetVertexBufferCount(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong mesh) { LOG_API("nMeshGetVertexBufferCount, con(%p), Mesh(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh); jint vtxCount = 0; rsaMeshGetVertexBufferCount((RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh, &vtxCount); return vtxCount; } static jint nMeshGetIndexCount(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong mesh) { LOG_API("nMeshGetIndexCount, con(%p), Mesh(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh); jint idxCount = 0; rsaMeshGetIndexCount((RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh, &idxCount); return idxCount; } static void nMeshGetVertices(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong mesh, jlongArray _ids, jint numVtxIDs) { LOG_API("nMeshGetVertices, con(%p), Mesh(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh); RsAllocation *allocs = (RsAllocation*)malloc((uint32_t)numVtxIDs * sizeof(RsAllocation)); rsaMeshGetVertices((RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh, allocs, (uint32_t)numVtxIDs); for(jint i = 0; i < numVtxIDs; i ++) { const jlong alloc = (jlong)(uintptr_t)allocs[i]; _env->SetLongArrayRegion(_ids, i, 1, &alloc); } free(allocs); } static void nMeshGetIndices(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jlong con, jlong mesh, jlongArray _idxIds, jintArray _primitives, jint numIndices) { LOG_API("nMeshGetVertices, con(%p), Mesh(%p)", (RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh); RsAllocation *allocs = (RsAllocation*)malloc((uint32_t)numIndices * sizeof(RsAllocation)); uint32_t *prims= (uint32_t*)malloc((uint32_t)numIndices * sizeof(uint32_t)); rsaMeshGetIndices((RsContext)con, (RsMesh)mesh, allocs, prims, (uint32_t)numIndices); for(jint i = 0; i < numIndices; i ++) { const jlong alloc = (jlong)(uintptr_t)allocs[i]; const jint prim = (jint)prims[i]; _env->SetLongArrayRegion(_idxIds, i, 1, &alloc); _env->SetIntArrayRegion(_primitives, i, 1, &prim); } free(allocs); free(prims); } static jint nSystemGetPointerSize(JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this) { return (jint)sizeof(void*); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char *classPathName = "android/renderscript/RenderScript"; static JNINativeMethod methods[] = { {"_nInit", "()V", (void*)_nInit }, {"nDeviceCreate", "()J", (void*)nDeviceCreate }, {"nDeviceDestroy", "(J)V", (void*)nDeviceDestroy }, {"nDeviceSetConfig", "(JII)V", (void*)nDeviceSetConfig }, {"nContextGetUserMessage", "(J[I)I", (void*)nContextGetUserMessage }, {"nContextGetErrorMessage", "(J)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)nContextGetErrorMessage }, {"nContextPeekMessage", "(J[I)I", (void*)nContextPeekMessage }, {"nContextInitToClient", "(J)V", (void*)nContextInitToClient }, {"nContextDeinitToClient", "(J)V", (void*)nContextDeinitToClient }, // All methods below are thread protected in java. {"rsnContextCreate", "(JIII)J", (void*)nContextCreate }, {"rsnContextCreateGL", "(JIIIIIIIIIIIIFI)J", (void*)nContextCreateGL }, {"rsnContextFinish", "(J)V", (void*)nContextFinish }, {"rsnContextSetPriority", "(JI)V", (void*)nContextSetPriority }, {"rsnContextSetSurface", "(JIILandroid/view/Surface;)V", (void*)nContextSetSurface }, {"rsnContextDestroy", "(J)V", (void*)nContextDestroy }, {"rsnContextDump", "(JI)V", (void*)nContextDump }, {"rsnContextPause", "(J)V", (void*)nContextPause }, {"rsnContextResume", "(J)V", (void*)nContextResume }, {"rsnContextSendMessage", "(JI[I)V", (void*)nContextSendMessage }, {"rsnAssignName", "(JJ[B)V", (void*)nAssignName }, {"rsnGetName", "(JJ)Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)nGetName }, {"rsnObjDestroy", "(JJ)V", (void*)nObjDestroy }, {"rsnFileA3DCreateFromFile", "(JLjava/lang/String;)J", (void*)nFileA3DCreateFromFile }, {"rsnFileA3DCreateFromAssetStream", "(JJ)J", (void*)nFileA3DCreateFromAssetStream }, {"rsnFileA3DCreateFromAsset", "(JLandroid/content/res/AssetManager;Ljava/lang/String;)J", (void*)nFileA3DCreateFromAsset }, {"rsnFileA3DGetNumIndexEntries", "(JJ)I", (void*)nFileA3DGetNumIndexEntries }, {"rsnFileA3DGetIndexEntries", "(JJI[I[Ljava/lang/String;)V", (void*)nFileA3DGetIndexEntries }, {"rsnFileA3DGetEntryByIndex", "(JJI)J", (void*)nFileA3DGetEntryByIndex }, {"rsnFontCreateFromFile", "(JLjava/lang/String;FI)J", (void*)nFontCreateFromFile }, {"rsnFontCreateFromAssetStream", "(JLjava/lang/String;FIJ)J", (void*)nFontCreateFromAssetStream }, {"rsnFontCreateFromAsset", "(JLandroid/content/res/AssetManager;Ljava/lang/String;FI)J", (void*)nFontCreateFromAsset }, {"rsnElementCreate", "(JJIZI)J", (void*)nElementCreate }, {"rsnElementCreate2", "(J[J[Ljava/lang/String;[I)J", (void*)nElementCreate2 }, {"rsnElementGetNativeData", "(JJ[I)V", (void*)nElementGetNativeData }, {"rsnElementGetSubElements", "(JJ[J[Ljava/lang/String;[I)V", (void*)nElementGetSubElements }, {"rsnTypeCreate", "(JJIIIZZI)J", (void*)nTypeCreate }, {"rsnTypeGetNativeData", "(JJ[J)V", (void*)nTypeGetNativeData }, {"rsnAllocationCreateTyped", "(JJIIJ)J", (void*)nAllocationCreateTyped }, {"rsnAllocationCreateFromBitmap", "(JJILandroid/graphics/Bitmap;I)J", (void*)nAllocationCreateFromBitmap }, {"rsnAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation", "(JJILandroid/graphics/Bitmap;I)J", (void*)nAllocationCreateBitmapBackedAllocation }, {"rsnAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap","(JJILandroid/graphics/Bitmap;I)J", (void*)nAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap }, {"rsnAllocationCopyFromBitmap", "(JJLandroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V", (void*)nAllocationCopyFromBitmap }, {"rsnAllocationCopyToBitmap", "(JJLandroid/graphics/Bitmap;)V", (void*)nAllocationCopyToBitmap }, {"rsnAllocationSyncAll", "(JJI)V", (void*)nAllocationSyncAll }, {"rsnAllocationGetSurface", "(JJ)Landroid/view/Surface;", (void*)nAllocationGetSurface }, {"rsnAllocationSetSurface", "(JJLandroid/view/Surface;)V", (void*)nAllocationSetSurface }, {"rsnAllocationIoSend", "(JJ)V", (void*)nAllocationIoSend }, {"rsnAllocationIoReceive", "(JJ)V", (void*)nAllocationIoReceive }, {"rsnAllocationData1D", "(JJIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationData1D }, {"rsnAllocationElementData1D", "(JJIII[BI)V", (void*)nAllocationElementData1D }, {"rsnAllocationData2D", "(JJIIIIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationData2D }, {"rsnAllocationData2D", "(JJIIIIIIJIIII)V", (void*)nAllocationData2D_alloc }, {"rsnAllocationData3D", "(JJIIIIIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationData3D }, {"rsnAllocationData3D", "(JJIIIIIIIJIIII)V", (void*)nAllocationData3D_alloc }, {"rsnAllocationRead", "(JJLjava/lang/Object;I)V", (void*)nAllocationRead }, {"rsnAllocationRead1D", "(JJIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationRead1D }, {"rsnAllocationRead2D", "(JJIIIIIILjava/lang/Object;II)V", (void*)nAllocationRead2D }, {"rsnAllocationGetType", "(JJ)J", (void*)nAllocationGetType}, {"rsnAllocationResize1D", "(JJI)V", (void*)nAllocationResize1D }, {"rsnAllocationGenerateMipmaps", "(JJ)V", (void*)nAllocationGenerateMipmaps }, {"rsnScriptBindAllocation", "(JJJI)V", (void*)nScriptBindAllocation }, {"rsnScriptSetTimeZone", "(JJ[B)V", (void*)nScriptSetTimeZone }, {"rsnScriptInvoke", "(JJI)V", (void*)nScriptInvoke }, {"rsnScriptInvokeV", "(JJI[B)V", (void*)nScriptInvokeV }, {"rsnScriptForEach", "(JJI[JJ[B[I)V", (void*)nScriptForEach }, {"rsnScriptSetVarI", "(JJII)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarI }, {"rsnScriptGetVarI", "(JJI)I", (void*)nScriptGetVarI }, {"rsnScriptSetVarJ", "(JJIJ)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarJ }, {"rsnScriptGetVarJ", "(JJI)J", (void*)nScriptGetVarJ }, {"rsnScriptSetVarF", "(JJIF)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarF }, {"rsnScriptGetVarF", "(JJI)F", (void*)nScriptGetVarF }, {"rsnScriptSetVarD", "(JJID)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarD }, {"rsnScriptGetVarD", "(JJI)D", (void*)nScriptGetVarD }, {"rsnScriptSetVarV", "(JJI[B)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarV }, {"rsnScriptGetVarV", "(JJI[B)V", (void*)nScriptGetVarV }, {"rsnScriptSetVarVE", "(JJI[BJ[I)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarVE }, {"rsnScriptSetVarObj", "(JJIJ)V", (void*)nScriptSetVarObj }, {"rsnScriptCCreate", "(JLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[BI)J", (void*)nScriptCCreate }, {"rsnScriptIntrinsicCreate", "(JIJ)J", (void*)nScriptIntrinsicCreate }, {"rsnScriptKernelIDCreate", "(JJII)J", (void*)nScriptKernelIDCreate }, {"rsnScriptFieldIDCreate", "(JJI)J", (void*)nScriptFieldIDCreate }, {"rsnScriptGroupCreate", "(J[J[J[J[J[J)J", (void*)nScriptGroupCreate }, {"rsnScriptGroupSetInput", "(JJJJ)V", (void*)nScriptGroupSetInput }, {"rsnScriptGroupSetOutput", "(JJJJ)V", (void*)nScriptGroupSetOutput }, {"rsnScriptGroupExecute", "(JJ)V", (void*)nScriptGroupExecute }, {"rsnProgramStoreCreate", "(JZZZZZZIII)J", (void*)nProgramStoreCreate }, {"rsnProgramBindConstants", "(JJIJ)V", (void*)nProgramBindConstants }, {"rsnProgramBindTexture", "(JJIJ)V", (void*)nProgramBindTexture }, {"rsnProgramBindSampler", "(JJIJ)V", (void*)nProgramBindSampler }, {"rsnProgramFragmentCreate", "(JLjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[J)J", (void*)nProgramFragmentCreate }, {"rsnProgramRasterCreate", "(JZI)J", (void*)nProgramRasterCreate }, {"rsnProgramVertexCreate", "(JLjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[J)J", (void*)nProgramVertexCreate }, {"rsnContextBindRootScript", "(JJ)V", (void*)nContextBindRootScript }, {"rsnContextBindProgramStore", "(JJ)V", (void*)nContextBindProgramStore }, {"rsnContextBindProgramFragment", "(JJ)V", (void*)nContextBindProgramFragment }, {"rsnContextBindProgramVertex", "(JJ)V", (void*)nContextBindProgramVertex }, {"rsnContextBindProgramRaster", "(JJ)V", (void*)nContextBindProgramRaster }, {"rsnSamplerCreate", "(JIIIIIF)J", (void*)nSamplerCreate }, {"rsnPathCreate", "(JIZJJF)J", (void*)nPathCreate }, {"rsnMeshCreate", "(J[J[J[I)J", (void*)nMeshCreate }, {"rsnMeshGetVertexBufferCount", "(JJ)I", (void*)nMeshGetVertexBufferCount }, {"rsnMeshGetIndexCount", "(JJ)I", (void*)nMeshGetIndexCount }, {"rsnMeshGetVertices", "(JJ[JI)V", (void*)nMeshGetVertices }, {"rsnMeshGetIndices", "(JJ[J[II)V", (void*)nMeshGetIndices }, {"rsnSystemGetPointerSize", "()I", (void*)nSystemGetPointerSize }, }; static int registerFuncs(JNIEnv *_env) { return android::AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods( _env, classPathName, methods, NELEM(methods)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) { JNIEnv* env = nullptr; jint result = -1; if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("ERROR: GetEnv failed\n"); goto bail; } assert(env != nullptr); if (registerFuncs(env) < 0) { ALOGE("ERROR: Renderscript native registration failed\n"); goto bail; } /* success -- return valid version number */ result = JNI_VERSION_1_4; bail: return result; }