/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.audio; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.AppOpsManager; import android.app.KeyguardManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException; import android.app.PendingIntent.OnFinished; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.media.AudioAttributes; import android.media.AudioFocusInfo; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.AudioSystem; import android.media.IAudioFocusDispatcher; import android.media.IRemoteControlClient; import android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay; import android.media.IRemoteVolumeObserver; import android.media.RemoteControlClient; import android.media.audiopolicy.IAudioPolicyCallback; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IDeviceIdleController; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.speech.RecognizerIntent; import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.KeyEvent; import com.android.server.audio.PlayerRecord.RemotePlaybackState; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Stack; import java.text.DateFormat; /** * @hide * */ public class MediaFocusControl implements OnFinished { private static final String TAG = "MediaFocusControl"; /** Debug remote control client/display feature */ protected static final boolean DEBUG_RC = false; /** Debug volumes */ protected static final boolean DEBUG_VOL = false; /** Used to alter media button redirection when the phone is ringing. */ private boolean mIsRinging = false; private final PowerManager.WakeLock mMediaEventWakeLock; private final MediaEventHandler mEventHandler; private final Context mContext; private final ContentResolver mContentResolver; private final AudioService.VolumeController mVolumeController; private final AppOpsManager mAppOps; private final KeyguardManager mKeyguardManager; private final AudioService mAudioService; private final NotificationListenerObserver mNotifListenerObserver; protected MediaFocusControl(Looper looper, Context cntxt, AudioService.VolumeController volumeCtrl, AudioService as) { mEventHandler = new MediaEventHandler(looper); mContext = cntxt; mContentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); mVolumeController = volumeCtrl; mAudioService = as; PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mMediaEventWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "handleMediaEvent"); int maxMusicLevel = as.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); mMainRemote = new RemotePlaybackState(-1, maxMusicLevel, maxMusicLevel); // Register for phone state monitoring TelephonyManager tmgr = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); tmgr.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE); mAppOps = (AppOpsManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE); mKeyguardManager = (KeyguardManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE); mNotifListenerObserver = new NotificationListenerObserver(); mHasRemotePlayback = false; mMainRemoteIsActive = false; PlayerRecord.setMediaFocusControl(this); postReevaluateRemote(); } protected void dump(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nMediaFocusControl dump time: " + DateFormat.getTimeInstance().format(new Date())); dumpFocusStack(pw); dumpRCStack(pw); dumpRCCStack(pw); dumpRCDList(pw); } //========================================================================================== // Management of RemoteControlDisplay registration permissions //========================================================================================== private final static Uri ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS_URI = Settings.Secure.getUriFor(Settings.Secure.ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS); private class NotificationListenerObserver extends ContentObserver { NotificationListenerObserver() { super(mEventHandler); mContentResolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor( Settings.Secure.ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS), false, this); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) { if (!ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS_URI.equals(uri) || selfChange) { return; } if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.d(TAG, "NotificationListenerObserver.onChange()"); } postReevaluateRemoteControlDisplays(); } } private final static int RCD_REG_FAILURE = 0; private final static int RCD_REG_SUCCESS_PERMISSION = 1; private final static int RCD_REG_SUCCESS_ENABLED_NOTIF = 2; /** * Checks a caller's authorization to register an IRemoteControlDisplay. * Authorization is granted if one of the following is true: * * @return RCD_REG_FAILURE if it's not safe to proceed with the IRemoteControlDisplay * registration. */ private int checkRcdRegistrationAuthorization(ComponentName listenerComp) { // MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL permission check if (PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL)) { if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.d(TAG, "ok to register Rcd: has MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL permission");} return RCD_REG_SUCCESS_PERMISSION; } // ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS settings check if (listenerComp != null) { // this call is coming from an app, can't use its identity to read secure settings final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { final int currentUser = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser(); final String enabledNotifListeners = Settings.Secure.getStringForUser( mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ENABLED_NOTIFICATION_LISTENERS, currentUser); if (enabledNotifListeners != null) { final String[] components = enabledNotifListeners.split(":"); for (int i=0; i enabled list: " + enabledNotifListeners); } synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { synchronized(mPRStack) { // check whether the "enable" status of each RCD with a notification listener // has changed final String[] enabledComponents; if (enabledNotifListeners == null) { enabledComponents = null; } else { enabledComponents = enabledNotifListeners.split(":"); } final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mClientNotifListComp != null) { boolean wasEnabled = di.mEnabled; di.mEnabled = isComponentInStringArray(di.mClientNotifListComp, enabledComponents); if (wasEnabled != di.mEnabled){ try { // tell the RCD whether it's enabled di.mRcDisplay.setEnabled(di.mEnabled); // tell the RCCs about the change for this RCD enableRemoteControlDisplayForClient_syncRcStack( di.mRcDisplay, di.mEnabled); // when enabling, refresh the information on the display if (di.mEnabled) { sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_RCDISPLAY_INIT_INFO, SENDMSG_QUEUE, di.mArtworkExpectedWidth /*arg1*/, di.mArtworkExpectedHeight/*arg2*/, di.mRcDisplay /*obj*/, 0/*delay*/); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error en/disabling RCD: ", e); } } } } } } } /** * @param comp a non-null ComponentName * @param enabledArray may be null * @return */ private boolean isComponentInStringArray(ComponentName comp, String[] enabledArray) { if (enabledArray == null || enabledArray.length == 0) { if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.d(TAG, " > " + comp + " is NOT enabled"); } return false; } final String compString = comp.flattenToString(); for (int i=0; i " + compString + " is enabled"); } return true; } } if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.d(TAG, " > " + compString + " is NOT enabled"); } return false; } //========================================================================================== // Internal event handling //========================================================================================== // event handler messages private static final int MSG_RCDISPLAY_CLEAR = 1; private static final int MSG_RCDISPLAY_UPDATE = 2; private static final int MSG_REEVALUATE_REMOTE = 3; private static final int MSG_RCC_NEW_PLAYBACK_INFO = 4; private static final int MSG_RCC_NEW_VOLUME_OBS = 5; private static final int MSG_RCC_NEW_PLAYBACK_STATE = 6; private static final int MSG_RCC_SEEK_REQUEST = 7; private static final int MSG_RCC_UPDATE_METADATA = 8; private static final int MSG_RCDISPLAY_INIT_INFO = 9; private static final int MSG_REEVALUATE_RCD = 10; private static final int MSG_UNREGISTER_MEDIABUTTONINTENT = 11; private static final int MSG_RCC_SET_BROWSED_PLAYER = 12; private static final int MSG_RCC_SET_PLAY_ITEM = 13; private static final int MSG_RCC_GET_NOW_PLAYING_ENTRIES = 14; // sendMsg() flags /** If the msg is already queued, replace it with this one. */ private static final int SENDMSG_REPLACE = 0; /** If the msg is already queued, ignore this one and leave the old. */ private static final int SENDMSG_NOOP = 1; /** If the msg is already queued, queue this one and leave the old. */ private static final int SENDMSG_QUEUE = 2; private static void sendMsg(Handler handler, int msg, int existingMsgPolicy, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj, int delay) { if (existingMsgPolicy == SENDMSG_REPLACE) { handler.removeMessages(msg); } else if (existingMsgPolicy == SENDMSG_NOOP && handler.hasMessages(msg)) { return; } handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(msg, arg1, arg2, obj), delay); } private class MediaEventHandler extends Handler { MediaEventHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch(msg.what) { case MSG_RCDISPLAY_CLEAR: onRcDisplayClear(); break; case MSG_RCDISPLAY_UPDATE: // msg.obj is guaranteed to be non null onRcDisplayUpdate( (PlayerRecord) msg.obj, msg.arg1); break; case MSG_REEVALUATE_REMOTE: onReevaluateRemote(); break; case MSG_RCC_NEW_VOLUME_OBS: onRegisterVolumeObserverForRcc(msg.arg1 /* rccId */, (IRemoteVolumeObserver)msg.obj /* rvo */); break; case MSG_RCC_SET_PLAY_ITEM: Log.d(TAG, "MSG_RCC_SET_PLAY_ITEM: "+ ((Long)msg.obj).longValue()); onSetRemoteControlClientPlayItem(msg.arg2 /* scope */, ((Long)msg.obj).longValue() /* uid */); break; case MSG_RCC_GET_NOW_PLAYING_ENTRIES: Log.d(TAG, "MSG_RCC_GET_NOW_PLAYING_ENTRIES: "); onGetRemoteControlClientNowPlayingEntries(); break; case MSG_RCC_SET_BROWSED_PLAYER: Log.d(TAG, "MSG_RCC_SET_BROWSED_PLAYER: "); onSetRemoteControlClientBrowsedPlayer(); break; case MSG_RCDISPLAY_INIT_INFO: // msg.obj is guaranteed to be non null onRcDisplayInitInfo((IRemoteControlDisplay)msg.obj /*newRcd*/, msg.arg1/*w*/, msg.arg2/*h*/); break; case MSG_REEVALUATE_RCD: onReevaluateRemoteControlDisplays(); break; case MSG_UNREGISTER_MEDIABUTTONINTENT: unregisterMediaButtonIntent( (PendingIntent) msg.obj ); break; } } } //========================================================================================== // AudioFocus //========================================================================================== private final static Object mAudioFocusLock = new Object(); private final static Object mRingingLock = new Object(); private PhoneStateListener mPhoneStateListener = new PhoneStateListener() { @Override public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) { if (state == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING) { //Log.v(TAG, " CALL_STATE_RINGING"); synchronized(mRingingLock) { mIsRinging = true; } } else if ((state == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK) || (state == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE)) { synchronized(mRingingLock) { mIsRinging = false; } } } }; /** * Discard the current audio focus owner. * Notify top of audio focus stack that it lost focus (regardless of possibility to reassign * focus), remove it from the stack, and clear the remote control display. */ protected void discardAudioFocusOwner() { synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { if (!mFocusStack.empty()) { // notify the current focus owner it lost focus after removing it from stack final FocusRequester exFocusOwner = mFocusStack.pop(); exFocusOwner.handleFocusLoss(AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS); exFocusOwner.release(); } } } /** * Called synchronized on mAudioFocusLock */ private void notifyTopOfAudioFocusStack() { // notify the top of the stack it gained focus if (!mFocusStack.empty()) { if (canReassignAudioFocus()) { mFocusStack.peek().handleFocusGain(AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); } } } /** * Focus is requested, propagate the associated loss throughout the stack. * @param focusGain the new focus gain that will later be added at the top of the stack */ private void propagateFocusLossFromGain_syncAf(int focusGain) { // going through the audio focus stack to signal new focus, traversing order doesn't // matter as all entries respond to the same external focus gain Iterator stackIterator = mFocusStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { stackIterator.next().handleExternalFocusGain(focusGain); } } private final Stack mFocusStack = new Stack(); /** * Helper function: * Display in the log the current entries in the audio focus stack */ private void dumpFocusStack(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nAudio Focus stack entries (last is top of stack):"); synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { Iterator stackIterator = mFocusStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { stackIterator.next().dump(pw); } } pw.println("\n Notify on duck: " + mNotifyFocusOwnerOnDuck +"\n"); } /** * Helper function: * Called synchronized on mAudioFocusLock * Remove a focus listener from the focus stack. * @param clientToRemove the focus listener * @param signal if true and the listener was at the top of the focus stack, i.e. it was holding * focus, notify the next item in the stack it gained focus. */ private void removeFocusStackEntry(String clientToRemove, boolean signal, boolean notifyFocusFollowers) { // is the current top of the focus stack abandoning focus? (because of request, not death) if (!mFocusStack.empty() && mFocusStack.peek().hasSameClient(clientToRemove)) { //Log.i(TAG, " removeFocusStackEntry() removing top of stack"); FocusRequester fr = mFocusStack.pop(); fr.release(); if (notifyFocusFollowers) { final AudioFocusInfo afi = fr.toAudioFocusInfo(); afi.clearLossReceived(); notifyExtPolicyFocusLoss_syncAf(afi, false); } if (signal) { // notify the new top of the stack it gained focus notifyTopOfAudioFocusStack(); } } else { // focus is abandoned by a client that's not at the top of the stack, // no need to update focus. // (using an iterator on the stack so we can safely remove an entry after having // evaluated it, traversal order doesn't matter here) Iterator stackIterator = mFocusStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { FocusRequester fr = stackIterator.next(); if(fr.hasSameClient(clientToRemove)) { Log.i(TAG, "AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for " + clientToRemove); stackIterator.remove(); fr.release(); } } } } /** * Helper function: * Called synchronized on mAudioFocusLock * Remove focus listeners from the focus stack for a particular client when it has died. */ private void removeFocusStackEntryForClient(IBinder cb) { // is the owner of the audio focus part of the client to remove? boolean isTopOfStackForClientToRemove = !mFocusStack.isEmpty() && mFocusStack.peek().hasSameBinder(cb); // (using an iterator on the stack so we can safely remove an entry after having // evaluated it, traversal order doesn't matter here) Iterator stackIterator = mFocusStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { FocusRequester fr = stackIterator.next(); if(fr.hasSameBinder(cb)) { Log.i(TAG, "AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for " + cb); stackIterator.remove(); // the client just died, no need to unlink to its death } } if (isTopOfStackForClientToRemove) { // we removed an entry at the top of the stack: // notify the new top of the stack it gained focus. notifyTopOfAudioFocusStack(); } } /** * Helper function: * Returns true if the system is in a state where the focus can be reevaluated, false otherwise. * The implementation guarantees that a state where focus cannot be immediately reassigned * implies that an "locked" focus owner is at the top of the focus stack. * Modifications to the implementation that break this assumption will cause focus requests to * misbehave when honoring the AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_FLAG_DELAY_OK flag. */ private boolean canReassignAudioFocus() { // focus requests are rejected during a phone call or when the phone is ringing // this is equivalent to IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID having the focus if (!mFocusStack.isEmpty() && isLockedFocusOwner(mFocusStack.peek())) { return false; } return true; } private boolean isLockedFocusOwner(FocusRequester fr) { return (fr.hasSameClient(AudioSystem.IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID) || fr.isLockedFocusOwner()); } /** * Helper function * Pre-conditions: focus stack is not empty, there is one or more locked focus owner * at the top of the focus stack * Push the focus requester onto the audio focus stack at the first position immediately * following the locked focus owners. * @return {@link AudioManager#AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED} or * {@link AudioManager#AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_DELAYED} */ private int pushBelowLockedFocusOwners(FocusRequester nfr) { int lastLockedFocusOwnerIndex = mFocusStack.size(); for (int index = mFocusStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { if (isLockedFocusOwner(mFocusStack.elementAt(index))) { lastLockedFocusOwnerIndex = index; } } if (lastLockedFocusOwnerIndex == mFocusStack.size()) { // this should not happen, but handle it and log an error Log.e(TAG, "No exclusive focus owner found in propagateFocusLossFromGain_syncAf()", new Exception()); // no exclusive owner, push at top of stack, focus is granted, propagate change propagateFocusLossFromGain_syncAf(nfr.getGainRequest()); mFocusStack.push(nfr); return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED; } else { mFocusStack.insertElementAt(nfr, lastLockedFocusOwnerIndex); return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_DELAYED; } } /** * Inner class to monitor audio focus client deaths, and remove them from the audio focus * stack if necessary. */ protected class AudioFocusDeathHandler implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { private IBinder mCb; // To be notified of client's death AudioFocusDeathHandler(IBinder cb) { mCb = cb; } public void binderDied() { synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { Log.w(TAG, " AudioFocus audio focus client died"); removeFocusStackEntryForClient(mCb); } } public IBinder getBinder() { return mCb; } } /** * Indicates whether to notify an audio focus owner when it loses focus * with {@link AudioManager#AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK} if it will only duck. * This variable being false indicates an AudioPolicy has been registered and has signaled * it will handle audio ducking. */ private boolean mNotifyFocusOwnerOnDuck = true; protected void setDuckingInExtPolicyAvailable(boolean available) { mNotifyFocusOwnerOnDuck = !available; } boolean mustNotifyFocusOwnerOnDuck() { return mNotifyFocusOwnerOnDuck; } private ArrayList mFocusFollowers = new ArrayList(); void addFocusFollower(IAudioPolicyCallback ff) { if (ff == null) { return; } synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { boolean found = false; for (IAudioPolicyCallback pcb : mFocusFollowers) { if (pcb.asBinder().equals(ff.asBinder())) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { return; } else { mFocusFollowers.add(ff); notifyExtPolicyCurrentFocusAsync(ff); } } } void removeFocusFollower(IAudioPolicyCallback ff) { if (ff == null) { return; } synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { for (IAudioPolicyCallback pcb : mFocusFollowers) { if (pcb.asBinder().equals(ff.asBinder())) { mFocusFollowers.remove(pcb); break; } } } } /** * @param pcb non null */ void notifyExtPolicyCurrentFocusAsync(IAudioPolicyCallback pcb) { final IAudioPolicyCallback pcb2 = pcb; final Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { if (mFocusStack.isEmpty()) { return; } try { pcb2.notifyAudioFocusGrant(mFocusStack.peek().toAudioFocusInfo(), // top of focus stack always has focus AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Can't call notifyAudioFocusGrant() on IAudioPolicyCallback " + pcb2.asBinder(), e); } } } }; thread.start(); } /** * Called synchronized on mAudioFocusLock */ void notifyExtPolicyFocusGrant_syncAf(AudioFocusInfo afi, int requestResult) { for (IAudioPolicyCallback pcb : mFocusFollowers) { try { // oneway pcb.notifyAudioFocusGrant(afi, requestResult); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Can't call notifyAudioFocusGrant() on IAudioPolicyCallback " + pcb.asBinder(), e); } } } /** * Called synchronized on mAudioFocusLock */ void notifyExtPolicyFocusLoss_syncAf(AudioFocusInfo afi, boolean wasDispatched) { for (IAudioPolicyCallback pcb : mFocusFollowers) { try { // oneway pcb.notifyAudioFocusLoss(afi, wasDispatched); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Can't call notifyAudioFocusLoss() on IAudioPolicyCallback " + pcb.asBinder(), e); } } } protected int getCurrentAudioFocus() { synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { if (mFocusStack.empty()) { return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_NONE; } else { return mFocusStack.peek().getGainRequest(); } } } /** @see AudioManager#requestAudioFocus(AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener, int, int, int) */ protected int requestAudioFocus(AudioAttributes aa, int focusChangeHint, IBinder cb, IAudioFocusDispatcher fd, String clientId, String callingPackageName, int flags) { Log.i(TAG, " AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from " + clientId + " req=" + focusChangeHint + "flags=0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags)); // we need a valid binder callback for clients if (!cb.pingBinder()) { Log.e(TAG, " AudioFocus DOA client for requestAudioFocus(), aborting."); return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED; } if (mAppOps.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_TAKE_AUDIO_FOCUS, Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackageName) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) { return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED; } synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { boolean focusGrantDelayed = false; if (!canReassignAudioFocus()) { if ((flags & AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_FLAG_DELAY_OK) == 0) { return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED; } else { // request has AUDIOFOCUS_FLAG_DELAY_OK: focus can't be // granted right now, so the requester will be inserted in the focus stack // to receive focus later focusGrantDelayed = true; } } // handle the potential premature death of the new holder of the focus // (premature death == death before abandoning focus) // Register for client death notification AudioFocusDeathHandler afdh = new AudioFocusDeathHandler(cb); try { cb.linkToDeath(afdh, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { // client has already died! Log.w(TAG, "AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() could not link to "+cb+" binder death"); return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED; } if (!mFocusStack.empty() && mFocusStack.peek().hasSameClient(clientId)) { // if focus is already owned by this client and the reason for acquiring the focus // hasn't changed, don't do anything final FocusRequester fr = mFocusStack.peek(); if (fr.getGainRequest() == focusChangeHint && fr.getGrantFlags() == flags) { // unlink death handler so it can be gc'ed. // linkToDeath() creates a JNI global reference preventing collection. cb.unlinkToDeath(afdh, 0); notifyExtPolicyFocusGrant_syncAf(fr.toAudioFocusInfo(), AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED); return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED; } // the reason for the audio focus request has changed: remove the current top of // stack and respond as if we had a new focus owner if (!focusGrantDelayed) { mFocusStack.pop(); // the entry that was "popped" is the same that was "peeked" above fr.release(); } } // focus requester might already be somewhere below in the stack, remove it removeFocusStackEntry(clientId, false /* signal */, false /*notifyFocusFollowers*/); final FocusRequester nfr = new FocusRequester(aa, focusChangeHint, flags, fd, cb, clientId, afdh, callingPackageName, Binder.getCallingUid(), this); if (focusGrantDelayed) { // focusGrantDelayed being true implies we can't reassign focus right now // which implies the focus stack is not empty. final int requestResult = pushBelowLockedFocusOwners(nfr); if (requestResult != AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED) { notifyExtPolicyFocusGrant_syncAf(nfr.toAudioFocusInfo(), requestResult); } return requestResult; } else { // propagate the focus change through the stack if (!mFocusStack.empty()) { propagateFocusLossFromGain_syncAf(focusChangeHint); } // push focus requester at the top of the audio focus stack mFocusStack.push(nfr); } notifyExtPolicyFocusGrant_syncAf(nfr.toAudioFocusInfo(), AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED); }//synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED; } /** * @see AudioManager#abandonAudioFocus(AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener, AudioAttributes) * */ protected int abandonAudioFocus(IAudioFocusDispatcher fl, String clientId, AudioAttributes aa) { // AudioAttributes are currently ignored, to be used for zones Log.i(TAG, " AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from " + clientId); try { // this will take care of notifying the new focus owner if needed synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { removeFocusStackEntry(clientId, true /*signal*/, true /*notifyFocusFollowers*/); } } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException cme) { // Catching this exception here is temporary. It is here just to prevent // a crash seen when the "Silent" notification is played. This is believed to be fixed // but this try catch block is left just to be safe. Log.e(TAG, "FATAL EXCEPTION AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() caused " + cme); cme.printStackTrace(); } return AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED; } protected void unregisterAudioFocusClient(String clientId) { synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { removeFocusStackEntry(clientId, false, true /*notifyFocusFollowers*/); } } //========================================================================================== // RemoteControl //========================================================================================== /** * No-op if the key code for keyEvent is not a valid media key * (see {@link #isValidMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent)}) * @param keyEvent the key event to send */ protected void dispatchMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { filterMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent, false /*needWakeLock*/); } /** * No-op if the key code for keyEvent is not a valid media key * (see {@link #isValidMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent)}) * @param keyEvent the key event to send */ protected void dispatchMediaKeyEventUnderWakelock(KeyEvent keyEvent) { filterMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent, true /*needWakeLock*/); } private void filterMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent, boolean needWakeLock) { // sanity check on the incoming key event if (!isValidMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent)) { Log.e(TAG, "not dispatching invalid media key event " + keyEvent); return; } // event filtering for telephony synchronized(mRingingLock) { synchronized(mPRStack) { if ((mMediaReceiverForCalls != null) && (mIsRinging || (mAudioService.getMode() == AudioSystem.MODE_IN_CALL))) { dispatchMediaKeyEventForCalls(keyEvent, needWakeLock); return; } } } // event filtering based on voice-based interactions if (isValidVoiceInputKeyCode(keyEvent.getKeyCode())) { filterVoiceInputKeyEvent(keyEvent, needWakeLock); } else { dispatchMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent, needWakeLock); } } /** * Handles the dispatching of the media button events to the telephony package. * Precondition: mMediaReceiverForCalls != null * @param keyEvent a non-null KeyEvent whose key code is one of the supported media buttons * @param needWakeLock true if a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK needs to be held while this key event * is dispatched. */ private void dispatchMediaKeyEventForCalls(KeyEvent keyEvent, boolean needWakeLock) { Intent keyIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON, null); keyIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, keyEvent); keyIntent.setPackage(mMediaReceiverForCalls.getPackageName()); if (needWakeLock) { mMediaEventWakeLock.acquire(); keyIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_WAKELOCK_ACQUIRED, WAKELOCK_RELEASE_ON_FINISHED); } final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(keyIntent, UserHandle.ALL, null, mKeyEventDone, mEventHandler, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } /** * Handles the dispatching of the media button events to one of the registered listeners, * or if there was none, broadcast an ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON intent to the rest of the system. * @param keyEvent a non-null KeyEvent whose key code is one of the supported media buttons * @param needWakeLock true if a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK needs to be held while this key event * is dispatched. */ private void dispatchMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent, boolean needWakeLock) { if (needWakeLock) { mMediaEventWakeLock.acquire(); } Intent keyIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON, null); keyIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, keyEvent); synchronized(mPRStack) { if (!mPRStack.empty()) { // send the intent that was registered by the client try { mPRStack.peek().getMediaButtonIntent().send(mContext, needWakeLock ? WAKELOCK_RELEASE_ON_FINISHED : 0 /*code*/, keyIntent, this, mEventHandler); } catch (CanceledException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error sending pending intent " + mPRStack.peek()); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // legacy behavior when nobody registered their media button event receiver // through AudioManager if (needWakeLock) { keyIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_WAKELOCK_ACQUIRED, WAKELOCK_RELEASE_ON_FINISHED); } final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { mContext.sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser(keyIntent, UserHandle.ALL, null, mKeyEventDone, mEventHandler, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } } } /** * The different actions performed in response to a voice button key event. */ private final static int VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_DISCARD_CURRENT_KEY_PRESS = 1; private final static int VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_START_VOICE_INPUT = 2; private final static int VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_SIMULATE_KEY_PRESS = 3; private final Object mVoiceEventLock = new Object(); private boolean mVoiceButtonDown; private boolean mVoiceButtonHandled; /** * Filter key events that may be used for voice-based interactions * @param keyEvent a non-null KeyEvent whose key code is that of one of the supported * media buttons that can be used to trigger voice-based interactions. * @param needWakeLock true if a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK needs to be held while this key event * is dispatched. */ private void filterVoiceInputKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent, boolean needWakeLock) { if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.v(TAG, "voice input key event: " + keyEvent + ", needWakeLock=" + needWakeLock); } int voiceButtonAction = VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_DISCARD_CURRENT_KEY_PRESS; int keyAction = keyEvent.getAction(); synchronized (mVoiceEventLock) { if (keyAction == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (keyEvent.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // initial down mVoiceButtonDown = true; mVoiceButtonHandled = false; } else if (mVoiceButtonDown && !mVoiceButtonHandled && (keyEvent.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_LONG_PRESS) != 0) { // long-press, start voice-based interactions mVoiceButtonHandled = true; voiceButtonAction = VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_START_VOICE_INPUT; } } else if (keyAction == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (mVoiceButtonDown) { // voice button up mVoiceButtonDown = false; if (!mVoiceButtonHandled && !keyEvent.isCanceled()) { voiceButtonAction = VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_SIMULATE_KEY_PRESS; } } } }//synchronized (mVoiceEventLock) // take action after media button event filtering for voice-based interactions switch (voiceButtonAction) { case VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_DISCARD_CURRENT_KEY_PRESS: if (DEBUG_RC) Log.v(TAG, " ignore key event"); break; case VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_START_VOICE_INPUT: if (DEBUG_RC) Log.v(TAG, " start voice-based interactions"); // then start the voice-based interactions startVoiceBasedInteractions(needWakeLock); break; case VOICEBUTTON_ACTION_SIMULATE_KEY_PRESS: if (DEBUG_RC) Log.v(TAG, " send simulated key event, wakelock=" + needWakeLock); sendSimulatedMediaButtonEvent(keyEvent, needWakeLock); break; } } private void sendSimulatedMediaButtonEvent(KeyEvent originalKeyEvent, boolean needWakeLock) { // send DOWN event KeyEvent keyEvent = KeyEvent.changeAction(originalKeyEvent, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); dispatchMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent, needWakeLock); // send UP event keyEvent = KeyEvent.changeAction(originalKeyEvent, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP); dispatchMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent, needWakeLock); } private static boolean isValidMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent == null) { return false; } return KeyEvent.isMediaKey(keyEvent.getKeyCode()); } /** * Checks whether the given key code is one that can trigger the launch of voice-based * interactions. * @param keyCode the key code associated with the key event * @return true if the key is one of the supported voice-based interaction triggers */ private static boolean isValidVoiceInputKeyCode(int keyCode) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Tell the system to start voice-based interactions / voice commands */ private void startVoiceBasedInteractions(boolean needWakeLock) { Intent voiceIntent = null; // select which type of search to launch: // - screen on and device unlocked: action is ACTION_WEB_SEARCH // - device locked or screen off: action is ACTION_VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE // with EXTRA_SECURE set to true if the device is securely locked PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); boolean isLocked = mKeyguardManager != null && mKeyguardManager.isKeyguardLocked(); if (!isLocked && pm.isScreenOn()) { voiceIntent = new Intent(android.speech.RecognizerIntent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH); Log.i(TAG, "voice-based interactions: about to use ACTION_WEB_SEARCH"); } else { IDeviceIdleController dic = IDeviceIdleController.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.DEVICE_IDLE_CONTROLLER)); if (dic != null) { try { dic.exitIdle("voice-search"); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } voiceIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE); voiceIntent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_SECURE, isLocked && mKeyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure()); Log.i(TAG, "voice-based interactions: about to use ACTION_VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE"); } // start the search activity if (needWakeLock) { mMediaEventWakeLock.acquire(); } final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { if (voiceIntent != null) { voiceIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); mContext.startActivityAsUser(voiceIntent, UserHandle.CURRENT); } } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.w(TAG, "No activity for search: " + e); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); if (needWakeLock) { mMediaEventWakeLock.release(); } } } private static final int WAKELOCK_RELEASE_ON_FINISHED = 1980; //magic number // only set when wakelock was acquired, no need to check value when received private static final String EXTRA_WAKELOCK_ACQUIRED = "android.media.AudioService.WAKELOCK_ACQUIRED"; public void onSendFinished(PendingIntent pendingIntent, Intent intent, int resultCode, String resultData, Bundle resultExtras) { if (resultCode == WAKELOCK_RELEASE_ON_FINISHED) { mMediaEventWakeLock.release(); } } BroadcastReceiver mKeyEventDone = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent == null) { return; } Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); if (extras == null) { return; } if (extras.containsKey(EXTRA_WAKELOCK_ACQUIRED)) { mMediaEventWakeLock.release(); } } }; /** * Synchronization on mCurrentRcLock always inside a block synchronized on mPRStack */ private final Object mCurrentRcLock = new Object(); /** * The one remote control client which will receive a request for display information. * This object may be null. * Access protected by mCurrentRcLock. */ private IRemoteControlClient mCurrentRcClient = null; /** * The PendingIntent associated with mCurrentRcClient. Its value is irrelevant * if mCurrentRcClient is null */ private PendingIntent mCurrentRcClientIntent = null; private final static int RC_INFO_NONE = 0; private final static int RC_INFO_ALL = RemoteControlClient.FLAG_INFORMATION_REQUEST_ALBUM_ART | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_INFORMATION_REQUEST_KEY_MEDIA | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_INFORMATION_REQUEST_METADATA | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_INFORMATION_REQUEST_PLAYSTATE; /** * A monotonically increasing generation counter for mCurrentRcClient. * Only accessed with a lock on mCurrentRcLock. * No value wrap-around issues as we only act on equal values. */ private int mCurrentRcClientGen = 0; /** * Internal cache for the playback information of the RemoteControlClient whose volume gets to * be controlled by the volume keys ("main"), so we don't have to iterate over the RC stack * every time we need this info. */ private RemotePlaybackState mMainRemote; /** * Indicates whether the "main" RemoteControlClient is considered active. * Use synchronized on mMainRemote. */ private boolean mMainRemoteIsActive; /** * Indicates whether there is remote playback going on. True even if there is no "active" * remote playback (mMainRemoteIsActive is false), but a RemoteControlClient has declared it * handles remote playback. * Use synchronized on mMainRemote. */ private boolean mHasRemotePlayback; /** * The stack of remote control event receivers. * All read and write operations on mPRStack are synchronized. */ private final Stack mPRStack = new Stack(); /** * The component the telephony package can register so telephony calls have priority to * handle media button events */ private ComponentName mMediaReceiverForCalls = null; /** * Helper function: * Display in the log the current entries in the remote control focus stack */ private void dumpRCStack(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nRemote Control stack entries (last is top of stack):"); synchronized(mPRStack) { Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { stackIterator.next().dump(pw, true); } } } /** * Helper function: * Display in the log the current entries in the remote control stack, focusing * on RemoteControlClient data */ private void dumpRCCStack(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nRemote Control Client stack entries (last is top of stack):"); synchronized(mPRStack) { Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { stackIterator.next().dump(pw, false); } synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { pw.println("\nCurrent remote control generation ID = " + mCurrentRcClientGen); } } synchronized (mMainRemote) { pw.println("\nRemote Volume State:"); pw.println(" has remote: " + mHasRemotePlayback); pw.println(" is remote active: " + mMainRemoteIsActive); pw.println(" rccId: " + mMainRemote.mRccId); pw.println(" volume handling: " + ((mMainRemote.mVolumeHandling == RemoteControlClient.PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED) ? "PLAYBACK_VOLUME_FIXED(0)" : "PLAYBACK_VOLUME_VARIABLE(1)")); pw.println(" volume: " + mMainRemote.mVolume); pw.println(" volume steps: " + mMainRemote.mVolumeMax); } } /** * Helper function: * Display in the log the current entries in the list of remote control displays */ private void dumpRCDList(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("\nRemote Control Display list entries:"); synchronized(mPRStack) { final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); pw.println(" IRCD: " + di.mRcDisplay + " -- w:" + di.mArtworkExpectedWidth + " -- h:" + di.mArtworkExpectedHeight + " -- wantsPosSync:" + di.mWantsPositionSync + " -- " + (di.mEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")); } } } /** * Helper function: * Push the new media button receiver "near" the top of the PlayerRecord stack. * "Near the top" is defined as: * - at the top if the current PlayerRecord at the top is not playing * - below the entries at the top of the stack that correspond to the playing PlayerRecord * otherwise * Called synchronized on mPRStack * precondition: mediaIntent != null * @return true if the top of mPRStack was changed, false otherwise */ private boolean pushMediaButtonReceiver_syncPrs(PendingIntent mediaIntent, ComponentName target, IBinder token) { if (mPRStack.empty()) { mPRStack.push(new PlayerRecord(mediaIntent, target, token)); return true; } else if (mPRStack.peek().hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(mediaIntent)) { // already at top of stack return false; } if (mAppOps.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_TAKE_MEDIA_BUTTONS, Binder.getCallingUid(), mediaIntent.getCreatorPackage()) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) { return false; } PlayerRecord oldTopPrse = mPRStack.lastElement(); // top of the stack before any changes boolean topChanged = false; PlayerRecord prse = null; int lastPlayingIndex = mPRStack.size(); int inStackIndex = -1; try { // go through the stack from the top to figure out who's playing, and the position // of this media button receiver (note that it may not be in the stack) for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if (prse.isPlaybackActive()) { lastPlayingIndex = index; } if (prse.hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(mediaIntent)) { inStackIndex = index; } } if (inStackIndex == -1) { // is not in stack prse = new PlayerRecord(mediaIntent, target, token); // it's new so it's not playing (no RemoteControlClient to give a playstate), // therefore it goes after the ones with active playback mPRStack.add(lastPlayingIndex, prse); } else { // is in the stack if (mPRStack.size() > 1) { // no need to remove and add if stack contains only 1 prse = mPRStack.elementAt(inStackIndex); // remove it from its old location in the stack mPRStack.removeElementAt(inStackIndex); if (prse.isPlaybackActive()) { // and put it at the top mPRStack.push(prse); } else { // and put it after the ones with active playback if (inStackIndex > lastPlayingIndex) { mPRStack.add(lastPlayingIndex, prse); } else { mPRStack.add(lastPlayingIndex - 1, prse); } } } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification or bad index Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index (inStack=" + inStackIndex + " lastPlaying=" + lastPlayingIndex + " size=" + mPRStack.size() + " accessing media button stack", e); } return (topChanged); } /** * Helper function: * Remove the remote control receiver from the RC focus stack. * Called synchronized on mPRStack * precondition: pi != null */ private void removeMediaButtonReceiver_syncPrs(PendingIntent pi) { try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if (prse.hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(pi)) { prse.destroy(); // ok to remove element while traversing the stack since we're leaving the loop mPRStack.removeElementAt(index); break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing media button stack, lock error? ", e); } } /** * Helper function: * Called synchronized on mPRStack */ private boolean isCurrentRcController(PendingIntent pi) { if (!mPRStack.empty() && mPRStack.peek().hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(pi)) { return true; } return false; } //========================================================================================== // Remote control display / client //========================================================================================== /** * Update the remote control displays with the new "focused" client generation */ private void setNewRcClientOnDisplays_syncRcsCurrc(int newClientGeneration, PendingIntent newMediaIntent, boolean clearing) { synchronized(mPRStack) { if (mRcDisplays.size() > 0) { final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); try { di.mRcDisplay.setCurrentClientId( newClientGeneration, newMediaIntent, clearing); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Dead display in setNewRcClientOnDisplays_syncRcsCurrc()",e); di.release(); displayIterator.remove(); } } } } } /** * Update the remote control clients with the new "focused" client generation */ private void setNewRcClientGenerationOnClients_syncRcsCurrc(int newClientGeneration) { // (using an iterator on the stack so we can safely remove an entry if needed, // traversal order doesn't matter here as we update all entries) Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { PlayerRecord se = stackIterator.next(); if ((se != null) && (se.getRcc() != null)) { try { se.getRcc().setCurrentClientGenerationId(newClientGeneration); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Dead client in setNewRcClientGenerationOnClients_syncRcsCurrc()",e); stackIterator.remove(); se.unlinkToRcClientDeath(); } } } } /** * Update the displays and clients with the new "focused" client generation and name * @param newClientGeneration the new generation value matching a client update * @param newMediaIntent the media button event receiver associated with the client. * May be null, which implies there is no registered media button event receiver. * @param clearing true if the new client generation value maps to a remote control update * where the display should be cleared. */ private void setNewRcClient_syncRcsCurrc(int newClientGeneration, PendingIntent newMediaIntent, boolean clearing) { // send the new valid client generation ID to all displays setNewRcClientOnDisplays_syncRcsCurrc(newClientGeneration, newMediaIntent, clearing); // send the new valid client generation ID to all clients setNewRcClientGenerationOnClients_syncRcsCurrc(newClientGeneration); } /** * Called when processing MSG_RCDISPLAY_CLEAR event */ private void onRcDisplayClear() { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.i(TAG, "Clear remote control display"); synchronized(mPRStack) { synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { mCurrentRcClientGen++; // synchronously update the displays and clients with the new client generation setNewRcClient_syncRcsCurrc(mCurrentRcClientGen, null /*newMediaIntent*/, true /*clearing*/); } } } /** * Called when processing MSG_RCDISPLAY_UPDATE event */ private void onRcDisplayUpdate(PlayerRecord prse, int flags /* USED ?*/) { synchronized(mPRStack) { synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { if ((mCurrentRcClient != null) && (mCurrentRcClient.equals(prse.getRcc()))) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.i(TAG, "Display/update remote control "); mCurrentRcClientGen++; // synchronously update the displays and clients with // the new client generation setNewRcClient_syncRcsCurrc(mCurrentRcClientGen, prse.getMediaButtonIntent() /*newMediaIntent*/, false /*clearing*/); // tell the current client that it needs to send info try { //TODO change name to informationRequestForAllDisplays() mCurrentRcClient.onInformationRequested(mCurrentRcClientGen, flags); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Current valid remote client is dead: "+e); mCurrentRcClient = null; } } else { // the remote control display owner has changed between the // the message to update the display was sent, and the time it // gets to be processed (now) } } } } /** * Called when processing MSG_RCDISPLAY_INIT_INFO event * Causes the current RemoteControlClient to send its info (metadata, playstate...) to * a single RemoteControlDisplay, NOT all of them, as with MSG_RCDISPLAY_UPDATE. */ private void onRcDisplayInitInfo(IRemoteControlDisplay newRcd, int w, int h) { synchronized(mPRStack) { synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { if (mCurrentRcClient != null) { if (DEBUG_RC) { Log.i(TAG, "Init RCD with current info"); } try { // synchronously update the new RCD with the current client generation // and matching PendingIntent newRcd.setCurrentClientId(mCurrentRcClientGen, mCurrentRcClientIntent, false); // tell the current RCC that it needs to send info, but only to the new RCD try { mCurrentRcClient.informationRequestForDisplay(newRcd, w, h); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Current valid remote client is dead: ", e); mCurrentRcClient = null; } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Dead display in onRcDisplayInitInfo()", e); } } } } } /** * Helper function: * Called synchronized on mPRStack */ private void clearRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs() { synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { mCurrentRcClient = null; } // will cause onRcDisplayClear() to be called in AudioService's handler thread mEventHandler.sendMessage( mEventHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_RCDISPLAY_CLEAR) ); } /** * Helper function for code readability: only to be called from * checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs() which checks the preconditions for * this method. * Preconditions: * - called synchronized on mPRStack * - mPRStack.isEmpty() is false */ private void updateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(int infoChangedFlags) { PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.peek(); int infoFlagsAboutToBeUsed = infoChangedFlags; // this is where we enforce opt-in for information display on the remote controls // with the new AudioManager.registerRemoteControlClient() API if (prse.getRcc() == null) { //Log.w(TAG, "Can't update remote control display with null remote control client"); clearRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(); return; } synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { if (!prse.getRcc().equals(mCurrentRcClient)) { // new RC client, assume every type of information shall be queried infoFlagsAboutToBeUsed = RC_INFO_ALL; } mCurrentRcClient = prse.getRcc(); mCurrentRcClientIntent = prse.getMediaButtonIntent(); } // will cause onRcDisplayUpdate() to be called in AudioService's handler thread mEventHandler.sendMessage( mEventHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_RCDISPLAY_UPDATE, infoFlagsAboutToBeUsed /* arg1 */, 0, prse /* obj, != null */) ); } /** * Helper function: * Called synchronized on mPRStack * Check whether the remote control display should be updated, triggers the update if required * @param infoChangedFlags the flags corresponding to the remote control client information * that has changed, if applicable (checking for the update conditions might trigger a * clear, rather than an update event). */ private void checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(int infoChangedFlags) { // determine whether the remote control display should be refreshed // if the player record stack is empty, there is nothing to display, so clear the RC display if (mPRStack.isEmpty()) { clearRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(); return; } // this is where more rules for refresh go // refresh conditions were verified: update the remote controls // ok to call: synchronized on mPRStack, mPRStack is not empty updateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(infoChangedFlags); } /** * see AudioManager.registerMediaButtonIntent(PendingIntent pi, ComponentName c) * precondition: mediaIntent != null */ protected void registerMediaButtonIntent(PendingIntent mediaIntent, ComponentName eventReceiver, IBinder token) { Log.i(TAG, " Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for " + mediaIntent); synchronized(mPRStack) { if (pushMediaButtonReceiver_syncPrs(mediaIntent, eventReceiver, token)) { // new RC client, assume every type of information shall be queried checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(RC_INFO_ALL); } } } /** * see AudioManager.unregisterMediaButtonIntent(PendingIntent mediaIntent) * precondition: mediaIntent != null, eventReceiver != null */ protected void unregisterMediaButtonIntent(PendingIntent mediaIntent) { Log.i(TAG, " Remote Control unregisterMediaButtonIntent() for " + mediaIntent); synchronized(mPRStack) { boolean topOfStackWillChange = isCurrentRcController(mediaIntent); removeMediaButtonReceiver_syncPrs(mediaIntent); if (topOfStackWillChange) { // current RC client will change, assume every type of info needs to be queried checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(RC_INFO_ALL); } } } protected void unregisterMediaButtonIntentAsync(final PendingIntent mediaIntent) { mEventHandler.sendMessage( mEventHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_UNREGISTER_MEDIABUTTONINTENT, 0, 0, mediaIntent)); } /** * see AudioManager.registerMediaButtonEventReceiverForCalls(ComponentName c) * precondition: c != null */ protected void registerMediaButtonEventReceiverForCalls(ComponentName c) { if (mContext.checkCallingPermission("android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE") != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid permissions to register media button receiver for calls"); return; } synchronized(mPRStack) { mMediaReceiverForCalls = c; } } /** * see AudioManager.unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiverForCalls() */ protected void unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiverForCalls() { if (mContext.checkCallingPermission("android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE") != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid permissions to unregister media button receiver for calls"); return; } synchronized(mPRStack) { mMediaReceiverForCalls = null; } } /** * see AudioManager.registerRemoteControlClient(ComponentName eventReceiver, ...) * @return the unique ID of the PlayerRecord associated with the RemoteControlClient * Note: using this method with rcClient == null is a way to "disable" the IRemoteControlClient * without modifying the RC stack, but while still causing the display to refresh (will * become blank as a result of this) */ protected int registerRemoteControlClient(PendingIntent mediaIntent, IRemoteControlClient rcClient, String callingPackageName) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.i(TAG, "Register remote control client rcClient="+rcClient); int rccId = RemoteControlClient.RCSE_ID_UNREGISTERED; synchronized(mPRStack) { // store the new display information try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if(prse.hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(mediaIntent)) { prse.resetControllerInfoForRcc(rcClient, callingPackageName, Binder.getCallingUid()); if (rcClient == null) { break; } rccId = prse.getRccId(); // there is a new (non-null) client: // give the new client the displays (if any) if (mRcDisplays.size() > 0) { plugRemoteControlDisplaysIntoClient_syncPrs(prse.getRcc()); } break; } }//for } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing RC stack, lock error? ", e); } // if the eventReceiver is at the top of the stack // then check for potential refresh of the remote controls if (isCurrentRcController(mediaIntent)) { checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(RC_INFO_ALL); } }//synchronized(mPRStack) return rccId; } /** * see AudioManager.unregisterRemoteControlClient(PendingIntent pi, ...) * rcClient is guaranteed non-null */ protected void unregisterRemoteControlClient(PendingIntent mediaIntent, IRemoteControlClient rcClient) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.i(TAG, "Unregister remote control client rcClient="+rcClient); synchronized(mPRStack) { boolean topRccChange = false; try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if ((prse.hasMatchingMediaButtonIntent(mediaIntent)) && rcClient.equals(prse.getRcc())) { // we found the IRemoteControlClient to unregister prse.resetControllerInfoForNoRcc(); topRccChange = (index == mPRStack.size()-1); // there can only be one matching RCC in the RC stack, we're done break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing RC stack, lock error? ", e); } if (topRccChange) { // no more RCC for the RCD, check for potential refresh of the remote controls checkUpdateRemoteControlDisplay_syncPrs(RC_INFO_ALL); } } } /** * A class to encapsulate all the information about a remote control display. * After instanciation, init() must always be called before the object is added in the list * of displays. * Before being removed from the list of displays, release() must always be called (otherwise * it will leak death handlers). */ private class DisplayInfoForServer implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { /** may never be null */ private final IRemoteControlDisplay mRcDisplay; private final IBinder mRcDisplayBinder; private int mArtworkExpectedWidth = -1; private int mArtworkExpectedHeight = -1; private boolean mWantsPositionSync = false; private ComponentName mClientNotifListComp; private boolean mEnabled = true; public DisplayInfoForServer(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd, int w, int h) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.i(TAG, "new DisplayInfoForServer for " + rcd + " w=" + w + " h=" + h); mRcDisplay = rcd; mRcDisplayBinder = rcd.asBinder(); mArtworkExpectedWidth = w; mArtworkExpectedHeight = h; } public boolean init() { try { mRcDisplayBinder.linkToDeath(this, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { // remote control display is DOA, disqualify it Log.w(TAG, "registerRemoteControlDisplay() has a dead client " + mRcDisplayBinder); return false; } return true; } public void release() { try { mRcDisplayBinder.unlinkToDeath(this, 0); } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) { // not much we can do here, the display should have been unregistered anyway Log.e(TAG, "Error in DisplaInfoForServer.relase()", e); } } public void binderDied() { synchronized(mPRStack) { Log.w(TAG, "RemoteControl: display " + mRcDisplay + " died"); // remove the display from the list final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mRcDisplay == mRcDisplay) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.w(TAG, " RCD removed from list"); displayIterator.remove(); return; } } } } } /** * The remote control displays. * Access synchronized on mPRStack */ private ArrayList mRcDisplays = new ArrayList(1); /** * Plug each registered display into the specified client * @param rcc, guaranteed non null */ private void plugRemoteControlDisplaysIntoClient_syncPrs(IRemoteControlClient rcc) { final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); try { rcc.plugRemoteControlDisplay(di.mRcDisplay, di.mArtworkExpectedWidth, di.mArtworkExpectedHeight); if (di.mWantsPositionSync) { rcc.setWantsSyncForDisplay(di.mRcDisplay, true); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error connecting RCD to RCC in RCC registration",e); } } } private void enableRemoteControlDisplayForClient_syncRcStack(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd, boolean enabled) { // let all the remote control clients know whether the given display is enabled // (so the remote control stack traversal order doesn't matter). final Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { PlayerRecord prse = stackIterator.next(); if(prse.getRcc() != null) { try { prse.getRcc().enableRemoteControlDisplay(rcd, enabled); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error connecting RCD to client: ", e); } } } } /** * Is the remote control display interface already registered * @param rcd * @return true if the IRemoteControlDisplay is already in the list of displays */ private boolean rcDisplayIsPluggedIn_syncRcStack(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd) { final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mRcDisplay.asBinder().equals(rcd.asBinder())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Register an IRemoteControlDisplay. * Notify all IRemoteControlClient of the new display and cause the RemoteControlClient * at the top of the stack to update the new display with its information. * @see android.media.IAudioService#registerRemoteControlDisplay(android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay, int, int) * @param rcd the IRemoteControlDisplay to register. No effect if null. * @param w the maximum width of the expected bitmap. Negative or zero values indicate this * display doesn't need to receive artwork. * @param h the maximum height of the expected bitmap. Negative or zero values indicate this * display doesn't need to receive artwork. * @param listenerComp the component for the listener interface, may be null if it's not needed * to verify it belongs to one of the enabled notification listeners */ private void registerRemoteControlDisplay_int(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd, int w, int h, ComponentName listenerComp) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.d(TAG, ">>> registerRemoteControlDisplay("+rcd+")"); synchronized(mAudioFocusLock) { synchronized(mPRStack) { if ((rcd == null) || rcDisplayIsPluggedIn_syncRcStack(rcd)) { return; } DisplayInfoForServer di = new DisplayInfoForServer(rcd, w, h); di.mEnabled = true; di.mClientNotifListComp = listenerComp; if (!di.init()) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.e(TAG, " error registering RCD"); return; } // add RCD to list of displays mRcDisplays.add(di); // let all the remote control clients know there is a new display (so the remote // control stack traversal order doesn't matter). Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { PlayerRecord prse = stackIterator.next(); if(prse.getRcc() != null) { try { prse.getRcc().plugRemoteControlDisplay(rcd, w, h); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error connecting RCD to client: ", e); } } } // we have a new display, of which all the clients are now aware: have it be // initialized wih the current gen ID and the current client info, do not // reset the information for the other (existing) displays sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_RCDISPLAY_INIT_INFO, SENDMSG_QUEUE, w /*arg1*/, h /*arg2*/, rcd /*obj*/, 0/*delay*/); } } } /** * Unregister an IRemoteControlDisplay. * No effect if the IRemoteControlDisplay hasn't been successfully registered. * @see android.media.IAudioService#unregisterRemoteControlDisplay(android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay) * @param rcd the IRemoteControlDisplay to unregister. No effect if null. */ protected void unregisterRemoteControlDisplay(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.d(TAG, "<<< unregisterRemoteControlDisplay("+rcd+")"); synchronized(mPRStack) { if (rcd == null) { return; } boolean displayWasPluggedIn = false; final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext() && !displayWasPluggedIn) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mRcDisplay.asBinder().equals(rcd.asBinder())) { displayWasPluggedIn = true; di.release(); displayIterator.remove(); } } if (displayWasPluggedIn) { // disconnect this remote control display from all the clients, so the remote // control stack traversal order doesn't matter final Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { final PlayerRecord prse = stackIterator.next(); if(prse.getRcc() != null) { try { prse.getRcc().unplugRemoteControlDisplay(rcd); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error disconnecting remote control display to client: ", e); } } } } else { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.w(TAG, " trying to unregister unregistered RCD"); } } } /** * Update the size of the artwork used by an IRemoteControlDisplay. * @see android.media.IAudioService#remoteControlDisplayUsesBitmapSize(android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay, int, int) * @param rcd the IRemoteControlDisplay with the new artwork size requirement * @param w the maximum width of the expected bitmap. Negative or zero values indicate this * display doesn't need to receive artwork. * @param h the maximum height of the expected bitmap. Negative or zero values indicate this * display doesn't need to receive artwork. */ protected void remoteControlDisplayUsesBitmapSize(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd, int w, int h) { synchronized(mPRStack) { final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); boolean artworkSizeUpdate = false; while (displayIterator.hasNext() && !artworkSizeUpdate) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mRcDisplay.asBinder().equals(rcd.asBinder())) { if ((di.mArtworkExpectedWidth != w) || (di.mArtworkExpectedHeight != h)) { di.mArtworkExpectedWidth = w; di.mArtworkExpectedHeight = h; artworkSizeUpdate = true; } } } if (artworkSizeUpdate) { // RCD is currently plugged in and its artwork size has changed, notify all RCCs, // stack traversal order doesn't matter final Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while(stackIterator.hasNext()) { final PlayerRecord prse = stackIterator.next(); if(prse.getRcc() != null) { try { prse.getRcc().setBitmapSizeForDisplay(rcd, w, h); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting bitmap size for RCD on RCC: ", e); } } } } } } /** * Controls whether a remote control display needs periodic checks of the RemoteControlClient * playback position to verify that the estimated position has not drifted from the actual * position. By default the check is not performed. * The IRemoteControlDisplay must have been previously registered for this to have any effect. * @param rcd the IRemoteControlDisplay for which the anti-drift mechanism will be enabled * or disabled. Not null. * @param wantsSync if true, RemoteControlClient instances which expose their playback position * to the framework will regularly compare the estimated playback position with the actual * position, and will update the IRemoteControlDisplay implementation whenever a drift is * detected. */ protected void remoteControlDisplayWantsPlaybackPositionSync(IRemoteControlDisplay rcd, boolean wantsSync) { synchronized(mPRStack) { boolean rcdRegistered = false; // store the information about this display // (display stack traversal order doesn't matter). final Iterator displayIterator = mRcDisplays.iterator(); while (displayIterator.hasNext()) { final DisplayInfoForServer di = displayIterator.next(); if (di.mRcDisplay.asBinder().equals(rcd.asBinder())) { di.mWantsPositionSync = wantsSync; rcdRegistered = true; break; } } if (!rcdRegistered) { return; } // notify all current RemoteControlClients // (stack traversal order doesn't matter as we notify all RCCs) final Iterator stackIterator = mPRStack.iterator(); while (stackIterator.hasNext()) { final PlayerRecord prse = stackIterator.next(); if (prse.getRcc() != null) { try { prse.getRcc().setWantsSyncForDisplay(rcd, wantsSync); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting position sync flag for RCD on RCC: ", e); } } } } } public void setRemoteControlClientPlayItem(long uid, int scope) { sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_RCC_SET_PLAY_ITEM, SENDMSG_REPLACE, 0 /* arg1 */, scope /* arg2*/, new Long(uid) /* obj */, 0 /* delay */); } private void onSetRemoteControlClientPlayItem(int scope, Long uid) { Log.d(TAG, "onSetRemoteControlClientPlayItem: "+ uid); synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { if (mCurrentRcClient != null) { try { mCurrentRcClient.setPlayItem(scope, uid); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Current valid remote client is dead: "+e); mCurrentRcClient = null; } } } } public void getRemoteControlClientNowPlayingEntries() { sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_RCC_GET_NOW_PLAYING_ENTRIES, SENDMSG_REPLACE, 0 /* arg1 */, 0 /* arg2 ignored*/, 0 /* obj */, 0 /* delay */); } private void onGetRemoteControlClientNowPlayingEntries() { Log.d(TAG, "onGetRemoteControlClientNowPlayingEntries: "); synchronized(mCurrentRcLock) { if (mCurrentRcClient != null) { try { mCurrentRcClient.getNowPlayingEntries(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Current valid remote client is dead: "+e); mCurrentRcClient = null; } } } } public void setRemoteControlClientBrowsedPlayer() { Log.d(TAG, "setRemoteControlClientBrowsedPlayer: "); sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_RCC_SET_BROWSED_PLAYER, SENDMSG_REPLACE, 0/* arg1 */, 0 /* arg2 ignored*/, 0 /* obj */, 0 /* delay */); } private void onSetRemoteControlClientBrowsedPlayer() { Log.d(TAG, "onSetRemoteControlClientBrowsedPlayer: "); PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.peek(); if (prse.getRcc() == null) { Log.d(TAG, "can not proceed with setBrowsedPlayer"); } else { Log.d(TAG, "proceed with setBrowsedPlayer"); try { Log.d(TAG, "Calling setBrowsedPlayer"); prse.getRcc().setBrowsedPlayer(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Current valid remote client is dead: "+ e); } } } // handler for MSG_RCC_NEW_VOLUME_OBS private void onRegisterVolumeObserverForRcc(int rccId, IRemoteVolumeObserver rvo) { synchronized(mPRStack) { // The stack traversal order doesn't matter because there is only one stack entry // with this RCC ID, but the matching ID is more likely at the top of the stack, so // start iterating from the top. try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if (prse.getRccId() == rccId) { prse.mRemoteVolumeObs = rvo; break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing media button stack, lock error? ", e); } } } /** * Checks if a remote client is active on the supplied stream type. Update the remote stream * volume state if found and playing * @param streamType * @return false if no remote playing is currently playing */ protected boolean checkUpdateRemoteStateIfActive(int streamType) { synchronized(mPRStack) { // iterating from top of stack as active playback is more likely on entries at the top try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); if ((prse.mPlaybackType == RemoteControlClient.PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE) && isPlaystateActive(prse.mPlaybackState.mState) && (prse.mPlaybackStream == streamType)) { if (DEBUG_RC) Log.d(TAG, "remote playback active on stream " + streamType + ", vol =" + prse.mPlaybackVolume); synchronized (mMainRemote) { mMainRemote.mRccId = prse.getRccId(); mMainRemote.mVolume = prse.mPlaybackVolume; mMainRemote.mVolumeMax = prse.mPlaybackVolumeMax; mMainRemote.mVolumeHandling = prse.mPlaybackVolumeHandling; mMainRemoteIsActive = true; } return true; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing RC stack, lock error? ", e); } } synchronized (mMainRemote) { mMainRemoteIsActive = false; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the given playback state is considered "active", i.e. it describes a state * where playback is happening, or about to * @param playState the playback state to evaluate * @return true if active, false otherwise (inactive or unknown) */ protected static boolean isPlaystateActive(int playState) { switch (playState) { case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING: case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_BUFFERING: case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_FAST_FORWARDING: case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_REWINDING: case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_SKIPPING_BACKWARDS: case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_SKIPPING_FORWARDS: return true; default: return false; } } private void sendVolumeUpdateToRemote(int rccId, int direction) { if (DEBUG_VOL) { Log.d(TAG, "sendVolumeUpdateToRemote(rccId="+rccId+" , dir="+direction); } if (direction == 0) { // only handling discrete events return; } IRemoteVolumeObserver rvo = null; synchronized (mPRStack) { // The stack traversal order doesn't matter because there is only one stack entry // with this RCC ID, but the matching ID is more likely at the top of the stack, so // start iterating from the top. try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); //FIXME OPTIMIZE store this info in mMainRemote so we don't have to iterate? if (prse.getRccId() == rccId) { rvo = prse.mRemoteVolumeObs; break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing media button stack, lock error? ", e); } } if (rvo != null) { try { rvo.dispatchRemoteVolumeUpdate(direction, -1); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error dispatching relative volume update", e); } } } protected int getRemoteStreamMaxVolume() { synchronized (mMainRemote) { if (mMainRemote.mRccId == RemoteControlClient.RCSE_ID_UNREGISTERED) { return 0; } return mMainRemote.mVolumeMax; } } protected int getRemoteStreamVolume() { synchronized (mMainRemote) { if (mMainRemote.mRccId == RemoteControlClient.RCSE_ID_UNREGISTERED) { return 0; } return mMainRemote.mVolume; } } protected void setRemoteStreamVolume(int vol) { if (DEBUG_VOL) { Log.d(TAG, "setRemoteStreamVolume(vol="+vol+")"); } int rccId = RemoteControlClient.RCSE_ID_UNREGISTERED; synchronized (mMainRemote) { if (mMainRemote.mRccId == RemoteControlClient.RCSE_ID_UNREGISTERED) { return; } rccId = mMainRemote.mRccId; } IRemoteVolumeObserver rvo = null; synchronized (mPRStack) { // The stack traversal order doesn't matter because there is only one stack entry // with this RCC ID, but the matching ID is more likely at the top of the stack, so // start iterating from the top. try { for (int index = mPRStack.size()-1; index >= 0; index--) { final PlayerRecord prse = mPRStack.elementAt(index); //FIXME OPTIMIZE store this info in mMainRemote so we don't have to iterate? if (prse.getRccId() == rccId) { rvo = prse.mRemoteVolumeObs; break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // not expected to happen, indicates improper concurrent modification Log.e(TAG, "Wrong index accessing media button stack, lock error? ", e); } } if (rvo != null) { try { rvo.dispatchRemoteVolumeUpdate(0, vol); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error dispatching absolute volume update", e); } } } /** * Call to make AudioService reevaluate whether it's in a mode where remote players should * have their volume controlled. In this implementation this is only to reset whether * VolumePanel should display remote volumes */ protected void postReevaluateRemote() { sendMsg(mEventHandler, MSG_REEVALUATE_REMOTE, SENDMSG_QUEUE, 0, 0, null, 0); } private void onReevaluateRemote() { // TODO This was used to notify VolumePanel if there was remote playback // in the stack. This is now in MediaSessionService. More code should be // removed. } }