/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.hdmi; import android.hardware.hdmi.HdmiDeviceInfo; import android.util.Slog; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; import com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService.DevicePollingCallback; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Feature action that handles device discovery sequences. * Device discovery is launched when TV device is woken from "Standby" state * or enabled "Control for Hdmi" from disabled state. * *

Device discovery goes through the following steps. *

  1. Poll all non-local devices by sending <Polling Message> *
  2. Gather "Physical address" and "device type" of all acknowledged devices *
  3. Gather "OSD (display) name" of all acknowledge devices *
  4. Gather "Vendor id" of all acknowledge devices *
*/ final class DeviceDiscoveryAction extends HdmiCecFeatureAction { private static final String TAG = "DeviceDiscoveryAction"; // State in which the action is waiting for device polling. private static final int STATE_WAITING_FOR_DEVICE_POLLING = 1; // State in which the action is waiting for gathering physical address of non-local devices. private static final int STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS = 2; // State in which the action is waiting for gathering osd name of non-local devices. private static final int STATE_WAITING_FOR_OSD_NAME = 3; // State in which the action is waiting for gathering vendor id of non-local devices. private static final int STATE_WAITING_FOR_VENDOR_ID = 4; /** * Interface used to report result of device discovery. */ interface DeviceDiscoveryCallback { /** * Called when device discovery is done. * * @param deviceInfos a list of all non-local devices. It can be empty list. */ void onDeviceDiscoveryDone(List deviceInfos); } // An internal container used to keep track of device information during // this action. private static final class DeviceInfo { private final int mLogicalAddress; private int mPhysicalAddress = Constants.INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; private int mPortId = Constants.INVALID_PORT_ID; private int mVendorId = Constants.UNKNOWN_VENDOR_ID; private String mDisplayName = ""; private int mDeviceType = HdmiDeviceInfo.DEVICE_INACTIVE; private DeviceInfo(int logicalAddress) { mLogicalAddress = logicalAddress; } private HdmiDeviceInfo toHdmiDeviceInfo() { return new HdmiDeviceInfo(mLogicalAddress, mPhysicalAddress, mPortId, mDeviceType, mVendorId, mDisplayName); } } private final ArrayList mDevices = new ArrayList<>(); private final DeviceDiscoveryCallback mCallback; private int mProcessedDeviceCount = 0; /** * Constructor. * * @param source an instance of {@link HdmiCecLocalDevice}. */ DeviceDiscoveryAction(HdmiCecLocalDevice source, DeviceDiscoveryCallback callback) { super(source); mCallback = Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback); } @Override boolean start() { mDevices.clear(); mState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_DEVICE_POLLING; pollDevices(new DevicePollingCallback() { @Override public void onPollingFinished(List ackedAddress) { if (ackedAddress.isEmpty()) { Slog.v(TAG, "No device is detected."); wrapUpAndFinish(); return; } Slog.v(TAG, "Device detected: " + ackedAddress); allocateDevices(ackedAddress); startPhysicalAddressStage(); } }, Constants.POLL_ITERATION_REVERSE_ORDER | Constants.POLL_STRATEGY_REMOTES_DEVICES, HdmiConfig.DEVICE_POLLING_RETRY); return true; } private void allocateDevices(List addresses) { for (Integer i : addresses) { DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo(i); mDevices.add(info); } } private void startPhysicalAddressStage() { Slog.v(TAG, "Start [Physical Address Stage]:" + mDevices.size()); mProcessedDeviceCount = 0; mState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; checkAndProceedStage(); } private boolean verifyValidLogicalAddress(int address) { return address >= Constants.ADDR_TV && address < Constants.ADDR_UNREGISTERED; } private void queryPhysicalAddress(int address) { if (!verifyValidLogicalAddress(address)) { checkAndProceedStage(); return; } mActionTimer.clearTimerMessage(); // Check cache first and send request if not exist. if (mayProcessMessageIfCached(address, Constants.MESSAGE_REPORT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)) { return; } sendCommand(HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildGivePhysicalAddress(getSourceAddress(), address)); addTimer(mState, HdmiConfig.TIMEOUT_MS); } private void startOsdNameStage() { Slog.v(TAG, "Start [Osd Name Stage]:" + mDevices.size()); mProcessedDeviceCount = 0; mState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_OSD_NAME; checkAndProceedStage(); } private void queryOsdName(int address) { if (!verifyValidLogicalAddress(address)) { checkAndProceedStage(); return; } mActionTimer.clearTimerMessage(); if (mayProcessMessageIfCached(address, Constants.MESSAGE_SET_OSD_NAME)) { return; } sendCommand(HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildGiveOsdNameCommand(getSourceAddress(), address)); addTimer(mState, HdmiConfig.TIMEOUT_MS); } private void startVendorIdStage() { Slog.v(TAG, "Start [Vendor Id Stage]:" + mDevices.size()); mProcessedDeviceCount = 0; mState = STATE_WAITING_FOR_VENDOR_ID; checkAndProceedStage(); } private void queryVendorId(int address) { if (!verifyValidLogicalAddress(address)) { checkAndProceedStage(); return; } mActionTimer.clearTimerMessage(); if (mayProcessMessageIfCached(address, Constants.MESSAGE_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID)) { return; } sendCommand( HdmiCecMessageBuilder.buildGiveDeviceVendorIdCommand(getSourceAddress(), address)); addTimer(mState, HdmiConfig.TIMEOUT_MS); } private boolean mayProcessMessageIfCached(int address, int opcode) { HdmiCecMessage message = getCecMessageCache().getMessage(address, opcode); if (message != null) { processCommand(message); return true; } return false; } @Override boolean processCommand(HdmiCecMessage cmd) { switch (mState) { case STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS: if (cmd.getOpcode() == Constants.MESSAGE_REPORT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) { handleReportPhysicalAddress(cmd); return true; } return false; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_OSD_NAME: if (cmd.getOpcode() == Constants.MESSAGE_SET_OSD_NAME) { handleSetOsdName(cmd); return true; } return false; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_VENDOR_ID: if (cmd.getOpcode() == Constants.MESSAGE_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID) { handleVendorId(cmd); return true; } return false; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_DEVICE_POLLING: // Fall through. default: return false; } } private void handleReportPhysicalAddress(HdmiCecMessage cmd) { Preconditions.checkState(mProcessedDeviceCount < mDevices.size()); DeviceInfo current = mDevices.get(mProcessedDeviceCount); if (current.mLogicalAddress != cmd.getSource()) { Slog.w(TAG, "Unmatched address[expected:" + current.mLogicalAddress + ", actual:" + cmd.getSource()); return; } byte params[] = cmd.getParams(); current.mPhysicalAddress = HdmiUtils.twoBytesToInt(params); current.mPortId = getPortId(current.mPhysicalAddress); current.mDeviceType = params[2] & 0xFF; tv().updateCecSwitchInfo(current.mLogicalAddress, current.mDeviceType, current.mPhysicalAddress); increaseProcessedDeviceCount(); checkAndProceedStage(); } private int getPortId(int physicalAddress) { return tv().getPortId(physicalAddress); } private void handleSetOsdName(HdmiCecMessage cmd) { Preconditions.checkState(mProcessedDeviceCount < mDevices.size()); DeviceInfo current = mDevices.get(mProcessedDeviceCount); if (current.mLogicalAddress != cmd.getSource()) { Slog.w(TAG, "Unmatched address[expected:" + current.mLogicalAddress + ", actual:" + cmd.getSource()); return; } String displayName = null; try { displayName = new String(cmd.getParams(), "US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to decode display name: " + cmd.toString()); // If failed to get display name, use the default name of device. displayName = HdmiUtils.getDefaultDeviceName(current.mLogicalAddress); } current.mDisplayName = displayName; increaseProcessedDeviceCount(); checkAndProceedStage(); } private void handleVendorId(HdmiCecMessage cmd) { Preconditions.checkState(mProcessedDeviceCount < mDevices.size()); DeviceInfo current = mDevices.get(mProcessedDeviceCount); if (current.mLogicalAddress != cmd.getSource()) { Slog.w(TAG, "Unmatched address[expected:" + current.mLogicalAddress + ", actual:" + cmd.getSource()); return; } byte[] params = cmd.getParams(); int vendorId = HdmiUtils.threeBytesToInt(params); current.mVendorId = vendorId; increaseProcessedDeviceCount(); checkAndProceedStage(); } private void increaseProcessedDeviceCount() { mProcessedDeviceCount++; } private void removeDevice(int index) { mDevices.remove(index); } private void wrapUpAndFinish() { Slog.v(TAG, "---------Wrap up Device Discovery:[" + mDevices.size() + "]---------"); ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeviceInfo info : mDevices) { HdmiDeviceInfo cecDeviceInfo = info.toHdmiDeviceInfo(); Slog.v(TAG, " DeviceInfo: " + cecDeviceInfo); result.add(cecDeviceInfo); } Slog.v(TAG, "--------------------------------------------"); mCallback.onDeviceDiscoveryDone(result); finish(); } private void checkAndProceedStage() { if (mDevices.isEmpty()) { wrapUpAndFinish(); return; } // If finished current stage, move on to next stage. if (mProcessedDeviceCount == mDevices.size()) { mProcessedDeviceCount = 0; switch (mState) { case STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS: startOsdNameStage(); return; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_OSD_NAME: startVendorIdStage(); return; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_VENDOR_ID: wrapUpAndFinish(); return; default: return; } } else { int address = mDevices.get(mProcessedDeviceCount).mLogicalAddress; switch (mState) { case STATE_WAITING_FOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS: queryPhysicalAddress(address); return; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_OSD_NAME: queryOsdName(address); return; case STATE_WAITING_FOR_VENDOR_ID: queryVendorId(address); default: return; } } } @Override void handleTimerEvent(int state) { if (mState == STATE_NONE || mState != state) { return; } Slog.v(TAG, "Timeout[State=" + mState + ", Processed=" + mProcessedDeviceCount); removeDevice(mProcessedDeviceCount); checkAndProceedStage(); } }