# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file. option java_package com.android.server.am 2719 configuration_changed (config mask|1|5) 2721 cpu (total|1|6),(user|1|6),(system|1|6),(iowait|1|6),(irq|1|6),(softirq|1|6) # ActivityManagerService.systemReady() starts: 3040 boot_progress_ams_ready (time|2|3) # ActivityManagerService calls enableScreenAfterBoot(): 3050 boot_progress_enable_screen (time|2|3) # Do not change these names without updating the checkin_events setting in # google3/googledata/wireless/android/provisioning/gservices.config !! # # An activity is being finished: 30001 am_finish_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3) # A task is being brought to the front of the screen: 30002 am_task_to_front (Task|1|5) # An existing activity is being given a new intent: 30003 am_new_intent (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5) # A new task is being created: 30004 am_create_task (Task ID|1|5) # A new activity is being created in an existing task: 30005 am_create_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5) # An activity has been resumed into the foreground but was not already running: 30006 am_restart_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3) # An activity has been resumed and is now in the foreground: 30007 am_resume_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3) # Application Not Responding 30008 am_anr (pid|1|5),(Package Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(reason|3) # Activity launch time 30009 activity_launch_time (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(time|2|3) # Application process bound to work 30010 am_proc_bound (PID|1|5),(Process Name|3) # Application process died 30011 am_proc_died (PID|1|5),(Process Name|3) # The Activity Manager failed to pause the given activity. 30012 am_failed_to_pause (Token|1|5),(Wanting to pause|3),(Currently pausing|3) # Attempting to pause the current activity 30013 am_pause_activity (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3) # Application process has been started 30014 am_proc_start (PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Type|3),(Component|3) # An application process has been marked as bad 30015 am_proc_bad (UID|1|5),(Process Name|3) # An application process that was bad is now marked as good 30016 am_proc_good (UID|1|5),(Process Name|3) # Reporting to applications that memory is low 30017 am_low_memory (Num Processes|1|1) # An activity is being destroyed: 30018 am_destroy_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3) # An activity has been relaunched, resumed, and is now in the foreground: 30019 am_relaunch_resume_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3) # An activity has been relaunched: 30020 am_relaunch_activity (Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3) # The activity's onPause has been called. 30021 am_on_paused_called (Component Name|3) # The activity's onResume has been called. 30022 am_on_resume_called (Component Name|3) # Kill a process to reclaim memory. 30023 am_kill (PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(OomAdj|1|5),(Reason|3) # Discard an undelivered serialized broadcast (timeout/ANR/crash) 30024 am_broadcast_discard_filter (Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(BroadcastFilter|1|5) 30025 am_broadcast_discard_app (Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(App|3) # A service is being created 30030 am_create_service (Service Record|1|5),(Name|3),(Intent|3),(PID|1|5) # A service is being destroyed 30031 am_destroy_service (Service Record|1|5),(Name|3),(PID|1|5) # A process has crashed too many times, it is being cleared 30032 am_process_crashed_too_much (Name|3),(PID|1|5) # An unknown process is trying to attach to the activity manager 30033 am_drop_process (PID|1|5) # A service has crashed too many times, it is being stopped 30034 am_service_crashed_too_much (Crash Count|1|1),(Component Name|3),(PID|1|5) # A service is going to be restarted after its process went away 30035 am_schedule_service_restart (Component Name|3),(Time|2|3) # A client was waiting for a content provider, but its process was lost 30036 am_provider_lost_process (Package Name|3),(UID|1|5),(Name|3) # The activity manager gave up on a new process taking too long to start 30037 am_process_start_timeout (PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3) # Unhandled exception 30039 am_crash (PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Exception|3),(Message|3),(File|3),(Line|1|5) # Log.wtf() called 30040 am_wtf (PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Tag|3),(Message|3)