/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.connectivity; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.InterfaceConfiguration; import android.net.IConnectivityManager; import android.net.INetworkManagementEventObserver; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.NetworkUtils; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.INetworkManagementService; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.util.HierarchicalState; import com.android.internal.util.HierarchicalStateMachine; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; /** * @hide * * Timeout * * TODO - look for parent classes and code sharing */ public class Tethering extends INetworkManagementEventObserver.Stub { private Context mContext; private final String TAG = "Tethering"; private boolean mBooted = false; //used to remember if we got connected before boot finished private boolean mDeferedUsbConnection = false; // TODO - remove both of these - should be part of interface inspection/selection stuff private String[] mTetherableUsbRegexs; private String[] mTetherableWifiRegexs; private String[] mUpstreamIfaceRegexs; private Looper mLooper; private HandlerThread mThread; private HashMap mIfaces; // all tethered/tetherable ifaces private BroadcastReceiver mStateReceiver; private static final String USB_NEAR_IFACE_ADDR = ""; private static final String USB_NETMASK = ""; // FYI - the default wifi is and private String[] mDhcpRange; private static final String DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE1_START = ""; private static final String DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE1_STOP = ""; private static final String DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE2_START = ""; private static final String DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE2_STOP = ""; private String[] mDnsServers; private static final String DNS_DEFAULT_SERVER1 = ""; private static final String DNS_DEFAULT_SERVER2 = ""; // resampled each time we turn on tethering - used as cache for settings/config-val private boolean mDunRequired; // configuration info - must use DUN apn on 3g private HierarchicalStateMachine mTetherMasterSM; private Notification mTetheredNotification; // whether we can tether is the && of these two - they come in as separate // broadcasts so track them so we can decide what to do when either changes private boolean mUsbMassStorageOff; // track the status of USB Mass Storage private boolean mUsbConnected; // track the status of USB connection public Tethering(Context context, Looper looper) { mContext = context; mLooper = looper; // register for notifications from NetworkManagement Service IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.registerObserver(this); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error registering observer :" + e); } mIfaces = new HashMap(); // make our own thread so we don't anr the system mThread = new HandlerThread("Tethering"); mThread.start(); mLooper = mThread.getLooper(); mTetherMasterSM = new TetherMasterSM("TetherMaster", mLooper); mTetherMasterSM.start(); mStateReceiver = new StateReceiver(); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(UsbManager.ACTION_USB_STATE); filter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED); mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter); filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNSHARED); filter.addDataScheme("file"); mContext.registerReceiver(mStateReceiver, filter); mUsbMassStorageOff = !Environment.MEDIA_SHARED.equals( Environment.getExternalStorageState()); mDhcpRange = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_tether_dhcp_range); if ((mDhcpRange.length == 0) || (mDhcpRange.length % 2 ==1)) { mDhcpRange = new String[4]; mDhcpRange[0] = DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE1_START; mDhcpRange[1] = DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE1_STOP; mDhcpRange[2] = DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE2_START; mDhcpRange[3] = DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE2_STOP; } mDunRequired = false; // resample when we turn on mTetherableUsbRegexs = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_tether_usb_regexs); mTetherableWifiRegexs = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_tether_wifi_regexs); mUpstreamIfaceRegexs = context.getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_tether_upstream_regexs); // TODO - remove and rely on real notifications of the current iface mDnsServers = new String[2]; mDnsServers[0] = DNS_DEFAULT_SERVER1; mDnsServers[1] = DNS_DEFAULT_SERVER2; } public void interfaceLinkStatusChanged(String iface, boolean link) { Log.d(TAG, "interfaceLinkStatusChanged " + iface + ", " + link); boolean found = false; boolean usb = false; if (isWifi(iface)) { found = true; } else if (isUsb(iface)) { found = true; usb = true; } if (found == false) return; synchronized (mIfaces) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(iface); if (link) { if (sm == null) { sm = new TetherInterfaceSM(iface, mLooper, usb); mIfaces.put(iface, sm); sm.start(); } } else { if (sm != null) { sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN); mIfaces.remove(iface); } } } } private boolean isUsb(String iface) { for (String regex : mTetherableUsbRegexs) { if (iface.matches(regex)) return true; } return false; } public boolean isWifi(String iface) { for (String regex : mTetherableWifiRegexs) { if (iface.matches(regex)) return true; } return false; } public void interfaceAdded(String iface) { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); boolean found = false; boolean usb = false; if (isWifi(iface)) { found = true; } if (isUsb(iface)) { found = true; usb = true; } if (found == false) { Log.d(TAG, iface + " is not a tetherable iface, ignoring"); return; } synchronized (mIfaces) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(iface); if (sm != null) { Log.e(TAG, "active iface (" + iface + ") reported as added, ignoring"); return; } sm = new TetherInterfaceSM(iface, mLooper, usb); mIfaces.put(iface, sm); sm.start(); } Log.d(TAG, "interfaceAdded :" + iface); } public void interfaceRemoved(String iface) { synchronized (mIfaces) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(iface); if (sm == null) { Log.e(TAG, "attempting to remove unknown iface (" + iface + "), ignoring"); return; } sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN); mIfaces.remove(iface); } } public int tether(String iface) { Log.d(TAG, "Tethering " + iface); TetherInterfaceSM sm = null; synchronized (mIfaces) { sm = mIfaces.get(iface); } if (sm == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Tether an unknown iface :" + iface + ", ignoring"); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE; } if (!sm.isAvailable() && !sm.isErrored()) { Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Tether an unavailable iface :" + iface + ", ignoring"); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE; } sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } public int untether(String iface) { Log.d(TAG, "Untethering " + iface); TetherInterfaceSM sm = null; synchronized (mIfaces) { sm = mIfaces.get(iface); } if (sm == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Untether an unknown iface :" + iface + ", ignoring"); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE; } if (sm.isErrored()) { Log.e(TAG, "Tried to Untethered an errored iface :" + iface + ", ignoring"); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNAVAIL_IFACE; } sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR; } public int getLastTetherError(String iface) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = null; synchronized (mIfaces) { sm = mIfaces.get(iface); } if (sm == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Tried to getLastTetherError on an unknown iface :" + iface + ", ignoring"); return ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_IFACE; } return sm.getLastError(); } private void sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast() { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); IConnectivityManager service = IConnectivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b); try { if (!service.isTetheringSupported()) return; } catch (RemoteException e) { return; } ArrayList availableList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList activeList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList erroredList = new ArrayList(); boolean wifiTethered = false; boolean usbTethered = false; synchronized (mIfaces) { Set ifaces = mIfaces.keySet(); for (Object iface : ifaces) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(iface); if (sm != null) { if(sm.isErrored()) { erroredList.add((String)iface); } else if (sm.isAvailable()) { availableList.add((String)iface); } else if (sm.isTethered()) { if (isUsb((String)iface)) { usbTethered = true; } else if (isWifi((String)iface)) { wifiTethered = true; } activeList.add((String)iface); } } } } Intent broadcast = new Intent(ConnectivityManager.ACTION_TETHER_STATE_CHANGED); broadcast.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); broadcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_TETHER, availableList); broadcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ACTIVE_TETHER, activeList); broadcast.putStringArrayListExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_ERRORED_TETHER, erroredList); mContext.sendStickyBroadcast(broadcast); Log.d(TAG, "sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast " + availableList.size() + ", " + activeList.size() + ", " + erroredList.size()); if (usbTethered) { if (wifiTethered) { showTetheredNotification(com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_sys_tether_general); } else { showTetheredNotification(com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_sys_tether_usb); } } else if (wifiTethered) { showTetheredNotification(com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_sys_tether_wifi); } else { clearTetheredNotification(); } } private void showTetheredNotification(int icon) { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if (notificationManager == null) { return; } if (mTetheredNotification != null) { if (mTetheredNotification.icon == icon) { return; } notificationManager.cancel(mTetheredNotification.icon); } Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClassName("com.android.settings", "com.android.settings.TetherSettings"); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, 0); Resources r = Resources.getSystem(); CharSequence title = r.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.tethered_notification_title); CharSequence message = r.getText(com.android.internal.R.string. tethered_notification_message); if(mTetheredNotification == null) { mTetheredNotification = new Notification(); mTetheredNotification.when = 0; } mTetheredNotification.icon = icon; mTetheredNotification.defaults &= ~Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND; mTetheredNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT; mTetheredNotification.tickerText = title; mTetheredNotification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, title, message, pi); notificationManager.notify(mTetheredNotification.icon, mTetheredNotification); } private void clearTetheredNotification() { NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if (notificationManager != null && mTetheredNotification != null) { notificationManager.cancel(mTetheredNotification.icon); mTetheredNotification = null; } } private void updateUsbStatus() { boolean enable = mUsbConnected && mUsbMassStorageOff; if (mBooted) { enableUsbIfaces(enable); } } private class StateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public void onReceive(Context content, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(UsbManager.ACTION_USB_STATE)) { mUsbConnected = intent.getExtras().getBoolean(UsbManager.USB_CONNECTED); updateUsbStatus(); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED)) { mUsbMassStorageOff = false; updateUsbStatus(); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNSHARED)) { mUsbMassStorageOff = true; updateUsbStatus(); } else if (action.equals(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) { mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED)) { mBooted = true; updateUsbStatus(); } } } // used on cable insert/remove private void enableUsbIfaces(boolean enable) { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); String[] ifaces = new String[0]; try { ifaces = service.listInterfaces(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error listing Interfaces :" + e); return; } for (String iface : ifaces) { if (isUsb(iface)) { if (enable) { interfaceAdded(iface); } else { interfaceRemoved(iface); } } } } // toggled when we enter/leave the fully teathered state private boolean enableUsbRndis(boolean enabled) { Log.d(TAG, "enableUsbRndis(" + enabled + ")"); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { if (enabled) { synchronized (this) { if (!service.isUsbRNDISStarted()) { service.startUsbRNDIS(); } } } else { if (service.isUsbRNDISStarted()) { service.stopUsbRNDIS(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error toggling usb RNDIS :" + e); return false; } return true; } // configured when we start tethering and unconfig'd on error or conclusion private boolean configureUsbIface(boolean enabled) { Log.d(TAG, "configureUsbIface(" + enabled + ")"); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); // bring toggle the interfaces String[] ifaces = new String[0]; try { ifaces = service.listInterfaces(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error listing Interfaces :" + e); return false; } for (String iface : ifaces) { if (isUsb(iface)) { InterfaceConfiguration ifcg = null; try { ifcg = service.getInterfaceConfig(iface); if (ifcg != null) { String[] addr = USB_NEAR_IFACE_ADDR.split("\\."); ifcg.ipAddr = (Integer.parseInt(addr[0]) << 24) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[1]) << 16) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[2]) << 8) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[3])); addr = USB_NETMASK.split("\\."); ifcg.netmask = (Integer.parseInt(addr[0]) << 24) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[1]) << 16) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[2]) << 8) + (Integer.parseInt(addr[3])); if (enabled) { ifcg.interfaceFlags = ifcg.interfaceFlags.replace("down", "up"); } else { ifcg.interfaceFlags = ifcg.interfaceFlags.replace("up", "down"); } ifcg.interfaceFlags = ifcg.interfaceFlags.replace("running", ""); ifcg.interfaceFlags = ifcg.interfaceFlags.replace(" "," "); service.setInterfaceConfig(iface, ifcg); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error configuring interface " + iface + ", :" + e); return false; } } } return true; } public String[] getTetherableUsbRegexs() { return mTetherableUsbRegexs; } public String[] getTetherableWifiRegexs() { return mTetherableWifiRegexs; } public String[] getUpstreamIfaceRegexs() { return mUpstreamIfaceRegexs; } public boolean isDunRequired() { boolean defaultVal = mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_tether_dun_required); boolean result = (Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.TETHER_DUN_REQUIRED, (defaultVal ? 1 : 0)) == 1); return result; } public String[] getTetheredIfaces() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); synchronized (mIfaces) { Set keys = mIfaces.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(key); if (sm.isTethered()) { list.add((String)key); } } } String[] retVal = new String[list.size()]; for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) { retVal[i] = list.get(i); } return retVal; } public String[] getTetherableIfaces() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); synchronized (mIfaces) { Set keys = mIfaces.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(key); if (sm.isAvailable()) { list.add((String)key); } } } String[] retVal = new String[list.size()]; for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) { retVal[i] = list.get(i); } return retVal; } public String[] getErroredIfaces() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); synchronized (mIfaces) { Set keys = mIfaces.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = mIfaces.get(key); if (sm.isErrored()) { list.add((String)key); } } } String[] retVal = new String[list.size()]; for (int i= 0; i< list.size(); i++) { retVal[i] = list.get(i); } return retVal; } class TetherInterfaceSM extends HierarchicalStateMachine { // notification from the master SM that it's not in tether mode static final int CMD_TETHER_MODE_DEAD = 1; // request from the user that it wants to tether static final int CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED = 2; // request from the user that it wants to untether static final int CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED = 3; // notification that this interface is down static final int CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN = 4; // notification that this interface is up static final int CMD_INTERFACE_UP = 5; // notification from the master SM that it had an error turning on cellular dun static final int CMD_CELL_DUN_ERROR = 6; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble enabling IP Forwarding static final int CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR = 7; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble disabling IP Forwarding static final int CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR = 8; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble staring tethering static final int CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR = 9; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble stopping tethering static final int CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR = 10; // notification from the master SM that it had trouble setting the DNS forwarders static final int CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR = 11; // the upstream connection has changed static final int CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED = 12; private HierarchicalState mDefaultState; private HierarchicalState mInitialState; private HierarchicalState mStartingState; private HierarchicalState mTetheredState; private HierarchicalState mUnavailableState; private boolean mAvailable; private boolean mTethered; int mLastError; String mIfaceName; String mMyUpstreamIfaceName; // may change over time boolean mUsb; TetherInterfaceSM(String name, Looper looper, boolean usb) { super(name, looper); mIfaceName = name; mUsb = usb; setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR); mInitialState = new InitialState(); addState(mInitialState); mStartingState = new StartingState(); addState(mStartingState); mTetheredState = new TetheredState(); addState(mTetheredState); mUnavailableState = new UnavailableState(); addState(mUnavailableState); setInitialState(mInitialState); } public String toString() { String res = new String(); res += mIfaceName + " - "; HierarchicalState current = getCurrentState(); if (current == mInitialState) res += "InitialState"; if (current == mStartingState) res += "StartingState"; if (current == mTetheredState) res += "TetheredState"; if (current == mUnavailableState) res += "UnavailableState"; if (mAvailable) res += " - Available"; if (mTethered) res += " - Tethered"; res += " - lastError =" + mLastError; return res; } public synchronized int getLastError() { return mLastError; } private synchronized void setLastError(int error) { mLastError = error; if (isErrored()) { if (mUsb) { // note everything's been unwound by this point so nothing to do on // further error.. Tethering.this.configureUsbIface(false); } } } // synchronized between this getter and the following setter public synchronized boolean isAvailable() { return mAvailable; } private synchronized void setAvailable(boolean available) { mAvailable = available; } // synchronized between this getter and the following setter public synchronized boolean isTethered() { return mTethered; } private synchronized void setTethered(boolean tethered) { mTethered = tethered; } // synchronized between this getter and the following setter public synchronized boolean isErrored() { return (mLastError != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR); } class InitialState extends HierarchicalState { @Override public void enter() { setAvailable(true); setTethered(false); sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast(); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { Log.d(TAG, "InitialState.processMessage what=" + message.what); boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_REQUESTED: setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR); mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_TETHER_MODE_REQUESTED, TetherInterfaceSM.this); transitionTo(mStartingState); break; case CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN: transitionTo(mUnavailableState); break; default: retValue = false; break; } return retValue; } } class StartingState extends HierarchicalState { @Override public void enter() { setAvailable(false); if (mUsb) { if (!Tethering.this.configureUsbIface(true)) { mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED, TetherInterfaceSM.this); setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_IFACE_CFG_ERROR); transitionTo(mInitialState); return; } } sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast(); // Skipping StartingState transitionTo(mTetheredState); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { Log.d(TAG, "StartingState.processMessage what=" + message.what); boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { // maybe a parent class? case CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED: mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED, TetherInterfaceSM.this); if (mUsb) { if (!Tethering.this.configureUsbIface(false)) { setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_IFACE_CFG_ERROR); break; } } transitionTo(mInitialState); break; case CMD_CELL_DUN_ERROR: case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR: case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR: case CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR: setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR); break; case CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN: mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED, TetherInterfaceSM.this); transitionTo(mUnavailableState); break; default: retValue = false; } return retValue; } } class TetheredState extends HierarchicalState { @Override public void enter() { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.tetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_TETHER_IFACE_ERROR); transitionTo(mInitialState); return; } if (mUsb) Tethering.this.enableUsbRndis(true); Log.d(TAG, "Tethered " + mIfaceName); setAvailable(false); setTethered(true); sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast(); } @Override public void exit() { if (mUsb) Tethering.this.enableUsbRndis(false); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { Log.d(TAG, "TetheredState.processMessage what=" + message.what); boolean retValue = true; boolean error = false; switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED: case CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN: IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); if (mMyUpstreamIfaceName != null) { try { service.disableNat(mIfaceName, mMyUpstreamIfaceName); mMyUpstreamIfaceName = null; } catch (Exception e) { try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception ee) {} setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_DISABLE_NAT_ERROR); break; } } try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNTETHER_IFACE_ERROR); break; } mTetherMasterSM.sendMessage(TetherMasterSM.CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED, TetherInterfaceSM.this); if (message.what == CMD_TETHER_UNREQUESTED) { if (mUsb) { if (!Tethering.this.configureUsbIface(false)) { setLastError( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_IFACE_CFG_ERROR); } } transitionTo(mInitialState); } else if (message.what == CMD_INTERFACE_DOWN) { transitionTo(mUnavailableState); } Log.d(TAG, "Untethered " + mIfaceName); break; case CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED: String newUpstreamIfaceName = (String)(message.obj); b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); if (mMyUpstreamIfaceName != null) { try { service.disableNat(mIfaceName, mMyUpstreamIfaceName); mMyUpstreamIfaceName = null; } catch (Exception e) { try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception ee) {} setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_DISABLE_NAT_ERROR); break; } } if (newUpstreamIfaceName != null) { try { service.enableNat(mIfaceName, newUpstreamIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception ee) {} setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_ENABLE_NAT_ERROR); transitionTo(mInitialState); return true; } } mMyUpstreamIfaceName = newUpstreamIfaceName; break; case CMD_CELL_DUN_ERROR: case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR: case CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR: case CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR: case CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR: error = true; // fall through case CMD_TETHER_MODE_DEAD: b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); if (mMyUpstreamIfaceName != null) { try { service.disableNat(mIfaceName, mMyUpstreamIfaceName); mMyUpstreamIfaceName = null; } catch (Exception e) { try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception ee) {} setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_DISABLE_NAT_ERROR); break; } } try { service.untetherInterface(mIfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_UNTETHER_IFACE_ERROR); break; } if (error) { setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState( ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_MASTER_ERROR); break; } Log.d(TAG, "Tether lost upstream connection " + mIfaceName); sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast(); if (mUsb) { if (!Tethering.this.configureUsbIface(false)) { setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_IFACE_CFG_ERROR); } } transitionTo(mInitialState); break; default: retValue = false; break; } return retValue; } } class UnavailableState extends HierarchicalState { @Override public void enter() { setAvailable(false); setLastError(ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR); setTethered(false); sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast(); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { case CMD_INTERFACE_UP: transitionTo(mInitialState); break; default: retValue = false; break; } return retValue; } } void setLastErrorAndTransitionToInitialState(int error) { setLastError(error); transitionTo(mInitialState); } } class TetherMasterSM extends HierarchicalStateMachine { // an interface SM has requested Tethering static final int CMD_TETHER_MODE_REQUESTED = 1; // an interface SM has unrequested Tethering static final int CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED = 2; // upstream connection change - do the right thing static final int CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED = 3; // we received notice that the cellular DUN connection is up static final int CMD_CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW = 4; // we don't have a valid upstream conn, check again after a delay static final int CMD_RETRY_UPSTREAM = 5; // This indicates what a timeout event relates to. A state that // sends itself a delayed timeout event and handles incoming timeout events // should inc this when it is entered and whenever it sends a new timeout event. // We do not flush the old ones. private int mSequenceNumber; private HierarchicalState mInitialState; private HierarchicalState mTetherModeAliveState; private HierarchicalState mSetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState; private HierarchicalState mSetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState; private HierarchicalState mStartTetheringErrorState; private HierarchicalState mStopTetheringErrorState; private HierarchicalState mSetDnsForwardersErrorState; private ArrayList mNotifyList; private boolean mConnectionRequested = false; private String mUpstreamIfaceName = null; private static final int UPSTREAM_SETTLE_TIME_MS = 10000; private static final int CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW_MS = 40000; TetherMasterSM(String name, Looper looper) { super(name, looper); //Add states mInitialState = new InitialState(); addState(mInitialState); mTetherModeAliveState = new TetherModeAliveState(); addState(mTetherModeAliveState); mSetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState = new SetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState(); addState(mSetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState); mSetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState = new SetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState(); addState(mSetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState); mStartTetheringErrorState = new StartTetheringErrorState(); addState(mStartTetheringErrorState); mStopTetheringErrorState = new StopTetheringErrorState(); addState(mStopTetheringErrorState); mSetDnsForwardersErrorState = new SetDnsForwardersErrorState(); addState(mSetDnsForwardersErrorState); mNotifyList = new ArrayList(); setInitialState(mInitialState); } class TetherMasterUtilState extends HierarchicalState { protected final static boolean TRY_TO_SETUP_MOBILE_CONNECTION = true; protected final static boolean WAIT_FOR_NETWORK_TO_SETTLE = false; @Override public boolean processMessage(Message m) { return false; } protected int turnOnMobileConnection() { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); IConnectivityManager service = IConnectivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b); int retValue = Phone.APN_REQUEST_FAILED; try { retValue = service.startUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, (mDunRequired ? Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_DUN : Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_HIPRI), new Binder()); } catch (Exception e) { } switch (retValue) { case Phone.APN_ALREADY_ACTIVE: case Phone.APN_REQUEST_STARTED: sendMessageDelayed(CMD_CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW, CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW_MS); mConnectionRequested = true; break; case Phone.APN_REQUEST_FAILED: default: mConnectionRequested = false; break; } return retValue; } protected boolean turnOffMobileConnection() { if (mConnectionRequested) { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); IConnectivityManager service = IConnectivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.stopUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, (mDunRequired? Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_DUN : Phone.FEATURE_ENABLE_HIPRI)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } mConnectionRequested = false; } return true; } protected boolean turnOnMasterTetherSettings() { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.setIpForwardingEnabled(true); } catch (Exception e) { transitionTo(mSetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState); return false; } try { service.startTethering(mDhcpRange); } catch (Exception e) { transitionTo(mStartTetheringErrorState); return false; } try { service.setDnsForwarders(mDnsServers); } catch (Exception e) { transitionTo(mSetDnsForwardersErrorState); return false; } return true; } protected boolean turnOffMasterTetherSettings() { IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.stopTethering(); } catch (Exception e) { transitionTo(mStopTetheringErrorState); return false; } try { service.setIpForwardingEnabled(false); } catch (Exception e) { transitionTo(mSetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState); return false; } transitionTo(mInitialState); return true; } protected String findActiveUpstreamIface() { // check for what iface we can use - if none found switch to error. IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); String[] ifaces = new String[0]; try { ifaces = service.listInterfaces(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error listing Interfaces :" + e); return null; } for (String iface : ifaces) { for (String regex : mUpstreamIfaceRegexs) { if (iface.matches(regex)) { // verify it is up! InterfaceConfiguration ifcg = null; try { ifcg = service.getInterfaceConfig(iface); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting iface config :" + e); // ignore - try next continue; } if (ifcg.interfaceFlags.contains("up")) { return iface; } } } } return null; } protected void chooseUpstreamType(boolean tryCell) { // decide if the current upstream is good or not and if not // do something about it (start up DUN if required or HiPri if not) String iface = findActiveUpstreamIface(); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); IConnectivityManager cm = IConnectivityManager.Stub.asInterface(b); mConnectionRequested = false; Log.d(TAG, "chooseUpstreamType(" + tryCell + "), dunRequired =" + mDunRequired + ", iface=" + iface); if (iface != null) { try { if (mDunRequired) { // check if Dun is on - we can use that NetworkInfo info = cm.getNetworkInfo( ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_DUN); if (info.isConnected()) { Log.d(TAG, "setting dun ifacename =" + iface); // even if we're already connected - it may be somebody else's // refcount, so add our own turnOnMobileConnection(); } else { // verify the iface is not the default mobile - can't use that! info = cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE); if (info.isConnected()) { iface = null; // can't accept this one } } } else { Log.d(TAG, "checking if hipri brought us this connection"); NetworkInfo info = cm.getNetworkInfo( ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI); if (info.isConnected()) { Log.d(TAG, "yes - hipri in use"); // even if we're already connected - it may be sombody else's // refcount, so add our own turnOnMobileConnection(); } } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException calling ConnectivityManager " + e); iface = null; } } // may have been set to null in the if above if (iface == null ) { if (tryCell == TRY_TO_SETUP_MOBILE_CONNECTION) { turnOnMobileConnection(); } // wait for things to settle and retry sendMessageDelayed(CMD_RETRY_UPSTREAM, UPSTREAM_SETTLE_TIME_MS); } notifyTetheredOfNewUpstreamIface(iface); } protected void notifyTetheredOfNewUpstreamIface(String ifaceName) { Log.d(TAG, "notifying tethered with iface =" + ifaceName); mUpstreamIfaceName = ifaceName; for (Object o : mNotifyList) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = (TetherInterfaceSM)o; sm.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED, ifaceName); } } } class InitialState extends TetherMasterUtilState { @Override public void enter() { mConnectionRequested = false; } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { Log.d(TAG, "MasterInitialState.processMessage what=" + message.what); boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_MODE_REQUESTED: mDunRequired = isDunRequired(); TetherInterfaceSM who = (TetherInterfaceSM)message.obj; Log.d(TAG, "Tether Mode requested by " + who.toString()); mNotifyList.add(who); transitionTo(mTetherModeAliveState); break; case CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED: who = (TetherInterfaceSM)message.obj; Log.d(TAG, "Tether Mode unrequested by " + who.toString()); int index = mNotifyList.indexOf(who); if (index != -1) { mNotifyList.remove(who); } break; default: retValue = false; break; } return retValue; } } class TetherModeAliveState extends TetherMasterUtilState { boolean mTryCell = WAIT_FOR_NETWORK_TO_SETTLE; @Override public void enter() { mTryCell = WAIT_FOR_NETWORK_TO_SETTLE; // first pass lets just see what we have. chooseUpstreamType(mTryCell); mTryCell = !mTryCell; turnOnMasterTetherSettings(); // may transition us out } @Override public void exit() { turnOffMobileConnection(); notifyTetheredOfNewUpstreamIface(null); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { Log.d(TAG, "TetherModeAliveState.processMessage what=" + message.what); boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_MODE_REQUESTED: TetherInterfaceSM who = (TetherInterfaceSM)message.obj; mNotifyList.add(who); who.sendMessage(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_TETHER_CONNECTION_CHANGED, mUpstreamIfaceName); break; case CMD_TETHER_MODE_UNREQUESTED: who = (TetherInterfaceSM)message.obj; int index = mNotifyList.indexOf(who); if (index != -1) { mNotifyList.remove(index); if (mNotifyList.isEmpty()) { turnOffMasterTetherSettings(); // transitions appropriately } } break; case CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED: mTryCell = WAIT_FOR_NETWORK_TO_SETTLE; chooseUpstreamType(mTryCell); mTryCell = !mTryCell; break; case CMD_CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW: // make sure we're still using a requested connection - may have found // wifi or something since then. if (mConnectionRequested) { Log.d(TAG, "renewing mobile connection - requeuing for another " + CELL_CONNECTION_RENEW_MS + "ms"); turnOnMobileConnection(); } break; case CMD_RETRY_UPSTREAM: chooseUpstreamType(mTryCell); mTryCell = !mTryCell; break; default: retValue = false; break; } return retValue; } } class ErrorState extends HierarchicalState { int mErrorNotification; @Override public boolean processMessage(Message message) { boolean retValue = true; switch (message.what) { case CMD_TETHER_MODE_REQUESTED: TetherInterfaceSM who = (TetherInterfaceSM)message.obj; who.sendMessage(mErrorNotification); break; default: retValue = false; } return retValue; } void notify(int msgType) { mErrorNotification = msgType; for (Object o : mNotifyList) { TetherInterfaceSM sm = (TetherInterfaceSM)o; sm.sendMessage(msgType); } } } class SetIpForwardingEnabledErrorState extends ErrorState { @Override public void enter() { Log.e(TAG, "Error in setIpForwardingEnabled"); notify(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_IP_FORWARDING_ENABLE_ERROR); } } class SetIpForwardingDisabledErrorState extends ErrorState { @Override public void enter() { Log.e(TAG, "Error in setIpForwardingDisabled"); notify(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLE_ERROR); } } class StartTetheringErrorState extends ErrorState { @Override public void enter() { Log.e(TAG, "Error in startTethering"); notify(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_START_TETHERING_ERROR); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.setIpForwardingEnabled(false); } catch (Exception e) {} } } class StopTetheringErrorState extends ErrorState { @Override public void enter() { Log.e(TAG, "Error in stopTethering"); notify(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_STOP_TETHERING_ERROR); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.setIpForwardingEnabled(false); } catch (Exception e) {} } } class SetDnsForwardersErrorState extends ErrorState { @Override public void enter() { Log.e(TAG, "Error in setDnsForwarders"); notify(TetherInterfaceSM.CMD_SET_DNS_FORWARDERS_ERROR); IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE); INetworkManagementService service = INetworkManagementService.Stub.asInterface(b); try { service.stopTethering(); } catch (Exception e) {} try { service.setIpForwardingEnabled(false); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission( android.Manifest.permission.DUMP) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump ConnectivityService.Tether " + "from from pid=" + Binder.getCallingPid() + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid()); return; } pw.println(); pw.println("Tether state:"); synchronized (mIfaces) { for (Object o : mIfaces.values()) { pw.println(" "+o.toString()); } } pw.println(); return; } }