/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wm; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.DEBUG_VISIBILITY; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.DEBUG_LAYOUT; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_COMPATIBLE_WINDOW; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_NO_MOVE_ANIMATION; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD; import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_WALLPAPER; import android.app.AppOpsManager; import android.os.RemoteCallbackList; import android.util.TimeUtils; import android.view.IWindowFocusObserver; import android.view.IWindowId; import com.android.server.input.InputWindowHandle; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Region; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.DisplayInfo; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.IApplicationToken; import android.view.IWindow; import android.view.InputChannel; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; class WindowList extends ArrayList { } /** * A window in the window manager. */ final class WindowState implements WindowManagerPolicy.WindowState { static final String TAG = "WindowState"; final WindowManagerService mService; final WindowManagerPolicy mPolicy; final Context mContext; final Session mSession; final IWindow mClient; final int mAppOp; // UserId and appId of the owner. Don't display windows of non-current user. final int mOwnerUid; final IWindowId mWindowId; WindowToken mToken; WindowToken mRootToken; AppWindowToken mAppToken; AppWindowToken mTargetAppToken; // mAttrs.flags is tested in animation without being locked. If the bits tested are ever // modified they will need to be locked. final WindowManager.LayoutParams mAttrs = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); final DeathRecipient mDeathRecipient; final WindowState mAttachedWindow; final WindowList mChildWindows = new WindowList(); final int mBaseLayer; final int mSubLayer; final boolean mLayoutAttached; final boolean mIsImWindow; final boolean mIsWallpaper; final boolean mIsFloatingLayer; int mSeq; boolean mEnforceSizeCompat; int mViewVisibility; int mSystemUiVisibility; boolean mPolicyVisibility = true; boolean mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim = true; boolean mAppOpVisibility = true; boolean mAppFreezing; boolean mAttachedHidden; // is our parent window hidden? boolean mWallpaperVisible; // for wallpaper, what was last vis report? RemoteCallbackList mFocusCallbacks; /** * The window size that was requested by the application. These are in * the application's coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied). */ int mRequestedWidth; int mRequestedHeight; int mLastRequestedWidth; int mLastRequestedHeight; int mLayer; boolean mHaveFrame; boolean mObscured; boolean mTurnOnScreen; int mLayoutSeq = -1; Configuration mConfiguration = null; // Sticky answer to isConfigChanged(), remains true until new Configuration is assigned. // Used only on {@link #TYPE_KEYGUARD}. private boolean mConfigHasChanged; /** * Actual frame shown on-screen (may be modified by animation). These * are in the screen's coordinate space (WITH the compatibility scale * applied). */ final RectF mShownFrame = new RectF(); /** * Insets that determine the actually visible area. These are in the application's * coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied). */ final Rect mVisibleInsets = new Rect(); final Rect mLastVisibleInsets = new Rect(); boolean mVisibleInsetsChanged; /** * Insets that are covered by system windows (such as the status bar) and * transient docking windows (such as the IME). These are in the application's * coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied). */ final Rect mContentInsets = new Rect(); final Rect mLastContentInsets = new Rect(); boolean mContentInsetsChanged; /** * Insets that determine the area covered by the display overscan region. These are in the * application's coordinate space (without compatibility scale applied). */ final Rect mOverscanInsets = new Rect(); final Rect mLastOverscanInsets = new Rect(); boolean mOverscanInsetsChanged; /** * Set to true if we are waiting for this window to receive its * given internal insets before laying out other windows based on it. */ boolean mGivenInsetsPending; /** * These are the content insets that were given during layout for * this window, to be applied to windows behind it. */ final Rect mGivenContentInsets = new Rect(); /** * These are the visible insets that were given during layout for * this window, to be applied to windows behind it. */ final Rect mGivenVisibleInsets = new Rect(); /** * This is the given touchable area relative to the window frame, or null if none. */ final Region mGivenTouchableRegion = new Region(); /** * Flag indicating whether the touchable region should be adjusted by * the visible insets; if false the area outside the visible insets is * NOT touchable, so we must use those to adjust the frame during hit * tests. */ int mTouchableInsets = ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME; /** * This is rectangle of the window's surface that is not covered by * system decorations. */ final Rect mSystemDecorRect = new Rect(); final Rect mLastSystemDecorRect = new Rect(); // Current transformation being applied. float mGlobalScale=1; float mInvGlobalScale=1; float mHScale=1, mVScale=1; float mLastHScale=1, mLastVScale=1; final Matrix mTmpMatrix = new Matrix(); // "Real" frame that the application sees, in display coordinate space. final Rect mFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mLastFrame = new Rect(); // Frame that is scaled to the application's coordinate space when in // screen size compatibility mode. final Rect mCompatFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mContainingFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mDisplayFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mOverscanFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mContentFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mParentFrame = new Rect(); final Rect mVisibleFrame = new Rect(); boolean mContentChanged; // If a window showing a wallpaper: the requested offset for the // wallpaper; if a wallpaper window: the currently applied offset. float mWallpaperX = -1; float mWallpaperY = -1; // If a window showing a wallpaper: what fraction of the offset // range corresponds to a full virtual screen. float mWallpaperXStep = -1; float mWallpaperYStep = -1; // Wallpaper windows: pixels offset based on above variables. int mXOffset; int mYOffset; /** * This is set after IWindowSession.relayout() has been called at * least once for the window. It allows us to detect the situation * where we don't yet have a surface, but should have one soon, so * we can give the window focus before waiting for the relayout. */ boolean mRelayoutCalled; /** * If the application has called relayout() with changes that can * impact its window's size, we need to perform a layout pass on it * even if it is not currently visible for layout. This is set * when in that case until the layout is done. */ boolean mLayoutNeeded; /** Currently running an exit animation? */ boolean mExiting; /** Currently on the mDestroySurface list? */ boolean mDestroying; /** Completely remove from window manager after exit animation? */ boolean mRemoveOnExit; /** * Set when the orientation is changing and this window has not yet * been updated for the new orientation. */ boolean mOrientationChanging; /** * How long we last kept the screen frozen. */ int mLastFreezeDuration; /** Is this window now (or just being) removed? */ boolean mRemoved; /** * Temp for keeping track of windows that have been removed when * rebuilding window list. */ boolean mRebuilding; // Input channel and input window handle used by the input dispatcher. final InputWindowHandle mInputWindowHandle; InputChannel mInputChannel; // Used to improve performance of toString() String mStringNameCache; CharSequence mLastTitle; boolean mWasExiting; final WindowStateAnimator mWinAnimator; boolean mHasSurface = false; DisplayContent mDisplayContent; /** When true this window can be displayed on screens owther than mOwnerUid's */ private boolean mShowToOwnerOnly; /** When true this window is at the top of the screen and should be layed out to extend under * the status bar */ boolean mUnderStatusBar = true; WindowState(WindowManagerService service, Session s, IWindow c, WindowToken token, WindowState attachedWindow, int appOp, int seq, WindowManager.LayoutParams a, int viewVisibility, final DisplayContent displayContent) { mService = service; mSession = s; mClient = c; mAppOp = appOp; mToken = token; mOwnerUid = s.mUid; mWindowId = new IWindowId.Stub() { @Override public void registerFocusObserver(IWindowFocusObserver observer) { WindowState.this.registerFocusObserver(observer); } @Override public void unregisterFocusObserver(IWindowFocusObserver observer) { WindowState.this.unregisterFocusObserver(observer); } @Override public boolean isFocused() { return WindowState.this.isFocused(); } }; mAttrs.copyFrom(a); mViewVisibility = viewVisibility; mDisplayContent = displayContent; mPolicy = mService.mPolicy; mContext = mService.mContext; DeathRecipient deathRecipient = new DeathRecipient(); mSeq = seq; mEnforceSizeCompat = (mAttrs.flags & PRIVATE_FLAG_COMPATIBLE_WINDOW) != 0; if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v( TAG, "Window " + this + " client=" + c.asBinder() + " token=" + token + " (" + mAttrs.token + ")" + " params=" + a); try { c.asBinder().linkToDeath(deathRecipient, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { mDeathRecipient = null; mAttachedWindow = null; mLayoutAttached = false; mIsImWindow = false; mIsWallpaper = false; mIsFloatingLayer = false; mBaseLayer = 0; mSubLayer = 0; mInputWindowHandle = null; mWinAnimator = null; return; } mDeathRecipient = deathRecipient; if ((mAttrs.type >= FIRST_SUB_WINDOW && mAttrs.type <= LAST_SUB_WINDOW)) { // The multiplier here is to reserve space for multiple // windows in the same type layer. mBaseLayer = mPolicy.windowTypeToLayerLw( attachedWindow.mAttrs.type) * WindowManagerService.TYPE_LAYER_MULTIPLIER + WindowManagerService.TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET; mSubLayer = mPolicy.subWindowTypeToLayerLw(a.type); mAttachedWindow = attachedWindow; if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG, "Adding " + this + " to " + mAttachedWindow); int children_size = mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.size(); if (children_size == 0) { mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.add(this); } else { for (int i = 0; i < children_size; i++) { WindowState child = (WindowState)mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.get(i); if (this.mSubLayer < child.mSubLayer) { mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.add(i, this); break; } else if (this.mSubLayer > child.mSubLayer) { continue; } if (this.mBaseLayer <= child.mBaseLayer) { mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.add(i, this); break; } else { continue; } } if (children_size == mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.size()) { mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.add(this); } } mLayoutAttached = mAttrs.type != WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ATTACHED_DIALOG; mIsImWindow = attachedWindow.mAttrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD || attachedWindow.mAttrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG; mIsWallpaper = attachedWindow.mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER; mIsFloatingLayer = mIsImWindow || mIsWallpaper; } else { // The multiplier here is to reserve space for multiple // windows in the same type layer. mBaseLayer = mPolicy.windowTypeToLayerLw(a.type) * WindowManagerService.TYPE_LAYER_MULTIPLIER + WindowManagerService.TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET; mSubLayer = 0; mAttachedWindow = null; mLayoutAttached = false; mIsImWindow = mAttrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD || mAttrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG; mIsWallpaper = mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER; mIsFloatingLayer = mIsImWindow || mIsWallpaper; } WindowState appWin = this; while (appWin.mAttachedWindow != null) { appWin = appWin.mAttachedWindow; } WindowToken appToken = appWin.mToken; while (appToken.appWindowToken == null) { WindowToken parent = mService.mTokenMap.get(appToken.token); if (parent == null || appToken == parent) { break; } appToken = parent; } mRootToken = appToken; mAppToken = appToken.appWindowToken; mWinAnimator = new WindowStateAnimator(this); mWinAnimator.mAlpha = a.alpha; mRequestedWidth = 0; mRequestedHeight = 0; mLastRequestedWidth = 0; mLastRequestedHeight = 0; mXOffset = 0; mYOffset = 0; mLayer = 0; mInputWindowHandle = new InputWindowHandle( mAppToken != null ? mAppToken.mInputApplicationHandle : null, this, displayContent.getDisplayId()); } void attach() { if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v( TAG, "Attaching " + this + " token=" + mToken + ", list=" + mToken.windows); mSession.windowAddedLocked(); } @Override public int getOwningUid() { return mOwnerUid; } @Override public String getOwningPackage() { return mAttrs.packageName; } @Override public void computeFrameLw(Rect pf, Rect df, Rect of, Rect cf, Rect vf) { mHaveFrame = true; TaskStack stack = mAppToken != null ? getStack() : null; if (stack != null && stack.hasSibling()) { mContainingFrame.set(getStackBounds(stack)); if (mUnderStatusBar) { mContainingFrame.top = pf.top; } } else { mContainingFrame.set(pf); } mDisplayFrame.set(df); final int pw = mContainingFrame.width(); final int ph = mContainingFrame.height(); int w,h; if ((mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0) { if (mAttrs.width < 0) { w = pw; } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { w = (int)(mAttrs.width * mGlobalScale + .5f); } else { w = mAttrs.width; } if (mAttrs.height < 0) { h = ph; } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { h = (int)(mAttrs.height * mGlobalScale + .5f); } else { h = mAttrs.height; } } else { if (mAttrs.width == WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { w = pw; } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { w = (int)(mRequestedWidth * mGlobalScale + .5f); } else { w = mRequestedWidth; } if (mAttrs.height == WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) { h = ph; } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { h = (int)(mRequestedHeight * mGlobalScale + .5f); } else { h = mRequestedHeight; } } if (!mParentFrame.equals(pf)) { //Slog.i(TAG, "Window " + this + " content frame from " + mParentFrame // + " to " + pf); mParentFrame.set(pf); mContentChanged = true; } if (mRequestedWidth != mLastRequestedWidth || mRequestedHeight != mLastRequestedHeight) { mLastRequestedWidth = mRequestedWidth; mLastRequestedHeight = mRequestedHeight; mContentChanged = true; } mOverscanFrame.set(of); mContentFrame.set(cf); mVisibleFrame.set(vf); final int fw = mFrame.width(); final int fh = mFrame.height(); //System.out.println("In: w=" + w + " h=" + h + " container=" + // container + " x=" + mAttrs.x + " y=" + mAttrs.y); float x, y; if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { x = mAttrs.x * mGlobalScale; y = mAttrs.y * mGlobalScale; } else { x = mAttrs.x; y = mAttrs.y; } Gravity.apply(mAttrs.gravity, w, h, mContainingFrame, (int) (x + mAttrs.horizontalMargin * pw), (int) (y + mAttrs.verticalMargin * ph), mFrame); //System.out.println("Out: " + mFrame); // Now make sure the window fits in the overall display. Gravity.applyDisplay(mAttrs.gravity, df, mFrame); // Make sure the content and visible frames are inside of the // final window frame. mContentFrame.set(Math.max(mContentFrame.left, mFrame.left), Math.max(mContentFrame.top, mFrame.top), Math.min(mContentFrame.right, mFrame.right), Math.min(mContentFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom)); mVisibleFrame.set(Math.max(mVisibleFrame.left, mFrame.left), Math.max(mVisibleFrame.top, mFrame.top), Math.min(mVisibleFrame.right, mFrame.right), Math.min(mVisibleFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom)); mOverscanInsets.set(Math.max(mOverscanFrame.left - mFrame.left, 0), Math.max(mOverscanFrame.top - mFrame.top, 0), Math.max(mFrame.right - mOverscanFrame.right, 0), Math.max(mFrame.bottom - mOverscanFrame.bottom, 0)); mContentInsets.set(mContentFrame.left - mFrame.left, mContentFrame.top - mFrame.top, mFrame.right - mContentFrame.right, mFrame.bottom - mContentFrame.bottom); mVisibleInsets.set(mVisibleFrame.left - mFrame.left, mVisibleFrame.top - mFrame.top, mFrame.right - mVisibleFrame.right, mFrame.bottom - mVisibleFrame.bottom); mCompatFrame.set(mFrame); if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { // If there is a size compatibility scale being applied to the // window, we need to apply this to its insets so that they are // reported to the app in its coordinate space. mOverscanInsets.scale(mInvGlobalScale); mContentInsets.scale(mInvGlobalScale); mVisibleInsets.scale(mInvGlobalScale); // Also the scaled frame that we report to the app needs to be // adjusted to be in its coordinate space. mCompatFrame.scale(mInvGlobalScale); } if (mIsWallpaper && (fw != mFrame.width() || fh != mFrame.height())) { final DisplayInfo displayInfo = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo(); mService.updateWallpaperOffsetLocked(this, displayInfo.logicalWidth, displayInfo.logicalHeight, false); } if (DEBUG_LAYOUT || WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Resolving (mRequestedWidth=" + mRequestedWidth + ", mRequestedheight=" + mRequestedHeight + ") to" + " (pw=" + pw + ", ph=" + ph + "): frame=" + mFrame.toShortString() + " ci=" + mContentInsets.toShortString() + " vi=" + mVisibleInsets.toShortString()); } @Override public Rect getFrameLw() { return mFrame; } @Override public RectF getShownFrameLw() { return mShownFrame; } @Override public Rect getDisplayFrameLw() { return mDisplayFrame; } @Override public Rect getOverscanFrameLw() { return mOverscanFrame; } @Override public Rect getContentFrameLw() { return mContentFrame; } @Override public Rect getVisibleFrameLw() { return mVisibleFrame; } @Override public boolean getGivenInsetsPendingLw() { return mGivenInsetsPending; } @Override public Rect getGivenContentInsetsLw() { return mGivenContentInsets; } @Override public Rect getGivenVisibleInsetsLw() { return mGivenVisibleInsets; } @Override public WindowManager.LayoutParams getAttrs() { return mAttrs; } @Override public boolean getNeedsMenuLw(WindowManagerPolicy.WindowState bottom) { int index = -1; WindowState ws = this; WindowList windows = getWindowList(); while (true) { if ((ws.mAttrs.privateFlags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_SET_NEEDS_MENU_KEY) != 0) { return (ws.mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NEEDS_MENU_KEY) != 0; } // If we reached the bottom of the range of windows we are considering, // assume no menu is needed. if (ws == bottom) { return false; } // The current window hasn't specified whether menu key is needed; // look behind it. // First, we may need to determine the starting position. if (index < 0) { index = windows.indexOf(ws); } index--; if (index < 0) { return false; } ws = windows.get(index); } } @Override public int getSystemUiVisibility() { return mSystemUiVisibility; } @Override public int getSurfaceLayer() { return mLayer; } @Override public IApplicationToken getAppToken() { return mAppToken != null ? mAppToken.appToken : null; } public int getDisplayId() { return mDisplayContent.getDisplayId(); } TaskStack getStack() { AppWindowToken wtoken = mAppToken == null ? mService.mFocusedApp : mAppToken; if (wtoken != null) { Task task = mService.mTaskIdToTask.get(wtoken.groupId); if (task != null) { return task.mStack; } } return mDisplayContent.getHomeStack(); } Rect getStackBounds() { return getStackBounds(getStack()); } private Rect getStackBounds(TaskStack stack) { if (stack != null) { return stack.mStackBox.mBounds; } return mFrame; } public long getInputDispatchingTimeoutNanos() { return mAppToken != null ? mAppToken.inputDispatchingTimeoutNanos : WindowManagerService.DEFAULT_INPUT_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT_NANOS; } @Override public boolean hasAppShownWindows() { return mAppToken != null && (mAppToken.firstWindowDrawn || mAppToken.startingDisplayed); } boolean isIdentityMatrix(float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy) { if (dsdx < .99999f || dsdx > 1.00001f) return false; if (dtdy < .99999f || dtdy > 1.00001f) return false; if (dtdx < -.000001f || dtdx > .000001f) return false; if (dsdy < -.000001f || dsdy > .000001f) return false; return true; } void prelayout() { if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { mGlobalScale = mService.mCompatibleScreenScale; mInvGlobalScale = 1/mGlobalScale; } else { mGlobalScale = mInvGlobalScale = 1; } } /** * Is this window visible? It is not visible if there is no * surface, or we are in the process of running an exit animation * that will remove the surface, or its app token has been hidden. */ @Override public boolean isVisibleLw() { final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; return mHasSurface && mPolicyVisibility && !mAttachedHidden && (atoken == null || !atoken.hiddenRequested) && !mExiting && !mDestroying; } /** * Like {@link #isVisibleLw}, but also counts a window that is currently * "hidden" behind the keyguard as visible. This allows us to apply * things like window flags that impact the keyguard. * XXX I am starting to think we need to have ANOTHER visibility flag * for this "hidden behind keyguard" state rather than overloading * mPolicyVisibility. Ungh. */ @Override public boolean isVisibleOrBehindKeyguardLw() { if (mRootToken.waitingToShow && mService.mAppTransition.isTransitionSet()) { return false; } final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; final boolean animating = atoken != null ? (atoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null) : false; return mHasSurface && !mDestroying && !mExiting && (atoken == null ? mPolicyVisibility : !atoken.hiddenRequested) && ((!mAttachedHidden && mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE && !mRootToken.hidden) || mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null || animating); } /** * Is this window visible, ignoring its app token? It is not visible * if there is no surface, or we are in the process of running an exit animation * that will remove the surface. */ public boolean isWinVisibleLw() { final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; return mHasSurface && mPolicyVisibility && !mAttachedHidden && (atoken == null || !atoken.hiddenRequested || atoken.mAppAnimator.animating) && !mExiting && !mDestroying; } /** * The same as isVisible(), but follows the current hidden state of * the associated app token, not the pending requested hidden state. */ boolean isVisibleNow() { return mHasSurface && mPolicyVisibility && !mAttachedHidden && !mRootToken.hidden && !mExiting && !mDestroying; } /** * Can this window possibly be a drag/drop target? The test here is * a combination of the above "visible now" with the check that the * Input Manager uses when discarding windows from input consideration. */ boolean isPotentialDragTarget() { return isVisibleNow() && !mRemoved && mInputChannel != null && mInputWindowHandle != null; } /** * Same as isVisible(), but we also count it as visible between the * call to IWindowSession.add() and the first relayout(). */ boolean isVisibleOrAdding() { final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; return (mHasSurface || (!mRelayoutCalled && mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE)) && mPolicyVisibility && !mAttachedHidden && (atoken == null || !atoken.hiddenRequested) && !mExiting && !mDestroying; } /** * Is this window currently on-screen? It is on-screen either if it * is visible or it is currently running an animation before no longer * being visible. */ boolean isOnScreen() { if (!mHasSurface || !mPolicyVisibility || mDestroying) { return false; } final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; if (atoken != null) { return ((!mAttachedHidden && !atoken.hiddenRequested) || mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null || atoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null); } return !mAttachedHidden || mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null; } /** * Like isOnScreen(), but we don't return true if the window is part * of a transition that has not yet been started. */ boolean isReadyForDisplay() { if (mRootToken.waitingToShow && mService.mAppTransition.isTransitionSet()) { return false; } return mHasSurface && mPolicyVisibility && !mDestroying && ((!mAttachedHidden && mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE && !mRootToken.hidden) || mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null || ((mAppToken != null) && (mAppToken.mAppAnimator.animation != null))); } /** * Like isReadyForDisplay(), but ignores any force hiding of the window due * to the keyguard. */ boolean isReadyForDisplayIgnoringKeyguard() { if (mRootToken.waitingToShow && mService.mAppTransition.isTransitionSet()) { return false; } final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; if (atoken == null && !mPolicyVisibility) { // If this is not an app window, and the policy has asked to force // hide, then we really do want to hide. return false; } return mHasSurface && !mDestroying && ((!mAttachedHidden && mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE && !mRootToken.hidden) || mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null || ((atoken != null) && (atoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null) && !mWinAnimator.isDummyAnimation())); } /** * Like isOnScreen, but returns false if the surface hasn't yet * been drawn. */ @Override public boolean isDisplayedLw() { final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; return isDrawnLw() && mPolicyVisibility && ((!mAttachedHidden && (atoken == null || !atoken.hiddenRequested)) || mWinAnimator.mAnimating || (atoken != null && atoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null)); } /** * Return true if this window or its app token is currently animating. */ @Override public boolean isAnimatingLw() { return mWinAnimator.mAnimation != null || (mAppToken != null && mAppToken.mAppAnimator.animation != null); } @Override public boolean isGoneForLayoutLw() { final AppWindowToken atoken = mAppToken; return mViewVisibility == View.GONE || !mRelayoutCalled || (atoken == null && mRootToken.hidden) || (atoken != null && (atoken.hiddenRequested || atoken.hidden)) || mAttachedHidden || (mExiting && !isAnimatingLw()) || mDestroying; } /** * Returns true if the window has a surface that it has drawn a * complete UI in to. */ public boolean isDrawFinishedLw() { return mHasSurface && !mDestroying && (mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING || mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.READY_TO_SHOW || mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.HAS_DRAWN); } /** * Returns true if the window has a surface that it has drawn a * complete UI in to. */ public boolean isDrawnLw() { return mHasSurface && !mDestroying && (mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.READY_TO_SHOW || mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.HAS_DRAWN); } /** * Return true if the window is opaque and fully drawn. This indicates * it may obscure windows behind it. */ boolean isOpaqueDrawn() { return (mAttrs.format == PixelFormat.OPAQUE || mAttrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) && isDrawnLw() && mWinAnimator.mAnimation == null && (mAppToken == null || mAppToken.mAppAnimator.animation == null); } /** * Return whether this window is wanting to have a translation * animation applied to it for an in-progress move. (Only makes * sense to call from performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner().) */ boolean shouldAnimateMove() { return mContentChanged && !mExiting && !mWinAnimator.mLastHidden && mService.okToDisplay() && (mFrame.top != mLastFrame.top || mFrame.left != mLastFrame.left) && (mAttrs.privateFlags&PRIVATE_FLAG_NO_MOVE_ANIMATION) == 0 && (mAttachedWindow == null || !mAttachedWindow.shouldAnimateMove()); } boolean isFullscreen(int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { return mFrame.left <= 0 && mFrame.top <= 0 && mFrame.right >= screenWidth && mFrame.bottom >= screenHeight; } boolean isConfigChanged() { boolean configChanged = mConfiguration != mService.mCurConfiguration && (mConfiguration == null || (mConfiguration.diff(mService.mCurConfiguration) != 0)); if (mAttrs.type == TYPE_KEYGUARD) { // Retain configuration changed status until resetConfiguration called. mConfigHasChanged |= configChanged; configChanged = mConfigHasChanged; } return configChanged; } void removeLocked() { disposeInputChannel(); if (mAttachedWindow != null) { if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.v(TAG, "Removing " + this + " from " + mAttachedWindow); mAttachedWindow.mChildWindows.remove(this); } mWinAnimator.destroyDeferredSurfaceLocked(); mWinAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked(); mSession.windowRemovedLocked(); try { mClient.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(mDeathRecipient, 0); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Ignore if it has already been removed (usually because // we are doing this as part of processing a death note.) } } void setConfiguration(final Configuration newConfig) { mConfiguration = newConfig; mConfigHasChanged = false; } void setInputChannel(InputChannel inputChannel) { if (mInputChannel != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Window already has an input channel."); } mInputChannel = inputChannel; mInputWindowHandle.inputChannel = inputChannel; } void disposeInputChannel() { if (mInputChannel != null) { mService.mInputManager.unregisterInputChannel(mInputChannel); mInputChannel.dispose(); mInputChannel = null; } mInputWindowHandle.inputChannel = null; } private class DeathRecipient implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { @Override public void binderDied() { try { synchronized(mService.mWindowMap) { WindowState win = mService.windowForClientLocked(mSession, mClient, false); Slog.i(TAG, "WIN DEATH: " + win); if (win != null) { mService.removeWindowLocked(mSession, win); } else if (mHasSurface) { Slog.e(TAG, "!!! LEAK !!! Window removed but surface still valid."); mService.removeWindowLocked(mSession, WindowState.this); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // This will happen if the window has already been // removed. } } } /** * @return true if this window desires key events. */ public final boolean canReceiveKeys() { return isVisibleOrAdding() && (mViewVisibility == View.VISIBLE) && ((mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE) == 0); } @Override public boolean hasDrawnLw() { return mWinAnimator.mDrawState == WindowStateAnimator.HAS_DRAWN; } @Override public boolean showLw(boolean doAnimation) { return showLw(doAnimation, true); } boolean showLw(boolean doAnimation, boolean requestAnim) { if (isHiddenFromUserLocked()) { Slog.w(TAG, "current user violation " + mService.mCurrentUserId + " trying to display " + this + ", type " + mAttrs.type + ", belonging to " + mOwnerUid); return false; } if (!mAppOpVisibility) { // Being hidden due to app op request. return false; } if (mPolicyVisibility && mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim) { // Already showing. return false; } if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Policy visibility true: " + this); if (doAnimation) { if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "doAnimation: mPolicyVisibility=" + mPolicyVisibility + " mAnimation=" + mWinAnimator.mAnimation); if (!mService.okToDisplay()) { doAnimation = false; } else if (mPolicyVisibility && mWinAnimator.mAnimation == null) { // Check for the case where we are currently visible and // not animating; we do not want to do animation at such a // point to become visible when we already are. doAnimation = false; } } mPolicyVisibility = true; mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim = true; if (doAnimation) { mWinAnimator.applyAnimationLocked(WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_ENTER, true); } if (requestAnim) { mService.scheduleAnimationLocked(); } return true; } @Override public boolean hideLw(boolean doAnimation) { return hideLw(doAnimation, true); } boolean hideLw(boolean doAnimation, boolean requestAnim) { if (doAnimation) { if (!mService.okToDisplay()) { doAnimation = false; } } boolean current = doAnimation ? mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim : mPolicyVisibility; if (!current) { // Already hiding. return false; } if (doAnimation) { mWinAnimator.applyAnimationLocked(WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_EXIT, false); if (mWinAnimator.mAnimation == null) { doAnimation = false; } } if (doAnimation) { mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim = false; } else { if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Policy visibility false: " + this); mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim = false; mPolicyVisibility = false; // Window is no longer visible -- make sure if we were waiting // for it to be displayed before enabling the display, that // we allow the display to be enabled now. mService.enableScreenIfNeededLocked(); if (mService.mCurrentFocus == this) { if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_FOCUS_LIGHT) Slog.i(TAG, "WindowState.hideLw: setting mFocusMayChange true"); mService.mFocusMayChange = true; } } if (requestAnim) { mService.scheduleAnimationLocked(); } return true; } public void setAppOpVisibilityLw(boolean state) { if (mAppOpVisibility != state) { mAppOpVisibility = state; if (state) { // If the policy visibility had last been to hide, then this // will incorrectly show at this point since we lost that // information. Not a big deal -- for the windows that have app // ops modifies they should only be hidden by policy due to the // lock screen, and the user won't be changing this if locked. // Plus it will quickly be fixed the next time we do a layout. showLw(true, true); } else { hideLw(true, true); } } } @Override public boolean isAlive() { return mClient.asBinder().isBinderAlive(); } boolean isClosing() { return mExiting || (mService.mClosingApps.contains(mAppToken)); } @Override public boolean isDefaultDisplay() { return mDisplayContent.isDefaultDisplay; } public void setShowToOwnerOnlyLocked(boolean showToOwnerOnly) { mShowToOwnerOnly = showToOwnerOnly; } boolean isHiddenFromUserLocked() { // Attached windows are evaluated based on the window that they are attached to. WindowState win = this; while (win.mAttachedWindow != null) { win = win.mAttachedWindow; } if (win.mAttrs.type < WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW && win.mAppToken != null && win.mAppToken.showWhenLocked) { // Save some cycles by not calling getDisplayInfo unless it is an application // window intended for all users. final DisplayInfo displayInfo = win.mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo(); if (win.mFrame.left <= 0 && win.mFrame.top <= 0 && win.mFrame.right >= displayInfo.appWidth && win.mFrame.bottom >= displayInfo.appHeight) { // Is a fullscreen window, like the clock alarm. Show to everyone. return false; } } return win.mShowToOwnerOnly && UserHandle.getUserId(win.mOwnerUid) != mService.mCurrentUserId; } private static void applyInsets(Region outRegion, Rect frame, Rect inset) { outRegion.set( frame.left + inset.left, frame.top + inset.top, frame.right - inset.right, frame.bottom - inset.bottom); } public void getTouchableRegion(Region outRegion) { final Rect frame = mFrame; switch (mTouchableInsets) { default: case ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_FRAME: outRegion.set(frame); break; case ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_CONTENT: applyInsets(outRegion, frame, mGivenContentInsets); break; case ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_VISIBLE: applyInsets(outRegion, frame, mGivenVisibleInsets); break; case ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION: { final Region givenTouchableRegion = mGivenTouchableRegion; outRegion.set(givenTouchableRegion); outRegion.translate(frame.left, frame.top); break; } } } WindowList getWindowList() { return mDisplayContent.getWindowList(); } /** * Report a focus change. Must be called with no locks held, and consistently * from the same serialized thread (such as dispatched from a handler). */ public void reportFocusChangedSerialized(boolean focused, boolean inTouchMode) { try { mClient.windowFocusChanged(focused, inTouchMode); } catch (RemoteException e) { } if (mFocusCallbacks != null) { final int N = mFocusCallbacks.beginBroadcast(); for (int i=0; i(); } mFocusCallbacks.register(observer); } } public void unregisterFocusObserver(IWindowFocusObserver observer) { synchronized(mService.mWindowMap) { if (mFocusCallbacks != null) { mFocusCallbacks.unregister(observer); } } } public boolean isFocused() { synchronized(mService.mWindowMap) { return mService.mCurrentFocus == this; } } void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix, boolean dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mDisplayId="); pw.print(mDisplayContent.getDisplayId()); pw.print(" mSession="); pw.print(mSession); pw.print(" mClient="); pw.println(mClient.asBinder()); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mOwnerUid="); pw.print(mOwnerUid); pw.print(" mShowToOwnerOnly="); pw.print(mShowToOwnerOnly); pw.print(" package="); pw.print(mAttrs.packageName); pw.print(" appop="); pw.println(AppOpsManager.opToName(mAppOp)); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mAttrs="); pw.println(mAttrs); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Requested w="); pw.print(mRequestedWidth); pw.print(" h="); pw.print(mRequestedHeight); pw.print(" mLayoutSeq="); pw.println(mLayoutSeq); if (mRequestedWidth != mLastRequestedWidth || mRequestedHeight != mLastRequestedHeight) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("LastRequested w="); pw.print(mLastRequestedWidth); pw.print(" h="); pw.println(mLastRequestedHeight); } if (mAttachedWindow != null || mLayoutAttached) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mAttachedWindow="); pw.print(mAttachedWindow); pw.print(" mLayoutAttached="); pw.println(mLayoutAttached); } if (mIsImWindow || mIsWallpaper || mIsFloatingLayer) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mIsImWindow="); pw.print(mIsImWindow); pw.print(" mIsWallpaper="); pw.print(mIsWallpaper); pw.print(" mIsFloatingLayer="); pw.print(mIsFloatingLayer); pw.print(" mWallpaperVisible="); pw.println(mWallpaperVisible); } if (dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mBaseLayer="); pw.print(mBaseLayer); pw.print(" mSubLayer="); pw.print(mSubLayer); pw.print(" mAnimLayer="); pw.print(mLayer); pw.print("+"); pw.print((mTargetAppToken != null ? mTargetAppToken.mAppAnimator.animLayerAdjustment : (mAppToken != null ? mAppToken.mAppAnimator.animLayerAdjustment : 0))); pw.print("="); pw.print(mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer); pw.print(" mLastLayer="); pw.println(mWinAnimator.mLastLayer); } if (dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mToken="); pw.println(mToken); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mRootToken="); pw.println(mRootToken); if (mAppToken != null) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mAppToken="); pw.println(mAppToken); } if (mTargetAppToken != null) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mTargetAppToken="); pw.println(mTargetAppToken); } pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mViewVisibility=0x"); pw.print(Integer.toHexString(mViewVisibility)); pw.print(" mHaveFrame="); pw.print(mHaveFrame); pw.print(" mObscured="); pw.println(mObscured); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mSeq="); pw.print(mSeq); pw.print(" mSystemUiVisibility=0x"); pw.println(Integer.toHexString(mSystemUiVisibility)); } if (!mPolicyVisibility || !mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim || !mAppOpVisibility || mAttachedHidden) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mPolicyVisibility="); pw.print(mPolicyVisibility); pw.print(" mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim="); pw.print(mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim); pw.print(" mAppOpVisibility="); pw.print(mAppOpVisibility); pw.print(" mAttachedHidden="); pw.println(mAttachedHidden); } if (!mRelayoutCalled || mLayoutNeeded) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mRelayoutCalled="); pw.print(mRelayoutCalled); pw.print(" mLayoutNeeded="); pw.println(mLayoutNeeded); } if (mXOffset != 0 || mYOffset != 0) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Offsets x="); pw.print(mXOffset); pw.print(" y="); pw.println(mYOffset); } if (dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mGivenContentInsets="); mGivenContentInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" mGivenVisibleInsets="); mGivenVisibleInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); if (mTouchableInsets != 0 || mGivenInsetsPending) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mTouchableInsets="); pw.print(mTouchableInsets); pw.print(" mGivenInsetsPending="); pw.println(mGivenInsetsPending); Region region = new Region(); getTouchableRegion(region); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("touchable region="); pw.println(region); } pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mConfiguration="); pw.println(mConfiguration); } pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mHasSurface="); pw.print(mHasSurface); pw.print(" mShownFrame="); mShownFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" isReadyForDisplay()="); pw.println(isReadyForDisplay()); if (dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mFrame="); mFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" last="); mLastFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mSystemDecorRect="); mSystemDecorRect.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" last="); mLastSystemDecorRect.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); } if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mCompatFrame="); mCompatFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); } if (dumpAll) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Frames: containing="); mContainingFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" parent="); mParentFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print(" display="); mDisplayFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" overscan="); mOverscanFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print(" content="); mContentFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" visible="); mVisibleFrame.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Cur insets: overscan="); mOverscanInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" content="); mContentInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" visible="); mVisibleInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); pw.print(prefix); pw.print("Lst insets: overscan="); mLastOverscanInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" content="); mLastContentInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.print(" visible="); mLastVisibleInsets.printShortString(pw); pw.println(); } pw.print(prefix); pw.print(mWinAnimator); pw.println(":"); mWinAnimator.dump(pw, prefix + " ", dumpAll); if (mExiting || mRemoveOnExit || mDestroying || mRemoved) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mExiting="); pw.print(mExiting); pw.print(" mRemoveOnExit="); pw.print(mRemoveOnExit); pw.print(" mDestroying="); pw.print(mDestroying); pw.print(" mRemoved="); pw.println(mRemoved); } if (mOrientationChanging || mAppFreezing || mTurnOnScreen) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mOrientationChanging="); pw.print(mOrientationChanging); pw.print(" mAppFreezing="); pw.print(mAppFreezing); pw.print(" mTurnOnScreen="); pw.println(mTurnOnScreen); } if (mLastFreezeDuration != 0) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mLastFreezeDuration="); TimeUtils.formatDuration(mLastFreezeDuration, pw); pw.println(); } if (mHScale != 1 || mVScale != 1) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mHScale="); pw.print(mHScale); pw.print(" mVScale="); pw.println(mVScale); } if (mWallpaperX != -1 || mWallpaperY != -1) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mWallpaperX="); pw.print(mWallpaperX); pw.print(" mWallpaperY="); pw.println(mWallpaperY); } if (mWallpaperXStep != -1 || mWallpaperYStep != -1) { pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mWallpaperXStep="); pw.print(mWallpaperXStep); pw.print(" mWallpaperYStep="); pw.println(mWallpaperYStep); } } String makeInputChannelName() { return Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + " " + mAttrs.getTitle(); } @Override public String toString() { CharSequence title = mAttrs.getTitle(); if (title == null || title.length() <= 0) { title = mAttrs.packageName; } if (mStringNameCache == null || mLastTitle != title || mWasExiting != mExiting) { mLastTitle = title; mWasExiting = mExiting; mStringNameCache = "Window{" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + " u" + UserHandle.getUserId(mSession.mUid) + " " + mLastTitle + (mExiting ? " EXITING}" : "}"); } return mStringNameCache; } }