// // Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project // // Build resource files from raw assets. // #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "XMLNode.h" #include #include #include #define NOISY(x) //x status_t compileXmlFile(const sp& assets, const sp& target, ResourceTable* table, int options) { sp root = XMLNode::parse(target); if (root == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return compileXmlFile(assets, root, target, table, options); } status_t compileXmlFile(const sp& assets, const sp& root, const sp& target, ResourceTable* table, int options) { if ((options&XML_COMPILE_STRIP_WHITESPACE) != 0) { root->removeWhitespace(true, NULL); } else if ((options&XML_COMPILE_COMPACT_WHITESPACE) != 0) { root->removeWhitespace(false, NULL); } bool hasErrors = false; if ((options&XML_COMPILE_ASSIGN_ATTRIBUTE_IDS) != 0) { status_t err = root->assignResourceIds(assets, table); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = true; } } status_t err = root->parseValues(assets, table); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = true; } if (hasErrors) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } NOISY(printf("Input XML Resource:\n")); NOISY(root->print()); err = root->flatten(target, (options&XML_COMPILE_STRIP_COMMENTS) != 0, (options&XML_COMPILE_STRIP_RAW_VALUES) != 0); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } NOISY(printf("Output XML Resource:\n")); NOISY(ResXMLTree tree; tree.setTo(target->getData(), target->getSize()); printXMLBlock(&tree)); target->setCompressionMethod(ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated); return err; } #undef NOISY #define NOISY(x) //x struct flag_entry { const char16_t* name; size_t nameLen; uint32_t value; const char* description; }; static const char16_t referenceArray[] = { 'r', 'e', 'f', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'e' }; static const char16_t stringArray[] = { 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' }; static const char16_t integerArray[] = { 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'r' }; static const char16_t booleanArray[] = { 'b', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'e', 'a', 'n' }; static const char16_t colorArray[] = { 'c', 'o', 'l', 'o', 'r' }; static const char16_t floatArray[] = { 'f', 'l', 'o', 'a', 't' }; static const char16_t dimensionArray[] = { 'd', 'i', 'm', 'e', 'n', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n' }; static const char16_t fractionArray[] = { 'f', 'r', 'a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n' }; static const char16_t enumArray[] = { 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm' }; static const char16_t flagsArray[] = { 'f', 'l', 'a', 'g', 's' }; static const flag_entry gFormatFlags[] = { { referenceArray, sizeof(referenceArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE, "a reference to another resource, in the form \"@[+][package:]type:name\"\n" "or to a theme attribute in the form \"?[package:][type:]name\"."}, { stringArray, sizeof(stringArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING, "a string value, using '\\\\;' to escape characters such as '\\\\n' or '\\\\uxxxx' for a unicode character." }, { integerArray, sizeof(integerArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER, "an integer value, such as \"100\"." }, { booleanArray, sizeof(booleanArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN, "a boolean value, either \"true\" or \"false\"." }, { colorArray, sizeof(colorArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR, "a color value, in the form of \"#rgb\", \"#argb\",\n" "\"#rrggbb\", or \"#aarrggbb\"." }, { floatArray, sizeof(floatArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT, "a floating point value, such as \"1.2\"."}, { dimensionArray, sizeof(dimensionArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION, "a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as \"14.5sp\".\n" "Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),\n" "in (inches), mm (millimeters)." }, { fractionArray, sizeof(fractionArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION, "a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as \"14.5%\".\n" "The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to\n" "some parent container." }, { enumArray, sizeof(enumArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM, NULL }, { flagsArray, sizeof(flagsArray)/2, ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL } }; static const char16_t suggestedArray[] = { 's', 'u', 'g', 'g', 'e', 's', 't', 'e', 'd' }; static const flag_entry l10nRequiredFlags[] = { { suggestedArray, sizeof(suggestedArray)/2, ResTable_map::L10N_SUGGESTED, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL } }; static const char16_t nulStr[] = { 0 }; static uint32_t parse_flags(const char16_t* str, size_t len, const flag_entry* flags, bool* outError = NULL) { while (len > 0 && isspace(*str)) { str++; len--; } while (len > 0 && isspace(str[len-1])) { len--; } const char16_t* const end = str + len; uint32_t value = 0; while (str < end) { const char16_t* div = str; while (div < end && *div != '|') { div++; } const flag_entry* cur = flags; while (cur->name) { if (strzcmp16(cur->name, cur->nameLen, str, div-str) == 0) { value |= cur->value; break; } cur++; } if (!cur->name) { if (outError) *outError = true; return 0; } str = div < end ? div+1 : div; } if (outError) *outError = false; return value; } static String16 mayOrMust(int type, int flags) { if ((type&(~flags)) == 0) { return String16("

Must"); } return String16("

May"); } static void appendTypeInfo(ResourceTable* outTable, const String16& pkg, const String16& typeName, const String16& ident, int type, const flag_entry* flags) { bool hadType = false; while (flags->name) { if ((type&flags->value) != 0 && flags->description != NULL) { String16 fullMsg(mayOrMust(type, flags->value)); fullMsg.append(String16(" be ")); fullMsg.append(String16(flags->description)); outTable->appendTypeComment(pkg, typeName, ident, fullMsg); hadType = true; } flags++; } if (hadType && (type&ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE) == 0) { outTable->appendTypeComment(pkg, typeName, ident, String16("

This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form\n" "\"@[package:]type:name\") or\n" "theme attribute (in the form\n" "\"?[package:][type:]name\")\n" "containing a value of this type.")); } } struct PendingAttribute { const String16 myPackage; const SourcePos sourcePos; const bool appendComment; int32_t type; String16 ident; String16 comment; bool hasErrors; bool added; PendingAttribute(String16 _package, const sp& in, ResXMLTree& block, bool _appendComment) : myPackage(_package) , sourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) , appendComment(_appendComment) , type(ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) , hasErrors(false) , added(false) { } status_t createIfNeeded(ResourceTable* outTable) { if (added || hasErrors) { return NO_ERROR; } added = true; String16 attr16("attr"); if (outTable->hasBagOrEntry(myPackage, attr16, ident)) { sourcePos.error("Attribute \"%s\" has already been defined\n", String8(ident).string()); hasErrors = true; return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } char numberStr[16]; sprintf(numberStr, "%d", type); status_t err = outTable->addBag(sourcePos, myPackage, attr16, ident, String16(""), String16("^type"), String16(numberStr), NULL, NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = true; return err; } outTable->appendComment(myPackage, attr16, ident, comment, appendComment); //printf("Attribute %s comment: %s\n", String8(ident).string(), // String8(comment).string()); return err; } }; static status_t compileAttribute(const sp& in, ResXMLTree& block, const String16& myPackage, ResourceTable* outTable, String16* outIdent = NULL, bool inStyleable = false) { PendingAttribute attr(myPackage, in, block, inStyleable); const String16 attr16("attr"); const String16 id16("id"); // Attribute type constants. const String16 enum16("enum"); const String16 flag16("flag"); ResXMLTree::event_code_t code; size_t len; status_t err; ssize_t identIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (identIdx >= 0) { attr.ident = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(identIdx, &len)); if (outIdent) { *outIdent = attr.ident; } } else { attr.sourcePos.error("A 'name' attribute is required for \n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } attr.comment = String16( block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); ssize_t typeIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "format"); if (typeIdx >= 0) { String16 typeStr = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(typeIdx, &len)); attr.type = parse_flags(typeStr.string(), typeStr.size(), gFormatFlags); if (attr.type == 0) { attr.sourcePos.error("Tag 'format' attribute value \"%s\" not valid\n", String8(typeStr).string()); attr.hasErrors = true; } attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); } else if (!inStyleable) { // Attribute definitions outside of styleables always define the // attribute as a generic value. attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); } //printf("Attribute %s: type=0x%08x\n", String8(attr.ident).string(), attr.type); ssize_t minIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "min"); if (minIdx >= 0) { String16 val = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(minIdx, &len)); if (!ResTable::stringToInt(val.string(), val.size(), NULL)) { attr.sourcePos.error("Tag 'min' attribute must be a number, not \"%s\"\n", String8(val).string()); attr.hasErrors = true; } attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); if (!attr.hasErrors) { err = outTable->addBag(attr.sourcePos, myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, String16(""), String16("^min"), String16(val), NULL, NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { attr.hasErrors = true; } } } ssize_t maxIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "max"); if (maxIdx >= 0) { String16 val = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(maxIdx, &len)); if (!ResTable::stringToInt(val.string(), val.size(), NULL)) { attr.sourcePos.error("Tag 'max' attribute must be a number, not \"%s\"\n", String8(val).string()); attr.hasErrors = true; } attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); if (!attr.hasErrors) { err = outTable->addBag(attr.sourcePos, myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, String16(""), String16("^max"), String16(val), NULL, NULL); attr.hasErrors = true; } } if ((minIdx >= 0 || maxIdx >= 0) && (attr.type&ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER) == 0) { attr.sourcePos.error("Tag must have format=integer attribute if using max or min\n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } ssize_t l10nIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "localization"); if (l10nIdx >= 0) { const uint16_t* str = block.getAttributeStringValue(l10nIdx, &len); bool error; uint32_t l10n_required = parse_flags(str, len, l10nRequiredFlags, &error); if (error) { attr.sourcePos.error("Tag 'localization' attribute value \"%s\" not valid\n", String8(str).string()); attr.hasErrors = true; } attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); if (!attr.hasErrors) { char buf[10]; sprintf(buf, "%d", l10n_required); err = outTable->addBag(attr.sourcePos, myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, String16(""), String16("^l10n"), String16(buf), NULL, NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { attr.hasErrors = true; } } } String16 enumOrFlagsComment; while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { uint32_t localType = 0; if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), enum16.string()) == 0) { localType = ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), flag16.string()) == 0) { localType = ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS; } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("Tag <%s> can not appear inside , only or \n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } attr.createIfNeeded(outTable); if (attr.type == ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) { // No type was explicitly stated, so supplying enum tags // implicitly creates an enum or flag. attr.type = 0; } if ((attr.type&(ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM|ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS)) == 0) { // Wasn't originally specified as an enum, so update its type. attr.type |= localType; if (!attr.hasErrors) { char numberStr[16]; sprintf(numberStr, "%d", attr.type); err = outTable->addBag(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()), myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, String16(""), String16("^type"), String16(numberStr), NULL, NULL, true); if (err != NO_ERROR) { attr.hasErrors = true; } } } else if ((uint32_t)(attr.type&(ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM|ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS)) != localType) { if (localType == ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error(" attribute can not be used inside a flags format\n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error(" attribute can not be used inside a enum format\n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } } String16 itemIdent; ssize_t itemIdentIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (itemIdentIdx >= 0) { itemIdent = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(itemIdentIdx, &len)); } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("A 'name' attribute is required for or \n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } String16 value; ssize_t valueIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "value"); if (valueIdx >= 0) { value = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(valueIdx, &len)); } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("A 'value' attribute is required for or \n"); attr.hasErrors = true; } if (!attr.hasErrors && !ResTable::stringToInt(value.string(), value.size(), NULL)) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("Tag or 'value' attribute must be a number," " not \"%s\"\n", String8(value).string()); attr.hasErrors = true; } // Make sure an id is defined for this enum/flag identifier... if (!attr.hasErrors && !outTable->hasBagOrEntry(itemIdent, &id16, &myPackage)) { err = outTable->startBag(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()), myPackage, id16, itemIdent, String16(), NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { attr.hasErrors = true; } } if (!attr.hasErrors) { if (enumOrFlagsComment.size() == 0) { enumOrFlagsComment.append(mayOrMust(attr.type, ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM|ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS)); enumOrFlagsComment.append((attr.type&ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM) ? String16(" be one of the following constant values.") : String16(" be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.")); enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("

\n\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "")); } enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("\n")); err = outTable->addBag(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()), myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, String16(""), itemIdent, value, NULL, NULL, false, true); if (err != NO_ERROR) { attr.hasErrors = true; } } } else if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), attr16.string()) == 0) { break; } if ((attr.type&ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM) != 0) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), enum16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("Found tag where is expected\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), flag16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()) .error("Found tag where is expected\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } } } if (!attr.hasErrors && attr.added) { appendTypeInfo(outTable, myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, attr.type, gFormatFlags); } if (!attr.hasErrors && enumOrFlagsComment.size() > 0) { enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("\n
")); enumOrFlagsComment.append(itemIdent); enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("")); enumOrFlagsComment.append(value); enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("")); if (block.getComment(&len)) { enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16(block.getComment(&len))); } enumOrFlagsComment.append(String16("
")); outTable->appendTypeComment(myPackage, attr16, attr.ident, enumOrFlagsComment); } return NO_ERROR; } bool localeIsDefined(const ResTable_config& config) { return config.locale == 0; } status_t parseAndAddBag(Bundle* bundle, const sp& in, ResXMLTree* block, const ResTable_config& config, const String16& myPackage, const String16& curType, const String16& ident, const String16& parentIdent, const String16& itemIdent, int32_t curFormat, bool pseudolocalize, const bool overwrite, ResourceTable* outTable) { status_t err; const String16 item16("item"); String16 str; Vector spans; err = parseStyledString(bundle, in->getPrintableSource().string(), block, item16, &str, &spans, pseudolocalize); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } NOISY(printf("Adding resource bag entry l=%c%c c=%c%c orien=%d d=%d " " pid=%s, bag=%s, id=%s: %s\n", config.language[0], config.language[1], config.country[0], config.country[1], config.orientation, config.density, String8(parentIdent).string(), String8(ident).string(), String8(itemIdent).string(), String8(str).string())); err = outTable->addBag(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block->getLineNumber()), myPackage, curType, ident, parentIdent, itemIdent, str, &spans, &config, overwrite, false, curFormat); return err; } status_t parseAndAddEntry(Bundle* bundle, const sp& in, ResXMLTree* block, const ResTable_config& config, const String16& myPackage, const String16& curType, const String16& ident, const String16& curTag, bool curIsStyled, int32_t curFormat, bool pseudolocalize, const bool overwrite, ResourceTable* outTable) { status_t err; String16 str; Vector spans; err = parseStyledString(bundle, in->getPrintableSource().string(), block, curTag, &str, curIsStyled ? &spans : NULL, pseudolocalize); if (err < NO_ERROR) { return err; } NOISY(printf("Adding resource entry l=%c%c c=%c%c orien=%d d=%d id=%s: %s\n", config.language[0], config.language[1], config.country[0], config.country[1], config.orientation, config.density, String8(ident).string(), String8(str).string())); err = outTable->addEntry(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block->getLineNumber()), myPackage, curType, ident, str, &spans, &config, false, curFormat, overwrite); return err; } status_t compileResourceFile(Bundle* bundle, const sp& assets, const sp& in, const ResTable_config& defParams, const bool overwrite, ResourceTable* outTable) { ResXMLTree block; status_t err = parseXMLResource(in, &block, false, true); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } // Top-level tag. const String16 resources16("resources"); // Identifier declaration tags. const String16 declare_styleable16("declare-styleable"); const String16 attr16("attr"); // Data creation organizational tags. const String16 string16("string"); const String16 drawable16("drawable"); const String16 color16("color"); const String16 bool16("bool"); const String16 integer16("integer"); const String16 dimen16("dimen"); const String16 fraction16("fraction"); const String16 style16("style"); const String16 plurals16("plurals"); const String16 array16("array"); const String16 string_array16("string-array"); const String16 integer_array16("integer-array"); const String16 public16("public"); const String16 public_padding16("public-padding"); const String16 private_symbols16("private-symbols"); const String16 skip16("skip"); const String16 eat_comment16("eat-comment"); // Data creation tags. const String16 bag16("bag"); const String16 item16("item"); // Attribute type constants. const String16 enum16("enum"); // plural values const String16 other16("other"); const String16 quantityOther16("^other"); const String16 zero16("zero"); const String16 quantityZero16("^zero"); const String16 one16("one"); const String16 quantityOne16("^one"); const String16 two16("two"); const String16 quantityTwo16("^two"); const String16 few16("few"); const String16 quantityFew16("^few"); const String16 many16("many"); const String16 quantityMany16("^many"); // useful attribute names and special values const String16 name16("name"); const String16 translatable16("translatable"); const String16 false16("false"); const String16 myPackage(assets->getPackage()); bool hasErrors = false; DefaultKeyedVector nextPublicId(0); ResXMLTree::event_code_t code; do { code = block.next(); } while (code == ResXMLTree::START_NAMESPACE); size_t len; if (code != ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "No start tag found\n"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), resources16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Invalid start tag %s\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } ResTable_config curParams(defParams); ResTable_config pseudoParams(curParams); pseudoParams.language[0] = 'z'; pseudoParams.language[1] = 'z'; pseudoParams.country[0] = 'Z'; pseudoParams.country[1] = 'Z'; while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { const String16* curTag = NULL; String16 curType; int32_t curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY; bool curIsBag = false; bool curIsBagReplaceOnOverwrite = false; bool curIsStyled = false; bool curIsPseudolocalizable = false; bool localHasErrors = false; if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), skip16.string()) == 0) { while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), skip16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), eat_comment16.string()) == 0) { while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), eat_comment16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public16.string()) == 0) { SourcePos srcPos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()); String16 type; ssize_t typeIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "type"); if (typeIdx < 0) { srcPos.error("A 'type' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } type = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(typeIdx, &len)); String16 name; ssize_t nameIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (nameIdx < 0) { srcPos.error("A 'name' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } name = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(nameIdx, &len)); uint32_t ident = 0; ssize_t identIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "id"); if (identIdx >= 0) { const char16_t* identStr = block.getAttributeStringValue(identIdx, &len); Res_value identValue; if (!ResTable::stringToInt(identStr, len, &identValue)) { srcPos.error("Given 'id' attribute is not an integer: %s\n", String8(block.getAttributeStringValue(identIdx, &len)).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else { ident = identValue.data; nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, ident+1); } } else if (nextPublicId.indexOfKey(type) < 0) { srcPos.error("No 'id' attribute supplied ," " and no previous id defined in this file.\n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else if (!localHasErrors) { ident = nextPublicId.valueFor(type); nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, ident+1); } if (!localHasErrors) { err = outTable->addPublic(srcPos, myPackage, type, name, ident); if (err < NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } if (!localHasErrors) { sp symbols = assets->getSymbolsFor(String8("R")); if (symbols != NULL) { symbols = symbols->addNestedSymbol(String8(type), srcPos); } if (symbols != NULL) { symbols->makeSymbolPublic(String8(name), srcPos); String16 comment( block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); symbols->appendComment(String8(name), comment, srcPos); } else { srcPos.error("Unable to create symbols!\n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public_padding16.string()) == 0) { SourcePos srcPos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()); String16 type; ssize_t typeIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "type"); if (typeIdx < 0) { srcPos.error("A 'type' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } type = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(typeIdx, &len)); String16 name; ssize_t nameIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (nameIdx < 0) { srcPos.error("A 'name' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } name = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(nameIdx, &len)); uint32_t start = 0; ssize_t startIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "start"); if (startIdx >= 0) { const char16_t* startStr = block.getAttributeStringValue(startIdx, &len); Res_value startValue; if (!ResTable::stringToInt(startStr, len, &startValue)) { srcPos.error("Given 'start' attribute is not an integer: %s\n", String8(block.getAttributeStringValue(startIdx, &len)).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else { start = startValue.data; } } else if (nextPublicId.indexOfKey(type) < 0) { srcPos.error("No 'start' attribute supplied ," " and no previous id defined in this file.\n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else if (!localHasErrors) { start = nextPublicId.valueFor(type); } uint32_t end = 0; ssize_t endIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "end"); if (endIdx >= 0) { const char16_t* endStr = block.getAttributeStringValue(endIdx, &len); Res_value endValue; if (!ResTable::stringToInt(endStr, len, &endValue)) { srcPos.error("Given 'end' attribute is not an integer: %s\n", String8(block.getAttributeStringValue(endIdx, &len)).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else { end = endValue.data; } } else { srcPos.error("No 'end' attribute supplied \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } if (end >= start) { nextPublicId.replaceValueFor(type, end+1); } else { srcPos.error("Padding start '%ul' is after end '%ul'\n", start, end); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } String16 comment( block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); for (uint32_t curIdent=start; curIdent<=end; curIdent++) { if (localHasErrors) { break; } String16 curName(name); char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)(end-curIdent+1)); curName.append(String16(buf)); err = outTable->addEntry(srcPos, myPackage, type, curName, String16("padding"), NULL, &curParams, false, ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING, overwrite); if (err < NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; break; } err = outTable->addPublic(srcPos, myPackage, type, curName, curIdent); if (err < NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; break; } sp symbols = assets->getSymbolsFor(String8("R")); if (symbols != NULL) { symbols = symbols->addNestedSymbol(String8(type), srcPos); } if (symbols != NULL) { symbols->makeSymbolPublic(String8(curName), srcPos); symbols->appendComment(String8(curName), comment, srcPos); } else { srcPos.error("Unable to create symbols!\n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), public_padding16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), private_symbols16.string()) == 0) { String16 pkg; ssize_t pkgIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "package"); if (pkgIdx < 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'package' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } pkg = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(pkgIdx, &len)); if (!localHasErrors) { assets->setSymbolsPrivatePackage(String8(pkg)); } while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), private_symbols16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), declare_styleable16.string()) == 0) { SourcePos srcPos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()); String16 ident; ssize_t identIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (identIdx < 0) { srcPos.error("A 'name' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } ident = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(identIdx, &len)); sp symbols = assets->getSymbolsFor(String8("R")); if (!localHasErrors) { if (symbols != NULL) { symbols = symbols->addNestedSymbol(String8("styleable"), srcPos); } sp styleSymbols = symbols; if (symbols != NULL) { symbols = symbols->addNestedSymbol(String8(ident), srcPos); } if (symbols == NULL) { srcPos.error("Unable to create symbols!\n"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } String16 comment( block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); styleSymbols->appendComment(String8(ident), comment, srcPos); } else { symbols = NULL; } while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), skip16.string()) == 0) { while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), skip16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), eat_comment16.string()) == 0) { while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), eat_comment16.string()) == 0) { break; } } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), attr16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Tag <%s> can not appear inside , only \n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } String16 comment( block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); String16 itemIdent; err = compileAttribute(in, block, myPackage, outTable, &itemIdent, true); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } if (symbols != NULL) { SourcePos srcPos(String8(in->getPrintableSource()), block.getLineNumber()); symbols->addSymbol(String8(itemIdent), 0, srcPos); symbols->appendComment(String8(itemIdent), comment, srcPos); //printf("Attribute %s comment: %s\n", String8(itemIdent).string(), // String8(comment).string()); } } else if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), declare_styleable16.string()) == 0) { break; } SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Found tag where is expected\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), attr16.string()) == 0) { err = compileAttribute(in, block, myPackage, outTable, NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = true; } continue; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), item16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &item16; ssize_t attri = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "type"); if (attri >= 0) { curType = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(attri, &len)); ssize_t formatIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "format"); if (formatIdx >= 0) { String16 formatStr = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue( formatIdx, &len)); curFormat = parse_flags(formatStr.string(), formatStr.size(), gFormatFlags); if (curFormat == 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Tag 'format' attribute value \"%s\" not valid\n", String8(formatStr).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'type' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } curIsStyled = true; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), string16.string()) == 0) { // Note the existence and locale of every string we process char rawLocale[16]; curParams.getLocale(rawLocale); String8 locale(rawLocale); String16 name; String16 translatable; size_t n = block.getAttributeCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { size_t length; const uint16_t* attr = block.getAttributeName(i, &length); if (strcmp16(attr, name16.string()) == 0) { name.setTo(block.getAttributeStringValue(i, &length)); } else if (strcmp16(attr, translatable16.string()) == 0) { translatable.setTo(block.getAttributeStringValue(i, &length)); } } if (name.size() > 0) { if (translatable == false16) { // Untranslatable strings must only exist in the default [empty] locale if (locale.size() > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "aapt: warning: string '%s' in %s marked untranslatable but exists" " in locale '%s'\n", String8(name).string(), bundle->getResourceSourceDirs()[0], locale.string()); // hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else { // Intentionally empty block: // // Don't add untranslatable strings to the localization table; that // way if we later see localizations of them, they'll be flagged as // having no default translation. } } else { outTable->addLocalization(name, locale); } } curTag = &string16; curType = string16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING; curIsStyled = true; curIsPseudolocalizable = true; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), drawable16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &drawable16; curType = drawable16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), color16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &color16; curType = color16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), bool16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &bool16; curType = bool16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), integer16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &integer16; curType = integer16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), dimen16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &dimen16; curType = dimen16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), fraction16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &fraction16; curType = fraction16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), bag16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &bag16; curIsBag = true; ssize_t attri = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "type"); if (attri >= 0) { curType = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(attri, &len)); } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'type' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), style16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &style16; curType = style16; curIsBag = true; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), plurals16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &plurals16; curType = plurals16; curIsBag = true; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), array16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &array16; curType = array16; curIsBag = true; curIsBagReplaceOnOverwrite = true; ssize_t formatIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "format"); if (formatIdx >= 0) { String16 formatStr = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue( formatIdx, &len)); curFormat = parse_flags(formatStr.string(), formatStr.size(), gFormatFlags); if (curFormat == 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Tag 'format' attribute value \"%s\" not valid\n", String8(formatStr).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), string_array16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &string_array16; curType = array16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING; curIsBag = true; curIsBagReplaceOnOverwrite = true; curIsPseudolocalizable = true; } else if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), integer_array16.string()) == 0) { curTag = &integer_array16; curType = array16; curFormat = ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE|ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER; curIsBag = true; curIsBagReplaceOnOverwrite = true; } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Found tag %s where item is expected\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } String16 ident; ssize_t identIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (identIdx >= 0) { ident = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(identIdx, &len)); } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'name' attribute is required for <%s>\n", String8(*curTag).string()); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } String16 comment(block.getComment(&len) ? block.getComment(&len) : nulStr); if (curIsBag) { // Figure out the parent of this bag... String16 parentIdent; ssize_t parentIdentIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "parent"); if (parentIdentIdx >= 0) { parentIdent = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(parentIdentIdx, &len)); } else { ssize_t sep = ident.findLast('.'); if (sep >= 0) { parentIdent.setTo(ident, sep); } } if (!localHasErrors) { err = outTable->startBag(SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()), myPackage, curType, ident, parentIdent, &curParams, overwrite, curIsBagReplaceOnOverwrite); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } ssize_t elmIndex = 0; char elmIndexStr[14]; while ((code=block.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), item16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Tag <%s> can not appear inside <%s>, only \n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string(), String8(*curTag).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } String16 itemIdent; if (curType == array16) { sprintf(elmIndexStr, "^index_%d", (int)elmIndex++); itemIdent = String16(elmIndexStr); } else if (curType == plurals16) { ssize_t itemIdentIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "quantity"); if (itemIdentIdx >= 0) { String16 quantity16(block.getAttributeStringValue(itemIdentIdx, &len)); if (quantity16 == other16) { itemIdent = quantityOther16; } else if (quantity16 == zero16) { itemIdent = quantityZero16; } else if (quantity16 == one16) { itemIdent = quantityOne16; } else if (quantity16 == two16) { itemIdent = quantityTwo16; } else if (quantity16 == few16) { itemIdent = quantityFew16; } else if (quantity16 == many16) { itemIdent = quantityMany16; } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Illegal 'quantity' attribute is inside \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'quantity' attribute is required for inside \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } else { ssize_t itemIdentIdx = block.indexOfAttribute(NULL, "name"); if (itemIdentIdx >= 0) { itemIdent = String16(block.getAttributeStringValue(itemIdentIdx, &len)); } else { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "A 'name' attribute is required for \n"); hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } ResXMLParser::ResXMLPosition parserPosition; block.getPosition(&parserPosition); err = parseAndAddBag(bundle, in, &block, curParams, myPackage, curType, ident, parentIdent, itemIdent, curFormat, false, overwrite, outTable); if (err == NO_ERROR) { if (curIsPseudolocalizable && localeIsDefined(curParams) && bundle->getPseudolocalize()) { // pseudolocalize here #if 1 block.setPosition(parserPosition); err = parseAndAddBag(bundle, in, &block, pseudoParams, myPackage, curType, ident, parentIdent, itemIdent, curFormat, true, overwrite, outTable); #endif } } if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } else if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), curTag->string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Found tag where is expected\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string(), String8(*curTag).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } break; } } } else { ResXMLParser::ResXMLPosition parserPosition; block.getPosition(&parserPosition); err = parseAndAddEntry(bundle, in, &block, curParams, myPackage, curType, ident, *curTag, curIsStyled, curFormat, false, overwrite, outTable); if (err < NO_ERROR) { // Why err < NO_ERROR instead of err != NO_ERROR? hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } else if (err == NO_ERROR) { if (curIsPseudolocalizable && localeIsDefined(curParams) && bundle->getPseudolocalize()) { // pseudolocalize here block.setPosition(parserPosition); err = parseAndAddEntry(bundle, in, &block, pseudoParams, myPackage, curType, ident, *curTag, curIsStyled, curFormat, true, overwrite, outTable); if (err != NO_ERROR) { hasErrors = localHasErrors = true; } } } } #if 0 if (comment.size() > 0) { printf("Comment for @%s:%s/%s: %s\n", String8(myPackage).string(), String8(curType).string(), String8(ident).string(), String8(comment).string()); } #endif if (!localHasErrors) { outTable->appendComment(myPackage, curType, ident, comment, false); } } else if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { if (strcmp16(block.getElementName(&len), resources16.string()) != 0) { SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Unexpected end tag %s\n", String8(block.getElementName(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else if (code == ResXMLTree::START_NAMESPACE || code == ResXMLTree::END_NAMESPACE) { } else if (code == ResXMLTree::TEXT) { if (isWhitespace(block.getText(&len))) { continue; } SourcePos(in->getPrintableSource(), block.getLineNumber()).error( "Found text \"%s\" where item tag is expected\n", String8(block.getText(&len)).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } return hasErrors ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : NO_ERROR; } ResourceTable::ResourceTable(Bundle* bundle, const String16& assetsPackage) : mAssetsPackage(assetsPackage), mNextPackageId(1), mHaveAppPackage(false), mIsAppPackage(!bundle->getExtending()), mNumLocal(0), mBundle(bundle) { } status_t ResourceTable::addIncludedResources(Bundle* bundle, const sp& assets) { status_t err = assets->buildIncludedResources(bundle); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } // For future reference to included resources. mAssets = assets; const ResTable& incl = assets->getIncludedResources(); // Retrieve all the packages. const size_t N = incl.getBasePackageCount(); for (size_t phase=0; phase<2; phase++) { for (size_t i=0; i id) { fprintf(stderr, "Included base package ID %d already in use!\n", id); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } if (id != 0) { NOISY(printf("Including package %s with ID=%d\n", String8(name).string(), id)); sp p = new Package(name, id); mPackages.add(name, p); mOrderedPackages.add(p); if (id >= mNextPackageId) { mNextPackageId = id+1; } } } } // Every resource table always has one first entry, the bag attributes. const SourcePos unknown(String8("????"), 0); sp attr = getType(mAssetsPackage, String16("attr"), unknown); return NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::addPublic(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const uint32_t ident) { uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size()); if (rid != 0) { sourcePos.error("Error declaring public resource %s/%s for included package %s\n", String8(type).string(), String8(name).string(), String8(package).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } sp t = getType(package, type, sourcePos); if (t == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return t->addPublic(sourcePos, name, ident); } status_t ResourceTable::addEntry(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const String16& value, const Vector* style, const ResTable_config* params, const bool doSetIndex, const int32_t format, const bool overwrite) { // Check for adding entries in other packages... for now we do // nothing. We need to do the right thing here to support skinning. uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size()); if (rid != 0) { return NO_ERROR; } #if 0 if (name == String16("left")) { printf("Adding entry left: file=%s, line=%d, type=%s, value=%s\n", sourcePos.file.string(), sourcePos.line, String8(type).string(), String8(value).string()); } #endif sp e = getEntry(package, type, name, sourcePos, overwrite, params, doSetIndex); if (e == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } status_t err = e->setItem(sourcePos, value, style, format, overwrite); if (err == NO_ERROR) { mNumLocal++; } return err; } status_t ResourceTable::startBag(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const String16& bagParent, const ResTable_config* params, bool overlay, bool replace, bool isId) { status_t result = NO_ERROR; // Check for adding entries in other packages... for now we do // nothing. We need to do the right thing here to support skinning. uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size()); if (rid != 0) { return NO_ERROR; } #if 0 if (name == String16("left")) { printf("Adding bag left: file=%s, line=%d, type=%s\n", sourcePos.file.striing(), sourcePos.line, String8(type).string()); } #endif if (overlay && !hasBagOrEntry(package, type, name)) { sourcePos.error("Can't add new bags in an overlay. See '%s'\n", String8(name).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } sp e = getEntry(package, type, name, sourcePos, overlay, params); if (e == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // If a parent is explicitly specified, set it. if (bagParent.size() > 0) { String16 curPar = e->getParent(); if (curPar.size() > 0 && curPar != bagParent) { sourcePos.error("Conflicting parents specified, was '%s', now '%s'\n", String8(e->getParent()).string(), String8(bagParent).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } e->setParent(bagParent); } if ((result = e->makeItABag(sourcePos)) != NO_ERROR) { return result; } if (overlay && replace) { return e->emptyBag(sourcePos); } return result; } status_t ResourceTable::addBag(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const String16& bagParent, const String16& bagKey, const String16& value, const Vector* style, const ResTable_config* params, bool replace, bool isId, const int32_t format) { // Check for adding entries in other packages... for now we do // nothing. We need to do the right thing here to support skinning. uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size()); if (rid != 0) { return NO_ERROR; } #if 0 if (name == String16("left")) { printf("Adding bag left: file=%s, line=%d, type=%s\n", sourcePos.file.striing(), sourcePos.line, String8(type).string()); } #endif sp e = getEntry(package, type, name, sourcePos, replace, params); if (e == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // If a parent is explicitly specified, set it. if (bagParent.size() > 0) { String16 curPar = e->getParent(); if (curPar.size() > 0 && curPar != bagParent) { sourcePos.error("Conflicting parents specified, was '%s', now '%s'\n", String8(e->getParent()).string(), String8(bagParent).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } e->setParent(bagParent); } const bool first = e->getBag().indexOfKey(bagKey) < 0; status_t err = e->addToBag(sourcePos, bagKey, value, style, replace, isId, format); if (err == NO_ERROR && first) { mNumLocal++; } return err; } bool ResourceTable::hasBagOrEntry(const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name) const { // First look for this in the included resources... uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size()); if (rid != 0) { return true; } sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p != NULL) { sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(type); if (t != NULL) { sp c = t->getConfigs().valueFor(name); if (c != NULL) return true; } } return false; } bool ResourceTable::hasBagOrEntry(const String16& ref, const String16* defType, const String16* defPackage) { String16 package, type, name; if (!ResTable::expandResourceRef(ref.string(), ref.size(), &package, &type, &name, defType, defPackage ? defPackage:&mAssetsPackage, NULL)) { return false; } return hasBagOrEntry(package, type, name); } bool ResourceTable::appendComment(const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const String16& comment, bool onlyIfEmpty) { if (comment.size() <= 0) { return true; } sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p != NULL) { sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(type); if (t != NULL) { sp c = t->getConfigs().valueFor(name); if (c != NULL) { c->appendComment(comment, onlyIfEmpty); return true; } } } return false; } bool ResourceTable::appendTypeComment(const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const String16& comment) { if (comment.size() <= 0) { return true; } sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p != NULL) { sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(type); if (t != NULL) { sp c = t->getConfigs().valueFor(name); if (c != NULL) { c->appendTypeComment(comment); return true; } } } return false; } size_t ResourceTable::size() const { return mPackages.size(); } size_t ResourceTable::numLocalResources() const { return mNumLocal; } bool ResourceTable::hasResources() const { return mNumLocal > 0; } sp ResourceTable::flatten(Bundle* bundle) { sp data = new AaptFile(String8(), AaptGroupEntry(), String8()); status_t err = flatten(bundle, data); return err == NO_ERROR ? data : NULL; } inline uint32_t ResourceTable::getResId(const sp& p, const sp& t, uint32_t nameId) { return makeResId(p->getAssignedId(), t->getIndex(), nameId); } uint32_t ResourceTable::getResId(const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, bool onlyPublic) const { sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p == NULL) return 0; // First look for this in the included resources... uint32_t specFlags = 0; uint32_t rid = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .identifierForName(name.string(), name.size(), type.string(), type.size(), package.string(), package.size(), &specFlags); if (rid != 0) { if (onlyPublic) { if ((specFlags & ResTable_typeSpec::SPEC_PUBLIC) == 0) { return 0; } } if (Res_INTERNALID(rid)) { return rid; } return Res_MAKEID(p->getAssignedId()-1, Res_GETTYPE(rid), Res_GETENTRY(rid)); } sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(type); if (t == NULL) return 0; sp c = t->getConfigs().valueFor(name); if (c == NULL) return 0; int32_t ei = c->getEntryIndex(); if (ei < 0) return 0; return getResId(p, t, ei); } uint32_t ResourceTable::getResId(const String16& ref, const String16* defType, const String16* defPackage, const char** outErrorMsg, bool onlyPublic) const { String16 package, type, name; if (!ResTable::expandResourceRef( ref.string(), ref.size(), &package, &type, &name, defType, defPackage ? defPackage:&mAssetsPackage, outErrorMsg)) { NOISY(printf("Expanding resource: ref=%s\n", String8(ref).string())); NOISY(printf("Expanding resource: defType=%s\n", defType ? String8(*defType).string() : "NULL")); NOISY(printf("Expanding resource: defPackage=%s\n", defPackage ? String8(*defPackage).string() : "NULL")); NOISY(printf("Expanding resource: ref=%s\n", String8(ref).string())); NOISY(printf("Expanded resource: p=%s, t=%s, n=%s, res=0\n", String8(package).string(), String8(type).string(), String8(name).string())); return 0; } uint32_t res = getResId(package, type, name, onlyPublic); NOISY(printf("Expanded resource: p=%s, t=%s, n=%s, res=%d\n", String8(package).string(), String8(type).string(), String8(name).string(), res)); if (res == 0) { if (outErrorMsg) *outErrorMsg = "No resource found that matches the given name"; } return res; } bool ResourceTable::isValidResourceName(const String16& s) { const char16_t* p = s.string(); bool first = true; while (*p) { if ((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || *p == '_' || (!first && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9')) { first = false; p++; continue; } return false; } return true; } bool ResourceTable::stringToValue(Res_value* outValue, StringPool* pool, const String16& str, bool preserveSpaces, bool coerceType, uint32_t attrID, const Vector* style, String16* outStr, void* accessorCookie, uint32_t attrType) { String16 finalStr; bool res = true; if (style == NULL || style->size() == 0) { // Text is not styled so it can be any type... let's figure it out. res = mAssets->getIncludedResources() .stringToValue(outValue, &finalStr, str.string(), str.size(), preserveSpaces, coerceType, attrID, NULL, &mAssetsPackage, this, accessorCookie, attrType); } else { // Styled text can only be a string, and while collecting the style // information we have already processed that string! outValue->size = sizeof(Res_value); outValue->res0 = 0; outValue->dataType = outValue->TYPE_STRING; outValue->data = 0; finalStr = str; } if (!res) { return false; } if (outValue->dataType == outValue->TYPE_STRING) { // Should do better merging styles. if (pool) { if (style != NULL && style->size() > 0) { outValue->data = pool->add(finalStr, *style); } else { outValue->data = pool->add(finalStr, true); } } else { // Caller will fill this in later. outValue->data = 0; } if (outStr) { *outStr = finalStr; } } return true; } uint32_t ResourceTable::getCustomResource( const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name) const { //printf("getCustomResource: %s %s %s\n", String8(package).string(), // String8(type).string(), String8(name).string()); sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p == NULL) return 0; sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(type); if (t == NULL) return 0; sp c = t->getConfigs().valueFor(name); if (c == NULL) return 0; int32_t ei = c->getEntryIndex(); if (ei < 0) return 0; return getResId(p, t, ei); } uint32_t ResourceTable::getCustomResourceWithCreation( const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const bool createIfNotFound) { uint32_t resId = getCustomResource(package, type, name); if (resId != 0 || !createIfNotFound) { return resId; } String16 value("false"); status_t status = addEntry(mCurrentXmlPos, package, type, name, value, NULL, NULL, true); if (status == NO_ERROR) { resId = getResId(package, type, name); return resId; } return 0; } uint32_t ResourceTable::getRemappedPackage(uint32_t origPackage) const { return origPackage; } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeType(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outType) { //printf("getAttributeType #%08x\n", attrID); Res_value value; if (getItemValue(attrID, ResTable_map::ATTR_TYPE, &value)) { //printf("getAttributeType #%08x (%s): #%08x\n", attrID, // String8(getEntry(attrID)->getName()).string(), value.data); *outType = value.data; return true; } return false; } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeMin(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outMin) { //printf("getAttributeMin #%08x\n", attrID); Res_value value; if (getItemValue(attrID, ResTable_map::ATTR_MIN, &value)) { *outMin = value.data; return true; } return false; } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeMax(uint32_t attrID, uint32_t* outMax) { //printf("getAttributeMax #%08x\n", attrID); Res_value value; if (getItemValue(attrID, ResTable_map::ATTR_MAX, &value)) { *outMax = value.data; return true; } return false; } uint32_t ResourceTable::getAttributeL10N(uint32_t attrID) { //printf("getAttributeL10N #%08x\n", attrID); Res_value value; if (getItemValue(attrID, ResTable_map::ATTR_L10N, &value)) { return value.data; } return ResTable_map::L10N_NOT_REQUIRED; } bool ResourceTable::getLocalizationSetting() { return mBundle->getRequireLocalization(); } void ResourceTable::reportError(void* accessorCookie, const char* fmt, ...) { if (accessorCookie != NULL && fmt != NULL) { AccessorCookie* ac = (AccessorCookie*)accessorCookie; int retval=0; char buf[1024]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); retval = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); ac->sourcePos.error("Error: %s (at '%s' with value '%s').\n", buf, ac->attr.string(), ac->value.string()); } } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeKeys( uint32_t attrID, Vector* outKeys) { sp e = getEntry(attrID); if (e != NULL) { const size_t N = e->getBag().size(); for (size_t i=0; igetBag().keyAt(i); if (key.size() > 0 && key.string()[0] != '^') { outKeys->add(key); } } return true; } return false; } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeEnum( uint32_t attrID, const char16_t* name, size_t nameLen, Res_value* outValue) { //printf("getAttributeEnum #%08x %s\n", attrID, String8(name, nameLen).string()); String16 nameStr(name, nameLen); sp e = getEntry(attrID); if (e != NULL) { const size_t N = e->getBag().size(); for (size_t i=0; igetBag().keyAt(i)).string()); if (e->getBag().keyAt(i) == nameStr) { return getItemValue(attrID, e->getBag().valueAt(i).bagKeyId, outValue); } } } return false; } bool ResourceTable::getAttributeFlags( uint32_t attrID, const char16_t* name, size_t nameLen, Res_value* outValue) { outValue->dataType = Res_value::TYPE_INT_HEX; outValue->data = 0; //printf("getAttributeFlags #%08x %s\n", attrID, String8(name, nameLen).string()); String16 nameStr(name, nameLen); sp e = getEntry(attrID); if (e != NULL) { const size_t N = e->getBag().size(); const char16_t* end = name + nameLen; const char16_t* pos = name; bool failed = false; while (pos < end && !failed) { const char16_t* start = pos; end++; while (pos < end && *pos != '|') { pos++; } String16 nameStr(start, pos-start); size_t i; for (i=0; igetBag().keyAt(i)).string()); if (e->getBag().keyAt(i) == nameStr) { Res_value val; bool got = getItemValue(attrID, e->getBag().valueAt(i).bagKeyId, &val); if (!got) { return false; } //printf("Got value: 0x%08x\n", val.data); outValue->data |= val.data; break; } } if (i >= N) { // Didn't find this flag identifier. return false; } if (pos < end) { pos++; } } return true; } return false; } status_t ResourceTable::assignResourceIds() { const size_t N = mOrderedPackages.size(); size_t pi; status_t firstError = NO_ERROR; // First generate all bag attributes and assign indices. for (pi=0; pi p = mOrderedPackages.itemAt(pi); if (p == NULL || p->getTypes().size() == 0) { // Empty, skip! continue; } status_t err = p->applyPublicTypeOrder(); if (err != NO_ERROR && firstError == NO_ERROR) { firstError = err; } // Generate attributes... const size_t N = p->getOrderedTypes().size(); size_t ti; for (ti=0; ti t = p->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(ti); if (t == NULL) { continue; } const size_t N = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); for (size_t ci=0; ci c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ci); if (c == NULL) { continue; } const size_t N = c->getEntries().size(); for (size_t ei=0; ei e = c->getEntries().valueAt(ei); if (e == NULL) { continue; } status_t err = e->generateAttributes(this, p->getName()); if (err != NO_ERROR && firstError == NO_ERROR) { firstError = err; } } } } const SourcePos unknown(String8("????"), 0); sp attr = p->getType(String16("attr"), unknown); // Assign indices... for (ti=0; ti t = p->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(ti); if (t == NULL) { continue; } err = t->applyPublicEntryOrder(); if (err != NO_ERROR && firstError == NO_ERROR) { firstError = err; } const size_t N = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); t->setIndex(ti+1); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(ti == 0 && attr != t, "First type is not attr!"); for (size_t ei=0; ei c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ei); if (c == NULL) { continue; } c->setEntryIndex(ei); } } // Assign resource IDs to keys in bags... for (ti=0; ti t = p->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(ti); if (t == NULL) { continue; } const size_t N = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); for (size_t ci=0; ci c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ci); //printf("Ordered config #%d: %p\n", ci, c.get()); const size_t N = c->getEntries().size(); for (size_t ei=0; ei e = c->getEntries().valueAt(ei); if (e == NULL) { continue; } status_t err = e->assignResourceIds(this, p->getName()); if (err != NO_ERROR && firstError == NO_ERROR) { firstError = err; } } } } } return firstError; } status_t ResourceTable::addSymbols(const sp& outSymbols) { const size_t N = mOrderedPackages.size(); size_t pi; for (pi=0; pi p = mOrderedPackages.itemAt(pi); if (p->getTypes().size() == 0) { // Empty, skip! continue; } const size_t N = p->getOrderedTypes().size(); size_t ti; for (ti=0; ti t = p->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(ti); if (t == NULL) { continue; } const size_t N = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); sp typeSymbols; typeSymbols = outSymbols->addNestedSymbol(String8(t->getName()), t->getPos()); for (size_t ci=0; ci c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ci); if (c == NULL) { continue; } uint32_t rid = getResId(p, t, ci); if (rid == 0) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (Res_GETPACKAGE(rid) == (size_t)(p->getAssignedId()-1)) { typeSymbols->addSymbol(String8(c->getName()), rid, c->getPos()); String16 comment(c->getComment()); typeSymbols->appendComment(String8(c->getName()), comment, c->getPos()); //printf("Type symbol %s comment: %s\n", String8(e->getName()).string(), // String8(comment).string()); comment = c->getTypeComment(); typeSymbols->appendTypeComment(String8(c->getName()), comment); } else { #if 0 printf("**** NO MATCH: 0x%08x vs 0x%08x\n", Res_GETPACKAGE(rid), p->getAssignedId()); #endif } } } } return NO_ERROR; } void ResourceTable::addLocalization(const String16& name, const String8& locale) { mLocalizations[name].insert(locale); } /*! * Flag various sorts of localization problems. '+' indicates checks already implemented; * '-' indicates checks that will be implemented in the future. * * + A localized string for which no default-locale version exists => warning * + A string for which no version in an explicitly-requested locale exists => warning * + A localized translation of an translateable="false" string => warning * - A localized string not provided in every locale used by the table */ status_t ResourceTable::validateLocalizations(void) { status_t err = NO_ERROR; const String8 defaultLocale; // For all strings... for (map >::iterator nameIter = mLocalizations.begin(); nameIter != mLocalizations.end(); nameIter++) { const set& configSet = nameIter->second; // naming convenience // Look for strings with no default localization if (configSet.count(defaultLocale) == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "aapt: warning: string '%s' has no default translation in %s; found:", String8(nameIter->first).string(), mBundle->getResourceSourceDirs()[0]); for (set::iterator locales = configSet.begin(); locales != configSet.end(); locales++) { fprintf(stdout, " %s", (*locales).string()); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // !!! TODO: throw an error here in some circumstances } // Check that all requested localizations are present for this string if (mBundle->getConfigurations() != NULL && mBundle->getRequireLocalization()) { const char* allConfigs = mBundle->getConfigurations(); const char* start = allConfigs; const char* comma; do { String8 config; comma = strchr(start, ','); if (comma != NULL) { config.setTo(start, comma - start); start = comma + 1; } else { config.setTo(start); } // don't bother with the pseudolocale "zz_ZZ" if (config != "zz_ZZ") { if (configSet.find(config) == configSet.end()) { // okay, no specific localization found. it's possible that we are // requiring a specific regional localization [e.g. de_DE] but there is an // available string in the generic language localization [e.g. de]; // consider that string to have fulfilled the localization requirement. String8 region(config.string(), 2); if (configSet.find(region) == configSet.end()) { if (configSet.count(defaultLocale) == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "aapt: error: " "*** string '%s' has no default or required localization " "for '%s' in %s\n", String8(nameIter->first).string(), config.string(), mBundle->getResourceSourceDirs()[0]); err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } } } } while (comma != NULL); } } return err; } status_t ResourceFilter::parse(const char* arg) { if (arg == NULL) { return 0; } const char* p = arg; const char* q; while (true) { q = strchr(p, ','); if (q == NULL) { q = p + strlen(p); } String8 part(p, q-p); if (part == "zz_ZZ") { mContainsPseudo = true; } int axis; uint32_t value; if (AaptGroupEntry::parseNamePart(part, &axis, &value)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid configuration: %s\n", arg); fprintf(stderr, " "); for (int i=0; i()); } SortedVector& sv = mData.editValueFor(axis); sv.add(value); // if it's a locale with a region, also match an unmodified locale of the // same language if (axis == AXIS_LANGUAGE) { if (value & 0xffff0000) { sv.add(value & 0x0000ffff); } } p = q; if (!*p) break; p++; } return NO_ERROR; } bool ResourceFilter::match(int axis, uint32_t value) { if (value == 0) { // they didn't specify anything so take everything return true; } ssize_t index = mData.indexOfKey(axis); if (index < 0) { // we didn't request anything on this axis so take everything return true; } const SortedVector& sv = mData.valueAt(index); return sv.indexOf(value) >= 0; } bool ResourceFilter::match(const ResTable_config& config) { if (config.locale) { uint32_t locale = (config.country[1] << 24) | (config.country[0] << 16) | (config.language[1] << 8) | (config.language[0]); if (!match(AXIS_LANGUAGE, locale)) { return false; } } if (!match(AXIS_ORIENTATION, config.orientation)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_DENSITY, config.density)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_TOUCHSCREEN, config.touchscreen)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_KEYSHIDDEN, config.inputFlags)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_KEYBOARD, config.keyboard)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_NAVIGATION, config.navigation)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_SCREENSIZE, config.screenSize)) { return false; } if (!match(AXIS_VERSION, config.version)) { return false; } return true; } status_t ResourceTable::flatten(Bundle* bundle, const sp& dest) { ResourceFilter filter; status_t err = filter.parse(bundle->getConfigurations()); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } const size_t N = mOrderedPackages.size(); size_t pi; // Iterate through all data, collecting all values (strings, // references, etc). StringPool valueStrings; for (pi=0; pi p = mOrderedPackages.itemAt(pi); if (p->getTypes().size() == 0) { // Empty, skip! continue; } StringPool typeStrings; StringPool keyStrings; const size_t N = p->getOrderedTypes().size(); for (size_t ti=0; ti t = p->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(ti); if (t == NULL) { typeStrings.add(String16(""), false); continue; } typeStrings.add(t->getName(), false); const size_t N = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); for (size_t ci=0; ci c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ci); if (c == NULL) { continue; } const size_t N = c->getEntries().size(); for (size_t ei=0; eigetEntries().keyAt(ei); if (!filter.match(config)) { continue; } sp e = c->getEntries().valueAt(ei); if (e == NULL) { continue; } e->setNameIndex(keyStrings.add(e->getName(), true)); status_t err = e->prepareFlatten(&valueStrings, this); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } } } } p->setTypeStrings(typeStrings.createStringBlock()); p->setKeyStrings(keyStrings.createStringBlock()); } ssize_t strAmt = 0; // Now build the array of package chunks. Vector > flatPackages; for (pi=0; pi p = mOrderedPackages.itemAt(pi); if (p->getTypes().size() == 0) { // Empty, skip! continue; } const size_t N = p->getTypeStrings().size(); const size_t baseSize = sizeof(ResTable_package); // Start the package data. sp data = new AaptFile(String8(), AaptGroupEntry(), String8()); ResTable_package* header = (ResTable_package*)data->editData(baseSize); if (header == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_package\n"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(header, 0, sizeof(*header)); header->header.type = htods(RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE); header->header.headerSize = htods(sizeof(*header)); header->id = htodl(p->getAssignedId()); strcpy16_htod(header->name, p->getName().string()); // Write the string blocks. const size_t typeStringsStart = data->getSize(); sp strFile = p->getTypeStringsData(); ssize_t amt = data->writeData(strFile->getData(), strFile->getSize()); #if PRINT_STRING_METRICS fprintf(stderr, "**** type strings: %d\n", amt); #endif strAmt += amt; if (amt < 0) { return amt; } const size_t keyStringsStart = data->getSize(); strFile = p->getKeyStringsData(); amt = data->writeData(strFile->getData(), strFile->getSize()); #if PRINT_STRING_METRICS fprintf(stderr, "**** key strings: %d\n", amt); #endif strAmt += amt; if (amt < 0) { return amt; } // Build the type chunks inside of this package. for (size_t ti=0; tigetTypeStrings().stringAt(ti, &len)); sp t = p->getTypes().valueFor(typeName); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(t == NULL && typeName != String16(""), "Type name %s not found", String8(typeName).string()); const size_t N = t != NULL ? t->getOrderedConfigs().size() : 0; // First write the typeSpec chunk, containing information about // each resource entry in this type. { const size_t typeSpecSize = sizeof(ResTable_typeSpec) + sizeof(uint32_t)*N; const size_t typeSpecStart = data->getSize(); ResTable_typeSpec* tsHeader = (ResTable_typeSpec*) (((uint8_t*)data->editData(typeSpecStart+typeSpecSize)) + typeSpecStart); if (tsHeader == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_typeSpec\n"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(tsHeader, 0, sizeof(*tsHeader)); tsHeader->header.type = htods(RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE); tsHeader->header.headerSize = htods(sizeof(*tsHeader)); tsHeader->header.size = htodl(typeSpecSize); tsHeader->id = ti+1; tsHeader->entryCount = htodl(N); uint32_t* typeSpecFlags = (uint32_t*) (((uint8_t*)data->editData()) + typeSpecStart + sizeof(ResTable_typeSpec)); memset(typeSpecFlags, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)*N); for (size_t ei=0; ei cl = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ei); if (cl->getPublic()) { typeSpecFlags[ei] |= htodl(ResTable_typeSpec::SPEC_PUBLIC); } const size_t CN = cl->getEntries().size(); for (size_t ci=0; cigetEntries().keyAt(ci))) { continue; } for (size_t cj=ci+1; cjgetEntries().keyAt(cj))) { continue; } typeSpecFlags[ei] |= htodl( cl->getEntries().keyAt(ci).diff(cl->getEntries().keyAt(cj))); } } } } // We need to write one type chunk for each configuration for // which we have entries in this type. const size_t NC = t->getUniqueConfigs().size(); const size_t typeSize = sizeof(ResTable_type) + sizeof(uint32_t)*N; for (size_t ci=0; cigetUniqueConfigs().itemAt(ci); NOISY(printf("Writing config %d config: imsi:%d/%d lang:%c%c cnt:%c%c " "orien:%d touch:%d density:%d key:%d inp:%d nav:%d w:%d h:%d\n", ti+1, config.mcc, config.mnc, config.language[0] ? config.language[0] : '-', config.language[1] ? config.language[1] : '-', config.country[0] ? config.country[0] : '-', config.country[1] ? config.country[1] : '-', config.orientation, config.touchscreen, config.density, config.keyboard, config.inputFlags, config.navigation, config.screenWidth, config.screenHeight)); if (!filter.match(config)) { continue; } const size_t typeStart = data->getSize(); ResTable_type* tHeader = (ResTable_type*) (((uint8_t*)data->editData(typeStart+typeSize)) + typeStart); if (tHeader == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_type\n"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(tHeader, 0, sizeof(*tHeader)); tHeader->header.type = htods(RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE); tHeader->header.headerSize = htods(sizeof(*tHeader)); tHeader->id = ti+1; tHeader->entryCount = htodl(N); tHeader->entriesStart = htodl(typeSize); tHeader->config = config; NOISY(printf("Writing type %d config: imsi:%d/%d lang:%c%c cnt:%c%c " "orien:%d touch:%d density:%d key:%d inp:%d nav:%d w:%d h:%d\n", ti+1, tHeader->config.mcc, tHeader->config.mnc, tHeader->config.language[0] ? tHeader->config.language[0] : '-', tHeader->config.language[1] ? tHeader->config.language[1] : '-', tHeader->config.country[0] ? tHeader->config.country[0] : '-', tHeader->config.country[1] ? tHeader->config.country[1] : '-', tHeader->config.orientation, tHeader->config.touchscreen, tHeader->config.density, tHeader->config.keyboard, tHeader->config.inputFlags, tHeader->config.navigation, tHeader->config.screenWidth, tHeader->config.screenHeight)); tHeader->config.swapHtoD(); // Build the entries inside of this type. for (size_t ei=0; ei cl = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(ei); sp e = cl->getEntries().valueFor(config); // Set the offset for this entry in its type. uint32_t* index = (uint32_t*) (((uint8_t*)data->editData()) + typeStart + sizeof(ResTable_type)); if (e != NULL) { index[ei] = htodl(data->getSize()-typeStart-typeSize); // Create the entry. ssize_t amt = e->flatten(bundle, data, cl->getPublic()); if (amt < 0) { return amt; } } else { index[ei] = htodl(ResTable_type::NO_ENTRY); } } // Fill in the rest of the type information. tHeader = (ResTable_type*) (((uint8_t*)data->editData()) + typeStart); tHeader->header.size = htodl(data->getSize()-typeStart); } } // Fill in the rest of the package information. header = (ResTable_package*)data->editData(); header->header.size = htodl(data->getSize()); header->typeStrings = htodl(typeStringsStart); header->lastPublicType = htodl(p->getTypeStrings().size()); header->keyStrings = htodl(keyStringsStart); header->lastPublicKey = htodl(p->getKeyStrings().size()); flatPackages.add(data); } // And now write out the final chunks. const size_t dataStart = dest->getSize(); { // blah ResTable_header header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.header.type = htods(RES_TABLE_TYPE); header.header.headerSize = htods(sizeof(header)); header.packageCount = htodl(flatPackages.size()); status_t err = dest->writeData(&header, sizeof(header)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_header\n"); return err; } } ssize_t strStart = dest->getSize(); err = valueStrings.writeStringBlock(dest); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } ssize_t amt = (dest->getSize()-strStart); strAmt += amt; #if PRINT_STRING_METRICS fprintf(stderr, "**** value strings: %d\n", amt); fprintf(stderr, "**** total strings: %d\n", strAmt); #endif for (pi=0; piwriteData(flatPackages[pi]->getData(), flatPackages[pi]->getSize()); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating package chunk for ResTable_header\n"); return err; } } ResTable_header* header = (ResTable_header*) (((uint8_t*)dest->getData()) + dataStart); header->header.size = htodl(dest->getSize() - dataStart); NOISY(aout << "Resource table:" << HexDump(dest->getData(), dest->getSize()) << endl); #if PRINT_STRING_METRICS fprintf(stderr, "**** total resource table size: %d / %d%% strings\n", dest->getSize(), (strAmt*100)/dest->getSize()); #endif return NO_ERROR; } void ResourceTable::writePublicDefinitions(const String16& package, FILE* fp) { fprintf(fp, "\n" "\n" "\n"); writePublicDefinitions(package, fp, true); writePublicDefinitions(package, fp, false); fprintf(fp, "\n" "\n"); } void ResourceTable::writePublicDefinitions(const String16& package, FILE* fp, bool pub) { bool didHeader = false; sp pkg = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (pkg != NULL) { const size_t NT = pkg->getOrderedTypes().size(); for (size_t i=0; i t = pkg->getOrderedTypes().itemAt(i); if (t == NULL) { continue; } bool didType = false; const size_t NC = t->getOrderedConfigs().size(); for (size_t j=0; j c = t->getOrderedConfigs().itemAt(j); if (c == NULL) { continue; } if (c->getPublic() != pub) { continue; } if (!didType) { fprintf(fp, "\n"); didType = true; } if (!didHeader) { if (pub) { fprintf(fp," \n\n"); } else { fprintf(fp," \n\n"); } didHeader = true; } if (!pub) { const size_t NE = c->getEntries().size(); for (size_t k=0; kgetEntries().valueAt(k)->getPos(); if (pos.file != "") { fprintf(fp," \n", pos.file.string(), pos.line); } } } fprintf(fp, " \n", String8(t->getName()).string(), String8(c->getName()).string(), getResId(pkg, t, c->getEntryIndex())); } } } } ResourceTable::Item::Item(const SourcePos& _sourcePos, bool _isId, const String16& _value, const Vector* _style, int32_t _format) : sourcePos(_sourcePos) , isId(_isId) , value(_value) , format(_format) , bagKeyId(0) , evaluating(false) { if (_style) { style = *_style; } } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::makeItABag(const SourcePos& sourcePos) { if (mType == TYPE_BAG) { return NO_ERROR; } if (mType == TYPE_UNKNOWN) { mType = TYPE_BAG; return NO_ERROR; } sourcePos.error("Resource entry %s is already defined as a single item.\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.\n", String8(mName).string(), mItem.sourcePos.file.string(), mItem.sourcePos.line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::setItem(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& value, const Vector* style, int32_t format, const bool overwrite) { Item item(sourcePos, false, value, style); if (mType == TYPE_BAG) { const Item& item(mBag.valueAt(0)); sourcePos.error("Resource entry %s is already defined as a bag.\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.\n", String8(mName).string(), item.sourcePos.file.string(), item.sourcePos.line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if ( (mType != TYPE_UNKNOWN) && (overwrite == false) ) { sourcePos.error("Resource entry %s is already defined.\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.\n", String8(mName).string(), mItem.sourcePos.file.string(), mItem.sourcePos.line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mType = TYPE_ITEM; mItem = item; mItemFormat = format; return NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::addToBag(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& key, const String16& value, const Vector* style, bool replace, bool isId, int32_t format) { status_t err = makeItABag(sourcePos); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } Item item(sourcePos, isId, value, style, format); // XXX NOTE: there is an error if you try to have a bag with two keys, // one an attr and one an id, with the same name. Not something we // currently ever have to worry about. ssize_t origKey = mBag.indexOfKey(key); if (origKey >= 0) { if (!replace) { const Item& item(mBag.valueAt(origKey)); sourcePos.error("Resource entry %s already has bag item %s.\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.\n", String8(mName).string(), String8(key).string(), item.sourcePos.file.string(), item.sourcePos.line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } //printf("Replacing %s with %s\n", // String8(mBag.valueFor(key).value).string(), String8(value).string()); mBag.replaceValueFor(key, item); } mBag.add(key, item); return NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::emptyBag(const SourcePos& sourcePos) { status_t err = makeItABag(sourcePos); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } mBag.clear(); return NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::generateAttributes(ResourceTable* table, const String16& package) { const String16 attr16("attr"); const String16 id16("id"); const size_t N = mBag.size(); for (size_t i=0; ihasBagOrEntry(key, &id16, &package)) { String16 value("false"); status_t err = table->addEntry(SourcePos(String8(""), 0), package, id16, key, value); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } } } else if (!table->hasBagOrEntry(key, &attr16, &package)) { #if 1 // fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Bag attribute '%s' has not been defined.\n", // String8(key).string()); // const Item& item(mBag.valueAt(i)); // fprintf(stderr, "Referenced from file %s line %d\n", // item.sourcePos.file.string(), item.sourcePos.line); // return UNKNOWN_ERROR; #else char numberStr[16]; sprintf(numberStr, "%d", ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY); status_t err = table->addBag(SourcePos("", 0), package, attr16, key, String16(""), String16("^type"), String16(numberStr), NULL, NULL); if (err != NO_ERROR) { return err; } #endif } } return NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::assignResourceIds(ResourceTable* table, const String16& package) { bool hasErrors = false; if (mType == TYPE_BAG) { const char* errorMsg; const String16 style16("style"); const String16 attr16("attr"); const String16 id16("id"); mParentId = 0; if (mParent.size() > 0) { mParentId = table->getResId(mParent, &style16, NULL, &errorMsg); if (mParentId == 0) { mPos.error("Error retrieving parent for item: %s '%s'.\n", errorMsg, String8(mParent).string()); hasErrors = true; } } const size_t N = mBag.size(); for (size_t i=0; igetResId(key, it.isId ? &id16 : &attr16, NULL, &errorMsg); //printf("Bag key of %s: #%08x\n", String8(key).string(), it.bagKeyId); if (it.bagKeyId == 0) { it.sourcePos.error("Error: %s: %s '%s'.\n", errorMsg, String8(it.isId ? id16 : attr16).string(), String8(key).string()); hasErrors = true; } } } return hasErrors ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : NO_ERROR; } status_t ResourceTable::Entry::prepareFlatten(StringPool* strings, ResourceTable* table) { if (mType == TYPE_ITEM) { Item& it = mItem; AccessorCookie ac(it.sourcePos, String8(mName), String8(it.value)); if (!table->stringToValue(&it.parsedValue, strings, it.value, false, true, 0, &it.style, NULL, &ac, mItemFormat)) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else if (mType == TYPE_BAG) { const size_t N = mBag.size(); for (size_t i=0; istringToValue(&it.parsedValue, strings, it.value, false, true, it.bagKeyId, &it.style, NULL, &ac, it.format)) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } } else { mPos.error("Error: entry %s is not a single item or a bag.\n", String8(mName).string()); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return NO_ERROR; } ssize_t ResourceTable::Entry::flatten(Bundle* bundle, const sp& data, bool isPublic) { size_t amt = 0; ResTable_entry header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.size = htods(sizeof(header)); const type ty = this != NULL ? mType : TYPE_ITEM; if (this != NULL) { if (ty == TYPE_BAG) { header.flags |= htods(header.FLAG_COMPLEX); } if (isPublic) { header.flags |= htods(header.FLAG_PUBLIC); } header.key.index = htodl(mNameIndex); } if (ty != TYPE_BAG) { status_t err = data->writeData(&header, sizeof(header)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_entry\n"); return err; } const Item& it = mItem; Res_value par; memset(&par, 0, sizeof(par)); par.size = htods(it.parsedValue.size); par.dataType = it.parsedValue.dataType; par.res0 = it.parsedValue.res0; par.data = htodl(it.parsedValue.data); #if 0 printf("Writing item (%s): type=%d, data=0x%x, res0=0x%x\n", String8(mName).string(), it.parsedValue.dataType, it.parsedValue.data, par.res0); #endif err = data->writeData(&par, it.parsedValue.size); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating Res_value\n"); return err; } amt += it.parsedValue.size; } else { size_t N = mBag.size(); size_t i; // Create correct ordering of items. KeyedVector items; for (i=0; iwriteData(&mapHeader, sizeof(mapHeader)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating ResTable_entry\n"); return err; } for (i=0; iwriteData(&map, sizeof(map)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory creating Res_value\n"); return err; } amt += sizeof(map); } } return amt; } void ResourceTable::ConfigList::appendComment(const String16& comment, bool onlyIfEmpty) { if (comment.size() <= 0) { return; } if (onlyIfEmpty && mComment.size() > 0) { return; } if (mComment.size() > 0) { mComment.append(String16("\n")); } mComment.append(comment); } void ResourceTable::ConfigList::appendTypeComment(const String16& comment) { if (comment.size() <= 0) { return; } if (mTypeComment.size() > 0) { mTypeComment.append(String16("\n")); } mTypeComment.append(comment); } status_t ResourceTable::Type::addPublic(const SourcePos& sourcePos, const String16& name, const uint32_t ident) { #if 0 int32_t entryIdx = Res_GETENTRY(ident); if (entryIdx < 0) { sourcePos.error("Public resource %s/%s has an invalid 0 identifier (0x%08x).\n", String8(mName).string(), String8(name).string(), ident); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } #endif int32_t typeIdx = Res_GETTYPE(ident); if (typeIdx >= 0) { typeIdx++; if (mPublicIndex > 0 && mPublicIndex != typeIdx) { sourcePos.error("Public resource %s/%s has conflicting type codes for its" " public identifiers (0x%x vs 0x%x).\n", String8(mName).string(), String8(name).string(), mPublicIndex, typeIdx); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mPublicIndex = typeIdx; } if (mFirstPublicSourcePos == NULL) { mFirstPublicSourcePos = new SourcePos(sourcePos); } if (mPublic.indexOfKey(name) < 0) { mPublic.add(name, Public(sourcePos, String16(), ident)); } else { Public& p = mPublic.editValueFor(name); if (p.ident != ident) { sourcePos.error("Public resource %s/%s has conflicting public identifiers" " (0x%08x vs 0x%08x).\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.\n", String8(mName).string(), String8(name).string(), p.ident, ident, p.sourcePos.file.string(), p.sourcePos.line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } return NO_ERROR; } sp ResourceTable::Type::getEntry(const String16& entry, const SourcePos& sourcePos, const ResTable_config* config, bool doSetIndex, bool overlay) { int pos = -1; sp c = mConfigs.valueFor(entry); if (c == NULL) { if (overlay == true) { sourcePos.error("Resource %s appears in overlay but not" " in the base package.\n", String8(entry).string()); return NULL; } c = new ConfigList(entry, sourcePos); mConfigs.add(entry, c); pos = (int)mOrderedConfigs.size(); mOrderedConfigs.add(c); if (doSetIndex) { c->setEntryIndex(pos); } } ConfigDescription cdesc; if (config) cdesc = *config; sp e = c->getEntries().valueFor(cdesc); if (e == NULL) { if (config != NULL) { NOISY(printf("New entry at %s:%d: imsi:%d/%d lang:%c%c cnt:%c%c " "orien:%d touch:%d density:%d key:%d inp:%d nav:%d w:%d h:%d\n", sourcePos.file.string(), sourcePos.line, config->mcc, config->mnc, config->language[0] ? config->language[0] : '-', config->language[1] ? config->language[1] : '-', config->country[0] ? config->country[0] : '-', config->country[1] ? config->country[1] : '-', config->orientation, config->touchscreen, config->density, config->keyboard, config->inputFlags, config->navigation, config->screenWidth, config->screenHeight)); } else { NOISY(printf("New entry at %s:%d: NULL config\n", sourcePos.file.string(), sourcePos.line)); } e = new Entry(entry, sourcePos); c->addEntry(cdesc, e); /* if (doSetIndex) { if (pos < 0) { for (pos=0; pos<(int)mOrderedConfigs.size(); pos++) { if (mOrderedConfigs[pos] == c) { break; } } if (pos >= (int)mOrderedConfigs.size()) { sourcePos.error("Internal error: config not found in mOrderedConfigs when adding entry"); return NULL; } } e->setEntryIndex(pos); } */ } mUniqueConfigs.add(cdesc); return e; } status_t ResourceTable::Type::applyPublicEntryOrder() { size_t N = mOrderedConfigs.size(); Vector > origOrder(mOrderedConfigs); bool hasError = false; size_t i; for (i=0; i e = origOrder.itemAt(i); //printf("#%d: \"%s\"\n", i, String8(e->getName()).string()); if (e->getName() == name) { if (idx >= (int32_t)mOrderedConfigs.size()) { p.sourcePos.error("Public entry identifier 0x%x entry index " "is larger than available symbols (index %d, total symbols %d).\n", p.ident, idx, mOrderedConfigs.size()); hasError = true; } else if (mOrderedConfigs.itemAt(idx) == NULL) { e->setPublic(true); e->setPublicSourcePos(p.sourcePos); mOrderedConfigs.replaceAt(e, idx); origOrder.removeAt(i); N--; found = true; break; } else { sp oe = mOrderedConfigs.itemAt(idx); p.sourcePos.error("Multiple entry names declared for public entry" " identifier 0x%x in type %s (%s vs %s).\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.", idx+1, String8(mName).string(), String8(oe->getName()).string(), String8(name).string(), oe->getPublicSourcePos().file.string(), oe->getPublicSourcePos().line); hasError = true; } } } if (!found) { p.sourcePos.error("Public symbol %s/%s declared here is not defined.", String8(mName).string(), String8(name).string()); hasError = true; } } //printf("Copying back in %d non-public configs, have %d\n", N, origOrder.size()); if (N != origOrder.size()) { printf("Internal error: remaining private symbol count mismatch\n"); N = origOrder.size(); } j = 0; for (i=0; i e = origOrder.itemAt(i); // There will always be enough room for the remaining entries. while (mOrderedConfigs.itemAt(j) != NULL) { j++; } mOrderedConfigs.replaceAt(e, j); j++; } return hasError ? UNKNOWN_ERROR : NO_ERROR; } ResourceTable::Package::Package(const String16& name, ssize_t includedId) : mName(name), mIncludedId(includedId), mTypeStringsMapping(0xffffffff), mKeyStringsMapping(0xffffffff) { } sp ResourceTable::Package::getType(const String16& type, const SourcePos& sourcePos, bool doSetIndex) { sp t = mTypes.valueFor(type); if (t == NULL) { t = new Type(type, sourcePos); mTypes.add(type, t); mOrderedTypes.add(t); if (doSetIndex) { // For some reason the type's index is set to one plus the index // in the mOrderedTypes list, rather than just the index. t->setIndex(mOrderedTypes.size()); } } return t; } status_t ResourceTable::Package::setTypeStrings(const sp& data) { mTypeStringsData = data; status_t err = setStrings(data, &mTypeStrings, &mTypeStringsMapping); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Type string data is corrupt!\n"); } return err; } status_t ResourceTable::Package::setKeyStrings(const sp& data) { mKeyStringsData = data; status_t err = setStrings(data, &mKeyStrings, &mKeyStringsMapping); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Key string data is corrupt!\n"); } return err; } status_t ResourceTable::Package::setStrings(const sp& data, ResStringPool* strings, DefaultKeyedVector* mappings) { if (data->getData() == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } NOISY(aout << "Setting restable string pool: " << HexDump(data->getData(), data->getSize()) << endl); status_t err = strings->setTo(data->getData(), data->getSize()); if (err == NO_ERROR) { const size_t N = strings->size(); for (size_t i=0; iadd(String16(strings->stringAt(i, &len)), i); } } return err; } status_t ResourceTable::Package::applyPublicTypeOrder() { size_t N = mOrderedTypes.size(); Vector > origOrder(mOrderedTypes); size_t i; for (i=0; i t = origOrder.itemAt(i); int32_t idx = t->getPublicIndex(); if (idx > 0) { idx--; while (idx >= (int32_t)mOrderedTypes.size()) { mOrderedTypes.add(); } if (mOrderedTypes.itemAt(idx) != NULL) { sp ot = mOrderedTypes.itemAt(idx); t->getFirstPublicSourcePos().error("Multiple type names declared for public type" " identifier 0x%x (%s vs %s).\n" "%s:%d: Originally defined here.", idx, String8(ot->getName()).string(), String8(t->getName()).string(), ot->getFirstPublicSourcePos().file.string(), ot->getFirstPublicSourcePos().line); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mOrderedTypes.replaceAt(t, idx); origOrder.removeAt(i); i--; N--; } } size_t j=0; for (i=0; i t = origOrder.itemAt(i); // There will always be enough room for the remaining types. while (mOrderedTypes.itemAt(j) != NULL) { j++; } mOrderedTypes.replaceAt(t, j); } return NO_ERROR; } sp ResourceTable::getPackage(const String16& package) { sp p = mPackages.valueFor(package); if (p == NULL) { if (mIsAppPackage) { if (mHaveAppPackage) { fprintf(stderr, "Adding multiple application package resources; only one is allowed.\n" "Use -x to create extended resources.\n"); return NULL; } mHaveAppPackage = true; p = new Package(package, 127); } else { p = new Package(package, mNextPackageId); } //printf("*** NEW PACKAGE: \"%s\" id=%d\n", // String8(package).string(), p->getAssignedId()); mPackages.add(package, p); mOrderedPackages.add(p); mNextPackageId++; } return p; } sp ResourceTable::getType(const String16& package, const String16& type, const SourcePos& sourcePos, bool doSetIndex) { sp p = getPackage(package); if (p == NULL) { return NULL; } return p->getType(type, sourcePos, doSetIndex); } sp ResourceTable::getEntry(const String16& package, const String16& type, const String16& name, const SourcePos& sourcePos, bool overlay, const ResTable_config* config, bool doSetIndex) { sp t = getType(package, type, sourcePos, doSetIndex); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } return t->getEntry(name, sourcePos, config, doSetIndex, overlay); } sp ResourceTable::getEntry(uint32_t resID, const ResTable_config* config) const { int pid = Res_GETPACKAGE(resID)+1; const size_t N = mOrderedPackages.size(); size_t i; sp p; for (i=0; i check = mOrderedPackages[i]; if (check->getAssignedId() == pid) { p = check; break; } } if (p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Package not found for resource #%08x\n", resID); return NULL; } int tid = Res_GETTYPE(resID); if (tid < 0 || tid >= (int)p->getOrderedTypes().size()) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Type not found for resource #%08x\n", resID); return NULL; } sp t = p->getOrderedTypes()[tid]; int eid = Res_GETENTRY(resID); if (eid < 0 || eid >= (int)t->getOrderedConfigs().size()) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Entry not found for resource #%08x\n", resID); return NULL; } sp c = t->getOrderedConfigs()[eid]; if (c == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Entry not found for resource #%08x\n", resID); return NULL; } ConfigDescription cdesc; if (config) cdesc = *config; sp e = c->getEntries().valueFor(cdesc); if (c == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Entry configuration not found for resource #%08x\n", resID); return NULL; } return e; } const ResourceTable::Item* ResourceTable::getItem(uint32_t resID, uint32_t attrID) const { sp e = getEntry(resID); if (e == NULL) { return NULL; } const size_t N = e->getBag().size(); for (size_t i=0; igetBag().valueAt(i); if (it.bagKeyId == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: ID not yet assigned to '%s' in bag '%s'\n", String8(e->getName()).string(), String8(e->getBag().keyAt(i)).string()); } if (it.bagKeyId == attrID) { return ⁢ } } return NULL; } bool ResourceTable::getItemValue( uint32_t resID, uint32_t attrID, Res_value* outValue) { const Item* item = getItem(resID, attrID); bool res = false; if (item != NULL) { if (item->evaluating) { sp e = getEntry(resID); const size_t N = e->getBag().size(); size_t i; for (i=0; igetBag().valueAt(i) == item) { break; } } fprintf(stderr, "warning: Circular reference detected in key '%s' of bag '%s'\n", String8(e->getName()).string(), String8(e->getBag().keyAt(i)).string()); return false; } item->evaluating = true; res = stringToValue(outValue, NULL, item->value, false, false, item->bagKeyId); NOISY( if (res) { printf("getItemValue of #%08x[#%08x] (%s): type=#%08x, data=#%08x\n", resID, attrID, String8(getEntry(resID)->getName()).string(), outValue->dataType, outValue->data); } else { printf("getItemValue of #%08x[#%08x]: failed\n", resID, attrID); } ); item->evaluating = false; } return res; }