/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ConfigDescription.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "NameMangler.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "Util.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace aapt { static bool compareConfigs(const ResourceConfigValue& lhs, const ConfigDescription& rhs) { return lhs.config < rhs; } static bool lessThanType(const std::unique_ptr& lhs, ResourceType rhs) { return lhs->type < rhs; } static bool lessThanEntry(const std::unique_ptr& lhs, const StringPiece16& rhs) { return lhs->name.compare(0, lhs->name.size(), rhs.data(), rhs.size()) < 0; } ResourceTable::ResourceTable() : mPackageId(kUnsetPackageId) { // Make sure attrs always have type ID 1. findOrCreateType(ResourceType::kAttr)->typeId = 1; } std::unique_ptr& ResourceTable::findOrCreateType(ResourceType type) { auto last = mTypes.end(); auto iter = std::lower_bound(mTypes.begin(), last, type, lessThanType); if (iter != last) { if ((*iter)->type == type) { return *iter; } } return *mTypes.emplace(iter, new ResourceTableType{ type }); } std::unique_ptr& ResourceTable::findOrCreateEntry( std::unique_ptr& type, const StringPiece16& name) { auto last = type->entries.end(); auto iter = std::lower_bound(type->entries.begin(), last, name, lessThanEntry); if (iter != last) { if (name == (*iter)->name) { return *iter; } } return *type->entries.emplace(iter, new ResourceEntry{ name }); } struct IsAttributeVisitor : ConstValueVisitor { bool isAttribute = false; void visit(const Attribute&, ValueVisitorArgs&) override { isAttribute = true; } operator bool() { return isAttribute; } }; /** * The default handler for collisions. A return value of -1 means keep the * existing value, 0 means fail, and +1 means take the incoming value. */ static int defaultCollisionHandler(const Value& existing, const Value& incoming) { IsAttributeVisitor existingIsAttr, incomingIsAttr; existing.accept(existingIsAttr, {}); incoming.accept(incomingIsAttr, {}); if (!incomingIsAttr) { if (incoming.isWeak()) { // We're trying to add a weak resource but a resource // already exists. Keep the existing. return -1; } else if (existing.isWeak()) { // Override the weak resource with the new strong resource. return 1; } // The existing and incoming values are strong, this is an error // if the values are not both attributes. return 0; } if (!existingIsAttr) { if (existing.isWeak()) { // The existing value is not an attribute and it is weak, // so take the incoming attribute value. return 1; } // The existing value is not an attribute and it is strong, // so the incoming attribute value is an error. return 0; } // // Attribute specific handling. At this point we know both // values are attributes. Since we can declare and define // attributes all-over, we do special handling to see // which definition sticks. // const Attribute& existingAttr = static_cast(existing); const Attribute& incomingAttr = static_cast(incoming); if (existingAttr.typeMask == incomingAttr.typeMask) { // The two attributes are both DECLs, but they are plain attributes // with the same formats. // Keep the strongest one. return existingAttr.isWeak() ? 1 : -1; } if (existingAttr.isWeak() && existingAttr.typeMask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) { // Any incoming attribute is better than this. return 1; } if (incomingAttr.isWeak() && incomingAttr.typeMask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) { // The incoming attribute may be a USE instead of a DECL. // Keep the existing attribute. return -1; } return 0; } static constexpr const char16_t* kValidNameChars = u"._-"; static constexpr const char16_t* kValidNameMangledChars = u"._-$"; bool ResourceTable::addResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ConfigDescription& config, const SourceLine& source, std::unique_ptr value) { return addResourceImpl(name, ResourceId{}, config, source, std::move(value), kValidNameChars); } bool ResourceTable::addResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId resId, const ConfigDescription& config, const SourceLine& source, std::unique_ptr value) { return addResourceImpl(name, resId, config, source, std::move(value), kValidNameChars); } bool ResourceTable::addResourceAllowMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ConfigDescription& config, const SourceLine& source, std::unique_ptr value) { return addResourceImpl(name, ResourceId{}, config, source, std::move(value), kValidNameMangledChars); } bool ResourceTable::addResourceImpl(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId resId, const ConfigDescription& config, const SourceLine& source, std::unique_ptr value, const char16_t* validChars) { if (!name.package.empty() && name.package != mPackage) { Logger::error(source) << "resource '" << name << "' has incompatible package. Must be '" << mPackage << "'." << std::endl; return false; } auto badCharIter = util::findNonAlphaNumericAndNotInSet(name.entry, validChars); if (badCharIter != name.entry.end()) { Logger::error(source) << "resource '" << name << "' has invalid entry name '" << name.entry << "'. Invalid character '" << StringPiece16(badCharIter, 1) << "'." << std::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr& type = findOrCreateType(name.type); if (resId.isValid() && type->typeId != ResourceTableType::kUnsetTypeId && type->typeId != resId.typeId()) { Logger::error(source) << "trying to add resource '" << name << "' with ID " << resId << " but type '" << type->type << "' already has ID " << std::hex << type->typeId << std::dec << "." << std::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr& entry = findOrCreateEntry(type, name.entry); if (resId.isValid() && entry->entryId != ResourceEntry::kUnsetEntryId && entry->entryId != resId.entryId()) { Logger::error(source) << "trying to add resource '" << name << "' with ID " << resId << " but resource already has ID " << ResourceId(mPackageId, type->typeId, entry->entryId) << "." << std::endl; return false; } const auto endIter = std::end(entry->values); auto iter = std::lower_bound(std::begin(entry->values), endIter, config, compareConfigs); if (iter == endIter || iter->config != config) { // This resource did not exist before, add it. entry->values.insert(iter, ResourceConfigValue{ config, source, {}, std::move(value) }); } else { int collisionResult = defaultCollisionHandler(*iter->value, *value); if (collisionResult > 0) { // Take the incoming value. *iter = ResourceConfigValue{ config, source, {}, std::move(value) }; } else if (collisionResult == 0) { Logger::error(source) << "duplicate value for resource '" << name << "' " << "with config '" << iter->config << "'." << std::endl; Logger::error(iter->source) << "resource previously defined here." << std::endl; return false; } } if (resId.isValid()) { type->typeId = resId.typeId(); entry->entryId = resId.entryId(); } return true; } bool ResourceTable::markPublic(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId resId, const SourceLine& source) { return markPublicImpl(name, resId, source, kValidNameChars); } bool ResourceTable::markPublicAllowMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId resId, const SourceLine& source) { return markPublicImpl(name, resId, source, kValidNameMangledChars); } bool ResourceTable::markPublicImpl(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId resId, const SourceLine& source, const char16_t* validChars) { if (!name.package.empty() && name.package != mPackage) { Logger::error(source) << "resource '" << name << "' has incompatible package. Must be '" << mPackage << "'." << std::endl; return false; } auto badCharIter = util::findNonAlphaNumericAndNotInSet(name.entry, validChars); if (badCharIter != name.entry.end()) { Logger::error(source) << "resource '" << name << "' has invalid entry name '" << name.entry << "'. Invalid character '" << StringPiece16(badCharIter, 1) << "'." << std::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr& type = findOrCreateType(name.type); if (resId.isValid() && type->typeId != ResourceTableType::kUnsetTypeId && type->typeId != resId.typeId()) { Logger::error(source) << "trying to make resource '" << name << "' public with ID " << resId << " but type '" << type->type << "' already has ID " << std::hex << type->typeId << std::dec << "." << std::endl; return false; } std::unique_ptr& entry = findOrCreateEntry(type, name.entry); if (resId.isValid() && entry->entryId != ResourceEntry::kUnsetEntryId && entry->entryId != resId.entryId()) { Logger::error(source) << "trying to make resource '" << name << "' public with ID " << resId << " but resource already has ID " << ResourceId(mPackageId, type->typeId, entry->entryId) << "." << std::endl; return false; } type->publicStatus.isPublic = true; entry->publicStatus.isPublic = true; entry->publicStatus.source = source; if (resId.isValid()) { type->typeId = resId.typeId(); entry->entryId = resId.entryId(); } return true; } bool ResourceTable::merge(ResourceTable&& other) { const bool mangleNames = mPackage != other.getPackage(); std::u16string mangledName; for (auto& otherType : other) { std::unique_ptr& type = findOrCreateType(otherType->type); if (otherType->publicStatus.isPublic) { if (type->publicStatus.isPublic && type->typeId != otherType->typeId) { Logger::error() << "can not merge type '" << type->type << "': conflicting public IDs " << "(" << type->typeId << " vs " << otherType->typeId << ")." << std::endl; return false; } type->publicStatus = std::move(otherType->publicStatus); type->typeId = otherType->typeId; } for (auto& otherEntry : otherType->entries) { const std::u16string* nameToAdd = &otherEntry->name; if (mangleNames) { mangledName = otherEntry->name; NameMangler::mangle(other.getPackage(), &mangledName); nameToAdd = &mangledName; } std::unique_ptr& entry = findOrCreateEntry(type, *nameToAdd); if (otherEntry->publicStatus.isPublic) { if (entry->publicStatus.isPublic && entry->entryId != otherEntry->entryId) { Logger::error() << "can not merge entry '" << type->type << "/" << entry->name << "': conflicting public IDs " << "(" << entry->entryId << " vs " << entry->entryId << ")." << std::endl; return false; } entry->publicStatus = std::move(otherEntry->publicStatus); entry->entryId = otherEntry->entryId; } for (ResourceConfigValue& otherValue : otherEntry->values) { auto iter = std::lower_bound(entry->values.begin(), entry->values.end(), otherValue.config, compareConfigs); if (iter != entry->values.end() && iter->config == otherValue.config) { int collisionResult = defaultCollisionHandler(*iter->value, *otherValue.value); if (collisionResult > 0) { // Take the incoming value. iter->source = std::move(otherValue.source); iter->comment = std::move(otherValue.comment); iter->value = std::unique_ptr(otherValue.value->clone(&mValuePool)); } else if (collisionResult == 0) { ResourceNameRef resourceName = { mPackage, type->type, entry->name }; Logger::error(otherValue.source) << "resource '" << resourceName << "' has a conflicting value for " << "configuration (" << otherValue.config << ")." << std::endl; Logger::note(iter->source) << "originally defined here." << std::endl; return false; } } else { entry->values.insert(iter, ResourceConfigValue{ otherValue.config, std::move(otherValue.source), std::move(otherValue.comment), std::unique_ptr(otherValue.value->clone(&mValuePool)), }); } } } } return true; } std::tuple ResourceTable::findResource(const ResourceNameRef& name) const { if (name.package != mPackage) { return {}; } auto iter = std::lower_bound(mTypes.begin(), mTypes.end(), name.type, lessThanType); if (iter == mTypes.end() || (*iter)->type != name.type) { return {}; } const std::unique_ptr& type = *iter; auto iter2 = std::lower_bound(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), name.entry, lessThanEntry); if (iter2 == type->entries.end() || name.entry != (*iter2)->name) { return {}; } return std::make_tuple(iter->get(), iter2->get()); } } // namespace aapt