/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.net.wifi; import android.app.ActivityManagerNative; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.NetworkStateTracker; import android.net.DhcpInfo; import android.net.NetworkUtils; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkInfo.DetailedState; import android.net.NetworkInfo.State; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Config; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.Context; import android.database.ContentObserver; import com.android.internal.app.IBatteryStats; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.net.UnknownHostException; /** * Track the state of Wifi connectivity. All event handling is done here, * and all changes in connectivity state are initiated here. * * @hide */ public class WifiStateTracker extends NetworkStateTracker { private static final boolean LOCAL_LOGD = Config.LOGD || false; private static final String TAG = "WifiStateTracker"; // Event log tags (must be in sync with event-log-tags) private static final int EVENTLOG_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED = 50021; private static final int EVENTLOG_SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED = 50022; private static final int EVENTLOG_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED = 50023; private static final int EVENTLOG_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_STATE_CHANGED = 50024; private static final int EVENTLOG_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED = 50025; // Event codes private static final int EVENT_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION = 1; private static final int EVENT_SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECT = 2; private static final int EVENT_SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED = 3; private static final int EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED = 4; private static final int EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE = 5; private static final int EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_SUCCEEDED = 6; private static final int EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED = 7; private static final int EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL = 8; private static final int EVENT_DHCP_START = 9; private static final int EVENT_DEFERRED_DISCONNECT = 10; private static final int EVENT_DEFERRED_RECONNECT = 11; /** * The driver is started or stopped. The object will be the state: true for * started, false for stopped. */ private static final int EVENT_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED = 12; private static final int EVENT_PASSWORD_KEY_MAY_BE_INCORRECT = 13; private static final int EVENT_MAYBE_START_SCAN_POST_DISCONNECT = 14; /** * The driver state indication. */ private static final int DRIVER_STARTED = 0; private static final int DRIVER_STOPPED = 1; private static final int DRIVER_HUNG = 2; /** * Interval in milliseconds between polling for connection * status items that are not sent via asynchronous events. * An example is RSSI (signal strength). */ private static final int POLL_STATUS_INTERVAL_MSECS = 3000; /** * The max number of the WPA supplicant loop iterations before we * decide that the loop should be terminated: */ private static final int MAX_SUPPLICANT_LOOP_ITERATIONS = 4; /** * When a DISCONNECT event is received, we defer handling it to * allow for the possibility that the DISCONNECT is about to * be followed shortly by a CONNECT to the same network we were * just connected to. In such a case, we don't want to report * the network as down, nor do we want to reconfigure the network * interface, etc. If we get a CONNECT event for another network * within the delay window, we immediately handle the pending * disconnect before processing the CONNECT.

* The five second delay is chosen somewhat arbitrarily, but is * meant to cover most of the cases where a DISCONNECT/CONNECT * happens to a network. */ private static final int DISCONNECT_DELAY_MSECS = 5000; /** * When the supplicant goes idle after we do an explicit disconnect * following a DHCP failure, we need to kick the supplicant into * trying to associate with access points. */ private static final int RECONNECT_DELAY_MSECS = 2000; /** * When the supplicant disconnects from an AP it sometimes forgets * to restart scanning. Wait this delay before asking it to start * scanning (in case it forgot). 15 sec is the standard delay between * scans. */ private static final int KICKSTART_SCANNING_DELAY_MSECS = 15000; /** * The maximum number of times we will retry a connection to an access point * for which we have failed in acquiring an IP address from DHCP. A value of * N means that we will make N+1 connection attempts in all. *

* See {@link Settings.Secure#WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT}. This is the default * value if a Settings value is not present. */ private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DHCP_RETRIES = 2; private static final int DRIVER_POWER_MODE_AUTO = 0; private static final int DRIVER_POWER_MODE_ACTIVE = 1; /** * The current WPA supplicant loop state (used to detect looping behavior): */ private SupplicantState mSupplicantLoopState = SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED; /** * The current number of WPA supplicant loop iterations: */ private int mNumSupplicantLoopIterations = 0; /** * The current number of supplicant state changes. This is used to determine * if we've received any new info since we found out it was DISCONNECTED or * INACTIVE. If we haven't for X ms, we then request a scan - it should have * done that automatically, but sometimes some firmware does not. */ private int mNumSupplicantStateChanges = 0; /** * True if we received an event that that a password-key may be incorrect. * If the next incoming supplicant state change event is DISCONNECT, * broadcast a message that we have a possible password error and disable * the network. */ private boolean mPasswordKeyMayBeIncorrect = false; public static final int SUPPL_SCAN_HANDLING_NORMAL = 1; public static final int SUPPL_SCAN_HANDLING_LIST_ONLY = 2; private WifiMonitor mWifiMonitor; private WifiInfo mWifiInfo; private List mScanResults; private WifiManager mWM; private boolean mHaveIpAddress; private boolean mObtainingIpAddress; private boolean mTornDownByConnMgr; /** * A DISCONNECT event has been received, but processing it * is being deferred. */ private boolean mDisconnectPending; /** * An operation has been performed as a result of which we expect the next event * will be a DISCONNECT. */ private boolean mDisconnectExpected; private DhcpHandler mDhcpTarget; private DhcpInfo mDhcpInfo; private int mLastSignalLevel = -1; private String mLastBssid; private String mLastSsid; private int mLastNetworkId = -1; private boolean mUseStaticIp = false; private int mReconnectCount; // used to store the (non-persisted) num determined during device boot // (from mcc or other phone info) before the driver is started. private int mNumAllowedChannels = 0; // Variables relating to the 'available networks' notification /** * The icon to show in the 'available networks' notification. This will also * be the ID of the Notification given to the NotificationManager. */ private static final int ICON_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE = com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_notify_wifi_in_range; /** * When a notification is shown, we wait this amount before possibly showing it again. */ private final long NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_DELAY_MS; /** * Whether the user has set the setting to show the 'available networks' notification. */ private boolean mNotificationEnabled; /** * Observes the user setting to keep {@link #mNotificationEnabled} in sync. */ private NotificationEnabledSettingObserver mNotificationEnabledSettingObserver; /** * The {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} must be at least this value for us * to show the notification again. */ private long mNotificationRepeatTime; /** * The Notification object given to the NotificationManager. */ private Notification mNotification; /** * Whether the notification is being shown, as set by us. That is, if the * user cancels the notification, we will not receive the callback so this * will still be true. We only guarantee if this is false, then the * notification is not showing. */ private boolean mNotificationShown; /** * The number of continuous scans that must occur before consider the * supplicant in a scanning state. This allows supplicant to associate with * remembered networks that are in the scan results. */ private static final int NUM_SCANS_BEFORE_ACTUALLY_SCANNING = 3; /** * The number of scans since the last network state change. When this * exceeds {@link #NUM_SCANS_BEFORE_ACTUALLY_SCANNING}, we consider the * supplicant to actually be scanning. When the network state changes to * something other than scanning, we reset this to 0. */ private int mNumScansSinceNetworkStateChange; /** * Observes the static IP address settings. */ private SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver; private boolean mIsScanModeActive; private boolean mEnableRssiPolling; // Wi-Fi run states: private static final int RUN_STATE_STARTING = 1; private static final int RUN_STATE_RUNNING = 2; private static final int RUN_STATE_STOPPING = 3; private static final int RUN_STATE_STOPPED = 4; private static final String mRunStateNames[] = { "Starting", "Running", "Stopping", "Stopped" }; private int mRunState; private final IBatteryStats mBatteryStats; private boolean mIsScanOnly; private BluetoothA2dp mBluetoothA2dp; private String mInterfaceName; private static String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private Runnable mReleaseWakeLockCallback; private static String[] sDnsPropNames; /** * A structure for supplying information about a supplicant state * change in the STATE_CHANGE event message that comes from the * WifiMonitor * thread. */ private static class SupplicantStateChangeResult { SupplicantStateChangeResult(int networkId, String BSSID, SupplicantState state) { this.state = state; this.BSSID = BSSID; this.networkId = networkId; } int networkId; String BSSID; SupplicantState state; } /** * A structure for supplying information about a connection in * the CONNECTED event message that comes from the WifiMonitor * thread. */ private static class NetworkStateChangeResult { NetworkStateChangeResult(DetailedState state, String BSSID, int networkId) { this.state = state; this.BSSID = BSSID; this.networkId = networkId; } DetailedState state; String BSSID; int networkId; } public WifiStateTracker(Context context, Handler target) { super(context, target, ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI, 0, "WIFI", ""); mWifiInfo = new WifiInfo(); mWifiMonitor = new WifiMonitor(this); mHaveIpAddress = false; mObtainingIpAddress = false; setTornDownByConnMgr(false); mDisconnectPending = false; mScanResults = new ArrayList(); // Allocate DHCP info object once, and fill it in on each request mDhcpInfo = new DhcpInfo(); mRunState = RUN_STATE_STARTING; // Setting is in seconds NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_DELAY_MS = Settings.Secure.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.WIFI_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_REPEAT_DELAY, 900) * 1000l; mNotificationEnabledSettingObserver = new NotificationEnabledSettingObserver(new Handler()); mNotificationEnabledSettingObserver.register(); mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(new Handler()); mInterfaceName = SystemProperties.get("wifi.interface", "tiwlan0"); sDnsPropNames = new String[] { "dhcp." + mInterfaceName + ".dns1", "dhcp." + mInterfaceName + ".dns2" }; mBatteryStats = IBatteryStats.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("batteryinfo")); } /** * Helper method: sets the supplicant state and keeps the network * info updated. * @param state the new state */ private void setSupplicantState(SupplicantState state) { mWifiInfo.setSupplicantState(state); updateNetworkInfo(); checkPollTimer(); } public SupplicantState getSupplicantState() { return mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState(); } /** * Helper method: sets the supplicant state and keeps the network * info updated (string version). * @param stateName the string name of the new state */ private void setSupplicantState(String stateName) { mWifiInfo.setSupplicantState(stateName); updateNetworkInfo(); checkPollTimer(); } /** * Helper method: sets the boolean indicating that the connection * manager asked the network to be torn down (and so only the connection * manager can set it up again). * network info updated. * @param flag {@code true} if explicitly disabled. */ private void setTornDownByConnMgr(boolean flag) { mTornDownByConnMgr = flag; updateNetworkInfo(); } /** * Return the IP addresses of the DNS servers available for the WLAN * network interface. * @return a list of DNS addresses, with no holes. */ public String[] getNameServers() { return getNameServerList(sDnsPropNames); } /** * Return the name of our WLAN network interface. * @return the name of our interface. */ public String getInterfaceName() { return mInterfaceName; } /** * Return the system properties name associated with the tcp buffer sizes * for this network. */ public String getTcpBufferSizesPropName() { return "net.tcp.buffersize.wifi"; } public void startMonitoring() { /* * Get a handle on the WifiManager. This cannot be done in our * constructor, because the Wifi service is not yet registered. */ mWM = (WifiManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); } public void startEventLoop() { mWifiMonitor.startMonitoring(); } /** * Wi-Fi is considered available as long as we have a connection to the * supplicant daemon and there is at least one enabled network. If a teardown * was explicitly requested, then Wi-Fi can be restarted with a reconnect * request, so it is considered available. If the driver has been stopped * for any reason other than a teardown request, Wi-Fi is considered * unavailable. * @return {@code true} if Wi-Fi connections are possible */ public synchronized boolean isAvailable() { /* * TODO: Need to also look at scan results to see whether we're * in range of any access points. If we have scan results that * are no more than N seconds old, use those, otherwise, initiate * a scan and wait for the results. This only matters if we * allow mobile to be the preferred network. */ SupplicantState suppState = mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState(); return suppState != SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED && suppState != SupplicantState.INACTIVE && (mTornDownByConnMgr || !isDriverStopped()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * There are currently no defined Wi-Fi subtypes. */ public int getNetworkSubtype() { return 0; } /** * Helper method: updates the network info object to keep it in sync with * the Wi-Fi state tracker. */ private void updateNetworkInfo() { mNetworkInfo.setIsAvailable(isAvailable()); } /** * Report whether the Wi-Fi connection is fully configured for data. * @return {@code true} if the {@link SupplicantState} is * {@link android.net.wifi.SupplicantState#COMPLETED COMPLETED}. */ public boolean isConnectionCompleted() { return mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.COMPLETED; } /** * Report whether the Wi-Fi connection has successfully acquired an IP address. * @return {@code true} if the Wi-Fi connection has been assigned an IP address. */ public boolean hasIpAddress() { return mHaveIpAddress; } /** * Send the tracker a notification that a user-entered password key * may be incorrect (i.e., caused authentication to fail). */ void notifyPasswordKeyMayBeIncorrect() { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_PASSWORD_KEY_MAY_BE_INCORRECT); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that a connection to the supplicant * daemon has been established. */ void notifySupplicantConnection() { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that the state of the supplicant * has changed. * @param networkId the configured network on which the state change occurred * @param newState the new {@code SupplicantState} */ void notifyStateChange(int networkId, String BSSID, SupplicantState newState) { Message msg = Message.obtain( this, EVENT_SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED, new SupplicantStateChangeResult(networkId, BSSID, newState)); msg.sendToTarget(); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that the state of Wifi connectivity * has changed. * @param networkId the configured network on which the state change occurred * @param newState the new network state * @param BSSID when the new state is {@link DetailedState#CONNECTED * NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED}, * this is the MAC address of the access point. Otherwise, it * is {@code null}. */ void notifyStateChange(DetailedState newState, String BSSID, int networkId) { Message msg = Message.obtain( this, EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED, new NetworkStateChangeResult(newState, BSSID, networkId)); msg.sendToTarget(); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that a scan has completed, and results * are available. */ void notifyScanResultsAvailable() { // reset the supplicant's handling of scan results to "normal" mode synchronized (this) { WifiNative.setScanResultHandlingCommand(SUPPL_SCAN_HANDLING_NORMAL); } sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that we can no longer communicate with * the supplicant daemon. */ void notifySupplicantLost() { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECT); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that the Wi-Fi driver has been stopped. */ void notifyDriverStopped() { mRunState = RUN_STATE_STOPPED; // Send a driver stopped message to our handler Message.obtain(this, EVENT_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED, DRIVER_STOPPED, 0).sendToTarget(); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that the Wi-Fi driver has been restarted after * having been stopped. */ void notifyDriverStarted() { // Send a driver started message to our handler Message.obtain(this, EVENT_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED, DRIVER_STARTED, 0).sendToTarget(); } /** * Send the tracker a notification that the Wi-Fi driver has hung and needs restarting. */ void notifyDriverHung() { // Send a driver hanged message to our handler Message.obtain(this, EVENT_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED, DRIVER_HUNG, 0).sendToTarget(); } /** * Set the interval timer for polling connection information * that is not delivered asynchronously. */ private synchronized void checkPollTimer() { if (mEnableRssiPolling && mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.COMPLETED && !hasMessages(EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL)) { sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL, POLL_STATUS_INTERVAL_MSECS); } } private synchronized boolean isDriverStopped() { return mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPED || mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPING; } private void noteRunState() { try { if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_RUNNING) { mBatteryStats.noteWifiRunning(); } else if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPED) { mBatteryStats.noteWifiStopped(); } } catch (RemoteException ignore) { } } /** * Set the number of allowed radio frequency channels from the system * setting value, if any. * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds, {@code false} otherwise, e.g., * the number of channels is invalid. */ public synchronized boolean setNumAllowedChannels() { try { return setNumAllowedChannels( Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.WIFI_NUM_ALLOWED_CHANNELS)); } catch (Settings.SettingNotFoundException e) { if (mNumAllowedChannels != 0) { WifiNative.setNumAllowedChannelsCommand(mNumAllowedChannels); } // otherwise, use the driver default } return true; } /** * Set the number of radio frequency channels that are allowed to be used * in the current regulatory domain. * @param numChannels the number of allowed channels. Must be greater than 0 * and less than or equal to 16. * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds, {@code false} otherwise, e.g., * {@code numChannels} is outside the valid range. */ public synchronized boolean setNumAllowedChannels(int numChannels) { mNumAllowedChannels = numChannels; return WifiNative.setNumAllowedChannelsCommand(numChannels); } /** * Set the run state to either "normal" or "scan-only". * @param scanOnlyMode true if the new mode should be scan-only. */ public synchronized void setScanOnlyMode(boolean scanOnlyMode) { // do nothing unless scan-only mode is changing if (mIsScanOnly != scanOnlyMode) { int scanType = (scanOnlyMode ? SUPPL_SCAN_HANDLING_LIST_ONLY : SUPPL_SCAN_HANDLING_NORMAL); if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Scan-only mode changing to " + scanOnlyMode + " scanType=" + scanType); if (WifiNative.setScanResultHandlingCommand(scanType)) { mIsScanOnly = scanOnlyMode; if (!isDriverStopped()) { if (scanOnlyMode) { WifiNative.disconnectCommand(); } else { WifiNative.reconnectCommand(); } } } } } /** * Enable or disable Bluetooth coexistence scan mode. When this mode is on, * some of the low-level scan parameters used by the driver are changed to * reduce interference with A2DP streaming. * * @param isBluetoothPlaying whether to enable or disable this mode */ public synchronized void setBluetoothScanMode(boolean isBluetoothPlaying) { WifiNative.setBluetoothCoexistenceScanModeCommand(isBluetoothPlaying); } private void checkIsBluetoothPlaying() { boolean isBluetoothPlaying = false; Set connected = mBluetoothA2dp.getConnectedSinks(); for (BluetoothDevice device : connected) { if (mBluetoothA2dp.getSinkState(device) == BluetoothA2dp.STATE_PLAYING) { isBluetoothPlaying = true; break; } } setBluetoothScanMode(isBluetoothPlaying); } public void enableRssiPolling(boolean enable) { if (mEnableRssiPolling != enable) { mEnableRssiPolling = enable; checkPollTimer(); } } @Override public void releaseWakeLock() { if (mReleaseWakeLockCallback != null) { mReleaseWakeLockCallback.run(); } } public void setReleaseWakeLockCallback(Runnable callback) { mReleaseWakeLockCallback = callback; } /** * Tracks the WPA supplicant states to detect "loop" situations. * @param newSupplicantState The new WPA supplicant state. * @return {@code true} if the supplicant loop should be stopped * and {@code false} if it should continue. */ private boolean isSupplicantLooping(SupplicantState newSupplicantState) { if (SupplicantState.ASSOCIATING.ordinal() <= newSupplicantState.ordinal() && newSupplicantState.ordinal() < SupplicantState.COMPLETED.ordinal()) { if (mSupplicantLoopState != newSupplicantState) { if (newSupplicantState.ordinal() < mSupplicantLoopState.ordinal()) { ++mNumSupplicantLoopIterations; } mSupplicantLoopState = newSupplicantState; } } else if (newSupplicantState == SupplicantState.COMPLETED) { resetSupplicantLoopState(); } return mNumSupplicantLoopIterations >= MAX_SUPPLICANT_LOOP_ITERATIONS; } /** * Resets the WPA supplicant loop state. */ private void resetSupplicantLoopState() { mNumSupplicantLoopIterations = 0; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Intent intent; switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION: mRunState = RUN_STATE_RUNNING; noteRunState(); checkUseStaticIp(); /* * DHCP requests are blocking, so run them in a separate thread. */ HandlerThread dhcpThread = new HandlerThread("DHCP Handler Thread"); dhcpThread.start(); mDhcpTarget = new DhcpHandler(dhcpThread.getLooper(), this); mIsScanModeActive = true; mTornDownByConnMgr = false; mLastBssid = null; mLastSsid = null; requestConnectionInfo(); SupplicantState supplState = mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState(); /** * The MAC address isn't going to change, so just request it * once here. */ String macaddr; synchronized (this) { macaddr = WifiNative.getMacAddressCommand(); } if (macaddr != null) { mWifiInfo.setMacAddress(macaddr); } if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Connection to supplicant established, state=" + supplState); // Wi-Fi supplicant connection state changed: // [31- 2] Reserved for future use // [ 1- 0] Connected to supplicant (1), disconnected from supplicant (0) , // or supplicant died (2) EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, 1); /* * The COMPLETED state change from the supplicant may have occurred * in between polling for supplicant availability, in which case * we didn't perform a DHCP request to get an IP address. */ if (supplState == SupplicantState.COMPLETED) { mLastBssid = mWifiInfo.getBSSID(); mLastSsid = mWifiInfo.getSSID(); configureInterface(); } if (ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) { intent = new Intent(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION); intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED, true); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } if (supplState == SupplicantState.COMPLETED && mHaveIpAddress) { setDetailedState(DetailedState.CONNECTED); } else { setDetailedState(WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf(supplState)); } /* * Filter out multicast packets. This saves battery power, since * the CPU doesn't have to spend time processing packets that * are going to end up being thrown away. */ mWM.initializeMulticastFiltering(); if (mBluetoothA2dp == null) { mBluetoothA2dp = new BluetoothA2dp(mContext); } checkIsBluetoothPlaying(); // initialize this after the supplicant is alive setNumAllowedChannels(); break; case EVENT_SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECT: mRunState = RUN_STATE_STOPPED; noteRunState(); int wifiState = mWM.getWifiState(); boolean died = wifiState != WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_DISABLED && wifiState != WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_DISABLING; if (died) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Supplicant died unexpectedly"); } else { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Connection to supplicant lost"); } // Wi-Fi supplicant connection state changed: // [31- 2] Reserved for future use // [ 1- 0] Connected to supplicant (1), disconnected from supplicant (0) , // or supplicant died (2) EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, died ? 2 : 0); synchronized (this) { WifiNative.closeSupplicantConnection(); } if (died) { resetConnections(true); } // When supplicant dies, kill the DHCP thread if (mDhcpTarget != null) { mDhcpTarget.getLooper().quit(); mDhcpTarget = null; } mContext.removeStickyBroadcast(new Intent(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)); if (ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) { intent = new Intent(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION); intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED, false); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } setDetailedState(DetailedState.DISCONNECTED); setSupplicantState(SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED); mHaveIpAddress = false; mObtainingIpAddress = false; if (died) { mWM.setWifiEnabled(false); } break; case EVENT_MAYBE_START_SCAN_POST_DISCONNECT: // Only do this if we haven't gotten a new supplicant status since the timer // started if (mNumSupplicantStateChanges == msg.arg1) { synchronized (this) { WifiNative.scanCommand(false); // do a passive scan } } break; case EVENT_SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED: mNumSupplicantStateChanges++; SupplicantStateChangeResult supplicantStateResult = (SupplicantStateChangeResult) msg.obj; SupplicantState newState = supplicantStateResult.state; SupplicantState currentState = mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState(); // Wi-Fi supplicant state changed: // [31- 6] Reserved for future use // [ 5- 0] Supplicant state ordinal (as defined by SupplicantState) int eventLogParam = (newState.ordinal() & 0x3f); EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED, eventLogParam); if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Changing supplicant state: " + currentState + " ==> " + newState); int networkId = supplicantStateResult.networkId; /** * The SupplicantState BSSID value is valid in ASSOCIATING state only. * The NetworkState BSSID value comes upon a successful connection. */ if (supplicantStateResult.state == SupplicantState.ASSOCIATING) { mLastBssid = supplicantStateResult.BSSID; } /* * If we get disconnect or inactive we need to start our * watchdog timer to start a scan */ if (newState == SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED || newState == SupplicantState.INACTIVE) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(EVENT_MAYBE_START_SCAN_POST_DISCONNECT, mNumSupplicantStateChanges, 0), KICKSTART_SCANNING_DELAY_MSECS); } /* * Did we get to DISCONNECTED state due to an * authentication (password) failure? */ boolean failedToAuthenticate = false; if (newState == SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED) { failedToAuthenticate = mPasswordKeyMayBeIncorrect; } mPasswordKeyMayBeIncorrect = false; /* * Keep track of the supplicant state and check if we should * disable the network */ boolean disabledNetwork = false; if (isSupplicantLooping(newState)) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.v(TAG, "Stop WPA supplicant loop and disable network"); } disabledNetwork = wifiManagerDisableNetwork(networkId); } if (disabledNetwork) { /* * Reset the loop state if we disabled the network */ resetSupplicantLoopState(); } else if (newState != currentState || (newState == SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED && isDriverStopped())) { setSupplicantState(newState); if (newState == SupplicantState.DORMANT) { DetailedState newDetailedState; Message reconnectMsg = obtainMessage(EVENT_DEFERRED_RECONNECT, mLastBssid); if (mIsScanOnly || mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPING) { newDetailedState = DetailedState.IDLE; } else { newDetailedState = DetailedState.FAILED; } handleDisconnectedState(newDetailedState, true); /** * If we were associated with a network (networkId != -1), * assume we reached this state because of a failed attempt * to acquire an IP address, and attempt another connection * and IP address acquisition in RECONNECT_DELAY_MSECS * milliseconds. */ if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_RUNNING && !mIsScanOnly && networkId != -1) { sendMessageDelayed(reconnectMsg, RECONNECT_DELAY_MSECS); } else if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPING) { synchronized (this) { WifiNative.stopDriverCommand(); } } else if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STARTING && !mIsScanOnly) { synchronized (this) { WifiNative.reconnectCommand(); } } } else if (newState == SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED) { mHaveIpAddress = false; if (isDriverStopped() || mDisconnectExpected) { handleDisconnectedState(DetailedState.DISCONNECTED, true); } else { scheduleDisconnect(); } } else if (newState != SupplicantState.COMPLETED && !mDisconnectPending) { /** * Ignore events that don't change the connectivity state, * such as WPA rekeying operations. */ if (!(currentState == SupplicantState.COMPLETED && (newState == SupplicantState.ASSOCIATING || newState == SupplicantState.ASSOCIATED || newState == SupplicantState.FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE || newState == SupplicantState.GROUP_HANDSHAKE))) { setDetailedState(WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf(newState)); } } mDisconnectExpected = false; intent = new Intent(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NEW_STATE, (Parcelable)newState); if (failedToAuthenticate) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Failed to authenticate, disabling network " + networkId); wifiManagerDisableNetwork(networkId); intent.putExtra( WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_ERROR, WifiManager.ERROR_AUTHENTICATING); } mContext.sendStickyBroadcast(intent); } break; case EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: /* * Each CONNECT or DISCONNECT generates a pair of events. * One is a supplicant state change event, and the other * is a network state change event. For connects, the * supplicant event always arrives first, followed by * the network state change event. Only the latter event * has the BSSID, which we are interested in capturing. * For disconnects, the order is the opposite -- the * network state change event comes first, followed by * the supplicant state change event. */ NetworkStateChangeResult result = (NetworkStateChangeResult) msg.obj; // Wi-Fi network state changed: // [31- 6] Reserved for future use // [ 5- 0] Detailed state ordinal (as defined by NetworkInfo.DetailedState) eventLogParam = (result.state.ordinal() & 0x3f); EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED, eventLogParam); if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "New network state is " + result.state); /* * If we're in scan-only mode, don't advance the state machine, and * don't report the state change to clients. */ if (mIsScanOnly) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Dropping event in scan-only mode"); break; } if (result.state != DetailedState.SCANNING) { /* * Reset the scan count since there was a network state * change. This could be from supplicant trying to associate * with a network. */ mNumScansSinceNetworkStateChange = 0; } /* * If the supplicant sent us a CONNECTED event, we don't * want to send out an indication of overall network * connectivity until we have our IP address. If the * supplicant sent us a DISCONNECTED event, we delay * sending a notification in case a reconnection to * the same access point occurs within a short time. */ if (result.state == DetailedState.DISCONNECTED) { if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() != SupplicantState.DORMANT) { scheduleDisconnect(); } break; } requestConnectionStatus(mWifiInfo); if (!(result.state == DetailedState.CONNECTED && (!mHaveIpAddress || mDisconnectPending))) { setDetailedState(result.state); } if (result.state == DetailedState.CONNECTED) { /* * Remove the 'available networks' notification when we * successfully connect to a network. */ setNotificationVisible(false, 0, false, 0); boolean wasDisconnectPending = mDisconnectPending; cancelDisconnect(); /* * The connection is fully configured as far as link-level * connectivity is concerned, but we may still need to obtain * an IP address. */ if (wasDisconnectPending) { DetailedState saveState = getNetworkInfo().getDetailedState(); handleDisconnectedState(DetailedState.DISCONNECTED, false); setDetailedStateInternal(saveState); } configureInterface(); mLastBssid = result.BSSID; mLastSsid = mWifiInfo.getSSID(); mLastNetworkId = result.networkId; if (mHaveIpAddress) { setDetailedState(DetailedState.CONNECTED); } else { setDetailedState(DetailedState.OBTAINING_IPADDR); } } sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mWifiInfo.getBSSID()); break; case EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE: if (ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) { mContext.sendBroadcast(new Intent(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)); } sendScanResultsAvailable(); /** * On receiving the first scan results after connecting to * the supplicant, switch scan mode over to passive. */ setScanMode(false); break; case EVENT_POLL_INTERVAL: if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() != SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { requestPolledInfo(mWifiInfo, true); checkPollTimer(); } break; case EVENT_DEFERRED_DISCONNECT: if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() != SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { handleDisconnectedState(DetailedState.DISCONNECTED, true); } break; case EVENT_DEFERRED_RECONNECT: String BSSID = msg.obj.toString(); /** * If we've exceeded the maximum number of retries for reconnecting * to a given network, blacklist the BSSID to allow a connection attempt on * an alternate BSSID if available */ if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() != SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { if (++mReconnectCount > getMaxDhcpRetries()) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed reconnect count: " + mReconnectCount + " Blacklisting " + BSSID); } addToBlacklist(BSSID); } synchronized(this) { WifiNative.reconnectCommand(); } } break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_SUCCEEDED: /** * Since this event is sent from another thread, it might have been * sent after we closed our connection to the supplicant in the course * of disabling Wi-Fi. In that case, we should just ignore the event. */ if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { break; } mReconnectCount = 0; mHaveIpAddress = true; mObtainingIpAddress = false; mWifiInfo.setIpAddress(mDhcpInfo.ipAddress); mLastSignalLevel = -1; // force update of signal strength if (mNetworkInfo.getDetailedState() != DetailedState.CONNECTED) { setDetailedState(DetailedState.CONNECTED); sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mWifiInfo.getBSSID()); } else { mTarget.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED); } if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "IP configuration: " + mDhcpInfo); // Wi-Fi interface configuration state changed: // [31- 1] Reserved for future use // [ 0- 0] Interface configuration succeeded (1) or failed (0) EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_STATE_CHANGED, 1); // We've connected successfully, so allow the notification again in the future resetNotificationTimer(); break; case EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED: if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() != SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { // Wi-Fi interface configuration state changed: // [31- 1] Reserved for future use // [ 0- 0] Interface configuration succeeded (1) or failed (0) EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_STATE_CHANGED, 0); mHaveIpAddress = false; mWifiInfo.setIpAddress(0); mObtainingIpAddress = false; synchronized(this) { WifiNative.disconnectCommand(); } } break; case EVENT_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED: // Wi-Fi driver state changed: // 0 STARTED // 1 STOPPED // 2 HUNG EventLog.writeEvent(EVENTLOG_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGED, msg.arg1); switch (msg.arg1) { case DRIVER_STARTED: /** * Set the number of allowed radio channels according * to the system setting, since it gets reset by the * driver upon changing to the STARTED state. */ setNumAllowedChannels(); synchronized (this) { if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STARTING) { mRunState = RUN_STATE_RUNNING; if (!mIsScanOnly) { WifiNative.reconnectCommand(); } else { // In some situations, supplicant needs to be kickstarted to // start the background scanning WifiNative.scanCommand(true); } } } break; case DRIVER_HUNG: Log.e(TAG, "Wifi Driver reports HUNG - reloading."); /** * restart the driver - toggle off and on */ mWM.setWifiEnabled(false); mWM.setWifiEnabled(true); break; } noteRunState(); break; case EVENT_PASSWORD_KEY_MAY_BE_INCORRECT: mPasswordKeyMayBeIncorrect = true; break; } } private boolean wifiManagerDisableNetwork(int networkId) { boolean disabledNetwork = false; if (0 <= networkId) { disabledNetwork = mWM.disableNetwork(networkId); if (LOCAL_LOGD) { if (disabledNetwork) { Log.v(TAG, "Disabled network: " + networkId); } } } if (LOCAL_LOGD) { if (!disabledNetwork) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to disable network:" + " invalid network id: " + networkId); } } return disabledNetwork; } public synchronized void setScanMode(boolean isScanModeActive) { if (mIsScanModeActive != isScanModeActive) { WifiNative.setScanModeCommand(mIsScanModeActive = isScanModeActive); } } private void configureInterface() { checkPollTimer(); mLastSignalLevel = -1; if (!mUseStaticIp) { if (!mHaveIpAddress && !mObtainingIpAddress) { mObtainingIpAddress = true; mDhcpTarget.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_DHCP_START); } } else { int event; if (NetworkUtils.configureInterface(mInterfaceName, mDhcpInfo)) { mHaveIpAddress = true; event = EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_SUCCEEDED; if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Static IP configuration succeeded"); } else { mHaveIpAddress = false; event = EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED; if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "Static IP configuration failed"); } sendEmptyMessage(event); } } /** * Reset our IP state and send out broadcasts following a disconnect. * @param newState the {@code DetailedState} to set. Should be either * {@code DISCONNECTED} or {@code FAILED}. * @param disableInterface indicates whether the interface should * be disabled */ private void handleDisconnectedState(DetailedState newState, boolean disableInterface) { if (mDisconnectPending) { cancelDisconnect(); } mDisconnectExpected = false; resetConnections(disableInterface); setDetailedState(newState); sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(mLastBssid); mWifiInfo.setBSSID(null); mLastBssid = null; mLastSsid = null; mDisconnectPending = false; } /** * Resets the Wi-Fi Connections by clearing any state, resetting any sockets * using the interface, stopping DHCP, and disabling the interface. */ public void resetConnections(boolean disableInterface) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Reset connections and stopping DHCP"); mHaveIpAddress = false; mObtainingIpAddress = false; mWifiInfo.setIpAddress(0); /* * Reset connection depends on both the interface and the IP assigned, * so it should be done before any chance of the IP being lost. */ NetworkUtils.resetConnections(mInterfaceName); // Stop DHCP if (mDhcpTarget != null) { mDhcpTarget.setCancelCallback(true); mDhcpTarget.removeMessages(EVENT_DHCP_START); } if (!NetworkUtils.stopDhcp(mInterfaceName)) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not stop DHCP"); } /** * Interface is re-enabled in the supplicant * when moving out of ASSOCIATING state */ if(disableInterface) { if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Disabling interface"); NetworkUtils.disableInterface(mInterfaceName); } } /** * The supplicant is reporting that we are disconnected from the current * access point. Often, however, a disconnect will be followed very shortly * by a reconnect to the same access point. Therefore, we delay resetting * the connection's IP state for a bit. */ private void scheduleDisconnect() { mDisconnectPending = true; if (!hasMessages(EVENT_DEFERRED_DISCONNECT)) { sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_DEFERRED_DISCONNECT, DISCONNECT_DELAY_MSECS); } } private void cancelDisconnect() { mDisconnectPending = false; removeMessages(EVENT_DEFERRED_DISCONNECT); } public DhcpInfo getDhcpInfo() { return mDhcpInfo; } public synchronized List getScanResultsList() { return mScanResults; } public synchronized void setScanResultsList(List scanList) { mScanResults = scanList; } /** * Get status information for the current connection, if any. * @return a {@link WifiInfo} object containing information about the current connection */ public WifiInfo requestConnectionInfo() { requestConnectionStatus(mWifiInfo); requestPolledInfo(mWifiInfo, false); return mWifiInfo; } private void requestConnectionStatus(WifiInfo info) { String reply; synchronized (this) { reply = WifiNative.statusCommand(); } if (reply == null) { return; } /* * Parse the reply from the supplicant to the status command, and update * local state accordingly. The reply is a series of lines of the form * "name=value". */ String SSID = null; String BSSID = null; String suppState = null; int netId = -1; String[] lines = reply.split("\n"); for (String line : lines) { String[] prop = line.split(" *= *"); if (prop.length < 2) continue; String name = prop[0]; String value = prop[1]; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) netId = Integer.parseInt(value); else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ssid")) SSID = value; else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("bssid")) BSSID = value; else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("wpa_state")) suppState = value; } info.setNetworkId(netId); info.setSSID(SSID); info.setBSSID(BSSID); /* * We only set the supplicant state if the previous state was * UNINITIALIZED. This should only happen when we first connect to * the supplicant. Once we're connected, we should always receive * an event upon any state change, but in this case, we want to * make sure any listeners are made aware of the state change. */ if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED && suppState != null) setSupplicantState(suppState); } /** * Get the dynamic information that is not reported via events. * @param info the object into which the information should be captured. */ private synchronized void requestPolledInfo(WifiInfo info, boolean polling) { int newRssi = (polling ? WifiNative.getRssiApproxCommand() : WifiNative.getRssiCommand()); if (newRssi != -1 && -200 < newRssi && newRssi < 256) { // screen out invalid values /* some implementations avoid negative values by adding 256 * so we need to adjust for that here. */ if (newRssi > 0) newRssi -= 256; info.setRssi(newRssi); /* * Rather then sending the raw RSSI out every time it * changes, we precalculate the signal level that would * be displayed in the status bar, and only send the * broadcast if that much more coarse-grained number * changes. This cuts down greatly on the number of * broadcasts, at the cost of not informing others * interested in RSSI of all the changes in signal * level. */ // TODO: The second arg to the call below needs to be a symbol somewhere, but // it's actually the size of an array of icons that's private // to StatusBar Policy. int newSignalLevel = WifiManager.calculateSignalLevel(newRssi, 4); if (newSignalLevel != mLastSignalLevel) { sendRssiChangeBroadcast(newRssi); } mLastSignalLevel = newSignalLevel; } else { info.setRssi(-200); } int newLinkSpeed = WifiNative.getLinkSpeedCommand(); if (newLinkSpeed != -1) { info.setLinkSpeed(newLinkSpeed); } } private void sendRssiChangeBroadcast(final int newRssi) { if (ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) { Intent intent = new Intent(WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION); intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NEW_RSSI, newRssi); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); } } private void sendNetworkStateChangeBroadcast(String bssid) { Intent intent = new Intent(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO, mNetworkInfo); if (bssid != null) intent.putExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_BSSID, bssid); mContext.sendStickyBroadcast(intent); } /** * Disable Wi-Fi connectivity by stopping the driver. */ public boolean teardown() { if (!mTornDownByConnMgr) { if (disconnectAndStop()) { setTornDownByConnMgr(true); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Reenable Wi-Fi connectivity by restarting the driver. */ public boolean reconnect() { if (mTornDownByConnMgr) { if (restart()) { setTornDownByConnMgr(false); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * We want to stop the driver, but if we're connected to a network, * we first want to disconnect, so that the supplicant is always in * a known state (DISCONNECTED) when the driver is stopped. * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeds, which means that the * disconnect or stop command was initiated. */ public synchronized boolean disconnectAndStop() { if (mRunState != RUN_STATE_STOPPING && mRunState != RUN_STATE_STOPPED) { // Take down any open network notifications setNotificationVisible(false, 0, false, 0); mRunState = RUN_STATE_STOPPING; if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.DORMANT) { return WifiNative.stopDriverCommand(); } else { return WifiNative.disconnectCommand(); } } else { /* * The "driver-stop" wake lock normally is released from the * connectivity manager after the mobile data connection has * been established, or after a timeout period, if that never * happens. Because WifiService.updateWifiState() can get called * multiple times, we can end up acquiring the wake lock and calling * disconnectAndStop() even when a disconnect or stop operation * is already in progress. In that case, we want to ignore the * disconnectAndStop request and release the (ref-counted) wake * lock, so that eventually, when the mobile data connection is * established, the ref count will drop to zero. */ releaseWakeLock(); } return true; } public synchronized boolean restart() { if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPED) { mRunState = RUN_STATE_STARTING; resetConnections(true); return WifiNative.startDriverCommand(); } else if (mRunState == RUN_STATE_STOPPING) { mRunState = RUN_STATE_STARTING; } return true; } public synchronized boolean removeNetwork(int networkId) { return mDisconnectExpected = WifiNative.removeNetworkCommand(networkId); } public boolean setRadio(boolean turnOn) { return mWM.setWifiEnabled(turnOn); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * There are currently no Wi-Fi-specific features supported. * @param feature the name of the feature * @return {@code -1} indicating failure, always */ public int startUsingNetworkFeature(String feature, int callingPid, int callingUid) { return -1; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * There are currently no Wi-Fi-specific features supported. * @param feature the name of the feature * @return {@code -1} indicating failure, always */ public int stopUsingNetworkFeature(String feature, int callingPid, int callingUid) { return -1; } @Override public void interpretScanResultsAvailable() { // If we shouldn't place a notification on available networks, then // don't bother doing any of the following if (!mNotificationEnabled) return; NetworkInfo networkInfo = getNetworkInfo(); State state = networkInfo.getState(); if ((state == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED) || (state == NetworkInfo.State.UNKNOWN)) { // Look for an open network List scanResults = getScanResultsList(); if (scanResults != null) { int numOpenNetworks = 0; for (int i = scanResults.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ScanResult scanResult = scanResults.get(i); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scanResult.capabilities)) { numOpenNetworks++; } } if (numOpenNetworks > 0) { if (++mNumScansSinceNetworkStateChange >= NUM_SCANS_BEFORE_ACTUALLY_SCANNING) { /* * We've scanned continuously at least * NUM_SCANS_BEFORE_NOTIFICATION times. The user * probably does not have a remembered network in range, * since otherwise supplicant would have tried to * associate and thus resetting this counter. */ setNotificationVisible(true, numOpenNetworks, false, 0); } return; } } } // No open networks in range, remove the notification setNotificationVisible(false, 0, false, 0); } /** * Display or don't display a notification that there are open Wi-Fi networks. * @param visible {@code true} if notification should be visible, {@code false} otherwise * @param numNetworks the number networks seen * @param force {@code true} to force notification to be shown/not-shown, * even if it is already shown/not-shown. * @param delay time in milliseconds after which the notification should be made * visible or invisible. */ public void setNotificationVisible(boolean visible, int numNetworks, boolean force, int delay) { // Since we use auto cancel on the notification, when the // mNetworksAvailableNotificationShown is true, the notification may // have actually been canceled. However, when it is false we know // for sure that it is not being shown (it will not be shown any other // place than here) // If it should be hidden and it is already hidden, then noop if (!visible && !mNotificationShown && !force) { return; } Message message; if (visible) { // Not enough time has passed to show the notification again if (System.currentTimeMillis() < mNotificationRepeatTime) { return; } if (mNotification == null) { // Cache the Notification mainly so we can remove the // EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHANGED message with this Notification from // the queue later mNotification = new Notification(); mNotification.when = 0; mNotification.icon = ICON_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE; mNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; mNotification.contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, new Intent(WifiManager.ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK), 0); } CharSequence title = mContext.getResources().getQuantityText( com.android.internal.R.plurals.wifi_available, numNetworks); CharSequence details = mContext.getResources().getQuantityText( com.android.internal.R.plurals.wifi_available_detailed, numNetworks); mNotification.tickerText = title; mNotification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, title, details, mNotification.contentIntent); mNotificationRepeatTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_DELAY_MS; message = mTarget.obtainMessage(EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHANGED, 1, ICON_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE, mNotification); } else { // Remove any pending messages to show the notification mTarget.removeMessages(EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHANGED, mNotification); message = mTarget.obtainMessage(EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHANGED, 0, ICON_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE); } mTarget.sendMessageDelayed(message, delay); mNotificationShown = visible; } /** * Clears variables related to tracking whether a notification has been * shown recently. *

* After calling this method, the timer that prevents notifications from * being shown too often will be cleared. */ private void resetNotificationTimer() { mNotificationRepeatTime = 0; mNumScansSinceNetworkStateChange = 0; } public synchronized boolean reassociate() { return WifiNative.reassociateCommand(); } public synchronized boolean addToBlacklist(String bssid) { return WifiNative.addToBlacklistCommand(bssid); } public synchronized boolean clearBlacklist() { return WifiNative.clearBlacklistCommand(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("interface ").append(mInterfaceName); sb.append(" runState="); if (mRunState >= 1 && mRunState <= mRunStateNames.length) { sb.append(mRunStateNames[mRunState-1]); } else { sb.append(mRunState); } sb.append(LS).append(mWifiInfo).append(LS); sb.append(mDhcpInfo).append(LS); sb.append("haveIpAddress=").append(mHaveIpAddress). append(", obtainingIpAddress=").append(mObtainingIpAddress). append(", scanModeActive=").append(mIsScanModeActive).append(LS). append("lastSignalLevel=").append(mLastSignalLevel). append(", explicitlyDisabled=").append(mTornDownByConnMgr); return sb.toString(); } private class DhcpHandler extends Handler { private Handler mTarget; /** * Whether to skip the DHCP result callback to the target. For example, * this could be set if the network we were requesting an IP for has * since been disconnected. *

* Note: There is still a chance where the client's intended DHCP * request not being canceled. For example, we are request for IP on * A, and he queues request for IP on B, and then cancels the request on * B while we're still requesting from A. */ private boolean mCancelCallback; /** * Instance of the bluetooth headset helper. This needs to be created * early because there is a delay before it actually 'connects', as * noted by its javadoc. If we check before it is connected, it will be * in an error state and we will not disable coexistence. */ private BluetoothHeadset mBluetoothHeadset; public DhcpHandler(Looper looper, Handler target) { super(looper); mTarget = target; mBluetoothHeadset = new BluetoothHeadset(mContext, null); } public void handleMessage(Message msg) { int event; switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_DHCP_START: boolean modifiedBluetoothCoexistenceMode = false; if (shouldDisableCoexistenceMode()) { /* * There are problems setting the Wi-Fi driver's power * mode to active when bluetooth coexistence mode is * enabled or sense. *

* We set Wi-Fi to active mode when * obtaining an IP address because we've found * compatibility issues with some routers with low power * mode. *

* In order for this active power mode to properly be set, * we disable coexistence mode until we're done with * obtaining an IP address. One exception is if we * are currently connected to a headset, since disabling * coexistence would interrupt that connection. */ modifiedBluetoothCoexistenceMode = true; // Disable the coexistence mode synchronized (WifiStateTracker.this) { WifiNative.setBluetoothCoexistenceModeCommand( WifiNative.BLUETOOTH_COEXISTENCE_MODE_DISABLED); } } synchronized (WifiStateTracker.this) { WifiNative.setPowerModeCommand(DRIVER_POWER_MODE_ACTIVE); } synchronized (this) { // A new request is being made, so assume we will callback mCancelCallback = false; } Log.d(TAG, "DhcpHandler: DHCP request started"); if (NetworkUtils.runDhcp(mInterfaceName, mDhcpInfo)) { event = EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_SUCCEEDED; if (LOCAL_LOGD) Log.v(TAG, "DhcpHandler: DHCP request succeeded"); } else { event = EVENT_INTERFACE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED; Log.i(TAG, "DhcpHandler: DHCP request failed: " + NetworkUtils.getDhcpError()); } synchronized (WifiStateTracker.this) { WifiNative.setPowerModeCommand(DRIVER_POWER_MODE_AUTO); } if (modifiedBluetoothCoexistenceMode) { // Set the coexistence mode back to its default value synchronized (WifiStateTracker.this) { WifiNative.setBluetoothCoexistenceModeCommand( WifiNative.BLUETOOTH_COEXISTENCE_MODE_SENSE); } } synchronized (this) { if (!mCancelCallback) { mTarget.sendEmptyMessage(event); } } break; } } public synchronized void setCancelCallback(boolean cancelCallback) { mCancelCallback = cancelCallback; } /** * Whether to disable coexistence mode while obtaining IP address. This * logic will return true only if the current bluetooth * headset/handsfree state is disconnected. This means if it is in an * error state, we will NOT disable coexistence mode to err on the side * of safety. * * @return Whether to disable coexistence mode. */ private boolean shouldDisableCoexistenceMode() { int state = mBluetoothHeadset.getState(); return state == BluetoothHeadset.STATE_DISCONNECTED; } } private void checkUseStaticIp() { mUseStaticIp = false; final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); try { if (Settings.System.getInt(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_USE_STATIC_IP) == 0) { return; } } catch (Settings.SettingNotFoundException e) { return; } try { String addr = Settings.System.getString(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP); if (addr != null) { mDhcpInfo.ipAddress = stringToIpAddr(addr); } else { return; } addr = Settings.System.getString(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_GATEWAY); if (addr != null) { mDhcpInfo.gateway = stringToIpAddr(addr); } else { return; } addr = Settings.System.getString(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_NETMASK); if (addr != null) { mDhcpInfo.netmask = stringToIpAddr(addr); } else { return; } addr = Settings.System.getString(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_DNS1); if (addr != null) { mDhcpInfo.dns1 = stringToIpAddr(addr); } else { return; } addr = Settings.System.getString(cr, Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_DNS2); if (addr != null) { mDhcpInfo.dns2 = stringToIpAddr(addr); } else { mDhcpInfo.dns2 = 0; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return; } mUseStaticIp = true; } private static int stringToIpAddr(String addrString) throws UnknownHostException { try { String[] parts = addrString.split("\\."); if (parts.length != 4) { throw new UnknownHostException(addrString); } int a = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) ; int b = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) << 8; int c = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]) << 16; int d = Integer.parseInt(parts[3]) << 24; return a | b | c | d; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new UnknownHostException(addrString); } } private int getMaxDhcpRetries() { return Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.WIFI_MAX_DHCP_RETRY_COUNT, DEFAULT_MAX_DHCP_RETRIES); } private class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver { public SettingsObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_USE_STATIC_IP), false, this); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_IP), false, this); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_GATEWAY), false, this); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_NETMASK), false, this); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_DNS1), false, this); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor( Settings.System.WIFI_STATIC_DNS2), false, this); } public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { super.onChange(selfChange); boolean wasStaticIp = mUseStaticIp; int oIp, oGw, oMsk, oDns1, oDns2; oIp = oGw = oMsk = oDns1 = oDns2 = 0; if (wasStaticIp) { oIp = mDhcpInfo.ipAddress; oGw = mDhcpInfo.gateway; oMsk = mDhcpInfo.netmask; oDns1 = mDhcpInfo.dns1; oDns2 = mDhcpInfo.dns2; } checkUseStaticIp(); if (mWifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.UNINITIALIZED) { return; } boolean changed = (wasStaticIp != mUseStaticIp) || (wasStaticIp && ( oIp != mDhcpInfo.ipAddress || oGw != mDhcpInfo.gateway || oMsk != mDhcpInfo.netmask || oDns1 != mDhcpInfo.dns1 || oDns2 != mDhcpInfo.dns2)); if (changed) { resetConnections(true); configureInterface(); if (mUseStaticIp) { mTarget.sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED); } } } } private class NotificationEnabledSettingObserver extends ContentObserver { public NotificationEnabledSettingObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); } public void register() { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); cr.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor( Settings.Secure.WIFI_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_NOTIFICATION_ON), true, this); mNotificationEnabled = getValue(); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { super.onChange(selfChange); mNotificationEnabled = getValue(); if (!mNotificationEnabled) { // Remove any notification that may be showing setNotificationVisible(false, 0, true, 0); } resetNotificationTimer(); } private boolean getValue() { return Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.WIFI_NETWORKS_AVAILABLE_NOTIFICATION_ON, 1) == 1; } } }