Provides classes to create peer-to-peer (P2P) connections with Wi-Fi Direct.

Using these APIs, you can discover and connect to other devices when each device supports Wi-Fi Direct, then communicate over a speedy connection across distances much longer than a Bluetooth connection. The primary class you need to work with is {@link}, which you can acquire by calling {@link getSystemService(WIFI_P2P_SERVICE)}. The {@link} includes APIs that allow you to:

Several other interfaces and classes are necessary as well, such as:

In order to use the Wi-Fi P2P APIs, your app must request the following user permissions:

For example code, see the Wi-Fi Direct Demo sample application.

Note: Not all Android-powered devices support Wi-Fi Direct. If your application uses Wi-Fi Direct, declare so with a {@code <uses-feature>} element in the manifest file:

<manifest ...>
    <uses-feature android:name="" />