- this implements vec2, vec3, vec4, which are float vectors
of size 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
the code allows easy instantiation of vectors of a different
type via the tvec{2|3|4}<T> template classes.
- this also implements mat4 which is a float 4x4 matrix. the
tmat44<T> template class allows easy instantiation of a
4x4 matrix of a different value_type.
The vector types have some minimal support for the
glsl style swizzled access; for instance:
vec4 u;
vec3 v = u.xyz;
only .x, .xy, .xyz and their .stpq / .rgba equivalent are
most operators are supported on both vector and matrices:
arithmetic, unary, compound assignment and comparison
(bit-wise operators NOT supported).
- operations available on vectors include:
dot, length, distance, normalize and cross
- operations available on matrices include:
transpose, inverse, trace
- and a few utilities to create matrices:
ortho, frustum, lookAt
Change-Id: I64add89ae90fa78d3f2f59985b63495575378635