/* * Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "hooks.h" #include "glestrace.h" #include "gltrace_context.h" #include "gltrace_egl.h" #include "gltrace_hooks.h" #include "gltrace_transport.h" namespace android { using gltrace::GLTraceState; using gltrace::GLTraceContext; using gltrace::TCPStream; static GLTraceState *sGLTraceState; static pthread_t sReceiveThreadId; /** * Task that monitors the control stream from the host and updates * the trace status according to commands received from the host. */ static void *commandReceiveTask(void *arg) { GLTraceState *state = (GLTraceState *)arg; TCPStream *stream = state->getStream(); // Currently, there are very few user configurable settings. // As a result, they can be encoded in a single integer. int cmd; enum TraceSettingsMasks { READ_FB_ON_EGLSWAP_MASK = 1 << 0, READ_FB_ON_GLDRAW_MASK = 1 << 1, READ_TEXTURE_DATA_ON_GLTEXIMAGE_MASK = 1 << 2, }; while (true) { int n = stream->receive(&cmd, 4); if (n != 4) { break; } cmd = ntohl(cmd); bool collectFbOnEglSwap = (cmd & READ_FB_ON_EGLSWAP_MASK) != 0; bool collectFbOnGlDraw = (cmd & READ_FB_ON_GLDRAW_MASK) != 0; bool collectTextureData = (cmd & READ_TEXTURE_DATA_ON_GLTEXIMAGE_MASK) != 0; state->setCollectFbOnEglSwap(collectFbOnEglSwap); state->setCollectFbOnGlDraw(collectFbOnGlDraw); state->setCollectTextureDataOnGlTexImage(collectTextureData); ALOGD("trace options: eglswap: %d, gldraw: %d, texImage: %d", collectFbOnEglSwap, collectFbOnGlDraw, collectTextureData); } return NULL; } void GLTrace_start() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("debug.egl.debug_port", value, "5039"); const unsigned short port = (unsigned short)atoi(value); int clientSocket = gltrace::acceptClientConnection(port); if (clientSocket < 0) { LOGE("Error creating GLTrace server socket. Quitting application."); exit(-1); } // create communication channel to the host TCPStream *stream = new TCPStream(clientSocket); // initialize tracing state sGLTraceState = new GLTraceState(stream); pthread_create(&sReceiveThreadId, NULL, commandReceiveTask, sGLTraceState); } void GLTrace_stop() { delete sGLTraceState; sGLTraceState = NULL; } void GLTrace_eglCreateContext(int version, EGLContext c) { // update trace state for new EGL context GLTraceContext *traceContext = sGLTraceState->createTraceContext(version, c); gltrace::setupTraceContextThreadSpecific(traceContext); // trace command through to the host gltrace::GLTrace_eglCreateContext(version, traceContext->getId()); } void GLTrace_eglMakeCurrent(const unsigned version, gl_hooks_t *hooks, EGLContext c) { // setup per context state GLTraceContext *traceContext = sGLTraceState->getTraceContext(c); traceContext->hooks = hooks; gltrace::setupTraceContextThreadSpecific(traceContext); // trace command through to the host gltrace::GLTrace_eglMakeCurrent(traceContext->getId()); } void GLTrace_eglReleaseThread() { gltrace::releaseContext(); } void GLTrace_eglSwapBuffers(void *dpy, void *draw) { gltrace::GLTrace_eglSwapBuffers(dpy, draw); } gl_hooks_t *GLTrace_getGLHooks() { return gltrace::getGLHooks(); } }