/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /* * Hardware Composer Test Library * Utility library functions for use by the Hardware Composer test cases */ #include // For ntohl() and htonl() #include #include #include #include "hwcTestLib.h" #include "EGLUtils.h" // Defines #define NUMA(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) // Function Prototypes static void printGLString(const char *name, GLenum s); static void checkEglError(const char* op, EGLBoolean returnVal = EGL_TRUE); static void checkGlError(const char* op); static void printEGLConfiguration(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config); using namespace std; using namespace android; #define BITSPERBYTE 8 // TODO: Obtain from , once // it has been added // Initialize Display void hwcTestInitDisplay(bool verbose, EGLDisplay *dpy, EGLSurface *surface, EGLint *width, EGLint *height) { static EGLContext context; int rv; EGLBoolean returnValue; EGLConfig myConfig = {0}; EGLint contextAttribs[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE }; EGLint sConfigAttribs[] = { EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_NONE }; EGLint majorVersion, minorVersion; checkEglError(""); *dpy = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); checkEglError("eglGetDisplay"); if (*dpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { testPrintE("eglGetDisplay returned EGL_NO_DISPLAY"); exit(70); } returnValue = eglInitialize(*dpy, &majorVersion, &minorVersion); checkEglError("eglInitialize", returnValue); if (verbose) { testPrintI("EGL version %d.%d", majorVersion, minorVersion); } if (returnValue != EGL_TRUE) { testPrintE("eglInitialize failed"); exit(71); } EGLNativeWindowType window = android_createDisplaySurface(); if (window == NULL) { testPrintE("android_createDisplaySurface failed"); exit(72); } returnValue = EGLUtils::selectConfigForNativeWindow(*dpy, sConfigAttribs, window, &myConfig); if (returnValue) { testPrintE("EGLUtils::selectConfigForNativeWindow() returned %d", returnValue); exit(73); } checkEglError("EGLUtils::selectConfigForNativeWindow"); if (verbose) { testPrintI("Chose this configuration:"); printEGLConfiguration(*dpy, myConfig); } *surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(*dpy, myConfig, window, NULL); checkEglError("eglCreateWindowSurface"); if (*surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { testPrintE("gelCreateWindowSurface failed."); exit(74); } context = eglCreateContext(*dpy, myConfig, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs); checkEglError("eglCreateContext"); if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { testPrintE("eglCreateContext failed"); exit(75); } returnValue = eglMakeCurrent(*dpy, *surface, *surface, context); checkEglError("eglMakeCurrent", returnValue); if (returnValue != EGL_TRUE) { testPrintE("eglMakeCurrent failed"); exit(76); } eglQuerySurface(*dpy, *surface, EGL_WIDTH, width); checkEglError("eglQuerySurface"); eglQuerySurface(*dpy, *surface, EGL_HEIGHT, height); checkEglError("eglQuerySurface"); if (verbose) { testPrintI("Window dimensions: %d x %d", *width, *height); printGLString("Version", GL_VERSION); printGLString("Vendor", GL_VENDOR); printGLString("Renderer", GL_RENDERER); printGLString("Extensions", GL_EXTENSIONS); } } // Open Hardware Composer Device void hwcTestOpenHwc(hwc_composer_device_1_t **hwcDevicePtr) { int rv; hw_module_t const *hwcModule; if ((rv = hw_get_module(HWC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hwcModule)) != 0) { testPrintE("hw_get_module failed, rv: %i", rv); errno = -rv; perror(NULL); exit(77); } if ((rv = hwc_open_1(hwcModule, hwcDevicePtr)) != 0) { testPrintE("hwc_open failed, rv: %i", rv); errno = -rv; perror(NULL); exit(78); } } // Color fraction class to string conversion ColorFract::operator string() { ostringstream out; out << '[' << this->c1() << ", " << this->c2() << ", " << this->c3() << ']'; return out.str(); } // Dimension class to string conversion HwcTestDim::operator string() { ostringstream out; out << '[' << this->width() << ", " << this->height() << ']'; return out.str(); } // Dimension class to hwc_rect conversion HwcTestDim::operator hwc_rect() const { hwc_rect rect; rect.left = rect.top = 0; rect.right = this->_w; rect.bottom = this->_h; return rect; } // Hardware Composer rectangle to string conversion string hwcTestRect2str(const struct hwc_rect& rect) { ostringstream out; out << '['; out << rect.left << ", "; out << rect.top << ", "; out << rect.right << ", "; out << rect.bottom; out << ']'; return out.str(); } // Parse HWC rectangle description of form [left, top, right, bottom] struct hwc_rect hwcTestParseHwcRect(istringstream& in, bool& error) { struct hwc_rect rect; char chStart, ch; // Defensively specify that an error occurred. Will clear // error flag if all of parsing succeeds. error = true; // First character should be a [ or < in >> chStart; if (!in || ((chStart != '<') && (chStart != '['))) { return rect; } // Left in >> rect.left; if (!in) { return rect; } in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return rect; } // Top in >> rect.top; if (!in) { return rect; } in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return rect; } // Right in >> rect.right; if (!in) { return rect; } in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return rect; } // Bottom in >> rect.bottom; if (!in) { return rect; } // Closing > or ] in >> ch; if (!in) { return rect; } if (((chStart == '<') && (ch != '>')) || ((chStart == '[') && (ch != ']'))) { return rect; } // Validate right and bottom are greater than left and top if ((rect.right <= rect.left) || (rect.bottom <= rect.top)) { return rect; } // Made It, clear error indicator error = false; return rect; } // Parse dimension of form [width, height] HwcTestDim hwcTestParseDim(istringstream& in, bool& error) { HwcTestDim dim; char chStart, ch; uint32_t val; // Defensively specify that an error occurred. Will clear // error flag if all of parsing succeeds. error = true; // First character should be a [ or < in >> chStart; if (!in || ((chStart != '<') && (chStart != '['))) { return dim; } // Width in >> val; if (!in) { return dim; } dim.setWidth(val); in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return dim; } // Height in >> val; if (!in) { return dim; } dim.setHeight(val); // Closing > or ] in >> ch; if (!in) { return dim; } if (((chStart == '<') && (ch != '>')) || ((chStart == '[') && (ch != ']'))) { return dim; } // Validate width and height greater than 0 if ((dim.width() <= 0) || (dim.height() <= 0)) { return dim; } // Made It, clear error indicator error = false; return dim; } // Parse fractional color of form [0.##, 0.##, 0.##] // Fractional values can be from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive. Note, integer // values of 0.0 and 1.0, which are non-fractional, are considered valid. // They are an exception, all other valid inputs are fractions. ColorFract hwcTestParseColor(istringstream& in, bool& error) { ColorFract color; char chStart, ch; float c1, c2, c3; // Defensively specify that an error occurred. Will clear // error flag if all of parsing succeeds. error = true; // First character should be a [ or < in >> chStart; if (!in || ((chStart != '<') && (chStart != '['))) { return color; } // 1st Component in >> c1; if (!in) { return color; } if ((c1 < 0.0) || (c1 > 1.0)) { return color; } in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return color; } // 2nd Component in >> c2; if (!in) { return color; } if ((c2 < 0.0) || (c2 > 1.0)) { return color; } in >> ch; if (!in || (ch != ',')) { return color; } // 3rd Component in >> c3; if (!in) { return color; } if ((c3 < 0.0) || (c3 > 1.0)) { return color; } // Closing > or ] in >> ch; if (!in) { return color; } if (((chStart == '<') && (ch != '>')) || ((chStart == '[') && (ch != ']'))) { return color; } // Are all the components fractional if ((c1 < 0.0) || (c1 > 1.0) || (c2 < 0.0) || (c2 > 1.0) || (c3 < 0.0) || (c3 > 1.0)) { return color; } // Made It, clear error indicator error = false; return ColorFract(c1, c2, c3); } // Look up and return pointer to structure with the characteristics // of the graphic format named by the desc parameter. Search failure // indicated by the return of NULL. const struct hwcTestGraphicFormat *hwcTestGraphicFormatLookup(const char *desc) { for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 < NUMA(hwcTestGraphicFormat); n1++) { if (string(desc) == string(hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1].desc)) { return &hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1]; } } return NULL; } // Look up and return pointer to structure with the characteristics // of the graphic format specified by the id parameter. Search failure // indicated by the return of NULL. const struct hwcTestGraphicFormat *hwcTestGraphicFormatLookup(uint32_t id) { for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 < NUMA(hwcTestGraphicFormat); n1++) { if (id == hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1].format) { return &hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1]; } } return NULL; } // Given the integer ID of a graphic format, return a pointer to // a string that describes the format. const char *hwcTestGraphicFormat2str(uint32_t format) { const static char *unknown = "unknown"; for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 < NUMA(hwcTestGraphicFormat); n1++) { if (format == hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1].format) { return hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1].desc; } } return unknown; } /* * hwcTestCreateLayerList * Dynamically creates layer list with numLayers worth * of hwLayers entries. */ hwc_display_contents_1_t *hwcTestCreateLayerList(size_t numLayers) { hwc_display_contents_1_t *list; size_t size = sizeof(hwc_display_contents_1_t) + numLayers * sizeof(hwc_layer_1_t); if ((list = (hwc_display_contents_1_t *) calloc(1, size)) == NULL) { return NULL; } list->flags = HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED; list->numHwLayers = numLayers; return list; } /* * hwcTestFreeLayerList * Frees memory previous allocated via hwcTestCreateLayerList(). */ void hwcTestFreeLayerList(hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) { free(list); } // Display the settings of the layer list pointed to by list void hwcTestDisplayList(hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) { testPrintI(" flags: %#x%s", list->flags, (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) ? " GEOMETRY_CHANGED" : ""); testPrintI(" numHwLayers: %u", list->numHwLayers); for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < list->numHwLayers; layer++) { testPrintI(" layer %u compositionType: %#x%s%s", layer, list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType, (list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType == HWC_FRAMEBUFFER) ? " FRAMEBUFFER" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType == HWC_OVERLAY) ? " OVERLAY" : ""); testPrintI(" hints: %#x", list->hwLayers[layer].hints, (list->hwLayers[layer].hints & HWC_HINT_TRIPLE_BUFFER) ? " TRIPLE_BUFFER" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].hints & HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB) ? " CLEAR_FB" : ""); testPrintI(" flags: %#x%s", list->hwLayers[layer].flags, (list->hwLayers[layer].flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER) ? " SKIP_LAYER" : ""); testPrintI(" handle: %p", list->hwLayers[layer].handle); // Intentionally skipped display of ROT_180 & ROT_270, // which are formed from combinations of the other flags. testPrintI(" transform: %#x%s%s%s", list->hwLayers[layer].transform, (list->hwLayers[layer].transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H) ? " FLIP_H" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V) ? " FLIP_V" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) ? " ROT_90" : ""); testPrintI(" blending: %#x%s%s%s", list->hwLayers[layer].blending, (list->hwLayers[layer].blending == HWC_BLENDING_NONE) ? " NONE" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].blending == HWC_BLENDING_PREMULT) ? " PREMULT" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].blending == HWC_BLENDING_COVERAGE) ? " COVERAGE" : ""); testPrintI(" sourceCrop: %s", hwcTestRect2str(list->hwLayers[layer].sourceCrop).c_str()); testPrintI(" displayFrame: %s", hwcTestRect2str(list->hwLayers[layer].displayFrame).c_str()); testPrintI(" scaleFactor: [%f, %f]", (float) (list->hwLayers[layer].sourceCrop.right - list->hwLayers[layer].sourceCrop.left) / (float) (list->hwLayers[layer].displayFrame.right - list->hwLayers[layer].displayFrame.left), (float) (list->hwLayers[layer].sourceCrop.bottom - list->hwLayers[layer].sourceCrop.top) / (float) (list->hwLayers[layer].displayFrame.bottom - list->hwLayers[layer].displayFrame.top)); } } /* * Display List Prepare Modifiable * * Displays the portions of a list that are meant to be modified by * a prepare call. */ void hwcTestDisplayListPrepareModifiable(hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) { uint32_t numOverlays = 0; for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < list->numHwLayers; layer++) { if (list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType == HWC_OVERLAY) { numOverlays++; } testPrintI(" layer %u compositionType: %#x%s%s", layer, list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType, (list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType == HWC_FRAMEBUFFER) ? " FRAMEBUFFER" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].compositionType == HWC_OVERLAY) ? " OVERLAY" : ""); testPrintI(" hints: %#x%s%s", list->hwLayers[layer].hints, (list->hwLayers[layer].hints & HWC_HINT_TRIPLE_BUFFER) ? " TRIPLE_BUFFER" : "", (list->hwLayers[layer].hints & HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB) ? " CLEAR_FB" : ""); } testPrintI(" numOverlays: %u", numOverlays); } /* * Display List Handles * * Displays the handles of all the graphic buffers in the list. */ void hwcTestDisplayListHandles(hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) { const unsigned int maxLayersPerLine = 6; ostringstream str(" layers:"); for (unsigned int layer = 0; layer < list->numHwLayers; layer++) { str << ' ' << list->hwLayers[layer].handle; if (((layer % maxLayersPerLine) == (maxLayersPerLine - 1)) && (layer != list->numHwLayers - 1)) { testPrintI("%s", str.str().c_str()); str.str(" "); } } testPrintI("%s", str.str().c_str()); } // Returns a uint32_t that contains a format specific representation of a // single pixel of the given color and alpha values. uint32_t hwcTestColor2Pixel(uint32_t format, ColorFract color, float alpha) { const struct attrib { uint32_t format; bool hostByteOrder; size_t bytes; size_t c1Offset; size_t c1Size; size_t c2Offset; size_t c2Size; size_t c3Offset; size_t c3Size; size_t aOffset; size_t aSize; } attributes[] = { {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, false, 4, 0, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 24, 8}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888, false, 4, 0, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 0, 0}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888, false, 3, 0, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 0, 0}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565, true, 2, 0, 5, 5, 6, 11, 5, 0, 0}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, false, 4, 16, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 24, 8}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12, true, 3, 16, 8, 8, 8, 0, 8, 0, 0}, }; const struct attrib *attrib; for (attrib = attributes; attrib < attributes + NUMA(attributes); attrib++) { if (attrib->format == format) { break; } } if (attrib >= attributes + NUMA(attributes)) { testPrintE("colorFract2Pixel unsupported format of: %u", format); exit(80); } uint32_t pixel; pixel = htonl((uint32_t) round((((1 << attrib->c1Size) - 1) * color.c1())) << ((sizeof(pixel) * BITSPERBYTE) - (attrib->c1Offset + attrib->c1Size))); pixel |= htonl((uint32_t) round((((1 << attrib->c2Size) - 1) * color.c2())) << ((sizeof(pixel) * BITSPERBYTE) - (attrib->c2Offset + attrib->c2Size))); pixel |= htonl((uint32_t) round((((1 << attrib->c3Size) - 1) * color.c3())) << ((sizeof(pixel) * BITSPERBYTE) - (attrib->c3Offset + attrib->c3Size))); if (attrib->aSize) { pixel |= htonl((uint32_t) round((((1 << attrib->aSize) - 1) * alpha)) << ((sizeof(pixel) * BITSPERBYTE) - (attrib->aOffset + attrib->aSize))); } if (attrib->hostByteOrder) { pixel = ntohl(pixel); pixel >>= sizeof(pixel) * BITSPERBYTE - attrib->bytes * BITSPERBYTE; } return pixel; } // Sets the pixel at the given x and y coordinates to the color and alpha // value given by pixel. The contents of pixel is format specific. It's // value should come from a call to hwcTestColor2Pixel(). void hwcTestSetPixel(GraphicBuffer *gBuf, unsigned char *buf, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t pixel) { const struct attrib { int format; size_t bytes; } attributes[] = { {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 4}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888, 4}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888, 3}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565, 2}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, 4}, }; if (gBuf->getPixelFormat() == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12) { uint32_t yPlaneOffset, uPlaneOffset, vPlaneOffset; uint32_t yPlaneStride = gBuf->getStride(); uint32_t uPlaneStride = ((gBuf->getStride() / 2) + 0xf) & ~0xf; uint32_t vPlaneStride = uPlaneStride; yPlaneOffset = 0; vPlaneOffset = yPlaneOffset + yPlaneStride * gBuf->getHeight(); uPlaneOffset = vPlaneOffset + vPlaneStride * (gBuf->getHeight() / 2); *(buf + yPlaneOffset + y * yPlaneStride + x) = pixel & 0xff; *(buf + uPlaneOffset + (y / 2) * uPlaneStride + (x / 2)) = (pixel & 0xff00) >> 8; *(buf + vPlaneOffset + (y / 2) * vPlaneStride + (x / 2)) = (pixel & 0xff0000) >> 16; return; } const struct attrib *attrib; for (attrib = attributes; attrib < attributes + NUMA(attributes); attrib++) { if (attrib->format == gBuf->getPixelFormat()) { break; } } if (attrib >= attributes + NUMA(attributes)) { testPrintE("setPixel unsupported format of: %u", gBuf->getPixelFormat()); exit(90); } memmove(buf + ((gBuf->getStride() * attrib->bytes) * y) + (attrib->bytes * x), &pixel, attrib->bytes); } // Fill a given graphic buffer with a uniform color and alpha void hwcTestFillColor(GraphicBuffer *gBuf, ColorFract color, float alpha) { unsigned char* buf = NULL; status_t err; uint32_t pixel; pixel = hwcTestColor2Pixel(gBuf->getPixelFormat(), color, alpha); err = gBuf->lock(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN, (void**)(&buf)); if (err != 0) { testPrintE("hwcTestFillColor lock failed: %d", err); exit(100); } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < gBuf->getStride(); x++) { for (unsigned int y = 0; y < gBuf->getHeight(); y++) { uint32_t val = pixel; hwcTestSetPixel(gBuf, buf, x, y, (x < gBuf->getWidth()) ? pixel : testRand()); } } err = gBuf->unlock(); if (err != 0) { testPrintE("hwcTestFillColor unlock failed: %d", err); exit(101); } } // Fill the given buffer with a horizontal blend of colors, with the left // side color given by startColor and the right side color given by // endColor. The startColor and endColor values are specified in the format // given by colorFormat, which might be different from the format of the // graphic buffer. When different, a color conversion is done when possible // to the graphic format of the graphic buffer. A color of black is // produced for cases where the conversion is impossible (e.g. out of gamut // values). void hwcTestFillColorHBlend(GraphicBuffer *gBuf, uint32_t colorFormat, ColorFract startColor, ColorFract endColor) { status_t err; unsigned char* buf = NULL; const uint32_t width = gBuf->getWidth(); const uint32_t height = gBuf->getHeight(); const uint32_t stride = gBuf->getStride(); err = gBuf->lock(GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN, (void**)(&buf)); if (err != 0) { testPrintE("hwcTestFillColorHBlend lock failed: %d", err); exit(110); } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < stride; x++) { uint32_t pixel; if (x < width) { ColorFract color(startColor.c1() + (endColor.c1() - startColor.c1()) * ((float) x / (float) (width - 1)), startColor.c2() + (endColor.c2() - startColor.c2()) * ((float) x / (float) (width - 1)), startColor.c3() + (endColor.c3() - startColor.c3()) * ((float) x / (float) (width - 1))); // When formats differ, convert colors. // Important to not convert when formats are the same, since // out of gamut colors are always converted to black. if (colorFormat != (uint32_t) gBuf->getPixelFormat()) { hwcTestColorConvert(colorFormat, gBuf->getPixelFormat(), color); } pixel = hwcTestColor2Pixel(gBuf->getPixelFormat(), color, 1.0); } else { // Fill pad with random values pixel = testRand(); } for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) { hwcTestSetPixel(gBuf, buf, x, y, pixel); } } err = gBuf->unlock(); if (err != 0) { testPrintE("hwcTestFillColorHBlend unlock failed: %d", err); exit(111); } } /* * When possible, converts color specified as a full range value in * the fromFormat, into an equivalent full range color in the toFormat. * When conversion is impossible (e.g. out of gamut color) a color * or black in the full range output format is produced. The input * color is given as a fractional color in the parameter named color. * The produced color is written over the same parameter used to * provide the input color. * * Each graphic format has 3 color components and each of these * components has both a full and in gamut range. This function uses * a table that provides the full and in gamut ranges of each of the * supported graphic formats. The full range is given by members named * c[123]Min to c[123]Max, while the in gamut range is given by members * named c[123]Low to c[123]High. In most cases the full and in gamut * ranges are equivalent. This occurs when the c[123]Min == c[123]Low and * c[123]High == c[123]Max. * * The input and produced colors are both specified as a fractional amount * of the full range. The diagram below provides an overview of the * conversion process. The main steps are: * * 1. Produce black if the input color is out of gamut. * * 2. Convert the in gamut color into the fraction of the fromFromat * in gamut range. * * 3. Convert from the fraction of the in gamut from format range to * the fraction of the in gamut to format range. Produce black * if an equivalent color does not exists. * * 4. Covert from the fraction of the in gamut to format to the * fraction of the full range to format. * * From Format To Format * max high high max * ----+ +-----------+ * high \ / \ high * ------\-------------+ +--------> * \ * \ +--- black --+ * \ / \ * \ / +--> * low \ / low * -------- ---+-- black --+ * min low low min * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * | | | | | * | | | | +-- fraction of full range * | | | +-- fraction of valid range * | | +-- fromFormat to toFormat color conversion * | +-- fraction of valid range * +-- fraction of full range */ void hwcTestColorConvert(uint32_t fromFormat, uint32_t toFormat, ColorFract& color) { const struct attrib { uint32_t format; bool rgb; bool yuv; int c1Min, c1Low, c1High, c1Max; int c2Min, c2Low, c2High, c2Max; int c3Min, c3Low, c3High, c3Max; } attributes[] = { {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, true, false, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888, true, false, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888, true, false, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565, true, false, 0, 0, 31, 31, 0, 0, 63, 63, 0, 0, 31, 31}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, true, false, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255}, {HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12, false, true, 0, 16, 235, 255, 0, 16, 240, 255, 0, 16, 240, 255}, }; const struct attrib *fromAttrib; for (fromAttrib = attributes; fromAttrib < attributes + NUMA(attributes); fromAttrib++) { if (fromAttrib->format == fromFormat) { break; } } if (fromAttrib >= attributes + NUMA(attributes)) { testPrintE("hwcTestColorConvert unsupported from format of: %u", fromFormat); exit(120); } const struct attrib *toAttrib; for (toAttrib = attributes; toAttrib < attributes + NUMA(attributes); toAttrib++) { if (toAttrib->format == toFormat) { break; } } if (toAttrib >= attributes + NUMA(attributes)) { testPrintE("hwcTestColorConvert unsupported to format of: %u", toFormat); exit(121); } // Produce black if any of the from components are outside the // valid color range float c1Val = fromAttrib->c1Min + ((float) (fromAttrib->c1Max - fromAttrib->c1Min) * color.c1()); float c2Val = fromAttrib->c2Min + ((float) (fromAttrib->c2Max - fromAttrib->c2Min) * color.c2()); float c3Val = fromAttrib->c3Min + ((float) (fromAttrib->c3Max - fromAttrib->c3Min) * color.c3()); if ((c1Val < fromAttrib->c1Low) || (c1Val > fromAttrib->c1High) || (c2Val < fromAttrib->c2Low) || (c2Val > fromAttrib->c2High) || (c3Val < fromAttrib->c3Low) || (c3Val > fromAttrib->c3High)) { // Return black // Will use representation of black from RGBA8888 graphic format // and recursively convert it to the requested graphic format. color = ColorFract(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); hwcTestColorConvert(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, toFormat, color); return; } // Within from format, convert from fraction of full range // to fraction of valid range color = ColorFract((c1Val - fromAttrib->c1Low) / (fromAttrib->c1High - fromAttrib->c1Low), (c2Val - fromAttrib->c2Low) / (fromAttrib->c2High - fromAttrib->c2Low), (c3Val - fromAttrib->c3Low) / (fromAttrib->c3High - fromAttrib->c3Low)); // If needed perform RGB to YUV conversion float wr = 0.2126, wg = 0.7152, wb = 0.0722; // ITU709 recommended constants if (fromAttrib->rgb && toAttrib->yuv) { float r = color.c1(), g = color.c2(), b = color.c3(); float y = wr * r + wg * g + wb * b; float u = 0.5 * ((b - y) / (1.0 - wb)) + 0.5; float v = 0.5 * ((r - y) / (1.0 - wr)) + 0.5; // Produce black if color is outside the YUV gamut if ((y < 0.0) || (y > 1.0) || (u < 0.0) || (u > 1.0) || (v < 0.0) || (v > 1.0)) { y = 0.0; u = v = 0.5; } color = ColorFract(y, u, v); } // If needed perform YUV to RGB conversion // Equations determined from the ITU709 equations for RGB to YUV // conversion, plus the following algebra: // // u = 0.5 * ((b - y) / (1.0 - wb)) + 0.5 // 0.5 * ((b - y) / (1.0 - wb)) = u - 0.5 // (b - y) / (1.0 - wb) = 2 * (u - 0.5) // b - y = 2 * (u - 0.5) * (1.0 - wb) // b = 2 * (u - 0.5) * (1.0 - wb) + y // // v = 0.5 * ((r -y) / (1.0 - wr)) + 0.5 // 0.5 * ((r - y) / (1.0 - wr)) = v - 0.5 // (r - y) / (1.0 - wr) = 2 * (v - 0.5) // r - y = 2 * (v - 0.5) * (1.0 - wr) // r = 2 * (v - 0.5) * (1.0 - wr) + y // // y = wr * r + wg * g + wb * b // wr * r + wg * g + wb * b = y // wg * g = y - wr * r - wb * b // g = (y - wr * r - wb * b) / wg if (fromAttrib->yuv && toAttrib->rgb) { float y = color.c1(), u = color.c2(), v = color.c3(); float r = 2.0 * (v - 0.5) * (1.0 - wr) + y; float b = 2.0 * (u - 0.5) * (1.0 - wb) + y; float g = (y - wr * r - wb * b) / wg; // Produce black if color is outside the RGB gamut if ((r < 0.0) || (r > 1.0) || (g < 0.0) || (g > 1.0) || (b < 0.0) || (b > 1.0)) { r = g = b = 0.0; } color = ColorFract(r, g, b); } // Within to format, convert from fraction of valid range // to fraction of full range c1Val = (toAttrib->c1Low + (float) (toAttrib->c1High - toAttrib->c1Low) * color.c1()); c2Val = (toAttrib->c1Low + (float) (toAttrib->c2High - toAttrib->c2Low) * color.c2()); c3Val = (toAttrib->c1Low + (float) (toAttrib->c3High - toAttrib->c3Low) * color.c3()); color = ColorFract((float) (c1Val - toAttrib->c1Min) / (float) (toAttrib->c1Max - toAttrib->c1Min), (float) (c2Val - toAttrib->c2Min) / (float) (toAttrib->c2Max - toAttrib->c2Min), (float) (c3Val - toAttrib->c3Min) / (float) (toAttrib->c3Max - toAttrib->c3Min)); } // TODO: Use PrintGLString, CechckGlError, and PrintEGLConfiguration // from libglTest static void printGLString(const char *name, GLenum s) { const char *v = (const char *) glGetString(s); if (v == NULL) { testPrintI("GL %s unknown", name); } else { testPrintI("GL %s = %s", name, v); } } static void checkEglError(const char* op, EGLBoolean returnVal) { if (returnVal != EGL_TRUE) { testPrintE("%s() returned %d", op, returnVal); } for (EGLint error = eglGetError(); error != EGL_SUCCESS; error = eglGetError()) { testPrintE("after %s() eglError %s (0x%x)", op, EGLUtils::strerror(error), error); } } static void checkGlError(const char* op) { for (GLint error = glGetError(); error; error = glGetError()) { testPrintE("after %s() glError (0x%x)", op, error); } } static void printEGLConfiguration(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config) { #define X(VAL) {VAL, #VAL} struct {EGLint attribute; const char* name;} names[] = { X(EGL_BUFFER_SIZE), X(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE), X(EGL_BLUE_SIZE), X(EGL_GREEN_SIZE), X(EGL_RED_SIZE), X(EGL_DEPTH_SIZE), X(EGL_STENCIL_SIZE), X(EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT), X(EGL_CONFIG_ID), X(EGL_LEVEL), X(EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT), X(EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS), X(EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH), X(EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE), X(EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID), X(EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE), X(EGL_SAMPLES), X(EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS), X(EGL_SURFACE_TYPE), X(EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE), X(EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE), X(EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE), X(EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE), X(EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB), X(EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA), X(EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL), X(EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL), X(EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE), X(EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE), X(EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE), X(EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE), X(EGL_CONFORMANT), }; #undef X for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]); j++) { EGLint value = -1; EGLint returnVal = eglGetConfigAttrib(dpy, config, names[j].attribute, &value); EGLint error = eglGetError(); if (returnVal && error == EGL_SUCCESS) { testPrintI(" %s: %d (%#x)", names[j].name, value, value); } } testPrintI(""); }