/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file Encoder_libjpeg.h * * This defines API for camerahal to encode YUV using libjpeg * */ #ifndef ANDROID_CAMERA_HARDWARE_ENCODER_LIBJPEG_H #define ANDROID_CAMERA_HARDWARE_ENCODER_LIBJPEG_H #include #include extern "C" { #include "jhead.h" #undef TRUE #undef FALSE } #define CANCEL_TIMEOUT 5000000 // 5 seconds namespace android { /** * libjpeg encoder class - uses libjpeg to encode yuv */ #define MAX_EXIF_TAGS_SUPPORTED 30 typedef void (*encoder_libjpeg_callback_t) (void* main_jpeg, void* thumb_jpeg, CameraFrame::FrameType type, void* cookie1, void* cookie2, void* cookie3, bool canceled); // these have to match strings defined in external/jhead/exif.c static const char TAG_MODEL[] = "Model"; static const char TAG_MAKE[] = "Make"; static const char TAG_FOCALLENGTH[] = "FocalLength"; static const char TAG_DATETIME[] = "DateTime"; static const char TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH[] = "ImageWidth"; static const char TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH[] = "ImageLength"; static const char TAG_GPS_LAT[] = "GPSLatitude"; static const char TAG_GPS_LAT_REF[] = "GPSLatitudeRef"; static const char TAG_GPS_LONG[] = "GPSLongitude"; static const char TAG_GPS_LONG_REF[] = "GPSLongitudeRef"; static const char TAG_GPS_ALT[] = "GPSAltitude"; static const char TAG_GPS_ALT_REF[] = "GPSAltitudeRef"; static const char TAG_GPS_MAP_DATUM[] = "GPSMapDatum"; static const char TAG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD[] = "GPSProcessingMethod"; static const char TAG_GPS_VERSION_ID[] = "GPSVersionID"; static const char TAG_GPS_TIMESTAMP[] = "GPSTimeStamp"; static const char TAG_GPS_DATESTAMP[] = "GPSDateStamp"; static const char TAG_ORIENTATION[] = "Orientation"; static const char TAG_FLASH[] = "Flash"; static const char TAG_DIGITALZOOMRATIO[] = "DigitalZoomRatio"; static const char TAG_EXPOSURETIME[] = "ExposureTime"; static const char TAG_APERTURE[] = "ApertureValue"; static const char TAG_ISO_EQUIVALENT[] = "ISOSpeedRatings"; static const char TAG_WHITEBALANCE[] = "WhiteBalance"; static const char TAG_LIGHT_SOURCE[] = "LightSource"; static const char TAG_METERING_MODE[] = "MeteringMode"; static const char TAG_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM[] = "ExposureProgram"; static const char TAG_COLOR_SPACE[] = "ColorSpace"; static const char TAG_CPRS_BITS_PER_PIXEL[] = "CompressedBitsPerPixel"; static const char TAG_FNUMBER[] = "FNumber"; static const char TAG_SHUTTERSPEED[] = "ShutterSpeedValue"; static const char TAG_SENSING_METHOD[] = "SensingMethod"; static const char TAG_CUSTOM_RENDERED[] = "CustomRendered"; class ExifElementsTable { public: ExifElementsTable() : gps_tag_count(0), exif_tag_count(0), position(0), jpeg_opened(false) { } ~ExifElementsTable(); status_t insertElement(const char* tag, const char* value); void insertExifToJpeg(unsigned char* jpeg, size_t jpeg_size); status_t insertExifThumbnailImage(const char*, int); void saveJpeg(unsigned char* picture, size_t jpeg_size); static const char* degreesToExifOrientation(unsigned int); static void stringToRational(const char*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*); static bool isAsciiTag(const char* tag); private: ExifElement_t table[MAX_EXIF_TAGS_SUPPORTED]; unsigned int gps_tag_count; unsigned int exif_tag_count; unsigned int position; bool jpeg_opened; }; class Encoder_libjpeg : public Thread { /* public member types and variables */ public: struct params { uint8_t* src; int src_size; uint8_t* dst; int dst_size; int quality; int in_width; int in_height; int out_width; int out_height; int right_crop; int start_offset; const char* format; size_t jpeg_size; }; /* public member functions */ public: Encoder_libjpeg(params* main_jpeg, params* tn_jpeg, encoder_libjpeg_callback_t cb, CameraFrame::FrameType type, void* cookie1, void* cookie2, void* cookie3) : Thread(false), mMainInput(main_jpeg), mThumbnailInput(tn_jpeg), mCb(cb), mCancelEncoding(false), mCookie1(cookie1), mCookie2(cookie2), mCookie3(cookie3), mType(type), mThumb(NULL) { this->incStrong(this); mCancelSem.Create(0); } ~Encoder_libjpeg() { CAMHAL_LOGVB("~Encoder_libjpeg(%p)", this); } virtual bool threadLoop() { size_t size = 0; sp tn = NULL; if (mThumbnailInput) { // start thread to encode thumbnail mThumb = new Encoder_libjpeg(mThumbnailInput, NULL, NULL, mType, NULL, NULL, NULL); mThumb->run(); } // encode our main image size = encode(mMainInput); // signal cancel semaphore incase somebody is waiting mCancelSem.Signal(); // check if it is main jpeg thread if(mThumb.get()) { // wait until tn jpeg thread exits. mThumb->join(); mThumb.clear(); mThumb = NULL; } if(mCb) { mCb(mMainInput, mThumbnailInput, mType, mCookie1, mCookie2, mCookie3, mCancelEncoding); } // encoder thread runs, self-destructs, and then exits this->decStrong(this); return false; } void cancel() { mCancelEncoding = true; if (mThumb.get()) { mThumb->cancel(); mCancelSem.WaitTimeout(CANCEL_TIMEOUT); } } void getCookies(void **cookie1, void **cookie2, void **cookie3) { if (cookie1) *cookie1 = mCookie1; if (cookie2) *cookie2 = mCookie2; if (cookie3) *cookie3 = mCookie3; } private: params* mMainInput; params* mThumbnailInput; encoder_libjpeg_callback_t mCb; bool mCancelEncoding; void* mCookie1; void* mCookie2; void* mCookie3; CameraFrame::FrameType mType; sp mThumb; Semaphore mCancelSem; size_t encode(params*); }; } #endif