/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "VTCTest" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OMX_TI_Index.h" #include "OMX_TI_Video.h" #define SLEEP_AFTER_STARTING_PREVIEW 3 #define SLEEP_AFTER_STARTING_PLAYBACK 5 #define WIDTH 1280 #define HEIGHT 720 using namespace android; int mMediaServerPID = -1; int mStartMemory = 0; int mTestCount = 0; int mFailCount = 0; int filename = 0; int mDuration = 10; int mPlaybackDuration = 0; int testcase = 1; int InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs = 1; int mPreviewWidth = WIDTH; int mPreviewHeight = HEIGHT; int mOutputFd = -1; int camera_index = 0; int mSliceSizeBytes = 500; int mSliceSizeMB = 100; int mDisable1080pTesting = 0; int mRobustnessTestType = -1; bool mIsSizeInBytes = true; bool mCameraThrewError = false; bool mMediaPlayerThrewError = false; char mParamValue[100]; char mRecordFileName[256]; char mPlaybackFileName[256]; FILE *mResultsFP = NULL; // If seconds < 0, only the first frame is I frame, and rest are all P frames // If seconds == 0, all frames are encoded as I frames. No P frames // If seconds > 0, it is the time spacing (seconds) between 2 neighboring I frames int32_t mIFramesIntervalSec = 1; uint32_t mVideoBitRate = 1000000; uint32_t mVideoFrameRate = 30; uint32_t mNewVideoBitRate = 100000; uint32_t mNewVideoFrameRate = 15; uint32_t mCycles = 10; sp camera; sp client; sp surfaceControl; sp previewSurface; CameraParameters params; sp recorder; sp player; sp playbackComposerClient; sp playbackSurfaceControl; sp playbackSurface; //To perform better static pthread_cond_t mCond; static pthread_mutex_t mMutex; bool bPlaying = false; bool bRecording = false; uint32_t cameraWinX = 0; uint32_t cameraWinY = 0; uint32_t playerWinX = 0; uint32_t playerWinY = 0; uint32_t cameraSurfaceWidth = 0; uint32_t cameraSurfaceHeight = 0; uint32_t playbackSurfaceWidth = 400; uint32_t playbackSurfaceHeight = 400; //forward declarations int test_ALL(); int test_DEFAULT(); int test_InsertIDRFrames(); int test_MaxNALSize(); int test_ChangeBitRate(); int test_ChangeFrameRate(); int test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); int test_PlaybackAndRecord_PIP(); int test_PlaybackOnly(); int test_Robust(); typedef int (*pt2TestFunction)(); pt2TestFunction TestFunctions[10] = { test_ALL, // 0 test_DEFAULT, // 1 test_InsertIDRFrames, // 2 test_MaxNALSize, // 3 test_ChangeBitRate, // 4 test_ChangeFrameRate, // 5 test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside, // 6 test_PlaybackAndRecord_PIP, // 7 test_PlaybackOnly, // 8 test_Robust // 9 }; class MyCameraListener: public CameraListener { public: virtual void notify(int32_t msgType, int32_t ext1, int32_t /* ext2 */) { LOGD("\n\n\n notifynotifynotifynotifynotifynotifynotifyCamera reported an error!!!\n\n\n"); if ( msgType & CAMERA_MSG_ERROR && (ext1 == 1)) { LOGD("\n\n\n Camera reported an error!!!\n\n\n"); mCameraThrewError = true; pthread_cond_signal(&mCond); } } virtual void postData(int32_t /* msgType */, const sp& /* dataPtr */, camera_frame_metadata_t * /* metadata */){} virtual void postDataTimestamp(nsecs_t /* timestamp */, int32_t /* msgType */, const sp& /* dataPtr */){} }; sp mCameraListener; class PlayerListener: public MediaPlayerListener { public: virtual void notify(int msg, int ext1, int ext2, const Parcel * /* obj */) { LOGD("Notify cb: %d %d %d\n", msg, ext1, ext2); if ( msg == MEDIA_PREPARED ){ LOGD("MEDIA_PREPARED!"); player->start(); } if ( msg == MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE ){ LOGD("MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE!"); } if ( msg == MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE ){ LOGD("MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE!"); pthread_cond_signal(&mCond); } if ( msg == MEDIA_ERROR ){ LOGD("PLAYER REPORTED MEDIA_ERROR!"); mMediaPlayerThrewError = true; pthread_cond_signal(&mCond); } } }; sp mPlayerListener; int getMediaserverInfo(int *PID, int *VSIZE){ FILE *fp; char ps_output[256]; /* Open the command for reading. */ fp = popen("ps mediaserver", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to get mediaserver pid !!!" ); return -1; } /* Read the output a line at a time. We need the last line.*/ while (fgets(ps_output, sizeof(ps_output)-1, fp) != NULL) {} char *substring; substring = strtok (ps_output," "); // first is the USER name substring = strtok (NULL, " "); // second is the PID *PID = atoi(substring); substring = strtok (NULL, " "); // third is the PPID substring = strtok (NULL, " "); // fourth is the VSIZE *VSIZE = atoi(substring); pclose(fp); return 0; } int my_pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t * mutex, int waitTimeInMilliSecs) { if (waitTimeInMilliSecs == 0) { return pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex); } struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); if (waitTimeInMilliSecs >= 1000) // > 1 sec ts.tv_sec += (waitTimeInMilliSecs/1000); else ts.tv_nsec += waitTimeInMilliSecs * 1000000; return pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, &ts); } int startPlayback() { playbackSurfaceControl = playbackComposerClient->createSurface(0, playbackSurfaceWidth, playbackSurfaceHeight, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565); CHECK(playbackSurfaceControl != NULL); CHECK(playbackSurfaceControl->isValid()); playbackSurface = playbackSurfaceControl->getSurface(); CHECK(playbackSurface != NULL); playbackComposerClient->openGlobalTransaction(); playbackSurfaceControl->setLayer(0x7fffffff); playbackSurfaceControl->setPosition(playerWinX, playerWinY); playbackSurfaceControl->setSize(playbackSurfaceWidth, playbackSurfaceHeight); playbackSurfaceControl->show(); playbackComposerClient->closeGlobalTransaction(); player = new MediaPlayer(); mPlayerListener = new PlayerListener(); mMediaPlayerThrewError = false; player->setListener(mPlayerListener); player->setDataSource(mPlaybackFileName, NULL); player->setVideoSurfaceTexture(playbackSurface->getSurfaceTexture()); player->prepareAsync(); bPlaying = true; return 0; } int stopPlayback() { LOGD("%d: %s", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); player->stop(); player->setListener(0); player->disconnect(); player.clear(); mPlayerListener.clear(); if ( NULL != playbackSurface.get() ) { playbackSurface.clear(); } if ( NULL != playbackSurfaceControl.get() ) { playbackSurfaceControl->clear(); playbackSurfaceControl.clear(); } if ( NULL != playbackComposerClient.get() ) { playbackComposerClient->dispose(); playbackComposerClient.clear(); } return 0; } int verfiyByPlayback() { LOGD(" ============= verfiyByPlayback ============= "); playbackComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient(); CHECK_EQ(playbackComposerClient->initCheck(), (status_t)OK); playbackSurfaceWidth = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayWidth(0); playbackSurfaceHeight = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayHeight(0); LOGD("Panel WxH = %d x %d", playbackSurfaceWidth, playbackSurfaceHeight); startPlayback(); pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); if (bPlaying){ pthread_cond_wait(&mCond, &mMutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); stopPlayback(); return 0; } int createPreviewSurface() { client = new SurfaceComposerClient(); CHECK_EQ(client->initCheck(), (status_t)OK); if ((cameraSurfaceWidth == 0) || (cameraSurfaceHeight == 0)){ cameraSurfaceWidth = client->getDisplayWidth(0); cameraSurfaceHeight = client->getDisplayHeight(0); } surfaceControl = client->createSurface(0, cameraSurfaceWidth, cameraSurfaceHeight, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565); previewSurface = surfaceControl->getSurface(); client->openGlobalTransaction(); surfaceControl->setLayer(0x7fffffff); surfaceControl->setPosition(cameraWinX, cameraWinY); surfaceControl->setSize(cameraSurfaceWidth, cameraSurfaceHeight); surfaceControl->show(); client->closeGlobalTransaction(); return 0; } int destroyPreviewSurface() { if ( NULL != previewSurface.get() ) { previewSurface.clear(); } if ( NULL != surfaceControl.get() ) { surfaceControl->clear(); surfaceControl.clear(); } if ( NULL != client.get() ) { client->dispose(); client.clear(); } return 0; } int startRecording() { if (camera.get() == NULL) return -1; recorder = new MediaRecorder(); if ( NULL == recorder.get() ) { LOGD("Error while creating MediaRecorder\n"); return -1; } camera->unlock(); if ( recorder->setCamera(camera->remote(), camera->getRecordingProxy()) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while setting the camera\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setVideoSource(1 /*VIDEO_SOURCE_CAMERA*/) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring camera video source\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setAudioSource(AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring camera audio source\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setOutputFormat(OUTPUT_FORMAT_THREE_GPP) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring output format\n"); return -1; } if(mkdir("/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos",0777) == -1) LOGD("\n Directory \'vtc_videos\' was not created or maybe it was already created \n"); mOutputFd = open(mRecordFileName, O_CREAT | O_RDWR); if(mOutputFd < 0){ LOGD("Error while creating video filename\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setOutputFile(mOutputFd, 0, 0) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring video filename\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setVideoFrameRate(mVideoFrameRate) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring video framerate\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setVideoSize(mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring video size\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setVideoEncoder(VIDEO_ENCODER_H264) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring video codec\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setAudioEncoder(AUDIO_ENCODER_AMR_NB) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring audio codec\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->setPreviewSurface(previewSurface) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring preview surface\n"); return -1; } sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-encoding-bitrate=%u", mVideoBitRate); String8 bit_rate(mParamValue); if ( recorder->setParameters(bit_rate) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring bit rate\n"); return -1; } sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-i-frames-interval=%u", mIFramesIntervalSec); String8 interval(mParamValue); if ( recorder->setParameters(interval) < 0 ) { LOGD("error while configuring i-frame interval\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->prepare() < 0 ) { LOGD("recorder prepare failed\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->start() < 0 ) { LOGD("recorder start failed\n"); return -1; } bRecording = true; return 0; } int stopRecording() { LOGD("stopRecording()"); if (camera.get() == NULL) return -1; if ( NULL == recorder.get() ) { LOGD("invalid recorder reference\n"); return -1; } if ( recorder->stop() < 0 ) { LOGD("recorder failed to stop\n"); return -1; } recorder->release(); recorder.clear(); if ( 0 < mOutputFd ) { close(mOutputFd); } return 0; } int startPreview() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("disable.VSTAB.VNF", value, "0"); int disable_VTAB_and_VNF = atoi(value); mCameraThrewError = false; bRecording = false; createPreviewSurface(); camera = Camera::connect(camera_index); if (camera.get() == NULL){ LOGE("camera.get() =================== NULL"); return -1; } LOGD("\n\n mPreviewWidth = %d, mPreviewHeight = %d, mVideoFrameRate = %d, mVideoBitRate = %d \n\n\n", mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight, mVideoFrameRate, mVideoBitRate); params.unflatten(camera->getParameters()); params.setPreviewSize(mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight); params.setPreviewFrameRate(mVideoFrameRate); params.set(CameraParameters::KEY_RECORDING_HINT, CameraParameters::TRUE);// Set recording hint, otherwise it defaults to high-quality and there is not enough memory available to do playback and camera preview simultaneously! sprintf(mParamValue,"%u,%u", mVideoFrameRate*1000, mVideoFrameRate*1000); params.set("preview-fps-range", mParamValue); if(disable_VTAB_and_VNF){ LOGI("\n\n\nDisabling VSTAB & VNF (noise reduction)\n\n"); params.set("vstab" , 0); params.set("vnf", 0); } camera->setParameters(params.flatten()); camera->setPreviewDisplay(previewSurface); mCameraListener = new MyCameraListener(); camera->setListener(mCameraListener); LOGV("get(preview-fps-range) = %s", params.get("preview-fps-range")); LOGV("get(preview-fps-range-values) = %s", params.get("preview-fps-range-values")); LOGV("get(preview-size-values) = %s\n", params.get("preview-size-values")); LOGV("get(preview-frame-rate-values) = %s", params.get("preview-frame-rate-values")); camera->startPreview(); sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_STARTING_PREVIEW); return 0; } void stopPreview() { if (camera.get() == NULL) return; camera->stopPreview(); camera->disconnect(); camera.clear(); mCameraListener.clear(); destroyPreviewSurface(); } int test_DEFAULT() { startPreview(); startRecording(); sleep(mDuration); stopRecording(); stopPreview(); return 0; } int test_InsertIDRFrames() { status_t err = 0; mIFramesIntervalSec = 0; startPreview(); startRecording(); int duration = 0; while (duration < mDuration) { sleep(InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs); duration += InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs; sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-insert-i-frame=1"); String8 param(mParamValue); err = recorder->setParameters(param); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n Inserted an IDR Frame. \n"); }; stopRecording(); stopPreview(); return 0; } int test_MaxNALSize() { status_t err = 0; if (mIsSizeInBytes){ //Testing size base on bytes CHECK(mPreviewWidth > 320); CHECK(mSliceSizeBytes >= 256); } else{ //Testing size base on MB CHECK(mSliceSizeMB > 6); CHECK(mSliceSizeMB < (((mPreviewWidth+15)>> 4) * ((mPreviewHeight+15)>> 4))); /* Max # of MB 1080p=8160 720p=3600 VGA=1200 */ } /* Other limitations: 4. Input content type should be progressive 6. Changing parameters at run time will not have effect until next I-frame. 7. Incase of doing the initial setting of nPFrames = 0 (only initial frame is I-frame and all others P-frames), you must request an I-frame to the codec after you have set nSlicesize to see your changes take place. */ mIFramesIntervalSec = 0; //may be needed. dont know for sure. if it is not zero, then in OMXCodec, under support for B Frames, something is done. startPreview(); startRecording(); if (mIsSizeInBytes){ sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-nalsize-bytes=%u", mSliceSizeBytes); String8 param(mParamValue); err = recorder->setParameters(param); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n Set the Slice Size in bytes.\n"); } else{ sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-nalsize-macroblocks=%u", mSliceSizeMB); String8 param(mParamValue); err = recorder->setParameters(param); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n Set the Slice Size in MB\n"); } // Change won't take effect until next IFrame. So, force an IFrame. sprintf(mParamValue,"video-param-insert-i-frame=1"); String8 paramI(mParamValue); err = recorder->setParameters(paramI); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n Inserted an IDR Frame. \n"); sleep(mDuration); stopRecording(); stopPreview(); mIFramesIntervalSec = 1; return 0; } int test_ChangeBitRate() { startPreview(); startRecording(); sleep(mDuration/2); sprintf(mParamValue,"video-config-encoding-bitrate=%u", mNewVideoBitRate); String8 param(mParamValue); status_t err = recorder->setParameters(param); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n\nSet new bitrate. \n\n"); sleep(mDuration/2); stopRecording(); stopPreview(); return 0; } int test_ChangeFrameRate() { startPreview(); startRecording(); sleep(mDuration/2); // Changing the framerate in camera. params.unflatten(camera->getParameters()); LOGD("Setting new framerate: %d", mNewVideoFrameRate); sprintf(mParamValue,"%u,%u", mNewVideoFrameRate*1000, mNewVideoFrameRate*1000); params.set("preview-fps-range", mParamValue); LOGD("get(preview-fps-range) = %s", params.get("preview-fps-range")); camera->setParameters(params.flatten()); // Changing the framerate in encoder. sprintf(mParamValue,"video-config-encoding-framerate=%u", mNewVideoFrameRate); String8 param(mParamValue); status_t err = recorder->setParameters(param); if (err != OK) return -1; LOGI("\n\nSet new framerate. \n\n"); sleep(mDuration/2); stopRecording(); stopPreview(); return 0; } int test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside() { playbackComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient(); CHECK_EQ(playbackComposerClient->initCheck(), (status_t)OK); int panelwidth = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayWidth(0); int panelheight = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayHeight(0); LOGD("Panel WxH = %d x %d", panelwidth, panelheight); if (panelwidth < panelheight) //Portrait Phone { LOGD("\nPortrait Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight/2; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; cameraWinX = 0; cameraWinY = playbackSurfaceHeight; cameraSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; cameraSurfaceHeight = panelheight/2; } else // Landscape { LOGD("\n Landscape Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth/2; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; cameraWinX = playbackSurfaceWidth; cameraWinY = 0; cameraSurfaceWidth = panelwidth/2; cameraSurfaceHeight = panelheight; } startPlayback(); sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_STARTING_PLAYBACK); startPreview(); startRecording(); pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); if (bPlaying && bRecording && !mMediaPlayerThrewError){ my_pthread_cond_timedwait(&mCond, &mMutex, mPlaybackDuration); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); stopRecording(); stopPreview(); stopPlayback(); cameraWinX = 0; cameraWinY = 0; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; return 0; } int test_PlaybackAndRecord_PIP() { playbackComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient(); CHECK_EQ(playbackComposerClient->initCheck(), (status_t)OK); uint32_t panelwidth = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayWidth(0); uint32_t panelheight = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayHeight(0); LOGD("Panel WxH = %d x %d", panelwidth, panelheight); if (panelwidth < panelheight) //Portrait Phone { LOGD("\nPortrait Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; cameraSurfaceWidth = panelwidth/2; cameraSurfaceHeight = panelheight/4; cameraWinX = (panelwidth - cameraSurfaceWidth) / 2; cameraWinY = 0; } else // Landscape { LOGD("\n Landscape Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; cameraSurfaceWidth = panelwidth/3; cameraSurfaceHeight = panelheight/3; cameraWinX = ((panelwidth - cameraSurfaceWidth) / 2) + panelwidth/4; cameraWinY = 0; } startPlayback(); sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_STARTING_PLAYBACK); startPreview(); startRecording(); while (bPlaying && bRecording && !mMediaPlayerThrewError) { int rc; pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); rc = my_pthread_cond_timedwait(&mCond, &mMutex, 100); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); if (rc != ETIMEDOUT){ break; //exit while loop } /* Move preview */ cameraWinY +=2; if ((cameraWinY+ cameraSurfaceHeight) > panelheight) cameraWinY = 0; client->openGlobalTransaction(); surfaceControl->setPosition(cameraWinX, cameraWinY); client->closeGlobalTransaction(); if (cameraWinY > cameraSurfaceHeight/2){ client->openGlobalTransaction(); surfaceControl->hide(); client->closeGlobalTransaction(); } else{ client->openGlobalTransaction(); surfaceControl->show(); client->closeGlobalTransaction(); } }; stopRecording(); stopPreview(); stopPlayback(); cameraWinX = 0; cameraWinY = 0; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; return 0; } int test_PlaybackOnly() { playbackComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient(); CHECK_EQ(playbackComposerClient->initCheck(), (status_t)OK); int panelwidth = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayWidth(0); int panelheight = playbackComposerClient->getDisplayHeight(0); LOGD("Panel WxH = %d x %d", panelwidth, panelheight); if (panelwidth < panelheight) //Portrait Phone { LOGD("\nPortrait Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight/2; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; cameraWinX = 0; cameraWinY = playbackSurfaceHeight; cameraSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; cameraSurfaceHeight = panelheight/2; } else // Landscape { LOGD("\n Landscape Device\n"); playbackSurfaceWidth = panelwidth; playbackSurfaceHeight = panelheight; playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; } startPlayback(); pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); if (bPlaying){ my_pthread_cond_timedwait(&mCond, &mMutex, mPlaybackDuration); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex); stopPlayback(); playerWinX = 0; playerWinY = 0; return 0; } void updatePassRate(int test_status, bool verifyRecordedClip) { mTestCount++; if (verifyRecordedClip){ sleep(2); strcpy(mPlaybackFileName, mRecordFileName); verfiyByPlayback(); } // Wait for 10 seconds to make sure the memory settle. LOGD("%d: %s: Evaluating test results. Looking for memory leak. Waiting for memory to settle down ....", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); sleep(10); int currentMediaServerPID; int endMemory; getMediaserverInfo(¤tMediaServerPID, &endMemory); int memDiff = endMemory - mStartMemory; if (memDiff < 0) { memDiff = 0; } LOGD("\n\n======================= Memory Leak [in bytes] = %d =======================\n\n", memDiff);sleep(1); int old_mFailCount = mFailCount; if (mMediaPlayerThrewError) mFailCount++; else if (mCameraThrewError) mFailCount++; else if (bPlaying == false) mFailCount++; else if (bRecording == false) mFailCount++; else if (test_status != 0) mFailCount++; else if (mMediaServerPID != currentMediaServerPID) mFailCount++; //implies mediaserver crashed. So, increment failure count. else if (memDiff > 10000) mFailCount++; //implies memory leak. So, increment failure count. LOGD("\n\nTest Results:\n\nNo. of Tests Executed = %d\nPASS = %d\nFAIL = %d\n\n", mTestCount, (mTestCount-mFailCount), (mFailCount*-1)); mResultsFP = fopen("/sdcard/VTC_TEST_RESULTS.TXT", "a"); if (mResultsFP != NULL) { if (old_mFailCount != mFailCount) fprintf(mResultsFP, "%03d\tFAIL\t[%s]\n", mTestCount, mRecordFileName); else fprintf(mResultsFP, "%03d\tPASS\t[%s]\n", mTestCount, mRecordFileName); fclose(mResultsFP); } mMediaServerPID = currentMediaServerPID; //Initialize for next test mStartMemory = endMemory; //I shouldn't be doing this right?? } int test_Robust() { int status = 0; uint32_t cyclesCompleted = 0; getMediaserverInfo(&mMediaServerPID, &mStartMemory); if (mRobustnessTestType != -1){ if ((mRobustnessTestType >= 1) || (mRobustnessTestType <= 8)) { for ( cyclesCompleted = 0; cyclesCompleted < mCycles; cyclesCompleted++){ LOGD("\n\n\n############################ Iteration: %d. Goal: %d ############################\n\n\n", cyclesCompleted, mCycles); status = TestFunctions[mRobustnessTestType](); updatePassRate(status, false); } } return 0; } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_0039_Robustness_last_recorded.3gp"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); // Each cycle will play a selected number of different resolution scenarios // Starting from low to high resolution for ( cyclesCompleted = 0; cyclesCompleted < mCycles; cyclesCompleted++){ LOGD("\n\n\n############################ Iteration: %d. Goal: %d ############################\n\n\n", cyclesCompleted, mCycles); mVideoBitRate = 3000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_000249_H264_VGA_1Mbps_eAACplus_48khz_64kbps.mp4"); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, false); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV-720p-JamesBond.MP4"); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, false); } return 0; } int test_ALL() { // Automated Unit Test suite LOGD("\n\nExecuting %s \n\n", __FUNCTION__); int status = 0; char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; getMediaserverInfo(&mMediaServerPID, &mStartMemory); mDuration = 10; mResultsFP = fopen("/sdcard/VTC_TEST_RESULTS.TXT", "w+"); // To create a new file each time fclose(mResultsFP); property_get("disable.1080p.testing", value, "0"); mDisable1080pTesting = atoi(value); if(mDisable1080pTesting){ LOGD("\n\n\n\n######## 1080p Testing as been disable #######\n\n\n"); } if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-2sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mIFramesIntervalSec = 2; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-10sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mIFramesIntervalSec = 10; mDuration = 30; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-0sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mIFramesIntervalSec = 0; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-3sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mIFramesIntervalSec = 3; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-8sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mIFramesIntervalSec = 8; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-0sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mIFramesIntervalSec = 0; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-1sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mIFramesIntervalSec = 1; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-15sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mIFramesIntervalSec = 15; mDuration = 30; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_i-frame-0sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mIFramesIntervalSec = 0; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_1Mbps_30fps-15fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 15; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_1Mbps_15fps-30fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoFrameRate = 15; mNewVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_1Mbps_30fps-24fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 24; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_1Mbps_30fps-15fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 15; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_1Mbps_15fps-30fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 24; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_1Mbps_24fps-30fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mVideoFrameRate = 15; mNewVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_1Mbps_30fps-15fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 15; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_1Mbps_15fps-30fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mNewVideoFrameRate = 24; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_1Mbps_24fps-30fps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mVideoFrameRate = 24; mNewVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_ChangeFrameRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_max-1000MB.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoFrameRate = 30; mIsSizeInBytes = false; mSliceSizeMB = 1000; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_max-300MB.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mIsSizeInBytes = false; mSliceSizeMB = 300; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGAp_30fps_1Mbps_max-8MB.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mIsSizeInBytes = false; mSliceSizeMB = 8; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frames_every-2sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs = 2; status = test_InsertIDRFrames(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_i-frames_every-5sec.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs = 5; status = test_InsertIDRFrames(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_i-frames_every-8.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs = 8; mDuration = 20; status = test_InsertIDRFrames(); updatePassRate(status, true); if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_max-1000bytes.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mIsSizeInBytes = true; mSliceSizeBytes = 1000; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_max-500bytes.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mIsSizeInBytes = true; mSliceSizeBytes = 500; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_max-256bytes.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mIsSizeInBytes = true; mSliceSizeBytes = 256; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_MaxNALSize(); updatePassRate(status, true); //PIP TC sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_D1PAL_30fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_000795_H264_D1PAL_25fps_4Mbps_NB_AMR_8Khz_12.2Kbps.mp4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 720; mPreviewHeight = 576; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_D1PAL_30fps_1Mbps_PIP.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_000795_H264_D1PAL_25fps_4Mbps_NB_AMR_8Khz_12.2Kbps.mp4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 720; mPreviewHeight = 576; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_PIP(); updatePassRate(status, true); //Simultaneous playback/record sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_000249_H264_VGA_1Mbps_eAACplus_48khz_64kbps.mp4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_24fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/FinalFantasy13_720p_mono_3.8Mbps_27fps.MP4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 24; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV-720p-JamesBond.MP4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_24fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_001181_Toy_Story3Official_Trailer_in_FullHD1080p_h264_BP_L4.0_1920x1080_24fps_1Mbps_eAACplus_44100Hz.mp4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 24; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_1080p_30fps_1Mbps_simultaneous.3gp", mTestCount); sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/mnt/ext_sdcard/vtc_playback/AV_000858_FinalFantasy13_1080p_h264_bp_30fps_8mbps_aac_lc.mp4"); LOGD("\n\n################################## Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); LOGD("\n\n################################## Playing. Filename: %s\n\n", mPlaybackFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; mVideoFrameRate = 30; status = test_PlaybackAndRecord_sidebyside(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_QQVGA_15fps_bps_i-frames_every-8.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 160; mPreviewHeight = 120; mDuration = 10; mVideoBitRate = 262144; mVideoFrameRate = 15; status = test_DEFAULT(); updatePassRate(status, true); //Framerate and Bitrate change TC done, set default mVideoFrameRate = 30; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; if(!mDisable1080pTesting){ sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d1_1080p_30fps_from-5Mbps-to-100kbps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1920; mPreviewHeight = 1080; mNewVideoBitRate = 100000; mVideoBitRate = 5000000; status = test_ChangeBitRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_720p_30fps_from-5Mbps-to-100kbps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 1280; mPreviewHeight = 720; mNewVideoBitRate = 100000; mVideoBitRate = 5000000; status = test_ChangeBitRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/UTR_%03d_VGA_30fps_from-5Mbps-to-100kbps.3gp", mTestCount); LOGD("\n\n###################################################### Recording. Filename: %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); mPreviewWidth = 640; mPreviewHeight = 480; mNewVideoBitRate = 50000; mVideoBitRate = 1000000; status = test_ChangeBitRate(); updatePassRate(status, true); //Bit rate change TC done, set default mVideoBitRate = 1000000; ///////////////////////////// END of Unit Test ///////////////////////////////////////// LOGD("\n\nTest Results:\n\nNo. of Tests = %d\nPASS = %d\nFAIL = %d\n\n", mTestCount, (mTestCount-mFailCount), (mFailCount*-1)); char results[256]; mResultsFP = fopen("/sdcard/VTC_TEST_RESULTS.TXT", "r"); if (mResultsFP != NULL) { while( fgets(results, sizeof(results), mResultsFP) != NULL ) LOGD("%s", results); fclose(mResultsFP); } return 0; } void printUsage() { printf("\n\nApplication for testing VTC requirements"); printf("\nUsage: /system/bin/VTCTestApp test_case_id"); printf("\n\n\nTest Case ID can be any of the following"); printf("\n0 - Runs all the tests listed in the UTR. Pass/Fail must be determined by the tester after examining the recorded clips."); printf("\n1 - Default test case. Does not require any parameters to be set."); printf("\n2 - Tests the ability to request I-Frame generation real time. Option: -I"); printf("\n3 - Tests the ability to specify the maximum allowed frame size. Option: -s"); printf("\n4 - Tests the ability to change the bitrate at runtime. Option: -B"); printf("\n5 - Tests the ability to change the framerate at runtime. Option: -F"); printf("\n6 - Test Playback and Record. Option: -p, -n"); printf("\n7 - Test PIP. Option: -p, -n"); printf("\n8 - Test Video playback Only. Option: -p"); printf("\n9 - Robustness. Default: play and record the predefined resolutions (VGA & 720p). Option: -c, -v"); printf("\n\n\nAvailable Options:"); printf("\n-n: Record Filename(/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/video_0.3gp) is appended with this number. Default = %d", filename); printf("\n-w: Preview/Record Width. Default = %d", mPreviewWidth); printf("\n-h: Preview/Record Height. Default = %d", mPreviewHeight); printf("\n-d: Recording time in secs. Default = %d seconds", mDuration); printf("\n-i: I Frame Interval in secs. Default = %d", mIFramesIntervalSec); printf("\n-s: Slice Size bytes. Default = %d", mSliceSizeBytes); printf("\n-M: Slice Size Macroblocks. Default = %d", mSliceSizeMB); printf("\n-b: Bitrate. Default = %d", mVideoBitRate); printf("\n-f: Framerate. Default = %d", mVideoFrameRate); printf("\n-I: Insert I Frames. Specify the period in secs. Default = %d second", InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs); printf("\n-B: Change bitrate at runtime to this new value. Default = %d", mNewVideoBitRate); printf("\n-F: Change framerate at runtime to this new value. Default = %d", mNewVideoFrameRate); printf("\n-p: Playback Filename. Default = %s", mPlaybackFileName); printf("\n-c: Robustness, number of cycles. Default = %d", mCycles); printf("\n-v: Robustness. Which test to repeat? Range: 1-8. Read test descriptions above. Default = -1 = play and record the predefined resolutions (VGA & 720p)"); printf("\n-t: Playback Duration in milli secs. Default = %d = Play till EOF", mPlaybackDuration); printf("\n\n\n"); } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { sp proc(ProcessState::self()); ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&mCond, NULL); int opt; const char* const short_options = "n:w:h:d:s:i:I:b:f:B:F:p:M:c:t:v:"; const struct option long_options[] = { {"record_filename", 1, NULL, 'n'}, {"width", 1, NULL, 'w'}, {"height", 1, NULL, 'h'}, {"record_duration", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {"slice_size_bytes", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"i_frame_interval", 1, NULL, 'i'}, {"insert_I_frames", 1, NULL, 'I'}, {"bitrate", 1, NULL, 'b'}, {"new_bitrate", 1, NULL, 'B'}, {"framerate", 1, NULL, 'f'}, {"new_framerate", 1, NULL, 'F'}, {"playback_filename", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"slice_size_MB", 1, NULL, 'M'}, {"num_cycles", 1, NULL, 'c'}, {"playback_duration", 1, NULL, 't'}, {"robustness_test_type", 1, NULL, 'v'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; sprintf(mPlaybackFileName, "/sdcard/nasa.mp4"); if (argc < 2){ printUsage(); return 0; } testcase = atoi(argv[1]); while((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'n': filename = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': mPreviewWidth = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': mPreviewHeight = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': mDuration = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': mSliceSizeBytes = atoi(optarg); mIsSizeInBytes = true; break; case 'b': mVideoBitRate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'B': mNewVideoBitRate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': mVideoFrameRate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': mNewVideoFrameRate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'i': mIFramesIntervalSec = atoi(optarg); break; case 'I': InsertIDRFrameEveryXSecs = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': strcpy(mPlaybackFileName, optarg); LOGD("Playback clip %s", mPlaybackFileName); break; case 'M': mSliceSizeMB = atoi(optarg); mIsSizeInBytes = false; break; case 'c': mCycles = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': mPlaybackDuration = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': mRobustnessTestType = atoi(optarg); break; case ':': LOGE("\nError - Option `%c' needs a value\n\n", optopt); return -1; case '?': LOGE("\nError - No such option: `%c'\n\n", optopt); return -1; } } sprintf(mRecordFileName, "/mnt/sdcard/vtc_videos/video_%d.3gp", filename); LOGI("\n\nRecorded Output is stored in %s\n\n", mRecordFileName); system("echo VTCTestApp > /sys/power/wake_lock"); TestFunctions[testcase](); system("echo VTCTestApp > /sys/power/wake_unlock"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mMutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&mCond); return 0; }