path: root/drivers/video/samsung/tune_cmc623.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/video/samsung/tune_cmc623.c')
1 files changed, 1579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/video/samsung/tune_cmc623.c b/drivers/video/samsung/tune_cmc623.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b6b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/video/samsung/tune_cmc623.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1579 @@
+ * cmc623_tune.c
+ *
+ * Parameter read & save driver on param partition.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT(C) Samsung Electronics Co.Ltd. 2006-2010 All Right Reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+// #include <linux/tegra_devices.h>
+// #include <nvodm_services.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include "tune_cmc623.h"
+#include <mach/gpio.h>
+#include <mach/gpio-p1.h>
+#include <plat/gpio-cfg.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#if 0 // dgahn.test: turn off AP LED
+#define GPIO_PORT_LEDAP 'v'-'a' // LED_AP: GPIO_PV4
+#define GPIO_PIN_LEDAP 4
+//#define CMC623_TUNING
+//#define MDNIE_TUNING_TUNEFILE_PATH "/sdcard/sd/p1/mdnie_tune"
+//#define CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA "/sdcard/cmc623_tune"
+#define CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA3 "/sdcard/sd/p1/mdnie_tune"
+#define CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA2 "/sdcard/sd/p1/1"
+#define CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA "/sdcard/sd/p1/cmc623_tune"
+#define CMC623_ADDR 0x70 /* slave addr for i2c */
+#define CMC623_DEVICE_ADDR (0x38 << 1)
+#define CMC623_MAX_SETTINGS 100
+#define CMC623_I2C_SPEED_KHZ 400
+#define klogi(fmt, arg...) printk(KERN_INFO "%s: " fmt "\n" , __func__, ## arg)
+#define kloge(fmt, arg...) printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%d): " fmt "\n" , __func__, __LINE__, ## arg)
+//static NvOdmServicesI2cHandle s_hOdmI2c;
+#ifdef CMC623_TUNING
+static Cmc623RegisterSet Cmc623_TuneSeq[CMC623_MAX_SETTINGS];
+#if 1
+static unsigned short cmc6230_normal_i2c[] = { I2C_CLIENT_END };
+static unsigned short cmc6230_ignore[] = { I2C_CLIENT_END };
+static unsigned short cmc6230_probe[] = { 8, (0x38), I2C_CLIENT_END }; // ºÎÆà ¾ÈµÊ P1_LSJ : DE07
+//static unsigned short cmc6230_probe[] = { 8, (0x70), I2C_CLIENT_END }; // ºÎÆà OK
+//static unsigned short cmc6230_probe[] = { 8, (0x70 >> 1), I2C_CLIENT_END }; // Error ¹ß»ý
+static unsigned short cmc6230_normal_i2c[] = {(CMC623_ADDR>>1),I2C_CLIENT_END};
+static unsigned short cmc6230_ignore[] = {1,(CMC623_ADDR>>1),I2C_CLIENT_END};
+static unsigned short cmc6230_probe[] = {I2C_CLIENT_END};
+unsigned short qt602240_i2c_normal[] = {I2C_CLIENT_END};
+unsigned short qt602240_i2c_ignore[] = {I2C_CLIENT_END};
+unsigned short qt602240_i2c_probe[] = {2, QT602240_I2C_ADDR, I2C_CLIENT_END};
+#if 1 // P1_LSJ : DE04 : Add
+static struct i2c_client *g_client;
+#define I2C_M_WR 0 /* for i2c */
+#define I2c_M_RD 1 /* for i2c */
+/* Each client has this additional data */
+struct cmc623_data {
+ struct i2c_client *client;
+static struct cmc623_data * p_cmc623_data = NULL;
+//static struct i2c_driver cmc623_i2c_driver;
+//static struct i2c_client *cmc623_i2c_client = NULL;
+static struct i2c_client_address_data cmc623_addr_data = {
+ .normal_i2c = cmc6230_normal_i2c,
+ .ignore = cmc6230_ignore,
+ .probe = cmc6230_probe,
+//unsigned short *test[1];
+#if 1
+static int cmc623_I2cWrite(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, u8 *data, u8 length)
+ int ret, i;
+ u8 buf[length+1];
+ struct i2c_msg msg[1];
+ buf[0] = reg;
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++)
+ {
+ buf[i+1] = *(data++);
+ }
+ msg[0].addr = client->addr;
+ msg[0].flags = 0;
+ msg[0].len = length+1;
+ msg[0].buf = buf;
+ ret = i2c_transfer(client->adapter, msg, 1);
+ if (ret != 1)
+ {
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool cmc623_I2cWrite16( unsigned char Addr, unsigned long Data)
+ int err;
+ struct i2c_msg msg[1];
+ unsigned char data[3];
+ if(!p_cmc623_data)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "p_cmc623_data is NULL\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ g_client = p_cmc623_data->client;
+ if( (g_client == NULL))
+ {
+ printk("cmc623_I2cWrite16 g_client is NULL\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ if (!g_client->adapter)
+ {
+ printk("cmc623_I2cWrite16 g_client->adapter is NULL\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ data[0] = Addr;
+ data[1] = ((Data >>8)&0xFF);
+ data[2] = (Data)&0xFF;
+ msg->addr = g_client->addr;
+ msg->flags = I2C_M_WR;
+ msg->len = 3;
+ msg->buf = data;
+ err = i2c_transfer(g_client->adapter, msg, 1);
+ if (err >= 0)
+ {
+ //printk("%s %d i2c transfer OK\n", __func__, __LINE__);/* add by inter.park */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ printk("%s %d i2c transfer error:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);/* add by inter.park */
+ return err;
+NvBool cmc623_I2cWrite16( NvU8 Addr, NvU32 Data)
+ NvBool RetVal = NV_TRUE;
+ NvU8 WriteBuffer[3];
+ NvOdmI2cStatus status = NvOdmI2cStatus_Success;
+ NvOdmI2cTransactionInfo TransactionInfo;
+ NvU32 DeviceAddr = (NvU32)CMC623_DEVICE_ADDR;
+ s_hOdmI2c = NvOdmI2cPinMuxOpen(NvOdmIoModule_I2c, 1, NvOdmI2cPinMap_Config2);
+ if (!s_hOdmI2c) {
+ RetVal = NV_FALSE;
+ kloge("NvOdmI2cPinMuxOpen Failed!\n");
+ goto CMC623_I2cWrite16_exit;
+ }
+ WriteBuffer[0] = Addr & 0xFF; // PMU offset
+ WriteBuffer[1] = (NvU8)((Data >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ WriteBuffer[2] = (NvU8)(Data & 0xFF);
+ TransactionInfo.Address = DeviceAddr;
+ TransactionInfo.Buf = WriteBuffer;
+ TransactionInfo.Flags = NVODM_I2C_IS_WRITE;
+ TransactionInfo.NumBytes = 3;
+ status = NvOdmI2cTransaction(s_hOdmI2c, &TransactionInfo, 1,
+ if (status == NvOdmI2cStatus_Success)
+ RetVal = NV_TRUE;
+ else {
+ switch (status) {
+ case NvOdmI2cStatus_Timeout:
+ kloge("cmc623_I2cWrite16 Failed: Timeout");
+ break;
+ case NvOdmI2cStatus_SlaveNotFound:
+ kloge("cmc623_I2cWrite16 Failed: SlaveNotFound");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ RetVal = NV_FALSE;
+ }
+ NvOdmI2cClose(s_hOdmI2c);
+ s_hOdmI2c = NULL;
+ return RetVal;
+#if 1 // P1_LSJ : DE04
+char cmc623_I2cRead(u8 reg, u8 *val, unsigned int len )
+ int err;
+ struct i2c_msg msg[1];
+ unsigned char data[1];
+ if( (g_client == NULL) || (!g_client->adapter) )
+ {
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ msg->addr = g_client->addr;
+ msg->flags = I2C_M_WR;
+ msg->len = 1;
+ msg->buf = data;
+ *data = reg;
+ err = i2c_transfer(g_client->adapter, msg, 1);
+ if (err >= 0)
+ {
+ msg->flags = I2C_M_RD;
+ msg->len = len;
+ msg->buf = val;
+ err = i2c_transfer(g_client->adapter, msg, 1);
+ }
+ if (err >= 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ printk("%s %d i2c transfer error\n", __func__, __LINE__);/* add by inter.park */
+ return err;
+NvBool cmc623_I2cRead16(
+ NvU8 Addr,
+ NvU32 *Data)
+ NvBool RetVal = NV_TRUE;
+ NvU8 ReadBuffer[2]; // 2 bytes
+ NvOdmI2cStatus status = NvOdmI2cStatus_Success;
+ NvOdmI2cTransactionInfo TransactionInfo[2];
+ NvU32 DeviceAddr = (NvU32)CMC623_DEVICE_ADDR;
+ s_hOdmI2c = NvOdmI2cPinMuxOpen(NvOdmIoModule_I2c, 1, NvOdmI2cPinMap_Config2);
+ if (!s_hOdmI2c) {
+ RetVal = NV_FALSE;
+ goto CMC623_I2cRead16_exit;
+ }
+ // Write the PMU offset
+ ReadBuffer[0] = Addr & 0xFF;
+ TransactionInfo[0].Address = DeviceAddr;
+ TransactionInfo[0].Buf = &ReadBuffer[0];
+ TransactionInfo[0].Flags = NVODM_I2C_IS_WRITE/* | NVODM_I2C_USE_REPEATED_START*/;
+ TransactionInfo[0].NumBytes = 1;
+ TransactionInfo[1].Address = (DeviceAddr | 0x1);
+ TransactionInfo[1].Buf = &ReadBuffer[0];
+ TransactionInfo[1].Flags = 0;
+ TransactionInfo[1].NumBytes = 2; // 2 bytes
+ status = NvOdmI2cTransaction(s_hOdmI2c, &TransactionInfo[0], 2,
+ if (status == NvOdmI2cStatus_Success) {
+ *Data = (ReadBuffer[0] << 8) | ReadBuffer[1];
+ RetVal = NV_TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ RetVal = NV_FALSE;
+ NvOdmI2cClose(s_hOdmI2c);
+ s_hOdmI2c = NULL;
+ return RetVal;
+#ifdef CMC623_TUNING
+//static bool cmc623_tune(unsigned long num)
+bool cmc623_tune(unsigned long num) // P1_LSJ : DE08
+ unsigned long i;
+ int k=0;
+ // num = NV_ARRAY_SIZE(Cmc623_TuneSeq);
+ printk("========== Start of tuning CMC623 Jun ==========\n");
+ for (i=0; i<num; i++)
+ {
+ printk("[%2d] Writing => reg: 0x%2x, data: 0x%4x\n", i+1, Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].RegAddr, Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].Data);
+ if (0 > cmc623_I2cWrite16(Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].RegAddr, Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].Data))
+ // cmc623_I2cWrite(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, u8 *data, u8 length)
+ //if (!cmc623_I2cWrite16(Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].RegAddr, Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].Data))
+ {
+ printk("I2cWrite16 failed\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printk("I2cWrite16 succeed\n");
+ }
+ if ( Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].RegAddr == CMC623_REG_SWRESET && Cmc623_TuneSeq[i].Data == 0xffff )
+ {
+ // NvOdmOsWaitUS(3000); // 3ms
+ // msleep(3);
+ mdelay(3);
+ }
+ }
+ printk("========== End of tuning CMC623 Jun ==========\n");
+ return 1;
+//static int parse_text(char * src, int len, unsigned short * output)
+static int parse_text(char * src, int len)
+ int i,count, ret;
+ int index=0;
+ char * str_line[CMC623_MAX_SETTINGS];
+ char * sstart;
+ char * c;
+ unsigned int data1, data2;
+ c = src;
+ count = 0;
+ sstart = c;
+ for(i=0; i<len; i++,c++)
+ {
+ char a = *c;
+ if(a=='\r' || a=='\n')
+ {
+ if(c > sstart)
+ {
+ str_line[count] = sstart;
+ count++;
+ }
+ *c='\0';
+ sstart = c+1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(c > sstart)
+ {
+ str_line[count] = sstart;
+ count++;
+ }
+ printk("----------------------------- Total number of lines:%d\n", count);
+ for(i=0; i<count; i++)
+ {
+ printk("line:%d, [start]%s[end]\n", i, str_line[i]);
+ ret = sscanf(str_line[i], "0x%x,0x%x\n", &data1, &data2);
+ printk("Result => [0x%2x 0x%4x] %s\n", data1, data2, (ret==2)?"Ok":"Not available");
+ if(ret == 2)
+ {
+ #if 1 // P1_LSJ : DE08
+ Cmc623_TuneSeq[index].RegAddr = (unsigned char)data1;
+ Cmc623_TuneSeq[index++].Data = (unsigned long)data2;
+ #else
+ Cmc623_TuneSeq[index].RegAddr = (NvU8)data1;
+ Cmc623_TuneSeq[index++].Data = (NvU32)data2;
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+static int cmc623_load_data(void)
+ struct file *filp;
+ char *dp;
+ long l, i ;
+ loff_t pos;
+ int ret, num;
+ mm_segment_t fs;
+ klogi("cmc623_load_data start!");
+ fs = get_fs();
+ set_fs(get_ds());
+ filp = filp_open(CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if(IS_ERR(filp))
+ {
+ kloge("file open error:%d", filp);
+ return -1;
+ /*
+ filp = filp_open(CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA2, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if(IS_ERR(filp))
+ {
+ kloge("file open error2");
+ filp = filp_open(CMC623_PATH_TUNING_DATA3, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if(IS_ERR(filp))
+ {
+ kloge("file open error3");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ l = filp->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_size;
+ klogi("Size of the file : %ld(bytes)", l);
+ //dp = kmalloc(l, GFP_KERNEL);
+ dp = kmalloc(l+10, GFP_KERNEL); // add cushion
+ if(dp == NULL)
+ {
+ kloge("Out of Memory!");
+ filp_close(filp, current->files);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pos = 0;
+ memset(dp, 0, l);
+ kloge("== Before vfs_read ======");
+ ret = vfs_read(filp, (char __user *)dp, l, &pos); // P1_LSJ : DE08 : ¿©±â¼­ Á×À½
+ kloge("== After vfs_read ======");
+ if(ret != l)
+ {
+ kloge("<CMC623> Failed to read file (ret = %d)", ret);
+ kfree(dp);
+ filp_close(filp, current->files);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ filp_close(filp, current->files);
+ set_fs(fs);
+ for(i=0; i<l; i++)
+ {
+ printk("%x ", dp[i]);
+ }
+ printk("\n");
+ num = parse_text(dp, l);
+ if(!num)
+ {
+ kloge("Nothing to parse!");
+ kfree(dp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printk("------ Jun Total number of parsed lines: %d\n", num);
+ cmc623_tune(num);
+ kfree(dp);
+ return num;
+int CMC623_tuning_load_from_file(void)
+ return cmc623_load_data();
+#endif //CMC623_TUNING
+int cmc623_test(void)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int k =0;
+ klogi("===== cmc623_test =====");
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS))
+ {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, "CMC_BYPASS"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_BYPASS!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ mdelay(2);
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_RST)) {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_RST, "CMC_RST"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_RST!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_RST, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ mdelay(4);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ mdelay(5);
+ // a27 // P1_LSJ DE13
+ // add, value // DNR:bypass, HDTR: bypass Gamma:ÀúÁ¶µµ down 2 ´õ ³·°Ô
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0040); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0809);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x003c); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2d, 0x0a08); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x1010); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2f, 0x0400); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x000C); //HDTR DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3b, 0x03ff); //DE strength
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x42, 0x0001); //max_Diff
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x49, 0x0400); //PCC
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4a, 0x7272);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4b, 0x8d8d);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4d, 0x01c0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xF0F0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0074);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0a28);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0b0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0xe1b3);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0x9903);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0x9c0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0xa31c);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ mdelay(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ klogi("===== cmc623_load_data START =====");
+ // ret = cmc623_load_data();
+ klogi("===== cmc623_load_data END =====");
+ klogi("===== cmc623_test ret (%d)=====", ret);
+ return ret;
+int cmc623_gamma_set(void) // P1_LSJ DE19
+ int ret = 0;
+ int k =0;
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ printk("**** < cmc623_gamma_set > *****\n");
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS))
+ {
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ mdelay(2);
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_RST))
+ {
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_RST, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ mdelay(4);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ mdelay(5);
+#if 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0040); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x10, 0x001A); // PCLK Polarity Sel
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001); // Polarity Sel
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184); // Clock Gating
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000); // Pad strength start
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000); // Pad strength end
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a0a); // A-Stage clk
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0a0b); // B-stage clk
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x0fff); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x0000); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x000c); //HDTR on DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3b, 0x03ff); //DE strength
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x42, 0x0001); //max_Diff
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x49, 0x0400); //PCC
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4a, 0x7272);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4b, 0x8d8d);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4d, 0x01c0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xF0F0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500); // BF_Line
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0062); // Refresh time
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225); // eDRAM
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008); // V_Sync cal.
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080); // TCON Polarity
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0414); // VLW,HLW
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0506); // VBP,VFP
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0x1e32); // HBP,HFP
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA 11
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa20b);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa20b);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0x1f08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001); // GAMMA 11
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ mdelay(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ // add, value
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0040); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0809);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x0fff); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x0000); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x0000); //HDTR DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xECF0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0074);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080);
+ //
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0414);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0506);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0x1e32);
+// cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0a28);
+// cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0b0a);
+// cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0xe1b3);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0x9903);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0x9c0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0xa31c);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ mdelay(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ return ret;
+int cmc623_gamma_set_DMB(void) // P1_LSJ DE19
+ int ret = 0;
+ int k =0;
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ printk("**** < cmc623_gamma_set_DMB > *****\n");
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS))
+ {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, "CMC_BYPASS"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_BYPASS!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ mdelay(2);
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_RST)) {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_RST, "CMC_RST"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_RST!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_RST, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ mdelay(4);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ mdelay(5);
+ // add, value
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0040); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0809);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x003c); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2d, 0x0a08); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x1010); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2f, 0x0400); //DNR
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x000c); //HDTR on DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3b, 0x03ff); //DE strength
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x42, 0x0001); //max_Diff
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x49, 0x0400); //PCC
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4a, 0x7272);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4b, 0x8d8d);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4d, 0x01c0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xF0F0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0074);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0a28);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0b0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0xe1b3);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0x9903);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0x9c0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0xa31c);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0xa420);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ mdelay(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ return ret;
+int cmc623_DMB_test(void) // P1_LSJ : DE11
+ int ret = 0;
+ klogi("===== cmc623_DMBtest =====");
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS)) {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, "CMC_BYPASS"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_BYPASS!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ mdelay(2);
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_RST)) {
+ if (gpio_request(GPIO_CMC_RST, "CMC_RST"))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Filed to request GPIO_CMC_RST!\n");
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_RST, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ mdelay(4);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ mdelay(5);
+ // a17 mdelay(5);
+ // add, value
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0040); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0809);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x0fff); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x0000); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x0000); //HDTR DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x1800);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xF0F0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0074);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0a28);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0b0a);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0xe1b3);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0100);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0xa318);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ mdelay(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ // ret = cmc623_load_data();
+ klogi("===== cmc623_DMB_test ret (%d)=====", ret);
+ return ret;
+static int cmc623_tuning_set (void) // P1_LSJ DE19
+ int ret = 0;
+ int k =0;
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ printk("**** < cmc623_tuning_set > *****\n");
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //BANK 0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0070); //algorithm selection
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xb4, 0x4400); //PWM ratio
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xb3, 0xffff); //up/down step
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x10, 0x001A); // PCLK Polarity Sel
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x0001); // Polarity Sel
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0184); // Clock Gating
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x12, 0x0000); // Pad strength start
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x13, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x14, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x15, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x16, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x17, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x18, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x19, 0x0000); // Pad strength end
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0f, 0x0010); // PWM clock ratio
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0d, 0x1a0a); // A-Stage clk
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0e, 0x0a0b); // B-stage clk
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2c, 0x0fff); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2e, 0x0000); //DNR bypass
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3a, 0x000c); //HDTR on DE,
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x3b, 0x03ff); //DE strength
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x42, 0x0001); //max_Diff
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x49, 0x0400); //PCC
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4a, 0x7272);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4b, 0x8d8d);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x4d, 0x01c0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC8, 0x0000); //scr
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xC9, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCA, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCB, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCC, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCD, 0xFFFF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCE, 0x1000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xCF, 0xF0F0);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD0, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD1, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD2, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xD3, 0x00FF);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0001); //BANK 1
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0a, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0b, 0x0400); // H_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x0c, 0x0258); // V_Size
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x01, 0x0500); // BF_Line
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x06, 0x0062); // Refresh time
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x2225); // eDRAM
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x65, 0x0008); // V_Sync cal.
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x68, 0x0080); // TCON Polarity
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6c, 0x0414); // VLW,HLW
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6d, 0x0506); // VBP,VFP
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x6e, 0x1e32); // HBP,HFP
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0000); //GAMMA 11
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x21, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x22, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x23, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x24, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x25, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x27, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x29, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2A, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2B, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2C, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2D, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2E, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x2F, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x30, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x31, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x32, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x33, 0x1f01);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x34, 0xa20b);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x35, 0xa20b);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x36, 0x2000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x37, 0x1f08);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x38, 0xFF00);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x20, 0x0001); // GAMMA 11
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0x0000);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x09, 0xffff);
+ //delay 5ms
+ msleep(5);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x26, 0x0001);
+ printk("**** < end cmc623_tuning_set > *****\n");
+ return ret;
+// value: 0 ~ 1600
+void tune_cmc623_pwm_brightness(int value)
+ u32 reg, data;
+ if(!p_cmc623_data)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s cmc623 is not initialized\n", __func__);
+ }
+ if(value<0)
+ data = 0;
+ else if(value>1600)
+ data = 1600;
+ else
+ data = value;
+ reg = 0x4000 | data;
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x00, 0x0000); //bank0
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0xB4, reg); //pwn duty
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x28, 0x0000);
+static int tune_cmc623_hw_rst()
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS))
+ {
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ msleep(2);
+ if (gpio_is_valid(GPIO_CMC_RST))
+ {
+ gpio_direction_output(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ }
+ s3c_gpio_setpull(GPIO_CMC_RST, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ msleep(4);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ msleep(5);
+ return 0;
+int tune_cmc623_suspend()
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s called\n", __func__);
+ if(!p_cmc623_data)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s cmc623 is not initialized\n", __func__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 1.2V/1.8V/3.3V may be on
+ // CMC623[0x07] := 0x0004
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(0x07, 0x0004);
+ // SLEEPB(L6) <= LOW
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_SLEEP, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ // BYPASSB(A2) <= LOW
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_BYPASS, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ // wait 1ms
+ msleep(1);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_SHDN, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ // 1.2V/3.3V off
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_EN, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_SHDN, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ // 1.8V off (optional, but all io lines shoud be all low or all high or all high-z while sleep for preventing leakage current)
+ // Reset chip
+ //gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ //mdelay(4);
+ return 0;
+int tune_cmc623_resume()
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s called\n", __func__);
+ if(!p_cmc623_data)
+ {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s cmc623 is not initialized\n", __func__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 1.2V/1.8V/3.3V may be off
+ // 1.2V/1.8V/3.3V on
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_EN, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_SHDN, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ // SLEEPB(L6) <= HIGH
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_SLEEP, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ // BYPASSB(A2) <= HIGH
+ // RESETB(K6) <= HIGH
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ // wait 0.1ms or above
+ udelay(100);
+ // RESETB(K6) <= LOW
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_LOW);
+ // wait 4ms or above
+ msleep(4);
+ // RESETB(K6) <= HIGH
+ gpio_set_value(GPIO_CMC_RST, GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH);
+ // wait 0.3ms or above
+ udelay(300);
+ // set registers using I2C
+ cmc623_tuning_set();
+ return 0;
+static ssize_t tune_cmc623_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+ int ret=0;
+#ifdef CMC623_TUNING
+ klogi("");
+ ret = cmc623_load_data();
+ if(ret<0)
+ {
+ return sprintf(buf, "FAIL\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return sprintf(buf, "OK\n");
+ }
+static ssize_t tune_cmc623_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,const char *buf, size_t size)
+ return size;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(tune, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, tune_cmc623_show, tune_cmc623_store);
+static ssize_t register_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+ int ret=0;
+ return sprintf(buf, "OK\n");
+static ssize_t register_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,const char *buf, size_t size)
+ int ret;
+ u32 data1, data2;
+ printk("[cmc623] %s : %s\n", __func__, buf);
+ ret = sscanf(buf, "0x%x 0x%x\n", &data1, &data2);
+ if(ret == 2)
+ {
+ printk("addr:0x%04x, data:0x%04x\n", data1, data2);
+ cmc623_I2cWrite16(data1, data2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printk("parse error num:%d, data:0x%04x, data:0x%04x\n", ret, data1, data2);
+ }
+ return size;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(register, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, register_show, register_store);
+static int cmc623_attach(struct i2c_adapter *adap, int addr, int kind)
+ struct i2c_client *c;
+ int ret;
+ printk("==============================\n");
+ printk("cmc623 attach START!!! \n");
+ printk("==============================\n");
+ c = kmalloc(sizeof(*c), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!c)
+ {
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(c, 0, sizeof(struct i2c_client));
+ // strncpy(c->name, cmc623_i2c_driver.driver.name, I2C_NAME_SIZE);
+ strncpy(c->name, "sec_tune_cmc623_i2c" , I2C_NAME_SIZE);
+ c->addr = addr;
+ c->adapter = adap;
+ // c->driver = &cmc623_i2c_driver;
+ c->driver = &sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver; // P1_LSJ : DE07
+ ret = i2c_attach_client(c);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ printk("cmc623 attach failed!!! (%d)\n", ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ printk("cmc623 attach success!!!\n");
+ cmc623_i2c_client = c;
+ return 0;
+static int cmc623_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
+ struct cmc623_data *data;
+// struct i2c_client *c;
+ int ret = 0;
+ printk("==============================\n");
+ printk("cmc623 attach START!!! \n");
+ printk("==============================\n");
+ data = kzalloc(sizeof(struct cmc623_data), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!data)
+ {
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ data->client = client;
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, data);
+ dev_info(&client->dev, "cmc623 i2c probe success!!!\n");
+ p_cmc623_data = data;
+ tune_cmc623_hw_rst();
+ cmc623_tuning_set();
+// ret = cmc623_gamma_set(); // P1_LSJ : DE19
+ printk("cmc623_gamma_set Return value (%d)\n", ret);
+// cmc623_i2c_client = c;
+ return 0;
+static int __devexit cmc623_i2c_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
+ struct cmc623_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ p_cmc623_data = NULL;
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, NULL);
+ kfree(data);
+ dev_info(&client->dev, "cmc623 i2c remove success!!!\n");
+ return 0;
+static const struct i2c_device_id sec_tune_cmc623_ids[] = {
+ { "sec_tune_cmc623_i2c", 0 },
+ { }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, sec_tune_cmc623_ids);
+struct i2c_driver sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver =
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "sec_tune_cmc623_i2c",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ },
+ .probe = cmc623_i2c_probe,
+ .remove = __devexit_p(cmc623_i2c_remove),
+ .id_table = sec_tune_cmc623_ids,
+extern struct class *sec_class;
+struct device *tune_cmc623_dev;
+static int __devinit cmc623_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ int ret=0;
+ printk("**** < cmc623_probe > ***********\n");
+ tune_cmc623_dev = device_create(sec_class, NULL, 0, NULL, "sec_tune_cmc623");
+ if (IS_ERR(tune_cmc623_dev))
+ {
+ printk("Failed to create device!");
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ if (device_create_file(tune_cmc623_dev, &dev_attr_tune) < 0) {
+ printk("Failed to create device file!(%s)!\n", dev_attr_tune.attr.name);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ if (device_create_file(tune_cmc623_dev, &dev_attr_register) < 0) {
+ printk("Failed to create device file!(%s)!\n", dev_attr_register.attr.name);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ printk("<sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver Add START> \n");
+ ret = i2c_add_driver(&sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver); // P1_LSJ : DE07
+ printk("cmc623_init Return value (%d)\n", ret);
+// ret = cmc623_gamma_set(); // P1_LSJ : DE19
+// printk("cmc623_gamma_set Return value (%d)\n", ret);
+ printk("<sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver Add END> \n");
+ return ret;
+static int __devexit cmc623_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ i2c_del_driver(&sec_tune_cmc623_i2c_driver);
+ return 0;
+struct platform_driver sec_tune_cmc623 = {
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "sec_tune_cmc623",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ },
+ .probe = cmc623_probe,
+ .remove = cmc623_remove,
+static int cmc623_attach_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
+ printk("%s\n", __func__);
+ return i2c_probe(adap, &cmc623_addr_data, cmc623_attach); // P1_LSJ : DE07
+static int __init cmc623_init(void)
+ int ret=0;
+ #if 0 // P1_LSJ : DE04 // dgahn.test: turn off AP LED
+ klogi("***** System LED turned off");
+ NvOdmServicesGpioHandle hGpio;
+ NvOdmGpioPinHandle hLEDApGpioPin;
+ hGpio = NvOdmGpioOpen();
+ hLEDApGpioPin = NvOdmGpioAcquirePinHandle(hGpio, GPIO_PORT_LEDAP, GPIO_PIN_LEDAP);
+ NvOdmGpioSetState(hGpio, hLEDApGpioPin, 0x0); // set low
+ NvOdmGpioConfig(hGpio, hLEDApGpioPin, NvOdmGpioPinMode_Output);
+ NvOdmGpioClose(hGpio);
+ #endif
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ printk("**** < cmc623_init > **\n");
+ printk("**************************************\n");
+ return platform_driver_register(&sec_tune_cmc623);
+static void __exit cmc623_exit(void)
+ platform_driver_unregister(&sec_tune_cmc623);
+// module_init(cmc623_init);
+/* Module information */
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Tuning CMC623 image converter");