 *  include/asm-s390/setup.h
 *  S390 version
 *    Copyright (C) 1999 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation

#ifndef _ASM_S390_SETUP_H
#define _ASM_S390_SETUP_H

#ifdef __KERNEL__

#include <asm/types.h>

#define PARMAREA		0x10400
#define COMMAND_LINE_SIZE 	896
#define MEMORY_CHUNKS		16	/* max 0x7fff */

#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__

#ifndef __s390x__
#define IPL_DEVICE        (*(unsigned long *)  (0x10404))
#define INITRD_START      (*(unsigned long *)  (0x1040C))
#define INITRD_SIZE       (*(unsigned long *)  (0x10414))
#else /* __s390x__ */
#define IPL_DEVICE        (*(unsigned long *)  (0x10400))
#define INITRD_START      (*(unsigned long *)  (0x10408))
#define INITRD_SIZE       (*(unsigned long *)  (0x10410))
#endif /* __s390x__ */
#define COMMAND_LINE      ((char *)            (0x10480))

 * Machine features detected in head.S
extern unsigned long machine_flags;

#define MACHINE_IS_VM		(machine_flags & 1)
#define MACHINE_IS_P390		(machine_flags & 4)
#define MACHINE_HAS_MVPG	(machine_flags & 16)
#define MACHINE_HAS_IDTE	(machine_flags & 128)
#define MACHINE_HAS_DIAG9C	(machine_flags & 256)

#ifndef __s390x__
#define MACHINE_HAS_IEEE	(machine_flags & 2)
#define MACHINE_HAS_CSP		(machine_flags & 8)
#define MACHINE_HAS_DIAG44	(1)
#else /* __s390x__ */
#define MACHINE_HAS_IEEE	(1)
#define MACHINE_HAS_CSP		(1)
#define MACHINE_HAS_DIAG44	(machine_flags & 32)
#define MACHINE_HAS_MVCOS	(machine_flags & 512)
#endif /* __s390x__ */


 * Console mode. Override with conmode=
extern unsigned int console_mode;
extern unsigned int console_devno;
extern unsigned int console_irq;

#define CONSOLE_IS_UNDEFINED	(console_mode == 0)
#define CONSOLE_IS_SCLP		(console_mode == 1)
#define CONSOLE_IS_3215		(console_mode == 2)
#define CONSOLE_IS_3270		(console_mode == 3)
#define SET_CONSOLE_SCLP	do { console_mode = 1; } while (0)
#define SET_CONSOLE_3215	do { console_mode = 2; } while (0)
#define SET_CONSOLE_3270	do { console_mode = 3; } while (0)

struct ipl_list_hdr {
	u32 len;
	u8  reserved1[3];
	u8  version;
	u32 blk0_len;
	u8  pbt;
	u8  flags;
	u16 reserved2;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct ipl_block_fcp {
	u8  reserved1[313-1];
	u8  opt;
	u8  reserved2[3];
	u16 reserved3;
	u16 devno;
	u8  reserved4[4];
	u64 wwpn;
	u64 lun;
	u32 bootprog;
	u8  reserved5[12];
	u64 br_lba;
	u32 scp_data_len;
	u8  reserved6[260];
	u8  scp_data[];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct ipl_block_ccw {
	u8  load_param[8];
	u8  reserved1[84];
	u8  reserved2[2];
	u16 devno;
	u8  vm_flags;
	u8  reserved3[3];
	u32 vm_parm_len;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct ipl_parameter_block {
	struct ipl_list_hdr hdr;
	union {
		struct ipl_block_fcp fcp;
		struct ipl_block_ccw ccw;
	} ipl_info;
} __attribute__((packed));

#define IPL_PARM_BLK_FCP_LEN (sizeof(struct ipl_list_hdr) + \
			      sizeof(struct ipl_block_fcp))

#define IPL_PARM_BLK_CCW_LEN (sizeof(struct ipl_list_hdr) + \
			      sizeof(struct ipl_block_ccw))


 * IPL validity flags and parameters as detected in head.S
extern u32 ipl_flags;
extern u16 ipl_devno;

void do_reipl(void);

enum {

#define IPL_PARMBLOCK_START	((struct ipl_parameter_block *) \

#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */

#ifndef __s390x__
#define IPL_DEVICE        0x10404
#define INITRD_START      0x1040C
#define INITRD_SIZE       0x10414
#else /* __s390x__ */
#define IPL_DEVICE        0x10400
#define INITRD_START      0x10408
#define INITRD_SIZE       0x10410
#endif /* __s390x__ */
#define COMMAND_LINE      0x10480

#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#endif /* _ASM_S390_SETUP_H */