/* * Fundamental types and constants relating to WPA * * Copyright (C) 1999-2014, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * * $Id: wpa.h 384536 2013-02-12 04:13:09Z $ */ #ifndef _proto_wpa_h_ #define _proto_wpa_h_ #include #include /* This marks the start of a packed structure section. */ #include /* Reason Codes */ /* 13 through 23 taken from IEEE Std 802.11i-2004 */ #define DOT11_RC_INVALID_WPA_IE 13 /* Invalid info. element */ #define DOT11_RC_MIC_FAILURE 14 /* Michael failure */ #define DOT11_RC_4WH_TIMEOUT 15 /* 4-way handshake timeout */ #define DOT11_RC_GTK_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 16 /* Group key update timeout */ #define DOT11_RC_WPA_IE_MISMATCH 17 /* WPA IE in 4-way handshake differs from * (re-)assoc. request/probe response */ #define DOT11_RC_INVALID_MC_CIPHER 18 /* Invalid multicast cipher */ #define DOT11_RC_INVALID_UC_CIPHER 19 /* Invalid unicast cipher */ #define DOT11_RC_INVALID_AKMP 20 /* Invalid authenticated key management protocol */ #define DOT11_RC_BAD_WPA_VERSION 21 /* Unsupported WPA version */ #define DOT11_RC_INVALID_WPA_CAP 22 /* Invalid WPA IE capabilities */ #define DOT11_RC_8021X_AUTH_FAIL 23 /* 802.1X authentication failure */ #define WPA2_PMKID_LEN 16 /* WPA IE fixed portion */ typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 tag; /* TAG */ uint8 length; /* TAG length */ uint8 oui[3]; /* IE OUI */ uint8 oui_type; /* OUI type */ BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 low; uint8 high; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT version; /* IE version */ } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wpa_ie_fixed_t; #define WPA_IE_OUITYPE_LEN 4 #define WPA_IE_FIXED_LEN 8 #define WPA_IE_TAG_FIXED_LEN 6 typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 tag; /* TAG */ uint8 length; /* TAG length */ BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 low; uint8 high; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT version; /* IE version */ } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wpa_rsn_ie_fixed_t; #define WPA_RSN_IE_FIXED_LEN 4 #define WPA_RSN_IE_TAG_FIXED_LEN 2 typedef uint8 wpa_pmkid_t[WPA2_PMKID_LEN]; /* WPA suite/multicast suite */ typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wpa_suite_t, wpa_suite_mcast_t; #define WPA_SUITE_LEN 4 /* WPA unicast suite list/key management suite list */ typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 low; uint8 high; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT count; wpa_suite_t list[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wpa_suite_ucast_t, wpa_suite_auth_key_mgmt_t; #define WPA_IE_SUITE_COUNT_LEN 2 typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 low; uint8 high; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT count; wpa_pmkid_t list[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wpa_pmkid_list_t; /* WPA cipher suites */ #define WPA_CIPHER_NONE 0 /* None */ #define WPA_CIPHER_WEP_40 1 /* WEP (40-bit) */ #define WPA_CIPHER_TKIP 2 /* TKIP: default for WPA */ #define WPA_CIPHER_AES_OCB 3 /* AES (OCB) */ #define WPA_CIPHER_AES_CCM 4 /* AES (CCM) */ #define WPA_CIPHER_WEP_104 5 /* WEP (104-bit) */ #define WPA_CIPHER_BIP 6 /* WEP (104-bit) */ #define WPA_CIPHER_TPK 7 /* Group addressed traffic not allowed */ #ifdef BCMCCX #define WPA_CIPHER_CKIP 8 /* KP with no MIC */ #define WPA_CIPHER_CKIP_MMH 9 /* KP with MIC ("CKIP/MMH", "CKIP+CMIC") */ #define WPA_CIPHER_WEP_MMH 10 /* MIC with no KP ("WEP/MMH", "CMIC") */ #define IS_CCX_CIPHER(cipher) ((cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_CKIP || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_CKIP_MMH || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_WEP_MMH) #endif #ifdef BCMWAPI_WAI #define WAPI_CIPHER_NONE WPA_CIPHER_NONE #define WAPI_CIPHER_SMS4 11 #define WAPI_CSE_WPI_SMS4 1 #endif /* BCMWAPI_WAI */ #define IS_WPA_CIPHER(cipher) ((cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_NONE || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_WEP_40 || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_WEP_104 || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_TKIP || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_AES_OCB || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_AES_CCM || \ (cipher) == WPA_CIPHER_TPK) #ifdef BCMWAPI_WAI #define IS_WAPI_CIPHER(cipher) ((cipher) == WAPI_CIPHER_NONE || \ (cipher) == WAPI_CSE_WPI_SMS4) /* convert WAPI_CSE_WPI_XXX to WAPI_CIPHER_XXX */ #define WAPI_CSE_WPI_2_CIPHER(cse) ((cse) == WAPI_CSE_WPI_SMS4 ? \ WAPI_CIPHER_SMS4 : WAPI_CIPHER_NONE) #define WAPI_CIPHER_2_CSE_WPI(cipher) ((cipher) == WAPI_CIPHER_SMS4 ? \ WAPI_CSE_WPI_SMS4 : WAPI_CIPHER_NONE) #endif /* BCMWAPI_WAI */ /* WPA TKIP countermeasures parameters */ #define WPA_TKIP_CM_DETECT 60 /* multiple MIC failure window (seconds) */ #define WPA_TKIP_CM_BLOCK 60 /* countermeasures active window (seconds) */ /* RSN IE defines */ #define RSN_CAP_LEN 2 /* Length of RSN capabilities field (2 octets) */ /* RSN Capabilities defined in 802.11i */ #define RSN_CAP_PREAUTH 0x0001 #define RSN_CAP_NOPAIRWISE 0x0002 #define RSN_CAP_PTK_REPLAY_CNTR_MASK 0x000C #define RSN_CAP_PTK_REPLAY_CNTR_SHIFT 2 #define RSN_CAP_GTK_REPLAY_CNTR_MASK 0x0030 #define RSN_CAP_GTK_REPLAY_CNTR_SHIFT 4 #define RSN_CAP_1_REPLAY_CNTR 0 #define RSN_CAP_2_REPLAY_CNTRS 1 #define RSN_CAP_4_REPLAY_CNTRS 2 #define RSN_CAP_16_REPLAY_CNTRS 3 #define RSN_CAP_MFPR 0x0040 #define RSN_CAP_MFPC 0x0080 #define RSN_CAP_SPPC 0x0400 #define RSN_CAP_SPPR 0x0800 /* WPA capabilities defined in 802.11i */ #define WPA_CAP_4_REPLAY_CNTRS RSN_CAP_4_REPLAY_CNTRS #define WPA_CAP_16_REPLAY_CNTRS RSN_CAP_16_REPLAY_CNTRS #define WPA_CAP_REPLAY_CNTR_SHIFT RSN_CAP_PTK_REPLAY_CNTR_SHIFT #define WPA_CAP_REPLAY_CNTR_MASK RSN_CAP_PTK_REPLAY_CNTR_MASK /* WPA capabilities defined in 802.11zD9.0 */ #define WPA_CAP_PEER_KEY_ENABLE (0x1 << 1) /* bit 9 */ /* WPA Specific defines */ #define WPA_CAP_LEN RSN_CAP_LEN /* Length of RSN capabilities in RSN IE (2 octets) */ #define WPA_PMKID_CNT_LEN 2 /* Length of RSN PMKID count (2 octests) */ #define WPA_CAP_WPA2_PREAUTH RSN_CAP_PREAUTH #define WPA2_PMKID_COUNT_LEN 2 #ifdef BCMWAPI_WAI #define WAPI_CAP_PREAUTH RSN_CAP_PREAUTH /* Other WAI definition */ #define WAPI_WAI_REQUEST 0x00F1 #define WAPI_UNICAST_REKEY 0x00F2 #define WAPI_STA_AGING 0x00F3 #define WAPI_MUTIL_REKEY 0x00F4 #define WAPI_STA_STATS 0x00F5 #define WAPI_USK_REKEY_COUNT 0x4000000 /* 0xA00000 */ #define WAPI_MSK_REKEY_COUNT 0x4000000 /* 0xA00000 */ #endif /* BCMWAPI_WAI */ /* This marks the end of a packed structure section. */ #include #endif /* _proto_wpa_h_ */