/* * BCM47XX Sonics SiliconBackplane embedded ram core * * Copyright (C) 1999-2014, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * * $Id: sbsocram.h 271781 2011-07-13 20:00:06Z $ */ #ifndef _SBSOCRAM_H #define _SBSOCRAM_H #ifndef _LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY /* cpp contortions to concatenate w/arg prescan */ #ifndef PAD #define _PADLINE(line) pad ## line #define _XSTR(line) _PADLINE(line) #define PAD _XSTR(__LINE__) #endif /* PAD */ /* Memcsocram core registers */ typedef volatile struct sbsocramregs { uint32 coreinfo; uint32 bwalloc; uint32 extracoreinfo; uint32 biststat; uint32 bankidx; uint32 standbyctrl; uint32 errlogstatus; /* rev 6 */ uint32 errlogaddr; /* rev 6 */ /* used for patching rev 3 & 5 */ uint32 cambankidx; uint32 cambankstandbyctrl; uint32 cambankpatchctrl; uint32 cambankpatchtblbaseaddr; uint32 cambankcmdreg; uint32 cambankdatareg; uint32 cambankmaskreg; uint32 PAD[1]; uint32 bankinfo; /* corev 8 */ uint32 PAD[15]; uint32 extmemconfig; uint32 extmemparitycsr; uint32 extmemparityerrdata; uint32 extmemparityerrcnt; uint32 extmemwrctrlandsize; uint32 PAD[84]; uint32 workaround; uint32 pwrctl; /* corerev >= 2 */ uint32 PAD[133]; uint32 sr_control; /* corerev >= 15 */ uint32 sr_status; /* corerev >= 15 */ uint32 sr_address; /* corerev >= 15 */ uint32 sr_data; /* corerev >= 15 */ } sbsocramregs_t; #endif /* _LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY */ /* Register offsets */ #define SR_COREINFO 0x00 #define SR_BWALLOC 0x04 #define SR_BISTSTAT 0x0c #define SR_BANKINDEX 0x10 #define SR_BANKSTBYCTL 0x14 #define SR_PWRCTL 0x1e8 /* Coreinfo register */ #define SRCI_PT_MASK 0x00070000 /* corerev >= 6; port type[18:16] */ #define SRCI_PT_SHIFT 16 /* port types : SRCI_PT_<processorPT>_<backplanePT> */ #define SRCI_PT_OCP_OCP 0 #define SRCI_PT_AXI_OCP 1 #define SRCI_PT_ARM7AHB_OCP 2 #define SRCI_PT_CM3AHB_OCP 3 #define SRCI_PT_AXI_AXI 4 #define SRCI_PT_AHB_AXI 5 /* corerev >= 3 */ #define SRCI_LSS_MASK 0x00f00000 #define SRCI_LSS_SHIFT 20 #define SRCI_LRS_MASK 0x0f000000 #define SRCI_LRS_SHIFT 24 /* In corerev 0, the memory size is 2 to the power of the * base plus 16 plus to the contents of the memsize field plus 1. */ #define SRCI_MS0_MASK 0xf #define SR_MS0_BASE 16 /* * In corerev 1 the bank size is 2 ^ the bank size field plus 14, * the memory size is number of banks times bank size. * The same applies to rom size. */ #define SRCI_ROMNB_MASK 0xf000 #define SRCI_ROMNB_SHIFT 12 #define SRCI_ROMBSZ_MASK 0xf00 #define SRCI_ROMBSZ_SHIFT 8 #define SRCI_SRNB_MASK 0xf0 #define SRCI_SRNB_SHIFT 4 #define SRCI_SRBSZ_MASK 0xf #define SRCI_SRBSZ_SHIFT 0 #define SR_BSZ_BASE 14 /* Standby control register */ #define SRSC_SBYOVR_MASK 0x80000000 #define SRSC_SBYOVR_SHIFT 31 #define SRSC_SBYOVRVAL_MASK 0x60000000 #define SRSC_SBYOVRVAL_SHIFT 29 #define SRSC_SBYEN_MASK 0x01000000 /* rev >= 3 */ #define SRSC_SBYEN_SHIFT 24 /* Power control register */ #define SRPC_PMU_STBYDIS_MASK 0x00000010 /* rev >= 3 */ #define SRPC_PMU_STBYDIS_SHIFT 4 #define SRPC_STBYOVRVAL_MASK 0x00000008 #define SRPC_STBYOVRVAL_SHIFT 3 #define SRPC_STBYOVR_MASK 0x00000007 #define SRPC_STBYOVR_SHIFT 0 /* Extra core capability register */ #define SRECC_NUM_BANKS_MASK 0x000000F0 #define SRECC_NUM_BANKS_SHIFT 4 #define SRECC_BANKSIZE_MASK 0x0000000F #define SRECC_BANKSIZE_SHIFT 0 #define SRECC_BANKSIZE(value) (1 << (value)) /* CAM bank patch control */ #define SRCBPC_PATCHENABLE 0x80000000 #define SRP_ADDRESS 0x0001FFFC #define SRP_VALID 0x8000 /* CAM bank command reg */ #define SRCMD_WRITE 0x00020000 #define SRCMD_READ 0x00010000 #define SRCMD_DONE 0x80000000 #define SRCMD_DONE_DLY 1000 /* bankidx and bankinfo reg defines corerev >= 8 */ #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_SZMASK 0x7f #define SOCRAM_BANKIDX_ROM_MASK 0x100 #define SOCRAM_BANKIDX_MEMTYPE_SHIFT 8 /* socram bankinfo memtype */ #define SOCRAM_MEMTYPE_RAM 0 #define SOCRAM_MEMTYPE_R0M 1 #define SOCRAM_MEMTYPE_DEVRAM 2 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_REG 0x40 #define SOCRAM_BANKIDX_REG 0x10 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_STDBY_MASK 0x400 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_STDBY_TIMER 0x800 /* bankinfo rev >= 10 */ #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMSEL_SHIFT 13 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMSEL_MASK 0x2000 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMPRO_SHIFT 14 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMPRO_MASK 0x4000 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_SLPSUPP_SHIFT 15 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_SLPSUPP_MASK 0x8000 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_RETNTRAM_SHIFT 16 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_RETNTRAM_MASK 0x00010000 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_PDASZ_SHIFT 17 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_PDASZ_MASK 0x003E0000 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMREMAP_SHIFT 24 #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_DEVRAMREMAP_MASK 0x01000000 /* extracoreinfo register */ #define SOCRAM_DEVRAMBANK_MASK 0xF000 #define SOCRAM_DEVRAMBANK_SHIFT 12 /* bank info to calculate bank size */ #define SOCRAM_BANKINFO_SZBASE 8192 #define SOCRAM_BANKSIZE_SHIFT 13 /* SOCRAM_BANKINFO_SZBASE */ #endif /* _SBSOCRAM_H */