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This update should only be used with PPA 1.6.4 and higher. There are many
important, coupled fixes in PPA 1.6.3+, including ROM code critical section
* GP devices should still be built without SMC
* SMC driver now supports starting the SMC daemon within a member
group system. By default this is set to 1026 DRMRPC
* FIPS certification capable (requires more patches to kernel though)
* fixed ext4 filesystem corruptions on HW encrypted partitions
* fixed wrong handle returned by C_OpenSession (crypto API) when
opening a secondary session from a service
* fixed SHandleClose silently fails on cryptoki key handles
* fixed two instances of the tf_daemon could connect to the SMC PA
* fixed Potential memory leak in case of error when tf_daemon is
connecting to secure
Change-Id: I1b792c88fb4615fae60643d49989ac9fa542bf9b
Signed-off-by: Trusted Logic <smc_support@trusted-logic.com>
Signed-off-by: Jeremie Corbier <jeremie.corbier@trusted-logic.com>
Signed-off-by: Bryan Buckley <bryan.buckley@ti.com>