/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/keyreset.h> #include <linux/gpio_event.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/i2c/atmel_mxt_ts.h> #include <linux/platform_data/mms_ts.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <plat/omap4-keypad.h> #include "board-tuna.h" #include "mux.h" #define GPIO_TOUCH_EN 19 #define GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ 46 /* touch is on i2c3 */ #define GPIO_TOUCH_SCL 130 #define GPIO_TOUCH_SDA 131 static int mms_ts_panel_id; static struct gpio_event_direct_entry tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_high[] = { { .code = KEY_POWER, .gpio = 3, }, }; static struct gpio_event_input_info tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_info_high = { .info.func = gpio_event_input_func, .info.no_suspend = true, .type = EV_KEY, .keymap = tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_high, .keymap_size = ARRAY_SIZE(tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_high), .flags = GPIOEDF_ACTIVE_HIGH, .debounce_time.tv64 = 2 * NSEC_PER_MSEC, }; static struct gpio_event_direct_entry tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_low[] = { { .code = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, .gpio = 8, }, { .code = KEY_VOLUMEUP, .gpio = 30, }, }; static struct gpio_event_input_info tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_info_low = { .info.func = gpio_event_input_func, .info.no_suspend = true, .type = EV_KEY, .keymap = tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_low, .keymap_size = ARRAY_SIZE(tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_map_low), .debounce_time.tv64 = 2 * NSEC_PER_MSEC, }; static struct gpio_event_info *tuna_gpio_keypad_info[] = { &tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_info_high.info, &tuna_gpio_keypad_keys_info_low.info, }; static struct gpio_event_platform_data tuna_gpio_keypad_data = { .name = "tuna-gpio-keypad", .info = tuna_gpio_keypad_info, .info_count = ARRAY_SIZE(tuna_gpio_keypad_info) }; static struct platform_device tuna_gpio_keypad_device = { .name = GPIO_EVENT_DEV_NAME, .id = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &tuna_gpio_keypad_data, }, }; static int melfas_mux_fw_flash(bool to_gpios) { /* TOUCH_EN is always an output */ if (to_gpios) { gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ, 0); omap_mux_set_gpio( OMAP_PIN_INPUT | OMAP_MUX_MODE3, GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ); gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_SCL, 0); omap_mux_set_gpio(OMAP_PIN_INPUT | OMAP_MUX_MODE3, GPIO_TOUCH_SCL); gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_SDA, 0); omap_mux_set_gpio(OMAP_PIN_INPUT | OMAP_MUX_MODE3, GPIO_TOUCH_SDA); } else { gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ, 1); gpio_direction_input(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ); omap_mux_set_gpio( OMAP_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | OMAP_MUX_MODE3, GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ); gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_SCL, 1); gpio_direction_input(GPIO_TOUCH_SCL); omap_mux_set_gpio(OMAP_PIN_INPUT | OMAP_MUX_MODE0, GPIO_TOUCH_SCL); gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_SDA, 1); gpio_direction_input(GPIO_TOUCH_SDA); omap_mux_set_gpio(OMAP_PIN_INPUT | OMAP_MUX_MODE0, GPIO_TOUCH_SDA); } return 0; } static int __init mms_ts_panel_id_setup(char *str) { mms_ts_panel_id = simple_strtol(str, NULL, 0); return 1; } __setup("mms_ts.panel_id=", mms_ts_panel_id_setup); static struct mms_ts_platform_data mms_ts_pdata = { .max_x = 720, .max_y = 1280, .mux_fw_flash = melfas_mux_fw_flash, .gpio_resetb = GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ, .gpio_vdd_en = GPIO_TOUCH_EN, .gpio_scl = GPIO_TOUCH_SCL, .gpio_sda = GPIO_TOUCH_SDA, }; static struct i2c_board_info __initdata tuna_i2c3_boardinfo_final[] = { { I2C_BOARD_INFO("mms_ts", 0x48), .flags = I2C_CLIENT_WAKE, .platform_data = &mms_ts_pdata, .irq = OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ), }, }; void __init omap4_tuna_input_init(void) { gpio_request(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ, "tsp_int_n"); gpio_direction_input(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ); omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_TOUCH_IRQ, OMAP_PIN_INPUT_PULLUP); gpio_request(GPIO_TOUCH_EN, "tsp_en"); gpio_direction_output(GPIO_TOUCH_EN, 1); omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_TOUCH_EN, OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); gpio_request(GPIO_TOUCH_SCL, "ap_i2c3_scl"); gpio_request(GPIO_TOUCH_SDA, "ap_i2c3_sda"); /* 0x12 == FPCB 3.2 * 0xa1 == FPCB 3.1 */ if (mms_ts_panel_id == 0x12 || mms_ts_panel_id == 0xA2) mms_ts_pdata.fw_name = "mms144_ts_rev32.fw"; else mms_ts_pdata.fw_name = "mms144_ts_rev31.fw"; i2c_register_board_info(3, tuna_i2c3_boardinfo_final, ARRAY_SIZE(tuna_i2c3_boardinfo_final)); omap_mux_init_gpio(8, OMAP_PIN_INPUT); omap_mux_init_gpio(30, OMAP_PIN_INPUT); platform_device_register(&tuna_gpio_keypad_device); }