/********************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2008 Imagination Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful but, except * as otherwise stated in writing, without any warranty; without even the * implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in * the file called "COPYING". * * Contact Information: * Imagination Technologies Ltd. <gpl-support@imgtec.com> * Home Park Estate, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 8LZ, UK * ******************************************************************************/ #include "pvr_debug.h" #include "img_defs.h" #include "services.h" #include "servicesint.h" #include "hash.h" #include "osfunc.h" #define PRIVATE_MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define KEY_TO_INDEX(pHash, key, uSize) \ ((pHash)->pfnHashFunc((pHash)->uKeySize, (key), (uSize)) % (uSize)) #define KEY_COMPARE(pHash, pKey1, pKey2) \ ((pHash)->pfnKeyComp((pHash)->uKeySize, (pKey1), (pKey2))) struct _BUCKET_ { struct _BUCKET_ *pNext; IMG_UINTPTR_T v; IMG_UINTPTR_T k[]; }; typedef struct _BUCKET_ BUCKET; struct _HASH_TABLE_ { BUCKET **ppBucketTable; IMG_UINT32 uSize; IMG_UINT32 uCount; IMG_UINT32 uMinimumSize; IMG_UINT32 uKeySize; HASH_FUNC *pfnHashFunc; HASH_KEY_COMP *pfnKeyComp; }; IMG_UINT32 HASH_Func_Default (IMG_SIZE_T uKeySize, IMG_VOID *pKey, IMG_UINT32 uHashTabLen) { IMG_UINTPTR_T *p = (IMG_UINTPTR_T *)pKey; IMG_UINT32 uKeyLen = uKeySize / sizeof(IMG_UINTPTR_T); IMG_UINT32 ui; IMG_UINT32 uHashKey = 0; PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uHashTabLen); PVR_ASSERT((uKeySize % sizeof(IMG_UINTPTR_T)) == 0); for (ui = 0; ui < uKeyLen; ui++) { IMG_UINT32 uHashPart = (IMG_UINT32)*p++; uHashPart += (uHashPart << 12); uHashPart ^= (uHashPart >> 22); uHashPart += (uHashPart << 4); uHashPart ^= (uHashPart >> 9); uHashPart += (uHashPart << 10); uHashPart ^= (uHashPart >> 2); uHashPart += (uHashPart << 7); uHashPart ^= (uHashPart >> 12); uHashKey += uHashPart; } return uHashKey; } IMG_BOOL HASH_Key_Comp_Default (IMG_SIZE_T uKeySize, IMG_VOID *pKey1, IMG_VOID *pKey2) { IMG_UINTPTR_T *p1 = (IMG_UINTPTR_T *)pKey1; IMG_UINTPTR_T *p2 = (IMG_UINTPTR_T *)pKey2; IMG_UINT32 uKeyLen = uKeySize / sizeof(IMG_UINTPTR_T); IMG_UINT32 ui; PVR_ASSERT((uKeySize % sizeof(IMG_UINTPTR_T)) == 0); for (ui = 0; ui < uKeyLen; ui++) { if (*p1++ != *p2++) return IMG_FALSE; } return IMG_TRUE; } static PVRSRV_ERROR _ChainInsert (HASH_TABLE *pHash, BUCKET *pBucket, BUCKET **ppBucketTable, IMG_UINT32 uSize) { IMG_UINT32 uIndex; PVR_ASSERT (pBucket != IMG_NULL); PVR_ASSERT (ppBucketTable != IMG_NULL); PVR_ASSERT (uSize != 0); if ((pBucket == IMG_NULL) || (ppBucketTable == IMG_NULL) || (uSize == 0)) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "_ChainInsert: invalid parameter")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } uIndex = KEY_TO_INDEX(pHash, pBucket->k, uSize); pBucket->pNext = ppBucketTable[uIndex]; ppBucketTable[uIndex] = pBucket; return PVRSRV_OK; } static PVRSRV_ERROR _Rehash (HASH_TABLE *pHash, BUCKET **ppOldTable, IMG_UINT32 uOldSize, BUCKET **ppNewTable, IMG_UINT32 uNewSize) { IMG_UINT32 uIndex; for (uIndex=0; uIndex< uOldSize; uIndex++) { BUCKET *pBucket; pBucket = ppOldTable[uIndex]; while (pBucket != IMG_NULL) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; BUCKET *pNextBucket = pBucket->pNext; eError = _ChainInsert (pHash, pBucket, ppNewTable, uNewSize); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "_Rehash: call to _ChainInsert failed")); return eError; } pBucket = pNextBucket; } } return PVRSRV_OK; } static IMG_BOOL _Resize (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_UINT32 uNewSize) { if (uNewSize != pHash->uSize) { BUCKET **ppNewTable; IMG_UINT32 uIndex; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Resize: oldsize=0x%x newsize=0x%x count=0x%x", pHash->uSize, uNewSize, pHash->uCount)); OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof (BUCKET *) * uNewSize, (IMG_PVOID*)&ppNewTable, IMG_NULL, "Hash Table Buckets"); if (ppNewTable == IMG_NULL) return IMG_FALSE; for (uIndex=0; uIndex<uNewSize; uIndex++) ppNewTable[uIndex] = IMG_NULL; if (_Rehash (pHash, pHash->ppBucketTable, pHash->uSize, ppNewTable, uNewSize) != PVRSRV_OK) { return IMG_FALSE; } OSFreeMem (PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(BUCKET *)*pHash->uSize, pHash->ppBucketTable, IMG_NULL); pHash->ppBucketTable = ppNewTable; pHash->uSize = uNewSize; } return IMG_TRUE; } HASH_TABLE * HASH_Create_Extended (IMG_UINT32 uInitialLen, IMG_SIZE_T uKeySize, HASH_FUNC *pfnHashFunc, HASH_KEY_COMP *pfnKeyComp) { HASH_TABLE *pHash; IMG_UINT32 uIndex; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Create_Extended: InitialSize=0x%x", uInitialLen)); if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(HASH_TABLE), (IMG_VOID **)&pHash, IMG_NULL, "Hash Table") != PVRSRV_OK) { return IMG_NULL; } pHash->uCount = 0; pHash->uSize = uInitialLen; pHash->uMinimumSize = uInitialLen; pHash->uKeySize = uKeySize; pHash->pfnHashFunc = pfnHashFunc; pHash->pfnKeyComp = pfnKeyComp; OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof (BUCKET *) * pHash->uSize, (IMG_PVOID*)&pHash->ppBucketTable, IMG_NULL, "Hash Table Buckets"); if (pHash->ppBucketTable == IMG_NULL) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(HASH_TABLE), pHash, IMG_NULL); return IMG_NULL; } for (uIndex=0; uIndex<pHash->uSize; uIndex++) pHash->ppBucketTable[uIndex] = IMG_NULL; return pHash; } HASH_TABLE * HASH_Create (IMG_UINT32 uInitialLen) { return HASH_Create_Extended(uInitialLen, sizeof(IMG_UINTPTR_T), &HASH_Func_Default, &HASH_Key_Comp_Default); } IMG_VOID HASH_Delete (HASH_TABLE *pHash) { if (pHash != IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Delete")); PVR_ASSERT (pHash->uCount==0); if(pHash->uCount != 0) { PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "HASH_Delete: leak detected in hash table!")); PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "Likely Cause: client drivers not freeing alocations before destroying devmemcontext")); } OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(BUCKET *)*pHash->uSize, pHash->ppBucketTable, IMG_NULL); pHash->ppBucketTable = IMG_NULL; OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(HASH_TABLE), pHash, IMG_NULL); } } IMG_BOOL HASH_Insert_Extended (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_VOID *pKey, IMG_UINTPTR_T v) { BUCKET *pBucket; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Insert_Extended: Hash=0x%08x, pKey=0x%08x, v=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey, v)); PVR_ASSERT (pHash != IMG_NULL); if (pHash == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "HASH_Insert_Extended: invalid parameter")); return IMG_FALSE; } if(OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(BUCKET) + pHash->uKeySize, (IMG_VOID **)&pBucket, IMG_NULL, "Hash Table entry") != PVRSRV_OK) { return IMG_FALSE; } pBucket->v = v; OSMemCopy(pBucket->k, pKey, pHash->uKeySize); if (_ChainInsert (pHash, pBucket, pHash->ppBucketTable, pHash->uSize) != PVRSRV_OK) { return IMG_FALSE; } pHash->uCount++; if (pHash->uCount << 1 > pHash->uSize) { _Resize (pHash, pHash->uSize << 1); } return IMG_TRUE; } IMG_BOOL HASH_Insert (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_UINTPTR_T k, IMG_UINTPTR_T v) { PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Insert: Hash=0x%x, k=0x%x, v=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, k, v)); return HASH_Insert_Extended(pHash, &k, v); } IMG_UINTPTR_T HASH_Remove_Extended(HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_VOID *pKey) { BUCKET **ppBucket; IMG_UINT32 uIndex; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Remove_Extended: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey)); PVR_ASSERT (pHash != IMG_NULL); if (pHash == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "HASH_Remove_Extended: Null hash table")); return 0; } uIndex = KEY_TO_INDEX(pHash, pKey, pHash->uSize); for (ppBucket = &(pHash->ppBucketTable[uIndex]); *ppBucket != IMG_NULL; ppBucket = &((*ppBucket)->pNext)) { if (KEY_COMPARE(pHash, (*ppBucket)->k, pKey)) { BUCKET *pBucket = *ppBucket; IMG_UINTPTR_T v = pBucket->v; (*ppBucket) = pBucket->pNext; OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(BUCKET) + pHash->uKeySize, pBucket, IMG_NULL); pHash->uCount--; if (pHash->uSize > (pHash->uCount << 2) && pHash->uSize > pHash->uMinimumSize) { _Resize (pHash, PRIVATE_MAX (pHash->uSize >> 1, pHash->uMinimumSize)); } PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Remove_Extended: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x = 0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey, v)); return v; } } PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Remove_Extended: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x = 0x0 !!!!", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey)); return 0; } IMG_UINTPTR_T HASH_Remove (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_UINTPTR_T k) { PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Remove: Hash=0x%x, k=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, k)); return HASH_Remove_Extended(pHash, &k); } IMG_UINTPTR_T HASH_Retrieve_Extended (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_VOID *pKey) { BUCKET **ppBucket; IMG_UINT32 uIndex; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Retrieve_Extended: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey)); PVR_ASSERT (pHash != IMG_NULL); if (pHash == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "HASH_Retrieve_Extended: Null hash table")); return 0; } uIndex = KEY_TO_INDEX(pHash, pKey, pHash->uSize); for (ppBucket = &(pHash->ppBucketTable[uIndex]); *ppBucket != IMG_NULL; ppBucket = &((*ppBucket)->pNext)) { if (KEY_COMPARE(pHash, (*ppBucket)->k, pKey)) { BUCKET *pBucket = *ppBucket; IMG_UINTPTR_T v = pBucket->v; PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Retrieve: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x = 0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey, v)); return v; } } PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Retrieve: Hash=0x%x, pKey=0x%x = 0x0 !!!!", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pKey)); return 0; } IMG_UINTPTR_T HASH_Retrieve (HASH_TABLE *pHash, IMG_UINTPTR_T k) { PVR_DPF ((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "HASH_Retrieve: Hash=0x%x, k=0x%x", (IMG_UINTPTR_T)pHash, k)); return HASH_Retrieve_Extended(pHash, &k); } #ifdef HASH_TRACE IMG_VOID HASH_Dump (HASH_TABLE *pHash) { IMG_UINT32 uIndex; IMG_UINT32 uMaxLength=0; IMG_UINT32 uEmptyCount=0; PVR_ASSERT (pHash != IMG_NULL); for (uIndex=0; uIndex<pHash->uSize; uIndex++) { BUCKET *pBucket; IMG_UINT32 uLength = 0; if (pHash->ppBucketTable[uIndex] == IMG_NULL) { uEmptyCount++; } for (pBucket=pHash->ppBucketTable[uIndex]; pBucket != IMG_NULL; pBucket = pBucket->pNext) { uLength++; } uMaxLength = PRIVATE_MAX (uMaxLength, uLength); } PVR_TRACE(("hash table: uMinimumSize=%d size=%d count=%d", pHash->uMinimumSize, pHash->uSize, pHash->uCount)); PVR_TRACE((" empty=%d max=%d", uEmptyCount, uMaxLength)); } #endif