/********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful but, except * as otherwise stated in writing, without any warranty; without even the * implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in * the file called "COPYING". * * Contact Information: * Imagination Technologies Ltd. * Home Park Estate, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 8LZ, UK * ******************************************************************************/ #include #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,38)) #ifndef AUTOCONF_INCLUDED #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "img_types.h" #include "servicesext.h" #include "pvr_debug.h" #include "srvkm.h" #include "proc.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "linkage.h" #include "pvr_uaccess.h" #if !defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) #define PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK #endif static IMG_BOOL VBAppend(IMG_CHAR *pszBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz, const IMG_CHAR* pszFormat, va_list VArgs) IMG_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 0); #if defined(PVRSRV_NEED_PVR_DPF) #define PVR_MAX_FILEPATH_LEN 256 static IMG_BOOL BAppend(IMG_CHAR *pszBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz, const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...) IMG_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); IMG_UINT32 gPVRDebugLevel = (DBGPRIV_FATAL | DBGPRIV_ERROR | DBGPRIV_WARNING); #endif #define PVR_MAX_MSG_LEN PVR_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LEN #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) static IMG_CHAR gszBufferNonIRQ[PVR_MAX_MSG_LEN + 1]; #endif static IMG_CHAR gszBufferIRQ[PVR_MAX_MSG_LEN + 1]; #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) static PVRSRV_LINUX_MUTEX gsDebugMutexNonIRQ; #endif #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,39)) static spinlock_t gsDebugLockIRQ = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; #else static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(gsDebugLockIRQ); #endif #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) #if !defined (USE_SPIN_LOCK) #define USE_SPIN_LOCK (in_interrupt() || !preemptible()) #endif #endif static inline void GetBufferLock(unsigned long *pulLockFlags) { #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) if (USE_SPIN_LOCK) #endif { spin_lock_irqsave(&gsDebugLockIRQ, *pulLockFlags); } #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) else { LinuxLockMutex(&gsDebugMutexNonIRQ); } #endif } static inline void ReleaseBufferLock(unsigned long ulLockFlags) { #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) if (USE_SPIN_LOCK) #endif { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&gsDebugLockIRQ, ulLockFlags); } #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) else { LinuxUnLockMutex(&gsDebugMutexNonIRQ); } #endif } static inline void SelectBuffer(IMG_CHAR **ppszBuf, IMG_UINT32 *pui32BufSiz) { #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) if (USE_SPIN_LOCK) #endif { *ppszBuf = gszBufferIRQ; *pui32BufSiz = sizeof(gszBufferIRQ); } #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) else { *ppszBuf = gszBufferNonIRQ; *pui32BufSiz = sizeof(gszBufferNonIRQ); } #endif } static IMG_BOOL VBAppend(IMG_CHAR *pszBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz, const IMG_CHAR* pszFormat, va_list VArgs) { IMG_UINT32 ui32Used; IMG_UINT32 ui32Space; IMG_INT32 i32Len; ui32Used = strlen(pszBuf); BUG_ON(ui32Used >= ui32BufSiz); ui32Space = ui32BufSiz - ui32Used; i32Len = vsnprintf(&pszBuf[ui32Used], ui32Space, pszFormat, VArgs); pszBuf[ui32BufSiz - 1] = 0; return (i32Len < 0 || i32Len >= (IMG_INT32)ui32Space) ? IMG_TRUE : IMG_FALSE; } IMG_VOID PVRDPFInit(IMG_VOID) { #if !defined(PVR_DEBUG_ALWAYS_USE_SPINLOCK) LinuxInitMutex(&gsDebugMutexNonIRQ); #endif } IMG_VOID PVRSRVReleasePrintf(const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...) { va_list vaArgs; unsigned long ulLockFlags = 0; IMG_CHAR *pszBuf; IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz; SelectBuffer(&pszBuf, &ui32BufSiz); va_start(vaArgs, pszFormat); GetBufferLock(&ulLockFlags); strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K: ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); if (VBAppend(pszBuf, ui32BufSiz, pszFormat, vaArgs)) { printk(KERN_INFO "PVR_K:(Message Truncated): %s\n", pszBuf); } else { printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", pszBuf); } ReleaseBufferLock(ulLockFlags); va_end(vaArgs); } #if defined(PVRSRV_NEED_PVR_ASSERT) IMG_VOID PVRSRVDebugAssertFail(const IMG_CHAR* pszFile, IMG_UINT32 uLine) { PVRSRVDebugPrintf(DBGPRIV_FATAL, pszFile, uLine, "Debug assertion failed!"); BUG(); } #endif #if defined(PVRSRV_NEED_PVR_TRACE) IMG_VOID PVRSRVTrace(const IMG_CHAR* pszFormat, ...) { va_list VArgs; unsigned long ulLockFlags = 0; IMG_CHAR *pszBuf; IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz; SelectBuffer(&pszBuf, &ui32BufSiz); va_start(VArgs, pszFormat); GetBufferLock(&ulLockFlags); strncpy(pszBuf, "PVR: ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); if (VBAppend(pszBuf, ui32BufSiz, pszFormat, VArgs)) { printk(KERN_INFO "PVR_K:(Message Truncated): %s\n", pszBuf); } else { printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", pszBuf); } ReleaseBufferLock(ulLockFlags); va_end(VArgs); } #endif #if defined(PVRSRV_NEED_PVR_DPF) static IMG_BOOL BAppend(IMG_CHAR *pszBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz, const IMG_CHAR *pszFormat, ...) { va_list VArgs; IMG_BOOL bTrunc; va_start (VArgs, pszFormat); bTrunc = VBAppend(pszBuf, ui32BufSiz, pszFormat, VArgs); va_end (VArgs); return bTrunc; } IMG_VOID PVRSRVDebugPrintf ( IMG_UINT32 ui32DebugLevel, const IMG_CHAR* pszFullFileName, IMG_UINT32 ui32Line, const IMG_CHAR* pszFormat, ... ) { IMG_BOOL bTrace; const IMG_CHAR *pszFileName = pszFullFileName; IMG_CHAR *pszLeafName; bTrace = (IMG_BOOL)(ui32DebugLevel & DBGPRIV_CALLTRACE) ? IMG_TRUE : IMG_FALSE; if (gPVRDebugLevel & ui32DebugLevel) { va_list vaArgs; unsigned long ulLockFlags = 0; IMG_CHAR *pszBuf; IMG_UINT32 ui32BufSiz; SelectBuffer(&pszBuf, &ui32BufSiz); va_start(vaArgs, pszFormat); GetBufferLock(&ulLockFlags); if (bTrace == IMG_FALSE) { switch(ui32DebugLevel) { case DBGPRIV_FATAL: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Fatal): ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } case DBGPRIV_ERROR: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Error): ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } case DBGPRIV_WARNING: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Warning): ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } case DBGPRIV_MESSAGE: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Message): ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } case DBGPRIV_VERBOSE: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Verbose): ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } default: { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K:(Unknown message level)", (ui32BufSiz -1)); break; } } } else { strncpy (pszBuf, "PVR_K: ", (ui32BufSiz -1)); } if (VBAppend(pszBuf, ui32BufSiz, pszFormat, vaArgs)) { printk(KERN_INFO "PVR_K:(Message Truncated): %s\n", pszBuf); } else { if (bTrace == IMG_FALSE) { #ifdef DEBUG_LOG_PATH_TRUNCATE static IMG_CHAR szFileNameRewrite[PVR_MAX_FILEPATH_LEN]; IMG_CHAR* pszTruncIter; IMG_CHAR* pszTruncBackInter; if (strlen(pszFullFileName) > strlen(DEBUG_LOG_PATH_TRUNCATE)+1) pszFileName = pszFullFileName + strlen(DEBUG_LOG_PATH_TRUNCATE)+1; strncpy(szFileNameRewrite, pszFileName,PVR_MAX_FILEPATH_LEN); if(strlen(szFileNameRewrite) == PVR_MAX_FILEPATH_LEN-1) { IMG_CHAR szTruncateMassage[] = "FILENAME TRUNCATED"; strcpy(szFileNameRewrite + (PVR_MAX_FILEPATH_LEN - 1 - strlen(szTruncateMassage)), szTruncateMassage); } pszTruncIter = szFileNameRewrite; while(*pszTruncIter++ != 0) { IMG_CHAR* pszNextStartPoint; if( !( ( *pszTruncIter == '/' && (pszTruncIter-4 >= szFileNameRewrite) ) && ( *(pszTruncIter-1) == '.') && ( *(pszTruncIter-2) == '.') && ( *(pszTruncIter-3) == '/') ) ) continue; pszTruncBackInter = pszTruncIter - 3; while(*(--pszTruncBackInter) != '/') { if(pszTruncBackInter <= szFileNameRewrite) break; } pszNextStartPoint = pszTruncBackInter; while(*pszTruncIter != 0) { *pszTruncBackInter++ = *pszTruncIter++; } *pszTruncBackInter = 0; pszTruncIter = pszNextStartPoint; } pszFileName = szFileNameRewrite; if(*pszFileName == '/') pszFileName++; #endif #if !defined(__sh__) pszLeafName = (IMG_CHAR *)strrchr (pszFileName, '\\'); if (pszLeafName) { pszFileName = pszLeafName; } #endif if (BAppend(pszBuf, ui32BufSiz, " [%u, %s]", ui32Line, pszFileName)) { printk(KERN_INFO "PVR_K:(Message Truncated): %s\n", pszBuf); } else { printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", pszBuf); } } else { printk(KERN_INFO "%s\n", pszBuf); } } ReleaseBufferLock(ulLockFlags); va_end (vaArgs); } } #endif #if defined(DEBUG) IMG_INT PVRDebugProcSetLevel(struct file *file, const IMG_CHAR *buffer, IMG_UINT32 count, IMG_VOID *data) { #define _PROC_SET_BUFFER_SZ 2 IMG_CHAR data_buffer[_PROC_SET_BUFFER_SZ]; if (count != _PROC_SET_BUFFER_SZ) { return -EINVAL; } else { if (pvr_copy_from_user(data_buffer, buffer, count)) return -EINVAL; if (data_buffer[count - 1] != '\n') return -EINVAL; gPVRDebugLevel = data_buffer[0] - '0'; } return (count); } void ProcSeqShowDebugLevel(struct seq_file *sfile,void* el) { seq_printf(sfile, "%u\n", gPVRDebugLevel); } #endif