/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.browser.autocomplete; import com.android.browser.BrowserSettings; import com.android.browser.SuggestionsAdapter; import com.android.browser.SuggestionsAdapter.SuggestItem; import com.android.browser.autocomplete.SuggestedTextController.TextChangeWatcher; import com.android.internal.R; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.database.DataSetObserver; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Selection; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.AbsSavedState; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Filter; import android.widget.Filterable; import android.widget.ListAdapter; import android.widget.ListPopupWindow; import android.widget.TextView; /** * This is a stripped down version of the framework AutoCompleteTextView * class with added support for displaying completions in-place. Note that * this cannot be implemented as a subclass of the above without making * substantial changes to it and its descendants. * * @see android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView */ public class SuggestiveAutoCompleteTextView extends EditText implements Filter.FilterListener { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String TAG = "SuggestiveAutoCompleteTextView"; private CharSequence mHintText; private TextView mHintView; private int mHintResource; private SuggestionsAdapter mAdapter; private Filter mFilter; private int mThreshold; private ListPopupWindow mPopup; private int mDropDownAnchorId; private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mItemClickListener; private boolean mDropDownDismissedOnCompletion = true; private int mLastKeyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN; // Set to true when text is set directly and no filtering shall be performed private boolean mBlockCompletion; // When set, an update in the underlying adapter will update the result list popup. // Set to false when the list is hidden to prevent asynchronous updates to popup the list again. private boolean mPopupCanBeUpdated = true; private PassThroughClickListener mPassThroughClickListener; private PopupDataSetObserver mObserver; private SuggestedTextController mController; public SuggestiveAutoCompleteTextView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public SuggestiveAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, R.attr.autoCompleteTextViewStyle); } public SuggestiveAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // The completions are always shown in the same color as the hint // text. mController = new SuggestedTextController(this, getHintTextColors().getDefaultColor()); mPopup = new ListPopupWindow(context, attrs, R.attr.autoCompleteTextViewStyle); mPopup.setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE); mPopup.setPromptPosition(ListPopupWindow.POSITION_PROMPT_BELOW); TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes( attrs, R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView, defStyle, 0); mThreshold = a.getInt( R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_completionThreshold, 2); mPopup.setListSelector(a.getDrawable(R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownSelector)); mPopup.setVerticalOffset((int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownVerticalOffset, 0.0f)); mPopup.setHorizontalOffset((int) a.getDimension(R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownHorizontalOffset, 0.0f)); // Get the anchor's id now, but the view won't be ready, so wait to actually get the // view and store it in mDropDownAnchorView lazily in getDropDownAnchorView later. // Defaults to NO_ID, in which case the getDropDownAnchorView method will simply return // this TextView, as a default anchoring point. mDropDownAnchorId = a.getResourceId( R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownAnchor, View.NO_ID); // For dropdown width, the developer can specify a specific width, or MATCH_PARENT // (for full screen width) or WRAP_CONTENT (to match the width of the anchored view). mPopup.setWidth(a.getLayoutDimension( R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownWidth, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mPopup.setHeight(a.getLayoutDimension( R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownHeight, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mHintResource = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_completionHintView, R.layout.simple_dropdown_hint); mPopup.setOnItemClickListener(new DropDownItemClickListener()); setCompletionHint(a.getText(R.styleable.AutoCompleteTextView_completionHint)); // Always turn on the auto complete input type flag, since it // makes no sense to use this widget without it. int inputType = getInputType(); if ((inputType&EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) { inputType |= EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE; setRawInputType(inputType); } a.recycle(); setFocusable(true); mController.addUserTextChangeWatcher(new MyWatcher()); mPassThroughClickListener = new PassThroughClickListener(); super.setOnClickListener(mPassThroughClickListener); } @Override public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener) { mPassThroughClickListener.mWrapped = listener; } /** * Private hook into the on click event, dispatched from {@link PassThroughClickListener} */ private void onClickImpl() { // If the dropdown is showing, bring the keyboard to the front // when the user touches the text field. if (isPopupShowing()) { ensureImeVisible(true); } } /** *

Sets the optional hint text that is displayed at the bottom of the * the matching list. This can be used as a cue to the user on how to * best use the list, or to provide extra information.

* * @param hint the text to be displayed to the user * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AutoCompleteTextView_completionHint */ private void setCompletionHint(CharSequence hint) { mHintText = hint; if (hint != null) { if (mHintView == null) { final TextView hintView = (TextView) LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate( mHintResource, null).findViewById(R.id.text1); hintView.setText(mHintText); mHintView = hintView; mPopup.setPromptView(hintView); } else { mHintView.setText(hint); } } else { mPopup.setPromptView(null); mHintView = null; } } protected int getDropDownWidth() { return mPopup.getWidth(); } public void setDropDownWidth(int width) { mPopup.setWidth(width); } protected void setDropDownVerticalOffset(int offset) { mPopup.setVerticalOffset(offset); } public void setDropDownHorizontalOffset(int offset) { mPopup.setHorizontalOffset(offset); } protected int getDropDownHorizontalOffset() { return mPopup.getHorizontalOffset(); } public void setThreshold(int threshold) { if (threshold <= 0) { threshold = 1; } mThreshold = threshold; } protected void setOnItemClickListener(AdapterView.OnItemClickListener l) { mItemClickListener = l; } public void setAdapter(SuggestionsAdapter adapter) { if (mObserver == null) { mObserver = new PopupDataSetObserver(); } else if (mAdapter != null) { mAdapter.unregisterDataSetObserver(mObserver); } mAdapter = adapter; if (mAdapter != null) { mFilter = mAdapter.getFilter(); adapter.registerDataSetObserver(mObserver); } else { mFilter = null; } mPopup.setAdapter(mAdapter); } @Override public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && isPopupShowing() && !mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { // special case for the back key, we do not even try to send it // to the drop down list but instead, consume it immediately if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = getKeyDispatcherState(); if (state != null) { state.startTracking(event, this); } return true; } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { KeyEvent.DispatcherState state = getKeyDispatcherState(); if (state != null) { state.handleUpEvent(event); } if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) { dismissDropDown(); return true; } } } return super.onKeyPreIme(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { boolean consumed = mPopup.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); if (consumed) { switch (keyCode) { // if the list accepts the key events and the key event // was a click, the text view gets the selected item // from the drop down as its content case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB: if (event.hasNoModifiers()) { performCompletion(); } return true; } } if (isPopupShowing() && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB && event.hasNoModifiers()) { performCompletion(); return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (mPopup.onKeyDown(keyCode, event)) { return true; } if (!isPopupShowing()) { switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: if (event.hasNoModifiers()) { performValidation(); } } } if (isPopupShowing() && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB && event.hasNoModifiers()) { return true; } mLastKeyCode = keyCode; boolean handled = super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); mLastKeyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN; if (handled && isPopupShowing()) { clearListSelection(); } return handled; } /** * Returns true if the amount of text in the field meets * or exceeds the {@link #getThreshold} requirement. You can override * this to impose a different standard for when filtering will be * triggered. */ private boolean enoughToFilter() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Enough to filter: len=" + getUserText().length() + " threshold=" + mThreshold); return getUserText().length() >= mThreshold; } /** * This is used to watch for edits to the text view. Note that we call * to methods on the auto complete text view class so that we can access * private vars without going through thunks. */ private class MyWatcher implements TextChangeWatcher { @Override public void onTextChanged(String newText) { doAfterTextChanged(); } } /** * @hide */ protected void setBlockCompletion(boolean block) { mBlockCompletion = block; } void doAfterTextChanged() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doAfterTextChanged(" + getText() + ")"); if (mBlockCompletion) return; // the drop down is shown only when a minimum number of characters // was typed in the text view if (enoughToFilter()) { if (mFilter != null) { mPopupCanBeUpdated = true; performFiltering(getUserText(), mLastKeyCode); buildImeCompletions(); } } else { // drop down is automatically dismissed when enough characters // are deleted from the text view if (!mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { dismissDropDown(); } if (mFilter != null) { performFiltering(null, mLastKeyCode); } } } /** *

Indicates whether the popup menu is showing.

* * @return true if the popup menu is showing, false otherwise */ public boolean isPopupShowing() { return mPopup.isShowing(); } /** *

Converts the selected item from the drop down list into a sequence * of character that can be used in the edit box.

* * @param selectedItem the item selected by the user for completion * * @return a sequence of characters representing the selected suggestion */ protected CharSequence convertSelectionToString(Object selectedItem) { return mFilter.convertResultToString(selectedItem); } /** *

Clear the list selection. This may only be temporary, as user input will often bring * it back. */ private void clearListSelection() { mPopup.clearListSelection(); } /** *

Starts filtering the content of the drop down list. The filtering * pattern is the content of the edit box. Subclasses should override this * method to filter with a different pattern, for instance a substring of * text.

* * @param text the filtering pattern * @param keyCode the last character inserted in the edit box; beware that * this will be null when text is being added through a soft input method. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" }) protected void performFiltering(CharSequence text, int keyCode) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "performFiltering(" + text + ")"); mFilter.filter(text, this); } protected void performForcedFiltering() { boolean wasSuspended = false; if (mController.isCursorHandlingSuspended()) { mController.resumeCursorMovementHandlingAndApplyChanges(); wasSuspended = true; } mFilter.filter(getUserText().toString(), this); if (wasSuspended) { mController.suspendCursorMovementHandling(); } } /** *

Performs the text completion by converting the selected item from * the drop down list into a string, replacing the text box's content with * this string and finally dismissing the drop down menu.

*/ private void performCompletion() { performCompletion(null, -1, -1); } @Override public void onCommitCompletion(CompletionInfo completion) { if (isPopupShowing()) { mBlockCompletion = true; replaceText(completion.getText()); mBlockCompletion = false; mPopup.performItemClick(completion.getPosition()); } } private void performCompletion(View selectedView, int position, long id) { if (isPopupShowing()) { Object selectedItem; if (position < 0) { selectedItem = mPopup.getSelectedItem(); } else { selectedItem = mAdapter.getItem(position); } if (selectedItem == null) { Log.w(TAG, "performCompletion: no selected item"); return; } mBlockCompletion = true; replaceText(convertSelectionToString(selectedItem)); mBlockCompletion = false; if (mItemClickListener != null) { final ListPopupWindow list = mPopup; if (selectedView == null || position < 0) { selectedView = list.getSelectedView(); position = list.getSelectedItemPosition(); id = list.getSelectedItemId(); } mItemClickListener.onItemClick(list.getListView(), selectedView, position, id); } } if (mDropDownDismissedOnCompletion && !mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { dismissDropDown(); } } /** *

Performs the text completion by replacing the current text by the * selected item. Subclasses should override this method to avoid replacing * the whole content of the edit box.

* * @param text the selected suggestion in the drop down list */ protected void replaceText(CharSequence text) { clearComposingText(); setText(text); // make sure we keep the caret at the end of the text view Editable spannable = getText(); Selection.setSelection(spannable, spannable.length()); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onFilterComplete(int count) { updateDropDownForFilter(count); } private void updateDropDownForFilter(int count) { // Not attached to window, don't update drop-down if (getWindowVisibility() == View.GONE) return; /* * This checks enoughToFilter() again because filtering requests * are asynchronous, so the result may come back after enough text * has since been deleted to make it no longer appropriate * to filter. */ final boolean dropDownAlwaysVisible = mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible(); if ((count > 0 || dropDownAlwaysVisible) && enoughToFilter() && getUserText().length() > 0) { if (hasFocus() && hasWindowFocus() && mPopupCanBeUpdated) { showDropDown(); } } else if (!dropDownAlwaysVisible && isPopupShowing()) { dismissDropDown(); // When the filter text is changed, the first update from the adapter may show an empty // count (when the query is being performed on the network). Future updates when some // content has been retrieved should still be able to update the list. mPopupCanBeUpdated = true; } } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) { super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus); if (!hasWindowFocus && !mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { dismissDropDown(); } } @Override protected void onDisplayHint(int hint) { super.onDisplayHint(hint); switch (hint) { case INVISIBLE: if (!mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { dismissDropDown(); } break; } } @Override protected void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { // TextView makes several cursor movements when gaining focus, and this interferes with // the suggested vs user entered text. Tell the controller to temporarily ignore cursor // movements while this is going on. mController.suspendCursorMovementHandling(); super.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); // Perform validation if the view is losing focus. if (!focused) { performValidation(); } if (!focused && !mPopup.isDropDownAlwaysVisible()) { dismissDropDown(); } mController.resumeCursorMovementHandlingAndApplyChanges(); } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { dismissDropDown(); super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } /** *

Closes the drop down if present on screen.

*/ protected void dismissDropDown() { InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (imm != null) { imm.displayCompletions(this, null); } mPopup.dismiss(); mPopupCanBeUpdated = false; } @Override protected boolean setFrame(final int l, int t, final int r, int b) { boolean result = super.setFrame(l, t, r, b); if (isPopupShowing()) { showDropDown(); } return result; } /** * Ensures that the drop down is not obscuring the IME. * @param visible whether the ime should be in front. If false, the ime is pushed to * the background. * @hide internal used only here and SearchDialog */ private void ensureImeVisible(boolean visible) { mPopup.setInputMethodMode(visible ? ListPopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED : ListPopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED); showDropDown(); } /** *

Displays the drop down on screen.

*/ protected void showDropDown() { if (mPopup.getAnchorView() == null) { if (mDropDownAnchorId != View.NO_ID) { mPopup.setAnchorView(getRootView().findViewById(mDropDownAnchorId)); } else { mPopup.setAnchorView(this); } } if (!isPopupShowing()) { // Make sure the list does not obscure the IME when shown for the first time. mPopup.setInputMethodMode(ListPopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED); } mPopup.show(); } private void buildImeCompletions() { final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter; if (adapter != null) { InputMethodManager imm = InputMethodManager.peekInstance(); if (imm != null) { final int count = Math.min(adapter.getCount(), 20); CompletionInfo[] completions = new CompletionInfo[count]; int realCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (adapter.isEnabled(i)) { realCount++; Object item = adapter.getItem(i); long id = adapter.getItemId(i); completions[i] = new CompletionInfo(id, i, convertSelectionToString(item)); } } if (realCount != count) { CompletionInfo[] tmp = new CompletionInfo[realCount]; System.arraycopy(completions, 0, tmp, 0, realCount); completions = tmp; } imm.displayCompletions(this, completions); } } } private void performValidation() { } /** * Returns the Filter obtained from {@link Filterable#getFilter}, * or null if {@link #setAdapter} was not called with * a Filterable. */ protected Filter getFilter() { return mFilter; } private class DropDownItemClickListener implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id) { performCompletion(v, position, id); } } /** * Allows us a private hook into the on click event without preventing users from setting * their own click listener. */ private class PassThroughClickListener implements OnClickListener { private View.OnClickListener mWrapped; /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onClick(View v) { onClickImpl(); if (mWrapped != null) mWrapped.onClick(v); } } private class PopupDataSetObserver extends DataSetObserver { @Override public void onChanged() { if (mAdapter != null) { // If the popup is not showing already, showing it will cause // the list of data set observers attached to the adapter to // change. We can't do it from here, because we are in the middle // of iterating through the list of observers. post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final SuggestionsAdapter adapter = mAdapter; if (adapter != null) { // This will re-layout, thus resetting mDataChanged, so that the // listView click listener stays responsive updateDropDownForFilter(adapter.getCount()); } updateText(adapter); } }); } } } public String getUserText() { return mController.getUserText(); } private void updateText(SuggestionsAdapter adapter) { if (!BrowserSettings.getInstance().useInstantSearch()) { return; } if (!isPopupShowing()) { setSuggestedText(null); return; } if (mAdapter.getCount() > 0 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(getUserText())) { for (int i = 0; i < mAdapter.getCount(); ++i) { SuggestItem current = mAdapter.getItem(i); if (current.type == SuggestionsAdapter.TYPE_SUGGEST) { setSuggestedText(current.title); break; } } } } @Override public void setText(CharSequence text, BufferType type) { Editable buffer = getEditableText(); if (text == null) text = ""; // if we already have a buffer, we must not replace it with a new one as this will break // mController. Write the new text into the existing buffer instead. if (buffer == null) { super.setText(text, type); } else { buffer.replace(0, buffer.length(), text); invalidate(); } } public void setText(CharSequence text, boolean filter) { if (filter) { setText(text); } else { mBlockCompletion = true; // If cursor movement handling was suspended (the view is // not in focus), resume it and apply the pending change. // Since we don't want to perform any filtering, this change // is safe. boolean wasSuspended = false; if (mController.isCursorHandlingSuspended()) { mController.resumeCursorMovementHandlingAndApplyChanges(); wasSuspended = true; } setText(text); if (wasSuspended) { mController.suspendCursorMovementHandling(); } mBlockCompletion = false; } } @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); if (superState instanceof TextView.SavedState) { // get rid of TextView's saved state, we override it. superState = ((TextView.SavedState) superState).getSuperState(); } if (superState == null) { superState = AbsSavedState.EMPTY_STATE; } return mController.saveInstanceState(superState); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(mController.restoreInstanceState(state)); } public void addQueryTextWatcher(final SuggestedTextController.TextChangeWatcher watcher) { mController.addUserTextChangeWatcher(watcher); } public void setSuggestedText(String text) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { String htmlStripped = Html.fromHtml(text).toString(); mController.setSuggestedText(htmlStripped); } else { mController.setSuggestedText(null); } } public void getPopupDrawableRect(Rect rect) { if (mPopup.getListView() != null) { mPopup.getListView().getDrawingRect(rect); } } }