/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.camera; import com.android.camera.gallery.IImage; import com.android.camera.gallery.IImageList; import com.android.camera.ui.CamcorderHeadUpDisplay; import com.android.camera.ui.CameraPicker; import com.android.camera.ui.ControlPanel; import com.android.camera.ui.GLRootView; import com.android.camera.ui.GLView; import com.android.camera.ui.HeadUpDisplay; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo; import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters; import android.hardware.Camera.Size; import android.media.CamcorderProfile; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.media.ThumbnailUtils; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Message; import android.os.StatFs; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.provider.MediaStore.Video; import android.provider.MediaStore.Video.VideoColumns; import android.provider.MediaStore.Video.Media; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.OrientationEventListener; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * The Camcorder activity. */ public class VideoCamera extends NoSearchActivity implements View.OnClickListener, ShutterButton.OnShutterButtonListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback, MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener, MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener, Switcher.OnSwitchListener, PreviewFrameLayout.OnSizeChangedListener { private static final String TAG = "videocamera"; private static final int CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY = 4; private static final int UPDATE_RECORD_TIME = 5; private static final int ENABLE_SHUTTER_BUTTON = 6; private static final int SCREEN_DELAY = 2 * 60 * 1000; // The brightness settings used when it is set to automatic in the system. // The reason why it is set to 0.7 is just because 1.0 is too bright. private static final float DEFAULT_CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS = 0.7f; private static final long NO_STORAGE_ERROR = -1L; private static final long CANNOT_STAT_ERROR = -2L; private static final long LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD = 512L * 1024L; private static final int STORAGE_STATUS_OK = 0; private static final int STORAGE_STATUS_LOW = 1; private static final int STORAGE_STATUS_NONE = 2; private static final int STORAGE_STATUS_FAIL = 3; private static final boolean SWITCH_CAMERA = true; private static final boolean SWITCH_VIDEO = false; private static final long SHUTTER_BUTTON_TIMEOUT = 500L; // 500ms /** * An unpublished intent flag requesting to start recording straight away * and return as soon as recording is stopped. * TODO: consider publishing by moving into MediaStore. */ private final static String EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE = "android.intent.extra.quickCapture"; private android.hardware.Camera mCameraDevice; private final CameraErrorCallback mErrorCallback = new CameraErrorCallback(); private ComboPreferences mPreferences; private PreferenceGroup mPreferenceGroup; private PreviewFrameLayout mPreviewFrameLayout; private SurfaceView mVideoPreview; private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder = null; private ImageView mVideoFrame; private GLRootView mGLRootView; // xlarge devices use control panel. Other devices use head-up display. private CamcorderHeadUpDisplay mHeadUpDisplay; private ControlPanel mControlPanel; // Front/back camera picker for xlarge layout. private CameraPicker mCameraPicker; private boolean mIsVideoCaptureIntent; private boolean mQuickCapture; // The last recorded video. private RotateImageView mThumbnailButton; private boolean mOpenCameraFail = false; private int mStorageStatus = STORAGE_STATUS_OK; private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder; private boolean mMediaRecorderRecording = false; private long mRecordingStartTime; // The video file that the hardware camera is about to record into // (or is recording into.) private String mVideoFilename; private ParcelFileDescriptor mVideoFileDescriptor; // The video file that has already been recorded, and that is being // examined by the user. private String mCurrentVideoFilename; private Uri mCurrentVideoUri; private ContentValues mCurrentVideoValues; private CamcorderProfile mProfile; // The video duration limit. 0 menas no limit. private int mMaxVideoDurationInMs; // Time Lapse parameters. private boolean mCaptureTimeLapse = false; // Default 0. If it is larger than 0, the camcorder is in time lapse mode. private int mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureMs = 0; private View mTimeLapseLabel; private int mDesiredPreviewWidth; private int mDesiredPreviewHeight; boolean mPausing = false; boolean mPreviewing = false; // True if preview is started. private ContentResolver mContentResolver; private ShutterButton mShutterButton; private TextView mRecordingTimeView; private SwitcherSet mSwitcher; private boolean mRecordingTimeCountsDown = false; private final ArrayList mGalleryItems = new ArrayList(); private final Handler mHandler = new MainHandler(); private Parameters mParameters; // multiple cameras support private int mNumberOfCameras; private int mCameraId; private int mFrontCameraId; private int mBackCameraId; private GestureDetector mPopupGestureDetector; private MyOrientationEventListener mOrientationListener; // The device orientation in degrees. Default is unknown. private int mOrientation = OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN; // The orientation compensation for icons and thumbnails. private int mOrientationCompensation = 0; private int mOrientationHint; // the orientation hint for video playback // This Handler is used to post message back onto the main thread of the // application private class MainHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case ENABLE_SHUTTER_BUTTON: mShutterButton.setEnabled(true); break; case CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY: { getWindow().clearFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); break; } case UPDATE_RECORD_TIME: { updateRecordingTime(); break; } default: Log.v(TAG, "Unhandled message: " + msg.what); break; } } } private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = null; private class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT)) { updateAndShowStorageHint(false); stopVideoRecording(); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED)) { updateAndShowStorageHint(true); updateThumbnailButton(); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED)) { // SD card unavailable // handled in ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED)) { Toast.makeText(VideoCamera.this, getResources().getString(R.string.wait), 5000); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED)) { updateAndShowStorageHint(true); } } } private String createName(long dateTaken) { Date date = new Date(dateTaken); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( getString(R.string.video_file_name_format)); return dateFormat.format(date); } private void showCameraErrorAndFinish() { Resources ress = getResources(); Util.showFatalErrorAndFinish(VideoCamera.this, ress.getString(R.string.camera_error_title), ress.getString(R.string.cannot_connect_camera)); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); Window win = getWindow(); // Overright the brightness settings if it is automatic int mode = Settings.System.getInt( getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE_MANUAL); if (mode == Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE_AUTOMATIC) { WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes(); winParams.screenBrightness = DEFAULT_CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS; win.setAttributes(winParams); } mPreferences = new ComboPreferences(this); CameraSettings.upgradeGlobalPreferences(mPreferences.getGlobal()); mCameraId = CameraSettings.readPreferredCameraId(mPreferences); mPreferences.setLocalId(this, mCameraId); CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal()); mNumberOfCameras = CameraHolder.instance().getNumberOfCameras(); /* * To reduce startup time, we start the preview in another thread. * We make sure the preview is started at the end of onCreate. */ Thread startPreviewThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mOpenCameraFail = !openCamera(); // In eng build, we throw the exception so that test tool // can detect it and report it if (mOpenCameraFail && "eng".equals(Build.TYPE)) { throw new RuntimeException("openCamera failed"); } readVideoPreferences(); startPreview(); } }); startPreviewThread.start(); mContentResolver = getContentResolver(); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS); mIsVideoCaptureIntent = isVideoCaptureIntent(); if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { setContentView(R.layout.video_camera_attach); View reviewControl = findViewById(R.id.review_control); reviewControl.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); reviewControl.findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel).setOnClickListener(this); reviewControl.findViewById(R.id.btn_done).setOnClickListener(this); findViewById(R.id.btn_play).setOnClickListener(this); View retake = reviewControl.findViewById(R.id.btn_retake); retake.setOnClickListener(this); if (retake instanceof ImageView) { ((ImageView) retake).setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_ic_review_retake_video); } else { ((Button) retake).setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( R.drawable.ic_switch_video_holo_dark, 0, 0, 0); } } else { setContentView(R.layout.video_camera); initThumbnailButton(); mSwitcher = (SwitcherSet) findViewById(R.id.camera_switch); mSwitcher.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mSwitcher.setOnSwitchListener(this); } mPreviewFrameLayout = (PreviewFrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame_layout); mPreviewFrameLayout.setOnSizeChangedListener(this); mVideoPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.camera_preview); mVideoFrame = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.video_frame); // don't set mSurfaceHolder here. We have it set ONLY within // surfaceCreated / surfaceDestroyed, other parts of the code // assume that when it is set, the surface is also set. SurfaceHolder holder = mVideoPreview.getHolder(); holder.addCallback(this); holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); mQuickCapture = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE, false); mShutterButton = (ShutterButton) findViewById(R.id.shutter_button); mShutterButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_ic_video_record); mShutterButton.setOnShutterButtonListener(this); mShutterButton.requestFocus(); mRecordingTimeView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.recording_time); mOrientationListener = new MyOrientationEventListener(VideoCamera.this); mTimeLapseLabel = findViewById(R.id.time_lapse_label); // Make sure preview is started. try { startPreviewThread.join(); if (mOpenCameraFail) { showCameraErrorAndFinish(); return; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // ignore } showTimeLapseLabel(mCaptureTimeLapse); resizeForPreviewAspectRatio(); mBackCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId(); mFrontCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getFrontCameraId(); // Initialize after startPreview becuase this need mParameters. initializeControlPanel(); // xlarge devices use control panel. Other devices use head-up display. if (mControlPanel == null) { mHeadUpDisplay = new CamcorderHeadUpDisplay(this); mHeadUpDisplay.setListener(new MyHeadUpDisplayListener()); initializeHeadUpDisplay(); } initializeCameraPicker(); } private void changeHeadUpDisplayState() { if (mHeadUpDisplay == null) return; // If the camera resumes behind the lock screen, the orientation // will be portrait. That causes OOM when we try to allocation GPU // memory for the GLSurfaceView again when the orientation changes. So, // we delayed initialization of HeadUpDisplay until the orientation // becomes landscape. Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration(); if (config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE && !mPausing && mGLRootView == null) { attachHeadUpDisplay(); } else if (mGLRootView != null) { detachHeadUpDisplay(); } } private void initializeCameraPicker() { mCameraPicker = (CameraPicker) findViewById(R.id.camera_picker); if (mCameraPicker != null) { mCameraPicker.setImageResource(R.drawable.camera_toggle_video); ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference( CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_ID); if (pref != null) { mCameraPicker.initialize(pref); mCameraPicker.setListener(new MyCameraPickerListener()); } } } private void loadCameraPreferences() { CameraSettings settings = new CameraSettings(this, mParameters, mCameraId, CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()); mPreferenceGroup = settings.getPreferenceGroup(R.xml.video_preferences); } private void initializeHeadUpDisplay() { if (mHeadUpDisplay == null) return; loadCameraPreferences(); if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { mPreferenceGroup = filterPreferenceScreenByIntent(mPreferenceGroup); } mHeadUpDisplay.initialize(this, mPreferenceGroup, mOrientationCompensation, mCaptureTimeLapse); } private void attachHeadUpDisplay() { mHeadUpDisplay.setOrientation(mOrientationCompensation); ViewGroup frame = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.frame); mGLRootView = new GLRootView(this); frame.addView(mGLRootView); mGLRootView.setContentPane(mHeadUpDisplay); } private void detachHeadUpDisplay() { mHeadUpDisplay.collapse(); ((ViewGroup) mGLRootView.getParent()).removeView(mGLRootView); mGLRootView = null; } private boolean collapseCameraControls() { if (mHeadUpDisplay != null && mHeadUpDisplay.collapse()) { return true; } if (mControlPanel != null && mControlPanel.dismissSettingPopup()) { return true; } return false; } private void enableCameraControls(boolean enable) { if (mHeadUpDisplay != null) mHeadUpDisplay.setEnabled(enable); if (mControlPanel != null) mControlPanel.setEnabled(enable); } private void initializeControlPanel() { mControlPanel = (ControlPanel) findViewById(R.id.control_panel); if (mControlPanel == null) return; loadCameraPreferences(); String[] keys = new String[]{CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE, CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE, CameraSettings.KEY_COLOR_EFFECT, CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY, CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL}; mControlPanel.initialize(this, mPreferenceGroup, keys, false); mControlPanel.setListener(new MyControlPanelListener()); mPopupGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this, new PopupGestureListener()); } public static int roundOrientation(int orientation) { return ((orientation + 45) / 90 * 90) % 360; } private class MyOrientationEventListener extends OrientationEventListener { public MyOrientationEventListener(Context context) { super(context); } @Override public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) { if (mMediaRecorderRecording) return; // We keep the last known orientation. So if the user first orient // the camera then point the camera to floor or sky, we still have // the correct orientation. if (orientation == ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) return; mOrientation = roundOrientation(orientation); // When the screen is unlocked, display rotation may change. Always // calculate the up-to-date orientationCompensation. int orientationCompensation = mOrientation + Util.getDisplayRotation(VideoCamera.this); if (mOrientationCompensation != orientationCompensation) { mOrientationCompensation = orientationCompensation; if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { setOrientationIndicator(mOrientationCompensation); } if (mHeadUpDisplay != null) { mHeadUpDisplay.setOrientation(mOrientationCompensation); } } } } private void setOrientationIndicator(int degree) { RotateImageView icon = (RotateImageView) findViewById( R.id.review_thumbnail); if (icon != null) icon.setDegree(degree); icon = (RotateImageView) findViewById(R.id.camera_switch_icon); if (icon != null) icon.setDegree(degree); icon = (RotateImageView) findViewById(R.id.video_switch_icon); if (icon != null) icon.setDegree(degree); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { mSwitcher.setSwitch(SWITCH_VIDEO); } } private void startPlayVideoActivity() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, mCurrentVideoUri); try { startActivity(intent); } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't view video " + mCurrentVideoUri, ex); } } public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case R.id.btn_retake: deleteCurrentVideo(); hideAlert(); break; case R.id.btn_play: startPlayVideoActivity(); break; case R.id.btn_done: doReturnToCaller(true); break; case R.id.btn_cancel: stopVideoRecording(); doReturnToCaller(false); break; case R.id.review_thumbnail: if (!mMediaRecorderRecording) viewVideo(mThumbnailButton); break; case R.id.btn_gallery: gotoGallery(); break; } } public void onShutterButtonFocus(ShutterButton button, boolean pressed) { // Do nothing (everything happens in onShutterButtonClick). } private void onStopVideoRecording(boolean valid) { stopVideoRecording(); if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { if (mQuickCapture) { doReturnToCaller(valid); } else { showAlert(); } } else { getThumbnail(); } } public void onShutterButtonClick(ShutterButton button) { switch (button.getId()) { case R.id.shutter_button: if (collapseCameraControls()) return; if (mMediaRecorderRecording) { onStopVideoRecording(true); } else { startVideoRecording(); } mShutterButton.setEnabled(false); // Keep the shutter button disabled when in video capture intent // mode and recording is stopped. It'll be re-enabled when // re-take button is clicked. if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent || mMediaRecorderRecording) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( ENABLE_SHUTTER_BUTTON, SHUTTER_BUTTON_TIMEOUT); } break; } } private OnScreenHint mStorageHint; private void updateAndShowStorageHint(boolean mayHaveSd) { mStorageStatus = getStorageStatus(mayHaveSd); showStorageHint(); } private void showStorageHint() { String errorMessage = null; switch (mStorageStatus) { case STORAGE_STATUS_NONE: errorMessage = getString(R.string.no_storage); break; case STORAGE_STATUS_LOW: errorMessage = getString(R.string.spaceIsLow_content); break; case STORAGE_STATUS_FAIL: errorMessage = getString(R.string.access_sd_fail); break; } if (errorMessage != null) { if (mStorageHint == null) { mStorageHint = OnScreenHint.makeText(this, errorMessage); } else { mStorageHint.setText(errorMessage); } mStorageHint.show(); } else if (mStorageHint != null) { mStorageHint.cancel(); mStorageHint = null; } } private int getStorageStatus(boolean mayHaveSd) { long remaining = mayHaveSd ? getAvailableStorage() : NO_STORAGE_ERROR; if (remaining == NO_STORAGE_ERROR) { return STORAGE_STATUS_NONE; } else if (remaining == CANNOT_STAT_ERROR) { return STORAGE_STATUS_FAIL; } return remaining < LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD ? STORAGE_STATUS_LOW : STORAGE_STATUS_OK; } private void readVideoPreferences() { String quality = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY, CameraSettings.DEFAULT_VIDEO_QUALITY_VALUE); boolean videoQualityHigh = CameraSettings.getVideoQuality(quality); // Set video quality. Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.hasExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY)) { int extraVideoQuality = intent.getIntExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY, 0); videoQualityHigh = (extraVideoQuality > 0); } // Set video duration limit. The limit is read from the preference, // unless it is specified in the intent. if (intent.hasExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT)) { int seconds = intent.getIntExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT, 0); mMaxVideoDurationInMs = 1000 * seconds; } else { mMaxVideoDurationInMs = CameraSettings.getVidoeDurationInMillis(quality); } // Read time lapse recording interval. String frameIntervalStr = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL, getString(R.string.pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_default)); mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureMs = Integer.parseInt(frameIntervalStr); mCaptureTimeLapse = (mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureMs != 0); int profileQuality; if (!mCaptureTimeLapse) { if (videoQualityHigh) { profileQuality = CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH; } else { profileQuality = CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW; } } else { if (videoQualityHigh) { // TODO: change this to time lapse high after the profile is // fixed. profileQuality = CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_480P; } else { profileQuality = CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_LOW; } } mProfile = CamcorderProfile.get(mCameraId, profileQuality); getDesiredPreviewSize(); } private void getDesiredPreviewSize() { mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); if (mParameters.getSupportedVideoSizes() == null) { mDesiredPreviewWidth = mProfile.videoFrameWidth; mDesiredPreviewHeight = mProfile.videoFrameHeight; } else { // Driver supports separates outputs for preview and video. List sizes = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes(); Size preferred = mParameters.getPreferredPreviewSizeForVideo(); int product = preferred.width * preferred.height; Iterator it = sizes.iterator(); // Remove the preview sizes that are not preferred. while (it.hasNext()) { Size size = (Size) it.next(); if (size.width * size.height > product) { it.remove(); } } Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalPreviewSize(this, sizes, (double) mProfile.videoFrameWidth / mProfile.videoFrameHeight); mDesiredPreviewWidth = optimalSize.width; mDesiredPreviewHeight = optimalSize.height; } Log.v(TAG, "mDesiredPreviewWidth=" + mDesiredPreviewWidth + ". mDesiredPreviewHeight=" + mDesiredPreviewHeight); } private void resizeForPreviewAspectRatio() { mPreviewFrameLayout.setAspectRatio( (double) mProfile.videoFrameWidth / mProfile.videoFrameHeight); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mPausing = false; // Start orientation listener as soon as possible because it takes // some time to get first orientation. mOrientationListener.enable(); mVideoPreview.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (!mPreviewing && !mOpenCameraFail) { if (!openCamera()) return; readVideoPreferences(); resizeForPreviewAspectRatio(); startPreview(); } keepScreenOnAwhile(); // install an intent filter to receive SD card related events. IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED); intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED); intentFilter.addDataScheme("file"); mReceiver = new MyBroadcastReceiver(); registerReceiver(mReceiver, intentFilter); mStorageStatus = getStorageStatus(true); mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { showStorageHint(); } }, 200); changeHeadUpDisplayState(); // Update the last video thumbnail. if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { updateThumbnailButton(); } } private void setPreviewDisplay(SurfaceHolder holder) { try { mCameraDevice.setPreviewDisplay(holder); } catch (Throwable ex) { closeCamera(); throw new RuntimeException("setPreviewDisplay failed", ex); } } private boolean openCamera() { try { if (mCameraDevice == null) { mCameraDevice = CameraHolder.instance().open(mCameraId); } } catch (CameraHardwareException e) { showCameraErrorAndFinish(); return false; } return true; } private void startPreview() { Log.v(TAG, "startPreview"); mCameraDevice.setErrorCallback(mErrorCallback); if (mPreviewing == true) { mCameraDevice.stopPreview(); mPreviewing = false; } setPreviewDisplay(mSurfaceHolder); Util.setCameraDisplayOrientation(this, mCameraId, mCameraDevice); setCameraParameters(); try { mCameraDevice.startPreview(); mPreviewing = true; } catch (Throwable ex) { closeCamera(); throw new RuntimeException("startPreview failed", ex); } } private void closeCamera() { Log.v(TAG, "closeCamera"); if (mCameraDevice == null) { Log.d(TAG, "already stopped."); return; } // If we don't lock the camera, release() will fail. mCameraDevice.lock(); CameraHolder.instance().release(); mCameraDevice = null; mPreviewing = false; } private void finishRecorderAndCloseCamera() { // This is similar to what mShutterButton.performClick() does, // but not quite the same. if (mMediaRecorderRecording) { if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { stopVideoRecording(); showAlert(); } else { stopVideoRecording(); getThumbnail(); } } else { stopVideoRecording(); } closeCamera(); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); mPausing = true; changeHeadUpDisplayState(); if (mControlPanel != null) mControlPanel.dismissSettingPopup(); // Hide the preview now. Otherwise, the preview may be rotated during // onPause and it is annoying to users. mVideoPreview.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); finishRecorderAndCloseCamera(); if (mReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); mReceiver = null; } resetScreenOn(); if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent && mThumbnailButton != null) { mThumbnailButton.storeData(ImageManager.getLastVideoThumbPath()); } if (mStorageHint != null) { mStorageHint.cancel(); mStorageHint = null; } mOrientationListener.disable(); } @Override public void onUserInteraction() { super.onUserInteraction(); if (!mMediaRecorderRecording) keepScreenOnAwhile(); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (mPausing) return; if (mMediaRecorderRecording) { onStopVideoRecording(false); } else if (!collapseCameraControls()) { super.onBackPressed(); } } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // Do not handle any key if the activity is paused. if (mPausing) { return true; } switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { mShutterButton.performClick(); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { mShutterButton.performClick(); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU: if (mMediaRecorderRecording) { onStopVideoRecording(true); return true; } break; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: mShutterButton.setPressed(false); return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) { // Make sure we have a surface in the holder before proceeding. if (holder.getSurface() == null) { Log.d(TAG, "holder.getSurface() == null"); return; } mSurfaceHolder = holder; if (mPausing) { // We're pausing, the screen is off and we already stopped // video recording. We don't want to start the camera again // in this case in order to conserve power. // The fact that surfaceChanged is called _after_ an onPause appears // to be legitimate since in that case the lockscreen always returns // to portrait orientation possibly triggering the notification. return; } // The mCameraDevice will be null if it is fail to connect to the // camera hardware. In this case we will show a dialog and then // finish the activity, so it's OK to ignore it. if (mCameraDevice == null) return; // Set preview display if the surface is being created. Preview was // already started. if (holder.isCreating()) { setPreviewDisplay(holder); } else { stopVideoRecording(); startPreview(); } } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { } public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { mSurfaceHolder = null; } private void gotoGallery() { MenuHelper.gotoCameraVideoGallery(this); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { // No options menu for attach mode. return false; } else { addBaseMenuItems(menu); } return true; } private boolean isVideoCaptureIntent() { String action = getIntent().getAction(); return (MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE.equals(action)); } private void doReturnToCaller(boolean valid) { Intent resultIntent = new Intent(); int resultCode; if (valid) { resultCode = RESULT_OK; resultIntent.setData(mCurrentVideoUri); } else { resultCode = RESULT_CANCELED; } setResult(resultCode, resultIntent); finish(); } /** * Returns * * @return number of bytes available, or an ERROR code. */ private static long getAvailableStorage() { try { if (!ImageManager.hasStorage()) { return NO_STORAGE_ERROR; } else { String storageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString(); StatFs stat = new StatFs(storageDirectory); return (long) stat.getAvailableBlocks() * (long) stat.getBlockSize(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // if we can't stat the filesystem then we don't know how many // free bytes exist. It might be zero but just leave it // blank since we really don't know. Log.e(TAG, "Fail to access sdcard", ex); return CANNOT_STAT_ERROR; } } private void cleanupEmptyFile() { if (mVideoFilename != null) { File f = new File(mVideoFilename); if (f.length() == 0 && f.delete()) { Log.v(TAG, "Empty video file deleted: " + mVideoFilename); mVideoFilename = null; } } } // Prepares media recorder. private void initializeRecorder() { Log.v(TAG, "initializeRecorder"); // If the mCameraDevice is null, then this activity is going to finish if (mCameraDevice == null) return; if (mSurfaceHolder == null) { Log.v(TAG, "Surface holder is null. Wait for surface changed."); return; } Intent intent = getIntent(); Bundle myExtras = intent.getExtras(); long requestedSizeLimit = 0; if (mIsVideoCaptureIntent && myExtras != null) { Uri saveUri = (Uri) myExtras.getParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT); if (saveUri != null) { try { mVideoFileDescriptor = mContentResolver.openFileDescriptor(saveUri, "rw"); mCurrentVideoUri = saveUri; } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException ex) { // invalid uri Log.e(TAG, ex.toString()); } } requestedSizeLimit = myExtras.getLong(MediaStore.EXTRA_SIZE_LIMIT); } mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); // Unlock the camera object before passing it to media recorder. mCameraDevice.unlock(); mMediaRecorder.setCamera(mCameraDevice); if (!mCaptureTimeLapse) { mMediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.CAMCORDER); } mMediaRecorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); mMediaRecorder.setProfile(mProfile); if (mMaxVideoDurationInMs != 0) { mMediaRecorder.setMaxDuration(mMaxVideoDurationInMs); } if (mCaptureTimeLapse) { mMediaRecorder.setCaptureRate((1000 / (double) mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureMs)); } // Set output file. if (mStorageStatus != STORAGE_STATUS_OK) { mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile("/dev/null"); } else { // Try Uri in the intent first. If it doesn't exist, use our own // instead. if (mVideoFileDescriptor != null) { mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile(mVideoFileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor()); try { mVideoFileDescriptor.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Fail to close fd", e); } } else { createVideoPath(mProfile.fileFormat); mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile(mVideoFilename); } } mMediaRecorder.setPreviewDisplay(mSurfaceHolder.getSurface()); // Set maximum file size. // remaining >= LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD at this point, reserve a quarter // of that to make it more likely that recording can complete // successfully. long maxFileSize = getAvailableStorage() - LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD / 4; if (requestedSizeLimit > 0 && requestedSizeLimit < maxFileSize) { maxFileSize = requestedSizeLimit; } try { mMediaRecorder.setMaxFileSize(maxFileSize); } catch (RuntimeException exception) { // We are going to ignore failure of setMaxFileSize here, as // a) The composer selected may simply not support it, or // b) The underlying media framework may not handle 64-bit range // on the size restriction. } // See android.hardware.Camera.Parameters.setRotation for // documentation. int rotation = 0; if (mOrientation != OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) { CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId]; if (info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) { rotation = (info.orientation - mOrientation + 360) % 360; } else { // back-facing camera rotation = (info.orientation + mOrientation) % 360; } } mMediaRecorder.setOrientationHint(rotation); mOrientationHint = rotation; try { mMediaRecorder.prepare(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "prepare failed for " + mVideoFilename, e); releaseMediaRecorder(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } mMediaRecorder.setOnErrorListener(this); mMediaRecorder.setOnInfoListener(this); } private void releaseMediaRecorder() { Log.v(TAG, "Releasing media recorder."); if (mMediaRecorder != null) { cleanupEmptyFile(); mMediaRecorder.reset(); mMediaRecorder.release(); mMediaRecorder = null; } // Take back the camera object control from media recorder. Camera // device may be null if the activity is paused. if (mCameraDevice != null) mCameraDevice.lock(); } private void createVideoPath(int outputFileFormat) { long dateTaken = System.currentTimeMillis(); String title = createName(dateTaken); String filename = title + ".3gp"; // Used when emailing. String mime = "video/3gpp"; if (outputFileFormat == MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.MPEG_4) { filename = title + ".mp4"; mime = "video/mp4"; } String cameraDirPath = ImageManager.CAMERA_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME; String filePath = cameraDirPath + "/" + filename; File cameraDir = new File(cameraDirPath); cameraDir.mkdirs(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(7); values.put(Video.Media.TITLE, title); values.put(Video.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, filename); values.put(Video.Media.DATE_TAKEN, dateTaken); values.put(Video.Media.MIME_TYPE, mime); values.put(Video.Media.DATA, filePath); mVideoFilename = filePath; Log.v(TAG, "Current camera video filename: " + mVideoFilename); mCurrentVideoValues = values; } private void registerVideo() { if (mVideoFileDescriptor == null) { Uri videoTable = Uri.parse("content://media/external/video/media"); mCurrentVideoValues.put(Video.Media.SIZE, new File(mCurrentVideoFilename).length()); try { mCurrentVideoUri = mContentResolver.insert(videoTable, mCurrentVideoValues); } catch (Exception e) { // We failed to insert into the database. This can happen if // the SD card is unmounted. mCurrentVideoUri = null; mCurrentVideoFilename = null; } finally { Log.v(TAG, "Current video URI: " + mCurrentVideoUri); } } mCurrentVideoValues = null; } private void deleteCurrentVideo() { if (mCurrentVideoFilename != null) { deleteVideoFile(mCurrentVideoFilename); mCurrentVideoFilename = null; } if (mCurrentVideoUri != null) { mContentResolver.delete(mCurrentVideoUri, null, null); mCurrentVideoUri = null; } updateAndShowStorageHint(true); } private void deleteVideoFile(String fileName) { Log.v(TAG, "Deleting video " + fileName); File f = new File(fileName); if (!f.delete()) { Log.v(TAG, "Could not delete " + fileName); } } private void addBaseMenuItems(Menu menu) { MenuHelper.addSwitchModeMenuItem(menu, false, new Runnable() { public void run() { switchToCameraMode(); } }); MenuItem gallery = menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, MenuHelper.POSITION_GOTO_GALLERY, R.string.camera_gallery_photos_text) .setOnMenuItemClickListener( new OnMenuItemClickListener() { public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { gotoGallery(); return true; } }); gallery.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_gallery); mGalleryItems.add(gallery); if (mNumberOfCameras > 1) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, MenuHelper.POSITION_SWITCH_CAMERA_ID, R.string.switch_camera_id) .setOnMenuItemClickListener(new OnMenuItemClickListener() { public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { CameraSettings.writePreferredCameraId(mPreferences, ((mCameraId == mFrontCameraId) ? mBackCameraId : mFrontCameraId)); onSharedPreferenceChanged(); return true; } }).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_camera); } } private void switchCameraId(int cameraId) { if (mPausing) return; mCameraId = cameraId; finishRecorderAndCloseCamera(); // Reload the preferences. mPreferences.setLocalId(this, mCameraId); CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal()); // Read media profile again because camera id is changed. openCamera(); readVideoPreferences(); resizeForPreviewAspectRatio(); startPreview(); // Reload the UI. initializeHeadUpDisplay(); initializeControlPanel(); } private PreferenceGroup filterPreferenceScreenByIntent( PreferenceGroup screen) { Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.hasExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY)) { CameraSettings.removePreferenceFromScreen(screen, CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); } if (intent.hasExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT)) { CameraSettings.removePreferenceFromScreen(screen, CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); } return screen; } // from MediaRecorder.OnErrorListener public void onError(MediaRecorder mr, int what, int extra) { if (what == MediaRecorder.MEDIA_RECORDER_ERROR_UNKNOWN) { // We may have run out of space on the sdcard. stopVideoRecording(); updateAndShowStorageHint(true); } } // from MediaRecorder.OnInfoListener public void onInfo(MediaRecorder mr, int what, int extra) { if (what == MediaRecorder.MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED) { if (mMediaRecorderRecording) onStopVideoRecording(true); } else if (what == MediaRecorder.MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED) { if (mMediaRecorderRecording) onStopVideoRecording(true); // Show the toast. Toast.makeText(VideoCamera.this, R.string.video_reach_size_limit, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } /* * Make sure we're not recording music playing in the background, ask the * MediaPlaybackService to pause playback. */ private void pauseAudioPlayback() { // Shamelessly copied from MediaPlaybackService.java, which // should be public, but isn't. Intent i = new Intent("com.android.music.musicservicecommand"); i.putExtra("command", "pause"); sendBroadcast(i); } private void startVideoRecording() { Log.v(TAG, "startVideoRecording"); if (mStorageStatus != STORAGE_STATUS_OK) { Log.v(TAG, "Storage issue, ignore the start request"); return; } initializeRecorder(); if (mMediaRecorder == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Fail to initialize media recorder"); return; } pauseAudioPlayback(); try { mMediaRecorder.start(); // Recording is now started } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not start media recorder. ", e); releaseMediaRecorder(); return; } enableCameraControls(false); mMediaRecorderRecording = true; mRecordingStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); updateRecordingIndicator(false); mRecordingTimeView.setText(""); mRecordingTimeView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (mCameraPicker != null) mCameraPicker.setEnabled(false); updateRecordingTime(); keepScreenOn(); } private void updateRecordingIndicator(boolean showRecording) { if (showRecording) { mShutterButton.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.btn_ic_video_record)); mShutterButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_shutter); } else { mShutterButton.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.btn_ic_video_record_stop)); mShutterButton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_shutter_recording); } } private void getThumbnail() { acquireVideoThumb(); } private void showAlert() { if (mControlPanel == null) { fadeOut(findViewById(R.id.shutter_button)); } if (mCurrentVideoFilename != null) { Bitmap src = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail( mCurrentVideoFilename, Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); // MetadataRetriever already rotates the thumbnail. We should rotate // it back (and mirror if it is front-facing camera). CameraInfo[] info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo(); if (info[mCameraId].facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK) { src = Util.rotateAndMirror(src, -mOrientationHint, false); } else { src = Util.rotateAndMirror(src, -mOrientationHint, true); } mVideoFrame.setImageBitmap(src); mVideoFrame.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } int[] pickIds = {R.id.btn_retake, R.id.btn_done, R.id.btn_play}; for (int id : pickIds) { View button = findViewById(id); fadeIn(((View) button.getParent())); } // Remove the text of the cancel button View view = findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel); if (view instanceof Button) ((Button) view).setText(""); } private void hideAlert() { mVideoFrame.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); fadeIn(findViewById(R.id.shutter_button)); mShutterButton.setEnabled(true); if (mCameraPicker != null) mCameraPicker.setEnabled(true); // Restore the text of the cancel button View view = findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel); if (view instanceof Button) { ((Button) view).setText(R.string.review_cancel); } int[] pickIds = {R.id.btn_retake, R.id.btn_done, R.id.btn_play}; for (int id : pickIds) { View button = findViewById(id); ((View) button.getParent()).setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private static void fadeIn(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0F, 1F); animation.setDuration(500); view.startAnimation(animation); } private static void fadeOut(View view) { view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); Animation animation = new AlphaAnimation(1F, 0F); animation.setDuration(500); view.startAnimation(animation); } private boolean isAlertVisible() { return this.mVideoFrame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; } private void viewVideo(RotateImageView view) { if(view.isUriValid()) { Intent intent = new Intent(Util.REVIEW_ACTION, view.getUri()); try { startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) { try { intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, view.getUri()); startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "review video fail. uri=" + view.getUri(), e); } } } else { Log.e(TAG, "Uri invalid. uri=" + view.getUri()); } } private void stopVideoRecording() { Log.v(TAG, "stopVideoRecording"); if (mMediaRecorderRecording) { boolean needToRegisterRecording = false; mMediaRecorder.setOnErrorListener(null); mMediaRecorder.setOnInfoListener(null); try { mMediaRecorder.stop(); mCurrentVideoFilename = mVideoFilename; Log.v(TAG, "Setting current video filename: " + mCurrentVideoFilename); needToRegisterRecording = true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "stop fail: " + e.getMessage()); deleteVideoFile(mVideoFilename); } mMediaRecorderRecording = false; enableCameraControls(true); updateRecordingIndicator(true); mRecordingTimeView.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent) { if (mCameraPicker != null) mCameraPicker.setEnabled(true); } keepScreenOnAwhile(); if (needToRegisterRecording && mStorageStatus == STORAGE_STATUS_OK) { registerVideo(); } mVideoFilename = null; mVideoFileDescriptor = null; } releaseMediaRecorder(); // always release media recorder } private void resetScreenOn() { mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } private void keepScreenOnAwhile() { mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY); getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY, SCREEN_DELAY); } private void keepScreenOn() { mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY); getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } private void acquireVideoThumb() { if (mThumbnailButton != null) { Bitmap videoFrame = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail( mCurrentVideoFilename, Video.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); mThumbnailButton.setData(mCurrentVideoUri, videoFrame); if (videoFrame != null) { mThumbnailButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } } private void initThumbnailButton() { mThumbnailButton = (RotateImageView)findViewById(R.id.review_thumbnail); if (mThumbnailButton != null) { mThumbnailButton.setOnClickListener(this); mThumbnailButton.loadData(ImageManager.getLastVideoThumbPath()); } } private void updateThumbnailButton() { if (mThumbnailButton == null) return; if (!mThumbnailButton.isUriValid()) { IImageList list = ImageManager.makeImageList( mContentResolver, dataLocation(), ImageManager.INCLUDE_VIDEOS, ImageManager.SORT_ASCENDING, ImageManager.CAMERA_IMAGE_BUCKET_ID); int count = list.getCount(); if (count > 0) { IImage image = list.getImageAt(count - 1); Uri uri = image.fullSizeImageUri(); mThumbnailButton.setData(uri, image.miniThumbBitmap()); } else { mThumbnailButton.setData(null, null); } list.close(); } mThumbnailButton.setVisibility( (mThumbnailButton.getUri() != null) ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } private static ImageManager.DataLocation dataLocation() { return ImageManager.DataLocation.EXTERNAL; } private static String millisecondToTimeString(long milliSeconds, boolean displayCentiSeconds) { long seconds = milliSeconds / 1000; // round down to compute seconds long minutes = seconds / 60; long hours = minutes / 60; long remainderMinutes = minutes - (hours * 60); long remainderSeconds = seconds - (minutes * 60); StringBuilder timeStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Hours if (hours > 0) { if (hours < 10) { timeStringBuilder.append('0'); } timeStringBuilder.append(hours); timeStringBuilder.append(':'); } // Minutes if (remainderMinutes < 10) { timeStringBuilder.append('0'); } timeStringBuilder.append(remainderMinutes); timeStringBuilder.append(':'); // Seconds if (remainderSeconds < 10) { timeStringBuilder.append('0'); } timeStringBuilder.append(remainderSeconds); // Centi seconds if (displayCentiSeconds) { timeStringBuilder.append('.'); long remainderCentiSeconds = (milliSeconds - seconds * 1000) / 10; if (remainderCentiSeconds < 10) { timeStringBuilder.append('0'); } timeStringBuilder.append(remainderCentiSeconds); } return timeStringBuilder.toString(); } // Calculates the time lapse video length till now and returns it in // the format hh:mm:ss.dd, where dd are the centi seconds. private String getTimeLapseVideoLengthString(long deltaMs) { // For better approximation calculate fractional number of frames captured. // This will update the video time at a higher resolution. double numberOfFrames = (double) deltaMs / mTimeBetweenTimeLapseFrameCaptureMs; long videoTimeMs = (long) (numberOfFrames / (double) mProfile.videoFrameRate * 1000); return millisecondToTimeString(videoTimeMs, true); } private void updateRecordingTime() { if (!mMediaRecorderRecording) { return; } long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); long delta = now - mRecordingStartTime; // Starting a minute before reaching the max duration // limit, we'll countdown the remaining time instead. boolean countdownRemainingTime = (mMaxVideoDurationInMs != 0 && delta >= mMaxVideoDurationInMs - 60000); long deltaAdjusted = delta; if (countdownRemainingTime) { deltaAdjusted = Math.max(0, mMaxVideoDurationInMs - deltaAdjusted) + 999; } String text = millisecondToTimeString(deltaAdjusted, false); if (mCaptureTimeLapse) { // Since the length of time lapse video is different from the length // of the actual wall clock time elapsed, we display the video length // alongside the wall clock time. text += " (" + getTimeLapseVideoLengthString(delta) + ")"; } mRecordingTimeView.setText(text); if (mRecordingTimeCountsDown != countdownRemainingTime) { // Avoid setting the color on every update, do it only // when it needs changing. mRecordingTimeCountsDown = countdownRemainingTime; int color = getResources().getColor(countdownRemainingTime ? R.color.recording_time_remaining_text : R.color.recording_time_elapsed_text); mRecordingTimeView.setTextColor(color); } long nextUpdateDelay = 1000 - (delta % 1000); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( UPDATE_RECORD_TIME, nextUpdateDelay); } private static boolean isSupported(String value, List supported) { return supported == null ? false : supported.indexOf(value) >= 0; } private void setCameraParameters() { mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); mParameters.setPreviewSize(mDesiredPreviewWidth, mDesiredPreviewHeight); mParameters.setPreviewFrameRate(mProfile.videoFrameRate); // Set flash mode. String flashMode = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE, getString(R.string.pref_camera_video_flashmode_default)); List supportedFlash = mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes(); if (isSupported(flashMode, supportedFlash)) { mParameters.setFlashMode(flashMode); } else { flashMode = mParameters.getFlashMode(); if (flashMode == null) { flashMode = getString( R.string.pref_camera_flashmode_no_flash); } } // Set white balance parameter. String whiteBalance = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE, getString(R.string.pref_camera_whitebalance_default)); if (isSupported(whiteBalance, mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance())) { mParameters.setWhiteBalance(whiteBalance); } else { whiteBalance = mParameters.getWhiteBalance(); if (whiteBalance == null) { whiteBalance = Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO; } } // Set color effect parameter. String colorEffect = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_COLOR_EFFECT, getString(R.string.pref_camera_coloreffect_default)); if (isSupported(colorEffect, mParameters.getSupportedColorEffects())) { mParameters.setColorEffect(colorEffect); } mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters); // Keep preview size up to date. mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); } private boolean switchToCameraMode() { if (isFinishing() || mMediaRecorderRecording) return false; MenuHelper.gotoCameraMode(VideoCamera.this); finish(); return true; } public boolean onSwitchChanged(Switcher source, boolean onOff) { if (onOff == SWITCH_CAMERA) { return switchToCameraMode(); } else { return true; } } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) { super.onConfigurationChanged(config); // If the camera resumes behind the lock screen, the orientation // will be portrait. That causes OOM when we try to allocation GPU // memory for the GLSurfaceView again when the orientation changes. So, // we delayed initialization of HeadUpDisplay until the orientation // becomes landscape. changeHeadUpDisplayState(); } public void onSizeChanged() { // TODO: update the content on GLRootView } private class MyHeadUpDisplayListener implements HeadUpDisplay.Listener { public void onSharedPreferenceChanged() { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { VideoCamera.this.onSharedPreferenceChanged(); } }); } public void onRestorePreferencesClicked() { mHandler.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { VideoCamera.this.onRestorePreferencesClicked(); } }); } public void onPopupWindowVisibilityChanged(final int visibility) { } } private void onRestorePreferencesClicked() { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { restorePreferences(); } }; MenuHelper.confirmAction(this, getString(R.string.confirm_restore_title), getString(R.string.confirm_restore_message), runnable); } private void restorePreferences() { if (mHeadUpDisplay != null) { mHeadUpDisplay.restorePreferences(mParameters); } if (mControlPanel != null) { mControlPanel.dismissSettingPopup(); CameraSettings.restorePreferences(VideoCamera.this, mPreferences, mParameters); initializeControlPanel(); onSharedPreferenceChanged(); } } private void onSharedPreferenceChanged() { // ignore the events after "onPause()" or preview has not started yet if (mPausing) return; synchronized (mPreferences) { // If mCameraDevice is not ready then we can set the parameter in // startPreview(). if (mCameraDevice == null) return; // Check if camera id is changed. int cameraId = CameraSettings.readPreferredCameraId(mPreferences); if (mCameraId != cameraId) { switchCameraId(cameraId); } else { readVideoPreferences(); // We need to restart the preview if preview size is changed. Size size = mParameters.getPreviewSize(); if (size.width != mDesiredPreviewWidth || size.height != mDesiredPreviewHeight) { mCameraDevice.stopPreview(); resizeForPreviewAspectRatio(); startPreview(); // Parameters will be set in startPreview(). } else { setCameraParameters(); } } showTimeLapseLabel(mCaptureTimeLapse); } } private void showTimeLapseLabel(boolean enable) { if (mTimeLapseLabel == null) return; mTimeLapseLabel.setVisibility(enable ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } private class MyControlPanelListener implements ControlPanel.Listener { public void onSharedPreferenceChanged() { VideoCamera.this.onSharedPreferenceChanged(); } public void onRestorePreferencesClicked() { VideoCamera.this.onRestorePreferencesClicked(); } } private class MyCameraPickerListener implements CameraPicker.Listener { public void onSharedPreferenceChanged() { VideoCamera.this.onSharedPreferenceChanged(); } } @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent m) { // Check if the popup window should be dismissed first. if (mPopupGestureDetector != null && mPopupGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(m)) { return true; } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(m); } private int mPopupLocations[] = new int[2]; private class PopupGestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener { public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { // Check if the popup window is visible. View v = mControlPanel.getActivePopupWindow(); if (v == null) return false; int x = Math.round(e.getX()); int y = Math.round(e.getY()); // Dismiss the popup window if users touch on the outside. v.getLocationOnScreen(mPopupLocations); if (x < mPopupLocations[0] || x > mPopupLocations[0] + v.getWidth() || y < mPopupLocations[1] || y > mPopupLocations[1] + v.getHeight()) { mControlPanel.dismissSettingPopup(); // Let event fall through. } return false; } } }