America Europe Africa Asia Australia Pacific All 15 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 15000 30000 60000 120000 300000 600000 1800000 Never 15 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 0 15000 30000 60000 120000 300000 600000 1800000 Immediately 5 seconds 15 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 0 5000 15000 30000 60000 120000 300000 600000 1800000 Small Normal Large Huge 0.85 1.0 1.15 1.30 Very slow Slow Normal Fast Faster Very fast Rapid Very rapid Fastest 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Very low Low Normal High Very high 50 80 100 120 150 This is an example of speech synthesis in English. Voici un échantillon de synthèse vocale en français. Dies ist ein Beispiel für Sprachsynthese in Deutsch. Questo è un esempio di sintesi vocale in italiano. Este es un ejemplo de síntesis de voz en español. 이것은 한국어 음성 합성의 예입니다. eng fra deu ita spa kor Scanning\u2026 Connecting\u2026 Authenticating\u2026 Obtaining IP address\u2026 Connected Suspended Disconnecting\u2026 Disconnected Unsuccessful Blocked Temporarily avoiding poor connection Scanning\u2026 Connecting to %1$s\u2026 Authenticating with %1$s\u2026 Obtaining IP address from %1$s\u2026 Connected to %1$s Suspended Disconnecting from %1$s\u2026 Disconnected Unsuccessful Blocked Temporarily avoiding poor connection @string/wifi_security_none @string/wifi_security_wep @string/wifi_security_psk_generic @string/wifi_security_eap @string/wifi_security_none @string/wifi_security_wep @string/wifi_security_psk_generic @string/wifi_security_none @string/wifi_security_wpa2 PEAP TLS TTLS PWD SIM AKA AKA\' @string/wifi_ap_choose_2G @string/wifi_ap_choose_5G @string/wifi_ap_choose_2G Push button PIN from peer device PIN from this device Connected Invited Unsuccessful Available Out-of-range 2 minutes 5 minutes 1 hour Never time out Poor Fair Good Excellent Always Only when plugged in Never Always Only when plugged in Never 2 1 0 Last 30 days Set usage cycle... Automatic 5 GHz only 2.4 GHz only 0 1 2 Usage time Last time used App name PEAP TLS TTLS PWD None MSCHAPV2 GTC None PAP MSCHAP MSCHAPV2 GTC DHCP Static None Manual Proxy Auto-Config None PAP CHAP PAP or CHAP 0 1 2 3 IPv4 IPv6 IPv4/IPv6 IP IPV6 IPV4V6 Unspecified LTE HSPAP HSPA HSUPA HSDPA UMTS EDGE GPRS eHRPD EVDO_B EVDO_A EVDO_0 1xRTT IS95B IS95A 0 14 15 11 10 9 3 2 1 13 12 8 7 6 5 4 None SPN IMSI GID spn imsi gid Internal device storage Removable SD card Let the system decide device sdcard auto Location Personal Messaging Media Device coarse location fine location GPS vibrate read contacts modify contacts read call log modify call log read calendar modify calendar wi-fi scan notification cell scan call phone read SMS write SMS receive SMS receive emergency SMS receive MMS receive WAP push send SMS read ICC SMS write ICC SMS modify settings draw on top access notifications camera record audio play audio read clipboard modify clipboard media buttons audio focus master volume voice volume ring volume media volume alarm volume notification volume bluetooth volume keep awake monitor location monitor high power location get usage stats mute/unmute microphone project media activate VPN write wallpaper assist structure assist screenshot Location Location Location Vibrate Read contacts Modify contacts Read call log Modify call log Read calendar Modify calendar Location Post notification Location Call phone Read SMS/MMS Write SMS/MMS Receive SMS/MMS Receive SMS/MMS Receive SMS/MMS Receive SMS/MMS Send SMS/MMS Read SMS/MMS Write SMS/MMS Modify settings Draw on top Access notifications Camera Record audio Play audio Read clipboard Modify clipboard Media buttons Audio focus Master volume Voice volume Ring volume Media volume Alarm volume Notification volume Bluetooth volume Keep awake Location Location Get usage stats Mute/unmute microphone Project media Activate VPN Write wallpaper Assist structure Assist screenshot Short Medium Long 500 1000 1500 Default Sans-serif Sans-serif condensed Sans-serif monospace Serif Serif monospace Casual Cursive Small capitals sans-serif sans-serif-condensed sans-serif-monospace serif serif-monospace casual cursive sans-serif-smallcaps Very small Small Normal Large Very large 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Default None Outline Drop shadow Raised Depressed -1 0 1 2 3 4 @string/color_unspecified @string/color_white @string/color_black @string/color_red @string/color_yellow @string/color_green @string/color_cyan @string/color_blue @string/color_magenta 0x00000100 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFF000000 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFFFF00 0xFF00FF00 0xFF00FFFF 0xFF0000FF 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF000055 0xFF0000AA 0xFF005500 0xFF005555 0xFF0055AA 0xFF0055FF 0xFF00AA00 0xFF00AA55 0xFF00AAAA 0xFF00AAFF 0xFF00FF55 0xFF00FFAA 0xFF550000 0xFF550055 0xFF5500AA 0xFF5500FF 0xFF555500 0xFF555555 0xFF5555AA 0xFF5555FF 0xFF55AA00 0xFF55AA55 0xFF55AAAA 0xFF55AAFF 0xFF55FF00 0xFF55FF55 0xFF55FFAA 0xFF55FFFF 0xFFAA0000 0xFFAA0055 0xFFAA00AA 0xFFAA00FF 0xFFAA5500 0xFFAA5555 0xFFAA55AA 0xFFAA55FF 0xFFAAAA00 0xFFAAAA55 0xFFAAAAAA 0xFFAAAAFF 0xFFAAFF00 0xFFAAFF55 0xFFAAFFAA 0xFFAAFFFF 0xFFFF0055 0xFFFF00AA 0xFFFF5500 0xFFFF5555 0xFFFF55AA 0xFFFF55FF 0xFFFFAA00 0xFFFFAA55 0xFFFFAAAA 0xFFFFAAFF 0xFFFFFF55 0xFFFFFFAA 25% 50% 75% 100% 0x40FFFFFF 0x80FFFFFF 0xC0FFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFF Use app defaults White on black Black on white Yellow on black Yellow on blue Custom 4 0 1 2 3 -1 64K 256K 1M 4M 16M 64K 256K 1M 65536 262144 1048576 4194304 16777216 64K per log buffer 256K per log buffer 1M per log buffer 4M per log buffer 16M per log buffer Never check Check for DRM content only Always check never drm-only always Never use HDCP checking Use HDCP checking for DRM content only Always use HDCP checking Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 Animation off Animation scale .5x Animation scale 1x Animation scale 1.5x Animation scale 2x Animation scale 5x Animation scale 10x 0 .5 1 1.5 2 5 10 None 480p 480p (secure) 720p 720p (secure) 1080p 1080p (secure) 4K 4K (secure) 4K (upscaled) 4K (upscaled, secure) 720p, 1080p (dual screen) 720x480/142 720x480/142,secure 1280x720/213 1280x720/213,secure 1920x1080/320 1920x1080/320,secure 3840x2160/320 3840x2160/320,secure 1920x1080/320|3840x2160/640 1920x1080/320|3840x2160/640,secure 1280x720/213;1920x1080/320 None Logcat Systrace (Graphics) Call stack on glGetError 0 1 systrace error Off Draw non-rectangular clip region in blue Highlight tested drawing commands in green hide region highlight Off On screen as bars In adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo false visual_bars true Off Show overdraw areas Show areas for Deuteranomaly false show show_deuteranomaly Standard limit No background processes At most 1 process At most 2 processes At most 3 processes At most 4 processes -1 0 1 2 3 4 PPTP L2TP/IPSec PSK L2TP/IPSec RSA IPSec Xauth PSK IPSec Xauth RSA IPSec Hybrid RSA PPTP VPN L2TP/IPSec VPN with pre-shared keys L2TP/IPSec VPN with certificates IPSec VPN with pre-shared keys and Xauth authentication IPSec VPN with certificates and Xauth authentication IPSec VPN with certificates and hybrid authentication Disconnected Initializing\u2026 Connecting\u2026 Connected Timeout Unsuccessful Ascended being Human Neanderthal Chimp Monkey 5 4 3 2 1 Ask Never allow Always allow Normal Moderate Low Critical \? @color/memory_normal @color/memory_moderate @color/memory_low @color/memory_critical @string/daltonizer_mode_deuteranomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_protanomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_tritanomaly 12 11 13 @string/daltonizer_mode_disabled @string/daltonizer_mode_monochromacy @string/daltonizer_mode_deuteranomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_protanomaly @string/daltonizer_mode_tritanomaly -1 0 2 1 3 0 5 15 Normal Moderate Low Critical Persistent Top activity Important (foreground) Important (background) Backup Heavy weight Service (running) Service (restarting) Receiver Home Last activity Cached (activity) Cached (activity client) Cached (empty) Teal Blue Indigo Purple Pink Red @string/usb_use_charging_only MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) RNDIS (USB Ethernet) Audio Source MIDI none mtp ptp rndis audio_source midi @string/night_mode_no @string/night_mode_yes @string/night_mode_auto 1 2 0 @string/usb_use_charging_only @string/usb_use_file_transfers @string/usb_use_photo_transfers @string/usb_use_MIDI