/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "com_android_nfc.h" static phNfc_sData_t *com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_buffer; static phNfc_sData_t *com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_buffer; static phNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t* SecureElementInfo; static int secureElementHandle; extern void *gHWRef; static int SecureElementTech; extern uint8_t device_connected_flag; namespace android { static void com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback ( void* pContext, phNfc_sData_t* Outparam_Cb, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; if (status == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS ) { LOG_CALLBACK("> IOCTL successful",status); } else { LOG_CALLBACK("> IOCTL error",status); } com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_buffer = Outparam_Cb; pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } static void com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_callback(void *pContext, phLibNfc_Handle handle, phNfc_sData_t *pResBuffer, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; LOG_CALLBACK("com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_callback", status); com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_buffer = pResBuffer; pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } static void com_android_nfc_jni_connect_callback(void *pContext, phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDev, phLibNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t *psRemoteDevInfo, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; LOG_CALLBACK("com_android_nfc_jni_connect_callback", status); pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } static void com_android_nfc_jni_disconnect_callback(void *pContext, phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDev, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; LOG_CALLBACK("com_android_nfc_jni_disconnect_callback", status); pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } /* Set Secure Element mode callback*/ static void com_android_nfc_jni_smartMX_setModeCb (void* pContext, phLibNfc_Handle hSecureElement, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; if(status==NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { LOG_CALLBACK("SE Set Mode is Successful",status); TRACE("SE Handle: %lu", hSecureElement); } else { LOG_CALLBACK("SE Set Mode is failed\n ",status); } pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } static void com_android_nfc_jni_open_secure_element_notification_callback(void *pContext, phLibNfc_RemoteDevList_t *psRemoteDevList, uint8_t uNofRemoteDev, NFCSTATUS status) { struct nfc_jni_callback_data * pContextData = (struct nfc_jni_callback_data*)pContext; NFCSTATUS ret; int i; JNIEnv *e = nfc_get_env(); if(status == NFCSTATUS_DESELECTED) { LOG_CALLBACK("com_android_nfc_jni_open_secure_element_notification_callback: Target deselected", status); } else { LOG_CALLBACK("com_android_nfc_jni_open_secure_element_notification_callback", status); TRACE("Discovered %d secure elements", uNofRemoteDev); if(status == NFCSTATUS_MULTIPLE_PROTOCOLS) { bool foundHandle = false; TRACE("Multiple Protocol supported\n"); for (i=0; iRemDevType); if (psRemoteDevList[i].psRemoteDevInfo->RemDevType == phNfc_eISO14443_A_PICC) { secureElementHandle = psRemoteDevList[i].hTargetDev; foundHandle = true; } } if (!foundHandle) { ALOGE("Could not find ISO-DEP secure element"); status = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; goto clean_and_return; } } else { secureElementHandle = psRemoteDevList->hTargetDev; } TRACE("Secure Element Handle: 0x%08x", secureElementHandle); /* Set type name */ jintArray techList; nfc_jni_get_technology_tree(e, psRemoteDevList,uNofRemoteDev, &techList, NULL, NULL); // TODO: Should use the "connected" technology, for now use the first if ((techList != NULL) && e->GetArrayLength(techList) > 0) { e->GetIntArrayRegion(techList, 0, 1, &SecureElementTech); TRACE("Store Secure Element Info\n"); SecureElementInfo = psRemoteDevList->psRemoteDevInfo; TRACE("Discovered secure element: tech=%d", SecureElementTech); } else { ALOGE("Discovered secure element, but could not resolve tech"); status = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } // This thread may not return to the virtual machine for a long time // so make sure to delete the local refernce to the tech list. e->DeleteLocalRef(techList); } clean_and_return: pContextData->status = status; sem_post(&pContextData->sem); } static jint com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doOpenSecureElementConnection(JNIEnv *e, jobject o) { NFCSTATUS ret; int semResult; phLibNfc_SE_List_t SE_List[PHLIBNFC_MAXNO_OF_SE]; uint8_t i, No_SE = PHLIBNFC_MAXNO_OF_SE, SmartMX_index=0, SmartMX_detected = 0; phLibNfc_sADD_Cfg_t discovery_cfg; phLibNfc_Registry_Info_t registry_info; phNfc_sData_t InParam; phNfc_sData_t OutParam; uint8_t ExternalRFDetected[3] = {0x00, 0xFC, 0x01}; uint8_t GpioGetValue[3] = {0x00, 0xF8, 0x2B}; uint8_t GpioSetValue[4]; uint8_t gpioValue; uint8_t Output_Buff[10]; uint8_t reg_value; uint8_t mask_value; struct nfc_jni_callback_data cb_data; struct nfc_jni_callback_data cb_data_SE_Notification; /* Create the local semaphore */ if (!nfc_cb_data_init(&cb_data, NULL)) { goto clean_and_return; } /* Create the local semaphore */ if (!nfc_cb_data_init(&cb_data_SE_Notification, NULL)) { goto clean_and_return; } /* Registery */ registry_info.MifareUL = TRUE; registry_info.MifareStd = TRUE; registry_info.ISO14443_4A = TRUE; registry_info.ISO14443_4B = TRUE; registry_info.Jewel = TRUE; registry_info.Felica = TRUE; registry_info.NFC = FALSE; CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); TRACE("Open Secure Element"); /* Check if NFC device is already connected to a tag or P2P peer */ if (device_connected_flag == 1) { ALOGD("Unable to open SE connection, device already connected to a P2P peer or a Tag"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Test if External RF field is detected */ InParam.buffer = ExternalRFDetected; InParam.length = 3; OutParam.buffer = Output_Buff; TRACE("phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl()"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); ret = phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl(gHWRef,NFC_MEM_READ,&InParam, &OutParam,com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(ret!=NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("IOCTL status error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("IOCTL semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("READ MEM ERROR"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Check the value */ reg_value = com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_buffer->buffer[0]; mask_value = reg_value & 0x40; if(mask_value == 0x40) { // There is an external RF field present, fail the open request ALOGD("Unable to open SE connection, external RF Field detected"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Get Secure Element List */ TRACE("phLibNfc_SE_GetSecureElementList()"); ret = phLibNfc_SE_GetSecureElementList( SE_List, &No_SE); if (ret == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE("\n> Number of Secure Element(s) : %d\n", No_SE); /* Display Secure Element information */ for (i = 0; i SMX detected"); TRACE("> Secure Element Handle : %d\n", SE_List[i].hSecureElement); /* save SMARTMX index */ SmartMX_detected = 1; SmartMX_index = i; } } if(SmartMX_detected) { REENTRANCE_LOCK(); TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_NtfRegister()"); ret = phLibNfc_RemoteDev_NtfRegister(®istry_info, com_android_nfc_jni_open_secure_element_notification_callback, (void *)&cb_data_SE_Notification); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(ret != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Register Notification error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Set wired mode */ REENTRANCE_LOCK(); TRACE("phLibNfc_SE_SetMode: Wired mode"); ret = phLibNfc_SE_SetMode( SE_List[SmartMX_index].hSecureElement, phLibNfc_SE_ActModeWired, com_android_nfc_jni_smartMX_setModeCb, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if (ret != NFCSTATUS_PENDING ) { ALOGE("\n> SE Set SmartMX mode ERROR \n" ); goto clean_and_return; } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("Secure Element opening error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("SE set mode failed"); goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("Waiting for notification"); /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data_SE_Notification.sem)) { ALOGE("Secure Element opening error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data_SE_Notification.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS && cb_data_SE_Notification.status != NFCSTATUS_MULTIPLE_PROTOCOLS) { ALOGE("SE detection failed"); goto clean_and_return; } CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); /* Connect Tag */ CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Connect(SMX)"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); ret = phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Connect(secureElementHandle, com_android_nfc_jni_connect_callback,(void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(ret != NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Connect(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", ret, nfc_jni_get_status_name(ret)); goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Connect(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", ret, nfc_jni_get_status_name(ret)); /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("CONNECT semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Connect Status */ if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Secure Element connect error"); goto clean_and_return; } CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); /* Get GPIO information */ CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); InParam.buffer = GpioGetValue; InParam.length = 3; OutParam.buffer = Output_Buff; TRACE("phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl()- GPIO Get Value"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); ret = phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl(gHWRef,NFC_MEM_READ,&InParam, &OutParam,com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(ret!=NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("IOCTL status error"); } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("IOCTL semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("READ MEM ERROR"); goto clean_and_return; } gpioValue = com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_buffer->buffer[0]; TRACE("GpioValue = Ox%02x",gpioValue); /* Set GPIO information */ GpioSetValue[0] = 0x00; GpioSetValue[1] = 0xF8; GpioSetValue[2] = 0x2B; GpioSetValue[3] = (gpioValue | 0x40); TRACE("GpioValue to be set = Ox%02x",GpioSetValue[3]); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { TRACE("0x%02x",GpioSetValue[i]); } InParam.buffer = GpioSetValue; InParam.length = 4; OutParam.buffer = Output_Buff; TRACE("phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl()- GPIO Set Value"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); ret = phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl(gHWRef,NFC_MEM_WRITE,&InParam, &OutParam,com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(ret!=NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("IOCTL status error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("IOCTL semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("READ MEM ERROR"); goto clean_and_return; } CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data); nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data_SE_Notification); /* Return the Handle of the SecureElement */ return secureElementHandle; } else { ALOGE("phLibNfc_SE_GetSecureElementList(): No SMX detected"); goto clean_and_return; } } else { ALOGE("phLibNfc_SE_GetSecureElementList(): Error"); goto clean_and_return; } clean_and_return: nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data); nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data_SE_Notification); CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); return 0; } static jboolean com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doDisconnect(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jint handle) { jclass cls; jfieldID f; NFCSTATUS status; jboolean result = JNI_FALSE; phLibNfc_SE_List_t SE_List[PHLIBNFC_MAXNO_OF_SE]; uint8_t i, No_SE = PHLIBNFC_MAXNO_OF_SE, SmartMX_index=0, SmartMX_detected = 0; uint32_t SmartMX_Handle; struct nfc_jni_callback_data cb_data; phNfc_sData_t InParam; phNfc_sData_t OutParam; uint8_t Output_Buff[10]; uint8_t GpioGetValue[3] = {0x00, 0xF8, 0x2B}; uint8_t GpioSetValue[4]; uint8_t gpioValue; /* Create the local semaphore */ if (!nfc_cb_data_init(&cb_data, NULL)) { goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("Close Secure element function "); CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); /* Disconnect */ TRACE("Disconnecting from SMX (handle = 0x%x)", handle); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); status = phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Disconnect(handle, NFC_SMARTMX_RELEASE, com_android_nfc_jni_disconnect_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(status != NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Disconnect(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", status, nfc_jni_get_status_name(status)); goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Disconnect(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", status, nfc_jni_get_status_name(status)); /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { goto clean_and_return; } /* Disconnect Status */ if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("\n> Disconnect SE ERROR \n" ); goto clean_and_return; } CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); /* Get GPIO information */ CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); InParam.buffer = GpioGetValue; InParam.length = 3; OutParam.buffer = Output_Buff; TRACE("phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl()- GPIO Get Value"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); status = phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl(gHWRef,NFC_MEM_READ,&InParam, &OutParam,com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(status!=NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("IOCTL status error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("IOCTL semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("READ MEM ERROR"); goto clean_and_return; } gpioValue = com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_buffer->buffer[0]; TRACE("GpioValue = Ox%02x",gpioValue); /* Set GPIO information */ GpioSetValue[0] = 0x00; GpioSetValue[1] = 0xF8; GpioSetValue[2] = 0x2B; GpioSetValue[3] = (gpioValue & 0xBF); TRACE("GpioValue to be set = Ox%02x",GpioSetValue[3]); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { TRACE("0x%02x",GpioSetValue[i]); } InParam.buffer = GpioSetValue; InParam.length = 4; OutParam.buffer = Output_Buff; TRACE("phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl()- GPIO Set Value"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); status = phLibNfc_Mgt_IoCtl(gHWRef,NFC_MEM_WRITE,&InParam, &OutParam,com_android_nfc_jni_ioctl_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(status!=NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("IOCTL status error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("IOCTL semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("READ MEM ERROR"); goto clean_and_return; } result = JNI_TRUE; clean_and_return: nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data); CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); return result; } static jbyteArray com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doTransceive(JNIEnv *e, jobject o,jint handle, jbyteArray data) { uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t *buf; uint32_t buflen; phLibNfc_sTransceiveInfo_t transceive_info; jbyteArray result = NULL; int res; int tech = SecureElementTech; NFCSTATUS status; struct nfc_jni_callback_data cb_data; /* Create the local semaphore */ if (!nfc_cb_data_init(&cb_data, NULL)) { goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("Exchange APDU function "); CONCURRENCY_LOCK(); TRACE("Secure Element tech: %d\n", tech); buf = (uint8_t *)e->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL); buflen = (uint32_t)e->GetArrayLength(data); /* Prepare transceive info structure */ if(tech == TARGET_TYPE_MIFARE_CLASSIC || tech == TARGET_TYPE_MIFARE_UL) { offset = 2; transceive_info.cmd.MfCmd = (phNfc_eMifareCmdList_t)buf[0]; transceive_info.addr = (uint8_t)buf[1]; } else if(tech == TARGET_TYPE_ISO14443_4) { transceive_info.cmd.Iso144434Cmd = phNfc_eIso14443_4_Raw; transceive_info.addr = 0; } transceive_info.sSendData.buffer = buf + offset; transceive_info.sSendData.length = buflen - offset; transceive_info.sRecvData.buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(1024); transceive_info.sRecvData.length = 1024; if(transceive_info.sRecvData.buffer == NULL) { goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Transceive(SMX)"); REENTRANCE_LOCK(); status = phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Transceive(handle, &transceive_info, com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_callback, (void *)&cb_data); REENTRANCE_UNLOCK(); if(status != NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { ALOGE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Transceive(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", status, nfc_jni_get_status_name(status)); goto clean_and_return; } TRACE("phLibNfc_RemoteDev_Transceive(SMX) returned 0x%04x[%s]", status, nfc_jni_get_status_name(status)); /* Wait for callback response */ if(sem_wait(&cb_data.sem)) { ALOGE("TRANSCEIVE semaphore error"); goto clean_and_return; } if(cb_data.status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("TRANSCEIVE error"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Copy results back to Java */ result = e->NewByteArray(com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_buffer->length); if(result != NULL) { e->SetByteArrayRegion(result, 0, com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_buffer->length, (jbyte *)com_android_nfc_jni_transceive_buffer->buffer); } clean_and_return: nfc_cb_data_deinit(&cb_data); if(transceive_info.sRecvData.buffer != NULL) { free(transceive_info.sRecvData.buffer); } e->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, (jbyte *)transceive_info.sSendData.buffer, JNI_ABORT); CONCURRENCY_UNLOCK(); return result; } static jbyteArray com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doGetUid(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jint handle) { TRACE("Get Secure element UID function "); jbyteArray SecureElementUid; if(handle == secureElementHandle) { SecureElementUid = e->NewByteArray(SecureElementInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso14443A_Info.UidLength); e->SetByteArrayRegion(SecureElementUid, 0, SecureElementInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso14443A_Info.UidLength,(jbyte *)SecureElementInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso14443A_Info.Uid); return SecureElementUid; } else { return NULL; } } static jintArray com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doGetTechList(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jint handle) { jintArray techList; TRACE("Get Secure element Type function "); if(handle == secureElementHandle) { techList = e->NewIntArray(1); e->SetIntArrayRegion(techList, 0, 1, &SecureElementTech); return techList; } else { return NULL; } } /* * JNI registration. */ static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { {"doNativeOpenSecureElementConnection", "()I", (void *)com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doOpenSecureElementConnection}, {"doNativeDisconnectSecureElementConnection", "(I)Z", (void *)com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doDisconnect}, {"doTransceive", "(I[B)[B", (void *)com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doTransceive}, {"doGetUid", "(I)[B", (void *)com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doGetUid}, {"doGetTechList", "(I)[I", (void *)com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement_doGetTechList}, }; int register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement(JNIEnv *e) { return jniRegisterNativeMethods(e, "com/android/nfc/nxp/NativeNfcSecureElement", gMethods, NELEM(gMethods)); } } // namespace android