/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "OverrideLog.h" #include "SecureElement.h" #include "JavaClassConstants.h" #include "nfa_brcm_api.h" namespace android { extern void com_android_nfc_NfcManager_disableDiscovery (JNIEnv* e, jobject o); extern void com_android_nfc_NfcManager_enableDiscovery (JNIEnv* e, jobject o, jint mode); extern int gGeneralTransceiveTimeout; /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nativeNfcSecureElement_doOpenSecureElementConnection ** ** Description: Connect to the secure element. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** ** Returns: Handle of secure element. 0 is failure. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jint nativeNfcSecureElement_doOpenSecureElementConnection (JNIEnv* e, jobject o) { ALOGD("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); bool stat = true; jint secElemHandle = 0; //if controller is not routing AND there is no pipe connected, //then turn on the sec elem if (! SecureElement::getInstance().isBusy()) stat = SecureElement::getInstance().activate(0); if (stat) { //establish a pipe to sec elem stat = SecureElement::getInstance().connectEE(); if (stat) secElemHandle = SecureElement::getInstance().mActiveEeHandle; else SecureElement::getInstance().deactivate (0); } TheEnd: ALOGD("%s: exit; return handle=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, secElemHandle); return secElemHandle; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nativeNfcSecureElement_doDisconnectSecureElementConnection ** ** Description: Disconnect from the secure element. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** handle: Handle of secure element. ** ** Returns: True if ok. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jboolean nativeNfcSecureElement_doDisconnectSecureElementConnection (JNIEnv* e, jobject o, jint handle) { ALOGD("%s: enter; handle=0x%04x", __FUNCTION__, handle); bool stat = false; stat = SecureElement::getInstance().disconnectEE (handle); //if controller is not routing AND there is no pipe connected, //then turn off the sec elem if (! SecureElement::getInstance().isBusy()) SecureElement::getInstance().deactivate (handle); ALOGD("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return stat ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nativeNfcSecureElement_doTransceive ** ** Description: Send data to the secure element; retrieve response. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** handle: Secure element's handle. ** data: Data to send. ** ** Returns: Buffer of received data. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jbyteArray nativeNfcSecureElement_doTransceive (JNIEnv* e, jobject o, jint handle, jbyteArray data) { UINT8* buf = NULL; INT32 buflen = 0; const INT32 recvBufferMaxSize = 1024; UINT8 recvBuffer [recvBufferMaxSize]; INT32 recvBufferActualSize = 0; jbyteArray result = NULL; buf = (UINT8*) e->GetByteArrayElements (data, NULL); buflen = e->GetArrayLength (data); ALOGD("%s: enter; handle=0x%X; buf len=%ld", __FUNCTION__, handle, buflen); SecureElement::getInstance().transceive (buf, buflen, recvBuffer, recvBufferMaxSize, recvBufferActualSize, gGeneralTransceiveTimeout); //copy results back to java result = e->NewByteArray (recvBufferActualSize); if (result != NULL) { e->SetByteArrayRegion (result, 0, recvBufferActualSize, (jbyte *) recvBuffer); } e->ReleaseByteArrayElements (data, (jbyte *) buf, JNI_ABORT); ALOGD("%s: exit: recv len=%ld", __FUNCTION__, recvBufferActualSize); return result; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetUid ** ** Description: Get the secure element's unique ID. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** handle: Handle of secure element. ** ** Returns: Secure element's unique ID. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jbyteArray nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetUid (JNIEnv* e, jobject o, jint handle) { ALOGD("%s: enter; handle=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, handle); jbyteArray secureElementUid = NULL; SecureElement::getInstance ().getUiccId (handle, secureElementUid); ALOGD("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return secureElementUid; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetTechList ** ** Description: Get a list of technologies that the secure element supports. ** e: JVM environment. ** o: Java object. ** handle: Handle of secure element. ** ** Returns: Array of technologies. ** *******************************************************************************/ static jintArray nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetTechList (JNIEnv* e, jobject o, jint handle) { ALOGD("%s: enter; handle=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, handle); jintArray techList = NULL; SecureElement::getInstance().getTechnologyList (handle, techList); ALOGD("%s: exit", __FUNCTION__); return techList; } /***************************************************************************** ** ** Description: JNI functions ** *****************************************************************************/ static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = { {"doNativeOpenSecureElementConnection", "()I", (void *) nativeNfcSecureElement_doOpenSecureElementConnection}, {"doNativeDisconnectSecureElementConnection", "(I)Z", (void *) nativeNfcSecureElement_doDisconnectSecureElementConnection}, {"doTransceive", "(I[B)[B", (void *) nativeNfcSecureElement_doTransceive}, {"doGetUid", "(I)[B", (void *) nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetUid}, {"doGetTechList", "(I)[I", (void *) nativeNfcSecureElement_doGetTechList}, }; /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function: register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement ** ** Description: Regisgter JNI functions with Java Virtual Machine. ** e: Environment of JVM. ** ** Returns: Status of registration. ** *******************************************************************************/ int register_com_android_nfc_NativeNfcSecureElement(JNIEnv *e) { return jniRegisterNativeMethods(e, gNativeNfcSecureElementClassName, gMethods, NELEM(gMethods)); } } // namespace android