/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.nfc; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Vibrator; /** * Manages vibration, sound and animation for P2P events. */ public class P2pEventManager implements P2pEventListener, SendUi.Callback { static final String TAG = "NfcP2pEventManager"; static final boolean DBG = true; static final long[] VIBRATION_PATTERN = {0, 100, 10000}; final Context mContext; final NfcService mNfcService; final P2pEventListener.Callback mCallback; final Vibrator mVibrator; final NotificationManager mNotificationManager; final SendUi mSendUi; // only used on UI thread boolean mSending; boolean mNdefSent; boolean mNdefReceived; public P2pEventManager(Context context, P2pEventListener.Callback callback) { mNfcService = NfcService.getInstance(); mContext = context; mCallback = callback; mVibrator = (Vibrator) context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService( Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); mSending = false; final int uiModeType = mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK; if (uiModeType == Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_APPLIANCE) { // "Appliances" don't intrinsically have a way of confirming this, so we // don't use the UI and just autoconfirm where necessary. // Don't instantiate SendUi or else we'll use memory and never reclaim it. mSendUi = null; } else { mSendUi = new SendUi(context, this); } } @Override public void onP2pInRange() { mNfcService.playSound(NfcService.SOUND_START); mNdefSent = false; mNdefReceived = false; mVibrator.vibrate(VIBRATION_PATTERN, -1); if (mSendUi != null) { mSendUi.takeScreenshot(); } } @Override public void onP2pSendConfirmationRequested() { if (mSendUi != null) { mSendUi.showPreSend(); } else { mCallback.onP2pSendConfirmed(); } } @Override public void onP2pSendComplete() { mNfcService.playSound(NfcService.SOUND_END); mVibrator.vibrate(VIBRATION_PATTERN, -1); if (mSendUi != null) { mSendUi.finish(SendUi.FINISH_SEND_SUCCESS); } mSending = false; mNdefSent = true; } @Override public void onP2pHandoverNotSupported() { mNfcService.playSound(NfcService.SOUND_ERROR); mVibrator.vibrate(VIBRATION_PATTERN, -1); mSendUi.finishAndToast(SendUi.FINISH_SCALE_UP, mContext.getString(R.string.beam_handover_not_supported)); mSending = false; mNdefSent = false; } @Override public void onP2pReceiveComplete(boolean playSound) { mVibrator.vibrate(VIBRATION_PATTERN, -1); if (playSound) mNfcService.playSound(NfcService.SOUND_END); if (mSendUi != null) { // TODO we still don't have a nice receive solution // The sanest solution right now is just to scale back up what we had // and start the new activity. It is not perfect, but at least it is // consistent behavior. All other variants involve making the old // activity screenshot disappear, and then removing the animation // window hoping the new activity has started by then. This just goes // wrong too often and can look weird. mSendUi.finish(SendUi.FINISH_SCALE_UP); } mNdefReceived = true; } @Override public void onP2pOutOfRange() { if (mSending) { mNfcService.playSound(NfcService.SOUND_ERROR); mSending = false; } if (!mNdefSent && !mNdefReceived && mSendUi != null) { mSendUi.finish(SendUi.FINISH_SCALE_UP); } } @Override public void onSendConfirmed() { if (!mSending) { if (mSendUi != null) { mSendUi.showStartSend(); } mCallback.onP2pSendConfirmed(); } mSending = true; } }