/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.providers.contacts; import com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsDatabaseHelper.DataColumns; import com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsDatabaseHelper.PhoneColumns; import com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsDatabaseHelper.PhoneLookupColumns; import com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsDatabaseHelper.RawContactsColumns; import com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsDatabaseHelper.Tables; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import android.net.Uri; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Data; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Groups; import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Im; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Note; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName; import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; public class LegacyContactImporter { public static final String TAG = "LegacyContactImporter"; private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; private static final int DELAY_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS = 2000; public static final String DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "com.google"; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "contacts.db"; private static final int INSERT_BATCH_SIZE = 200; private final Context mContext; private final ContactsProvider2 mContactsProvider; private ContactsDatabaseHelper mDbHelper; private ContentValues mValues = new ContentValues(); private ContentResolver mResolver; private boolean mPhoneticNameAvailable = true; private SQLiteDatabase mSourceDb; private SQLiteDatabase mTargetDb; private NameSplitter mNameSplitter; private int mBatchCounter; private int mContactCount; private long mStructuredNameMimetypeId; private long mNoteMimetypeId; private long mOrganizationMimetypeId; private long mPhoneMimetypeId; private long mEmailMimetypeId; private long mImMimetypeId; private long mPostalMimetypeId; private long mPhotoMimetypeId; private long mGroupMembershipMimetypeId; public LegacyContactImporter(Context context, ContactsProvider2 contactsProvider) { mContext = context; mContactsProvider = contactsProvider; mResolver = mContactsProvider.getContext().getContentResolver(); } public void importContacts() throws Exception { String path = mContext.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME).getPath(); Log.w(TAG, "Importing contacts from " + path); if (!new File(path).exists()) { Log.i(TAG, "Legacy contacts database does not exist"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; i++) { try { mSourceDb = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); importContactsFromLegacyDb(); Log.i(TAG, "Imported legacy contacts: " + mContactCount); mContactsProvider.notifyChange(); return; } catch (SQLiteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Database import exception. Will retry in " + DELAY_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS + "ms", e); // We could get a "database locked" exception here, in which // case we should retry Thread.sleep(DELAY_BETWEEN_ATTEMPTS); } finally { if (mSourceDb != null) { mSourceDb.close(); } } } } private void importContactsFromLegacyDb() { int version = mSourceDb.getVersion(); // Upgrade to version 78 was the latest that wiped out data. Might as well follow suit // and ignore earlier versions. if (version < 78) { return; } if (version < 80) { mPhoneticNameAvailable = false; } mDbHelper = (ContactsDatabaseHelper)mContactsProvider.getDatabaseHelper(); mTargetDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); /* * At this point there should be no data in the contacts provider, but in case * some was inserted by mistake, we should remove it. The main reason for this * is that we will be preserving original contact IDs and don't want to run into * any collisions. */ mContactsProvider.wipeData(); mStructuredNameMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(StructuredName.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mNoteMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Note.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mOrganizationMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mPhoneMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mEmailMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mImMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Im.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mPostalMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(StructuredPostal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mPhotoMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mGroupMembershipMimetypeId = mDbHelper.getMimeTypeId(GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE); mNameSplitter = mContactsProvider.getNameSplitter(); mTargetDb.beginTransaction(); importGroups(); importPeople(); importOrganizations(); importPhones(); importContactMethods(); importPhotos(); importGroupMemberships(); // Deleted contacts should be inserted after everything else, because // the legacy table does not provide an _ID field - the _ID field // will be autoincremented importDeletedPeople(); mDbHelper.updateAllVisible(); mTargetDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); mTargetDb.endTransaction(); importCalls(); } private interface GroupsQuery { String TABLE = "groups"; String[] COLUMNS = { "_id", "name", "notes", "should_sync", "system_id", "_sync_account", "_sync_id", "_sync_dirty", }; static int ID = 0; static int NAME = 1; static int NOTES = 2; static int SHOULD_SYNC = 3; // TODO add this feature to Groups static int SYSTEM_ID = 4; static int _SYNC_ACCOUNT = 5; static int _SYNC_ID = 6; static int _SYNC_DIRTY = 7; } private interface GroupsInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.GROUPS + "(" + Groups._ID + "," + Groups.TITLE + "," + Groups.NOTES + "," + Groups.SYSTEM_ID + "," + Groups.DIRTY + "," + Groups.GROUP_VISIBLE + "," + Groups.ACCOUNT_NAME + "," + Groups.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "," + Groups.SOURCE_ID + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int ID = 1; int TITLE = 2; int NOTES = 3; int SYSTEM_ID = 4; int DIRTY = 5; int GROUP_VISIBLE = 6; int ACCOUNT_NAME = 7; int ACCOUNT_TYPE = 8; int SOURCE_ID = 9; } private void importGroups() { SQLiteStatement insert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(GroupsInsert.INSERT_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(GroupsQuery.TABLE, GroupsQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertGroup(c, insert); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertGroup(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long id = c.getLong(GroupsQuery.ID); insert.bindLong(GroupsInsert.ID, id); bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.TITLE, c.getString(GroupsQuery.NAME)); bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.NOTES, c.getString(GroupsQuery.NOTES)); bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.SYSTEM_ID, c.getString(GroupsQuery.SYSTEM_ID)); insert.bindLong(GroupsInsert.DIRTY, c.getLong(GroupsQuery._SYNC_DIRTY)); insert.bindLong(GroupsInsert.GROUP_VISIBLE, 1); String account = c.getString(GroupsQuery._SYNC_ACCOUNT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account)) { bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.ACCOUNT_NAME, account); bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE); bindString(insert, GroupsInsert.SOURCE_ID, c.getString(GroupsQuery._SYNC_ID)); } else { insert.bindNull(GroupsInsert.ACCOUNT_NAME); insert.bindNull(GroupsInsert.ACCOUNT_TYPE); insert.bindNull(GroupsInsert.SOURCE_ID); } insert(insert); } private interface PeopleQuery { String TABLE = "people"; String NAME_SQL = "(CASE WHEN (name IS NOT NULL AND name != '') " + "THEN name " + "ELSE " + "(CASE WHEN primary_organization is NOT NULL THEN " + "(SELECT company FROM organizations WHERE " + "organizations._id = primary_organization) " + "ELSE " + "(CASE WHEN primary_phone IS NOT NULL THEN " +"(SELECT number FROM phones WHERE phones._id = primary_phone) " + "ELSE " + "(CASE WHEN primary_email IS NOT NULL THEN " + "(SELECT data FROM contact_methods WHERE " + "contact_methods._id = primary_email) " + "ELSE " + "null " + "END) " + "END) " + "END) " + "END) "; String[] COLUMNS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME_WITHOUT_PHONETIC_NAME = { "_id", NAME_SQL, "notes", "times_contacted", "last_time_contacted", "starred", "primary_phone", "primary_organization", "primary_email", "custom_ringtone", "send_to_voicemail", "_sync_account", "_sync_id", "_sync_time", "_sync_local_id", "_sync_dirty", }; String[] COLUMNS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME_WITH_PHONETIC_NAME = { "_id", NAME_SQL, "notes", "times_contacted", "last_time_contacted", "starred", "primary_phone", "primary_organization", "primary_email", "custom_ringtone", "send_to_voicemail", "_sync_account", "_sync_id", "_sync_time", "_sync_local_id", "_sync_dirty", "phonetic_name", }; String[] COLUMNS_WITHOUT_PHONETIC_NAME = { "_id", "name", "notes", "times_contacted", "last_time_contacted", "starred", "primary_phone", "primary_organization", "primary_email", "custom_ringtone", "send_to_voicemail", "_sync_account", "_sync_id", "_sync_time", "_sync_local_id", "_sync_dirty", }; String[] COLUMNS_WITH_PHONETIC_NAME = { "_id", "name", "notes", "times_contacted", "last_time_contacted", "starred", "primary_phone", "primary_organization", "primary_email", "custom_ringtone", "send_to_voicemail", "_sync_account", "_sync_id", "_sync_time", "_sync_local_id", "_sync_dirty", "phonetic_name", }; static int _ID = 0; static int NAME = 1; static int NOTES = 2; static int TIMES_CONTACTED = 3; static int LAST_TIME_CONTACTED = 4; static int STARRED = 5; static int PRIMARY_PHONE = 6; static int PRIMARY_ORGANIZATION = 7; static int PRIMARY_EMAIL = 8; static int CUSTOM_RINGTONE = 9; static int SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL = 10; static int _SYNC_ACCOUNT = 11; static int _SYNC_ID = 12; static int _SYNC_TIME = 13; static int _SYNC_LOCAL_ID = 14; static int _SYNC_DIRTY = 15; static int PHONETIC_NAME = 16; } private interface RawContactsInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.RAW_CONTACTS + "(" + RawContacts._ID + "," + RawContacts.CONTACT_ID + "," + RawContacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE + "," + RawContacts.DIRTY + "," + RawContacts.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED + "," + RawContacts.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL + "," + RawContacts.STARRED + "," + RawContacts.TIMES_CONTACTED + "," + RawContacts.SYNC1 + "," + RawContacts.SYNC2 + "," + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME + "," + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "," + RawContacts.SOURCE_ID + "," + RawContactsColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int ID = 1; int CONTACT_ID = 2; int CUSTOM_RINGTONE = 3; int DIRTY = 4; int LAST_TIME_CONTACTED = 5; int SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL = 6; int STARRED = 7; int TIMES_CONTACTED = 8; int SYNC1 = 9; int SYNC2 = 10; int ACCOUNT_NAME = 11; int ACCOUNT_TYPE = 12; int SOURCE_ID = 13; int DISPLAY_NAME = 14; } private interface ContactsInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.CONTACTS + "(" + Contacts._ID + "," + Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE + "," + Contacts.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED + "," + Contacts.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL + "," + Contacts.STARRED + "," + Contacts.TIMES_CONTACTED + "," + Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int ID = 1; int CUSTOM_RINGTONE = 2; int LAST_TIME_CONTACTED = 3; int SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL = 4; int STARRED = 5; int TIMES_CONTACTED = 6; int DISPLAY_NAME = 7; } private interface StructuredNameInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME + "," + StructuredName.PREFIX + "," + StructuredName.GIVEN_NAME + "," + StructuredName.MIDDLE_NAME + "," + StructuredName.FAMILY_NAME + "," + StructuredName.SUFFIX + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int DISPLAY_NAME = 3; int PREFIX = 4; int GIVEN_NAME = 5; int MIDDLE_NAME = 6; int FAMILY_NAME = 7; int SUFFIX = 8; } private interface NoteInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Note.NOTE + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int NOTE = 3; } private void importPeople() { SQLiteStatement rawContactInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(RawContactsInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement contactInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(ContactsInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement structuredNameInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(StructuredNameInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement noteInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(NoteInsert.INSERT_SQL); String[] columns = mPhoneticNameAvailable ? PeopleQuery.COLUMNS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME_WITH_PHONETIC_NAME : PeopleQuery.COLUMNS_WITH_DISPLAY_NAME_WITHOUT_PHONETIC_NAME; Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(PeopleQuery.TABLE, columns, "name IS NULL", null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertRawContact(c, rawContactInsert); insertContact(c, contactInsert); insertNote(c, noteInsert); mContactCount++; } } finally { c.close(); } columns = mPhoneticNameAvailable ? PeopleQuery.COLUMNS_WITH_PHONETIC_NAME : PeopleQuery.COLUMNS_WITHOUT_PHONETIC_NAME; c = mSourceDb.query(PeopleQuery.TABLE, columns, "name IS NOT NULL", null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertRawContact(c, rawContactInsert); insertContact(c, contactInsert); insertStructuredName(c, structuredNameInsert); insertNote(c, noteInsert); mContactCount++; } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertRawContact(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long id = c.getLong(PeopleQuery._ID); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.ID, id); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.CONTACT_ID, id); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.CUSTOM_RINGTONE, c.getString(PeopleQuery.CUSTOM_RINGTONE)); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.DIRTY, c.getString(PeopleQuery._SYNC_DIRTY)); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED)); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL)); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.STARRED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.STARRED)); insert.bindLong(RawContactsInsert.TIMES_CONTACTED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.TIMES_CONTACTED)); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.SYNC1, c.getString(PeopleQuery._SYNC_TIME)); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.SYNC2, c.getString(PeopleQuery._SYNC_LOCAL_ID)); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.DISPLAY_NAME, c.getString(PeopleQuery.NAME)); String account = c.getString(PeopleQuery._SYNC_ACCOUNT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account)) { bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.ACCOUNT_NAME, account); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE); bindString(insert, RawContactsInsert.SOURCE_ID, c.getString(PeopleQuery._SYNC_ID)); } else { insert.bindNull(RawContactsInsert.ACCOUNT_NAME); insert.bindNull(RawContactsInsert.ACCOUNT_TYPE); insert.bindNull(RawContactsInsert.SOURCE_ID); } insert(insert); } private void insertContact(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long id = c.getLong(PeopleQuery._ID); insert.bindLong(ContactsInsert.ID, id); bindString(insert, ContactsInsert.CUSTOM_RINGTONE, c.getString(PeopleQuery.CUSTOM_RINGTONE)); insert.bindLong(ContactsInsert.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.LAST_TIME_CONTACTED)); insert.bindLong(ContactsInsert.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL)); insert.bindLong(ContactsInsert.STARRED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.STARRED)); insert.bindLong(ContactsInsert.TIMES_CONTACTED, c.getLong(PeopleQuery.TIMES_CONTACTED)); bindString(insert, ContactsInsert.DISPLAY_NAME, c.getString(PeopleQuery.NAME)); insert(insert); } private void insertStructuredName(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { String name = c.getString(PeopleQuery.NAME); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return; } long id = c.getLong(PeopleQuery._ID); insert.bindLong(StructuredNameInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); insert.bindLong(StructuredNameInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mStructuredNameMimetypeId); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.DISPLAY_NAME, name); NameSplitter.Name splitName = new NameSplitter.Name(); mNameSplitter.split(splitName, name); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.PREFIX, splitName.getPrefix()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.GIVEN_NAME, splitName.getGivenNames()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.MIDDLE_NAME, splitName.getMiddleName()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.FAMILY_NAME, splitName.getFamilyName()); bindString(insert, StructuredNameInsert.SUFFIX, splitName.getSuffix()); if (mPhoneticNameAvailable) { // TODO: add the ability to insert an unstructured phonetic name String phoneticName = c.getString(PeopleQuery.PHONETIC_NAME); } long dataId = insert(insert); mContactsProvider.insertNameLookupForStructuredName(id, dataId, name); } private void insertNote(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { String notes = c.getString(PeopleQuery.NOTES); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notes)) { return; } long id = c.getLong(PeopleQuery._ID); insert.bindLong(NoteInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); insert.bindLong(NoteInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mNoteMimetypeId); bindString(insert, NoteInsert.NOTE, notes); insert(insert); } private interface OrganizationsQuery { String TABLE = "organizations"; String[] COLUMNS = { "person", "company", "title", "isprimary", "type", "label", }; static int PERSON = 0; static int COMPANY = 1; static int TITLE = 2; static int ISPRIMARY = 3; static int TYPE = 4; static int LABEL = 5; } private interface OrganizationInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Data.IS_PRIMARY + "," + Organization.COMPANY + "," + Organization.TITLE + "," + Organization.TYPE + "," + Organization.LABEL + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int IS_PRIMARY = 3; int COMPANY = 4; int TITLE = 5; int TYPE = 6; int LABEL = 7; } private void importOrganizations() { SQLiteStatement insert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(OrganizationInsert.INSERT_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(OrganizationsQuery.TABLE, OrganizationsQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertOrganization(c, insert); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertOrganization(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long id = c.getLong(OrganizationsQuery.PERSON); insert.bindLong(OrganizationInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); insert.bindLong(OrganizationInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mOrganizationMimetypeId); bindString(insert, OrganizationInsert.IS_PRIMARY, c.getString(OrganizationsQuery.ISPRIMARY)); bindString(insert, OrganizationInsert.COMPANY, c.getString(OrganizationsQuery.COMPANY)); bindString(insert, OrganizationInsert.TITLE, c.getString(OrganizationsQuery.TITLE)); bindString(insert, OrganizationInsert.TYPE, c.getString(OrganizationsQuery.TYPE)); bindString(insert, OrganizationInsert.LABEL, c.getString(OrganizationsQuery.LABEL)); insert(insert); } private interface ContactMethodsQuery { String TABLE = "contact_methods"; String[] COLUMNS = { "person", "kind", "data", "aux_data", "type", "label", "isprimary", }; static int PERSON = 0; static int KIND = 1; static int DATA = 2; static int AUX_DATA = 3; static int TYPE = 4; static int LABEL = 5; static int ISPRIMARY = 6; } private interface EmailInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Data.IS_PRIMARY + "," + Email.DATA + "," + Email.TYPE + "," + Email.LABEL + "," + Data.DATA14 + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int IS_PRIMARY = 3; int DATA = 4; int TYPE = 5; int LABEL = 6; int AUX_DATA = 7; } private interface ImInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Data.IS_PRIMARY + "," + Im.DATA + "," + Im.TYPE + "," + Im.LABEL + "," + Data.DATA14 + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int IS_PRIMARY = 3; int DATA = 4; int TYPE = 5; int LABEL = 6; int AUX_DATA = 7; } private interface PostalInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Data.IS_PRIMARY + "," + StructuredPostal.FORMATTED_ADDRESS + "," + StructuredPostal.TYPE + "," + StructuredPostal.LABEL + "," + Data.DATA14 + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int IS_PRIMARY = 3; int DATA = 4; int TYPE = 5; int LABEL = 6; int AUX_DATA = 7; } private void importContactMethods() { SQLiteStatement emailInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(EmailInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement imInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(ImInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement postalInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(PostalInsert.INSERT_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(ContactMethodsQuery.TABLE, ContactMethodsQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { int kind = c.getInt(ContactMethodsQuery.KIND); switch (kind) { case android.provider.Contacts.KIND_EMAIL: insertEmail(c, emailInsert); break; case android.provider.Contacts.KIND_IM: insertIm(c, imInsert); break; case android.provider.Contacts.KIND_POSTAL: insertPostal(c, postalInsert); break; } } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertEmail(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long personId = c.getLong(ContactMethodsQuery.PERSON); String email = c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.DATA); insert.bindLong(EmailInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, personId); insert.bindLong(EmailInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mEmailMimetypeId); bindString(insert, EmailInsert.IS_PRIMARY, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.ISPRIMARY)); bindString(insert, EmailInsert.DATA, email); bindString(insert, EmailInsert.AUX_DATA, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.AUX_DATA)); bindString(insert, EmailInsert.TYPE, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.TYPE)); bindString(insert, EmailInsert.LABEL, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.LABEL)); long dataId = insert(insert); mContactsProvider.insertNameLookupForEmail(personId, dataId, email); } private void insertIm(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long personId = c.getLong(ContactMethodsQuery.PERSON); insert.bindLong(ImInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, personId); insert.bindLong(ImInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mImMimetypeId); bindString(insert, ImInsert.IS_PRIMARY, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.ISPRIMARY)); bindString(insert, ImInsert.DATA, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.DATA)); bindString(insert, ImInsert.AUX_DATA, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.AUX_DATA)); bindString(insert, ImInsert.TYPE, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.TYPE)); bindString(insert, ImInsert.LABEL, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.LABEL)); insert(insert); } private void insertPostal(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long personId = c.getLong(ContactMethodsQuery.PERSON); insert.bindLong(PostalInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, personId); insert.bindLong(PostalInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mPostalMimetypeId); bindString(insert, PostalInsert.IS_PRIMARY, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.ISPRIMARY)); bindString(insert, PostalInsert.DATA, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.DATA)); bindString(insert, PostalInsert.AUX_DATA, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.AUX_DATA)); bindString(insert, PostalInsert.TYPE, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.TYPE)); bindString(insert, PostalInsert.LABEL, c.getString(ContactMethodsQuery.LABEL)); insert(insert); } private interface PhonesQuery { String TABLE = "phones"; String[] COLUMNS = { "person", "type", "number", "label", "isprimary", }; static int PERSON = 0; static int TYPE = 1; static int NUMBER = 2; static int LABEL = 3; static int ISPRIMARY = 4; } private interface PhoneInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Data.IS_PRIMARY + "," + Phone.NUMBER + "," + Phone.TYPE + "," + Phone.LABEL + "," + PhoneColumns.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int IS_PRIMARY = 3; int NUMBER = 4; int TYPE = 5; int LABEL = 6; int NORMALIZED_NUMBER = 7; } private interface PhoneLookupInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.PHONE_LOOKUP + "(" + PhoneLookupColumns.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + PhoneLookupColumns.DATA_ID + "," + PhoneLookupColumns.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int DATA_ID = 2; int NORMALIZED_NUMBER = 3; } private interface HasPhoneNumberUpdate { String UPDATE_SQL = "UPDATE " + Tables.CONTACTS + " SET " + Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER + "=1 WHERE " + Contacts._ID + "=?"; int CONTACT_ID = 1; } private void importPhones() { SQLiteStatement phoneInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(PhoneInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement phoneLookupInsert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(PhoneLookupInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement hasPhoneUpdate = mTargetDb.compileStatement(HasPhoneNumberUpdate.UPDATE_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(PhonesQuery.TABLE, PhonesQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertPhone(c, phoneInsert, phoneLookupInsert, hasPhoneUpdate); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertPhone(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement phoneInsert, SQLiteStatement phoneLookupInsert, SQLiteStatement hasPhoneUpdate) { long lastUpdatedContact = -1; long id = c.getLong(PhonesQuery.PERSON); String number = c.getString(PhonesQuery.NUMBER); String normalizedNumber = null; if (number != null) { normalizedNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.getStrippedReversed(number); } phoneInsert.bindLong(PhoneInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); phoneInsert.bindLong(PhoneInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mPhoneMimetypeId); bindString(phoneInsert, PhoneInsert.IS_PRIMARY, c.getString(PhonesQuery.ISPRIMARY)); bindString(phoneInsert, PhoneInsert.NUMBER, number); bindString(phoneInsert, PhoneInsert.TYPE, c.getString(PhonesQuery.TYPE)); bindString(phoneInsert, PhoneInsert.LABEL, c.getString(PhonesQuery.LABEL)); bindString(phoneInsert, PhoneInsert.NORMALIZED_NUMBER, normalizedNumber); long dataId = insert(phoneInsert); if (normalizedNumber != null) { phoneLookupInsert.bindLong(PhoneLookupInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, id); phoneLookupInsert.bindLong(PhoneLookupInsert.DATA_ID, dataId); phoneLookupInsert.bindString(PhoneLookupInsert.NORMALIZED_NUMBER, normalizedNumber); insert(phoneLookupInsert); if (lastUpdatedContact != id) { lastUpdatedContact = id; hasPhoneUpdate.bindLong(HasPhoneNumberUpdate.CONTACT_ID, id); hasPhoneUpdate.execute(); } } } private interface PhotosQuery { String TABLE = "photos"; String[] COLUMNS = { "person", "data", "_sync_id", "_sync_account" }; static int PERSON = 0; static int DATA = 1; static int _SYNC_ID = 2; static int _SYNC_ACCOUNT = 3; } private interface PhotoInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + Photo.PHOTO + "," + Data.SYNC1 + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int PHOTO = 3; int SYNC1 = 4; } private interface PhotoIdUpdate { String UPDATE_SQL = "UPDATE " + Tables.CONTACTS + " SET " + Contacts.PHOTO_ID + "=? WHERE " + Contacts._ID + "=?"; int PHOTO_ID = 1; int CONTACT_ID = 2; } private void importPhotos() { SQLiteStatement insert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(PhotoInsert.INSERT_SQL); SQLiteStatement photoIdUpdate = mTargetDb.compileStatement(PhotoIdUpdate.UPDATE_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(PhotosQuery.TABLE, PhotosQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertPhoto(c, insert, photoIdUpdate); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertPhoto(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert, SQLiteStatement photoIdUpdate) { if (c.isNull(PhotosQuery.DATA)) { return; } long personId = c.getLong(PhotosQuery.PERSON); insert.bindLong(PhotoInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, personId); insert.bindLong(PhotoInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mPhotoMimetypeId); insert.bindBlob(PhotoInsert.PHOTO, c.getBlob(PhotosQuery.DATA)); String account = c.getString(PhotosQuery._SYNC_ACCOUNT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account)) { insert.bindString(PhotoInsert.SYNC1, c.getString(PhotosQuery._SYNC_ID)); } else { insert.bindNull(PhotoInsert.SYNC1); } long rowId = insert(insert); photoIdUpdate.bindLong(PhotoIdUpdate.PHOTO_ID, rowId); photoIdUpdate.bindLong(PhotoIdUpdate.CONTACT_ID, personId); photoIdUpdate.execute(); } private interface GroupMembershipQuery { String TABLE = "groupmembership"; String[] COLUMNS = { "person", "group_id", "group_sync_account", "group_sync_id" }; static int PERSON_ID = 0; static int GROUP_ID = 1; static int GROUP_SYNC_ACCOUNT = 2; static int GROUP_SYNC_ID = 3; } private interface GroupMembershipInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.DATA + "(" + Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID + "," + DataColumns.MIMETYPE_ID + "," + GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID + ") VALUES (?,?,?)"; int RAW_CONTACT_ID = 1; int MIMETYPE_ID = 2; int GROUP_ROW_ID = 3; } private void importGroupMemberships() { SQLiteStatement insert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(GroupMembershipInsert.INSERT_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(GroupMembershipQuery.TABLE, GroupMembershipQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertGroupMembership(c, insert); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertGroupMembership(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { long personId = c.getLong(GroupMembershipQuery.PERSON_ID); long groupId = 0; if (c.isNull(GroupMembershipQuery.GROUP_ID)) { String account = c.getString(GroupMembershipQuery.GROUP_SYNC_ACCOUNT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(account)) { String syncId = c.getString(GroupMembershipQuery.GROUP_SYNC_ID); Cursor cursor = mTargetDb.query(Tables.GROUPS, new String[]{Groups._ID}, Groups.SOURCE_ID + "=?", new String[]{syncId}, null, null, null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { groupId = cursor.getLong(0); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (groupId == 0) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Groups.ACCOUNT_NAME, account); values.put(Groups.ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE); values.put(Groups.GROUP_VISIBLE, true); values.put(Groups.SOURCE_ID, syncId); groupId = mTargetDb.insert(Tables.GROUPS, null, values); } } } else { groupId = c.getLong(GroupMembershipQuery.GROUP_ID); } insert.bindLong(GroupMembershipInsert.RAW_CONTACT_ID, personId); insert.bindLong(GroupMembershipInsert.MIMETYPE_ID, mGroupMembershipMimetypeId); insert.bindLong(GroupMembershipInsert.GROUP_ROW_ID, groupId); insert(insert); } private interface CallsQuery { String TABLE = "calls"; String[] COLUMNS = { "_id", "number", "date", "duration", "type", "new", "name", "numbertype", "numberlabel" }; static int ID = 0; static int NUMBER = 1; static int DATE = 2; static int DURATION = 3; static int TYPE = 4; static int NEW = 5; static int NAME = 6; static int NUMBER_TYPE = 7; static int NUMBER_LABEL = 8; } private void importCalls() { Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(CallsQuery.TABLE, CallsQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertCall(c); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertCall(Cursor c) { // Cannot use batch operations here, because call log is serviced by a separate provider mValues.clear(); mValues.put(Calls._ID, c.getLong(CallsQuery.ID)); mValues.put(Calls.NUMBER, c.getString(CallsQuery.NUMBER)); mValues.put(Calls.DATE, c.getLong(CallsQuery.DATE)); mValues.put(Calls.DURATION, c.getLong(CallsQuery.DURATION)); mValues.put(Calls.NEW, c.getLong(CallsQuery.NEW)); mValues.put(Calls.TYPE, c.getLong(CallsQuery.TYPE)); mValues.put(Calls.CACHED_NAME, c.getString(CallsQuery.NAME)); mValues.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, c.getString(CallsQuery.NUMBER_LABEL)); mValues.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, c.getString(CallsQuery.NUMBER_TYPE)); // TODO: confirm that we can use the CallLogProvider at this point, that it is guaranteed // to have been registered. mResolver.insert(Calls.CONTENT_URI, mValues); } private interface DeletedPeopleQuery { String TABLE = "_deleted_people"; String[] COLUMNS = { "_sync_id", "_sync_account" }; static int _SYNC_ID = 0; static int _SYNC_ACCOUNT = 1; } private interface DeletedRawContactInsert { String INSERT_SQL = "INSERT INTO " + Tables.RAW_CONTACTS + "(" + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME + "," + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "," + RawContacts.SOURCE_ID + "," + RawContacts.DELETED + "," + RawContacts.AGGREGATION_MODE + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; int ACCOUNT_NAME = 1; int ACCOUNT_TYPE = 2; int SOURCE_ID = 3; int DELETED = 4; int AGGREGATION_MODE = 5; } private void importDeletedPeople() { SQLiteStatement insert = mTargetDb.compileStatement(DeletedRawContactInsert.INSERT_SQL); Cursor c = mSourceDb.query(DeletedPeopleQuery.TABLE, DeletedPeopleQuery.COLUMNS, null, null, null, null, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { insertDeletedPerson(c, insert); } } finally { c.close(); } } private void insertDeletedPerson(Cursor c, SQLiteStatement insert) { String account = c.getString(DeletedPeopleQuery._SYNC_ACCOUNT); if (account == null) { return; } insert.bindString(DeletedRawContactInsert.ACCOUNT_NAME, account); insert.bindString(DeletedRawContactInsert.ACCOUNT_TYPE, DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE); insert.bindString(DeletedRawContactInsert.SOURCE_ID, c.getString(DeletedPeopleQuery._SYNC_ID)); insert.bindLong(DeletedRawContactInsert.DELETED, 1); insert.bindLong(DeletedRawContactInsert.AGGREGATION_MODE, RawContacts.AGGREGATION_MODE_DISABLED); insert(insert); } private void bindString(SQLiteStatement insert, int index, String string) { if (string == null) { insert.bindNull(index); } else { insert.bindString(index, string); } } private long insert(SQLiteStatement insertStatement) { long rowId = insertStatement.executeInsert(); if (rowId == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Insert failed"); } mBatchCounter++; if (mBatchCounter >= INSERT_BATCH_SIZE) { mTargetDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); mTargetDb.endTransaction(); mTargetDb.beginTransaction(); mBatchCounter = 0; } return rowId; } }