path: root/files
diff options
authorRaphael <raphael@google.com>2012-01-26 19:15:43 -0800
committerRaphael <raphael@google.com>2012-01-26 20:10:38 -0800
commita418de56908e413187e1144b7d1d430bbfc459d5 (patch)
tree8a59e90188c2b639c5f0a35d46052631732ae1e8 /files
parent692d2b58196af2a73343b476af6e33df876c45a5 (diff)
SDK: use new find_java.exe in SDK bat files
Change-Id: I9f3fc572c3af6d8457a75cebae1aa6a850511afc
Diffstat (limited to 'files')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/files/find_java.bat b/files/find_java.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index db1f949..0000000
--- a/files/find_java.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
-rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
-rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-rem limitations under the License.
-rem This script is called by the other batch files to find a suitable Java.exe
-rem to use. The script changes the "java_exe" env variable. The variable
-rem is left unset if Java.exe was not found.
-rem Useful links:
-rem Command-line reference:
-rem http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490890.aspx
-rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path. The return code will
-rem be 0 if the command worked or 9009 if the exec failed (program not found).
-rem Java itself will return 1 if the argument is not understood.
-set java_exe=java.exe
-rem search it in the path and verify we can execute it
-for %%a in (%java_exe%) do set java_exe=%%~s$PATH:a
-if not exist %java_exe% goto SearchForJava
-%java_exe% -version 2>nul
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto SearchForJava
-goto :SearchJavaW
-rem ---------------
-rem We get here if the default %java_exe% was not found in the path.
-rem Search for an alternative in %ProgramFiles%\Java\*\bin\java.exe
-echo WARNING: Java not found in your path.
-rem The strategy is to look for Java under these 3 locations:
-rem - %ProgramFiles%, which may point to either a 32-bit or 64-bit install
-rem depending on the current invocation context
-rem - %ProgramW6432%, which points to a 32-bit install. This may not be defined.
-rem - %ProgramFiles(x86)%, which points to a 64-bit install. This may not be defined.
-if not defined ProgramFiles goto :Check64
-echo Checking if Java is installed in %ProgramFiles%\Java.
-set java_exe=
-for /D %%a in ( "%ProgramW6432%\Java\*" ) do call :TestJavaDir "%%a"
-if defined java_exe goto :SearchJavaW
-rem Check for the "default" 64-bit version if it's not the same path
-if not defined ProgramW6432 goto :Check32
-if "%ProgramW6432%"=="%ProgramFiles%" goto :Check32
-echo Checking if Java is installed in %ProgramW6432%\Java instead (64-bit).
-set java_exe=
-for /D %%a in ( "%ProgramW6432%\Java\*" ) do call :TestJavaDir "%%a"
-if defined java_exe goto :SearchJavaW
-rem Check for the "default" 32-bit version if it's not the same path
-if not defined ProgramFiles(x86) goto :CheckFailed
-if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="%ProgramFiles%" goto :CheckFailed
-echo Checking if Java is installed in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java instead (32-bit).
-set java_exe=
-for /D %%a in ( "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\*" ) do call :TestJavaDir "%%a"
-if defined java_exe goto :SearchJavaW
-echo ERROR: No suitable Java found. In order to properly use the Android Developer
-echo Tools, you need a suitable version of Java JDK installed on your system.
-echo We recommend that you install the JDK version of JavaSE, available here:
-echo http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads
-echo You can find the complete Android SDK requirements here:
-echo http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html
-goto :EOF
-rem ---------------
-rem This is a "subrountine" for the for /D above. It tests the short version
-rem of the %1 path (i.e. the path with only short names and no spaces).
-rem However we use the full version without quotes (e.g. %~1) for pretty print.
-if defined java_exe goto :EOF
-set full_path=%~1\bin\java.exe
-set short_path=%~s1\bin\java.exe
-%short_path% -version 2>nul
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :EOF
-set java_exe=%short_path%
-echo Java was found at %full_path%.
-echo Please consider adding it to your path:
-echo - Under Windows XP, open Control Panel / System / Advanced / Environment Variables
-echo - Under Windows Vista or Windows 7, open Control Panel / System / Advanced System Settings / Environment Variables
-echo At the end of the "Path" entry in "User variables", add the following:
-echo ;%full_path%
-goto :EOF
-rem ---------------
-rem Called once java_exe has been set. Try to see if we can find a javaw
-rem to use. If not, we'll default to using java_exe.
-for %%a in (%java_exe%) do set p=%%~pa
-for %%a in (%java_exe%) do set n=%%~na
-for %%a in (%java_exe%) do set x=%%~xa
-set n=%n:java=javaw%
-set javaw_exe=%p%%n%%x%
-if not exist %javaw_exe% set javaw_exe=%java_exe%
-goto :EOF