path: root/sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/widgets/ResolutionChooserDialog.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/widgets/ResolutionChooserDialog.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/widgets/ResolutionChooserDialog.java b/sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/widgets/ResolutionChooserDialog.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7454437..0000000
--- a/sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/widgets/ResolutionChooserDialog.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.android.sdkuilib.internal.widgets;
-import com.android.sdkuilib.ui.GridDialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter;
-import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Monitor;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
- * Small dialog to let a user choose a screen size (from a fixed list) and a resolution
- * (as returned by {@link Display#getMonitors()}).
- * After the dialog as returned, one can query {@link #getDensity()} to get the chosen monitor
- * pixel density.
- */
-public class ResolutionChooserDialog extends GridDialog {
- public final static float[] MONITOR_SIZES = new float[] {
- 13.3f, 14, 15.4f, 15.6f, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30,
- };
- private Button mButton;
- private Combo mScreenSizeCombo;
- private Combo mMonitorCombo;
- private Monitor[] mMonitors;
- private int mScreenSizeIndex = -1;
- private int mMonitorIndex = 0;
- public ResolutionChooserDialog(Shell parentShell) {
- super(parentShell, 2, false);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the pixel density of the user-chosen monitor.
- */
- public int getDensity() {
- float size = MONITOR_SIZES[mScreenSizeIndex];
- Rectangle rect = mMonitors[mMonitorIndex].getBounds();
- // compute the density
- double d = Math.sqrt(rect.width * rect.width + rect.height * rect.height) / size;
- return (int)Math.round(d);
- }
- @Override
- protected void configureShell(Shell newShell) {
- newShell.setText("Monitor Density");
- super.configureShell(newShell);
- }
- @Override
- protected Control createContents(Composite parent) {
- Control control = super.createContents(parent);
- mButton = getButton(IDialogConstants.OK_ID);
- mButton.setEnabled(false);
- return control;
- }
- @Override
- public void createDialogContent(Composite parent) {
- Label l = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
- l.setText("Screen Size:");
- mScreenSizeCombo = new Combo(parent, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- for (float size : MONITOR_SIZES) {
- if (Math.round(size) == size) {
- mScreenSizeCombo.add(String.format("%.0f\"", size));
- } else {
- mScreenSizeCombo.add(String.format("%.1f\"", size));
- }
- }
- mScreenSizeCombo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) {
- mScreenSizeIndex = mScreenSizeCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- mButton.setEnabled(mScreenSizeIndex != -1);
- }
- });
- l = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
- l.setText("Resolution:");
- mMonitorCombo = new Combo(parent, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY);
- mMonitors = parent.getDisplay().getMonitors();
- for (Monitor m : mMonitors) {
- Rectangle r = m.getBounds();
- mMonitorCombo.add(String.format("%d x %d", r.width, r.height));
- }
- mMonitorCombo.select(mMonitorIndex);
- mMonitorCombo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) {
- mMonitorIndex = mMonitorCombo.getSelectionIndex();
- }
- });
- }