Release export should not be debug builds that are
stripped of their signature and (optionnaly) resigned.
Instead they should actually build the apk in "release"
Refactor PostCompilerHelper to be easier to use for
export feature (moved all error handling into the
actual IncrementalBuilder since we don't want the
helper to put error/warning marker during release
Update the API of ApkBuilder and PostCompilerHelper
to deal better with signing key:
- option to package with a "sign with debug" flag.
- new option to package/sign with given keys.
Debug build (through incremental builder) use the new
aapt option --debug-mode that automatically insert
debuggable=true in the manifest. This allows for the
same source code to generate debug and release builds.
Currently, only the "export unsigned release apk"
action use the new "release" build. Need to update
the export wizard. Also need to add support for this
in Ant.
New folder in sdk.git/testapps for test projects
to be used in upcoming automated build tests.
Simple "basicProject" to start with.
Change-Id: I3041312bc817153603656de2aa355f8fcaf00b5b