Change log for Android SDK Tools. Revision 17: * New lint rules which analyze Java source and class files. Revision 16: * New "lint" tool which scans Android project trees for potential problems such as missing translations, duplicate ids between layouts that include each other, using px instead of dp units, hardcoded strings, missing contentDescriptions, obsolete Proguard configuration files, etc. For a full list of available issues run "lint --show" (and see eclipse/changes.txt for further details). * layoutopt was removed; its functionality is replaced by the new lint tool Revision 14: - Build performance improvements: * resource compilation and packaging now properly use dependency to only be executed if a resource changed. * Optimized resource compilation for projects with libraries. This should speed up this phase significantly for large projects with libraries. * PNG files that are optimized during resource packaging are now cached and only re-optimized if they changed instead of doing at every build. - New library project mechanism: * Revision 13: Revision 12: (07/2011): - The AVD manager and emulator can now use system images compiled for ARM v7 and x86 CPUs. Revision 11 (05/2011): - See eclipse/changes.txt for ADT related changes. Revision 10 (02/2011): - The tools now automatically generate Java Programming Language source files (in the gen directory) and bytecode (in the res/raw directory) from your native .rs files Revision 9 (01/2011): - Fix packaging issue that broke draw9patch - Ant build rules will now check the Ant version and fail if it's older than 1.8 - Fix "folder locked" errors when installing packages in SDK Manager on Windows. - Support https proxy when installing from SDK Manager. - SDK Manager now suggests to install missing base platform for add-ons. - Default proguard config file changes: * ignore classes extending android.preference.Preference * ignore classes extending - Ant lib rules now allow for overriding java.encoding, java.source, and - Default encoding for Ant javac is now UTF-8 - Logcat view in DDMS now properly displays UTF-8 characters. Revision 8 (12/2010): - New SDK component: platform-tools. This makes all platforms use the same latest version of aapt/aidl/dx. - Support for true debug build. No need to change the value of debuggable in the Android Manifest. "ant debug" will automatically insert debuggable==true, while "ant release" will not. If debuggable=true is set, then "ant release" will actually do a debug build. - Automatic Proguard support in release builds. Only need to have a proguard.config property in that points to a proguard config file. - new overridable Ant javac properties: java.encoding, java.source, and (default to "ascii", "1.5" and "1.5") Revision 7 (09/2010): - Support for Ant rules provided by the Tools components (override the one in the platform component) - Added support for libraries with library dependencies. - Support for aidl files in library projects. - Support for extension targets in Ant build to perform tasks between the normal tasks: -pre-build, -pre-compile, -post-compile. - Headless SDK update. See 'android -h update sdk' for more info. - Fixed location control in DDMS to work in any locale not using '.' as a decimal point. Revision 6 (05/2010) - Support for library project to share code/resources among projects - Updated Ant rules and custom tasks - New "android create lib-project", "android update lib-project" actions. - New parameter for "android update project" Revision 5 (03/2010): - AVD/SDK Manager: - Fixed SSL download for the standalone version of the SDK Updater. - Fixed issue with 64bit JVM on windows. - Add support for samples components. - improved support for dependency between components. - AVDs now sorted by API level. - Prevent deletion of running AVDs. - Settings are now automatically saved, no need to click Apply. - Emulator now requires sd card to be 9MB and above. - Fixed layoutopt.bat to correctly execute on Windows.