apply plugin: 'sdk-files' def basePath = "../../../out/host/maven/bundles-24.0.1-SNAPSHOT/products/" sdk { linux { item('monitor') { notice null executable true } item(basePath + 'lin64/monitor') { into 'lib/monitor-x86_64' notice null builtBy 'unzipLinux64' } item(basePath + 'lin/monitor') { into 'lib/monitor-x86' notice null builtBy 'unzipLinux' } } mac { item('monitor') { notice null executable true } item(basePath + 'mac64/monitor') { into 'lib/monitor-x86_64' notice null builtBy 'unzipMac64' } } windows { item('monitor.bat') { notice null executable true } item(basePath + 'win64/monitor') { into 'lib/monitor-x86_64' notice null builtBy 'unzipWin64' } item(basePath + 'win/monitor') { into 'lib/monitor-x86' notice null builtBy 'unzipWin' } } } // Using PDE build, the size of monitor was 43M // With Tycho, we are at close to 75M. Until we figure out the proper way // to exclude unnecessary content, we just remove these plugins from the final build. def pluginsToRemove = [ 'org.eclipse.platform.doc.user_4.2.2.v20130121-200410.jar', 'org.eclipse.debug.ui_3.8.2.v20130130-171415.ja', 'org.apache.jasper.glassfish_2.2.2.v201205150955.jar', '', 'org.apache.lucene.core_2.9.1.v201101211721.jar', '', '', '', '', 'org.eclipse.jetty.server_8.1.3.v20120522.jar', 'org.eclipse.ui.intro_3.4.200.v20120521-2344.jar', 'org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets_3.4.200.v20120521-2344.jar', 'org.apache.ant_1.8.3.v201301120609/**' ] task unzipLinux64(type: Copy) { from zipTree(file(basePath + '')) into file(basePath + 'lin64/') pluginsToRemove.each { exclude "**/$it" } } task unzipLinux(type: Copy) { from zipTree(file(basePath + '')) into file(basePath + 'lin/') pluginsToRemove.each { exclude "**/$it" } } task unzipMac64(type: Copy) { from zipTree(file(basePath + '')) into file(basePath + 'mac64/') pluginsToRemove.each { exclude "**/$it" } } task unzipWin64(type: Copy) { from zipTree(file(basePath + '')) into file(basePath + 'win64/') pluginsToRemove.each { exclude "**/$it" } } task unzipWin(type: Copy) { from zipTree(file(basePath + '')) into file(basePath + 'win/') pluginsToRemove.each { exclude "**/$it" } }