#!/bin/bash # Quick script used to setup Eclipse for the ADT plugin build. # # usage: # setup_eclipse.sh [-p] <dest_dir> # -p: run Eclipse in the background and print its PID in dest_dir/eclipse.pid # # Workflow: # - downloads & unpack Eclipse if necessary # - *runs* it once #----------------- # # Note: right now this is invoked by sdk/eclipse/doBuild.sh # and it *MUST* be invoked with the following destination directory: # # $ setup_eclipse.sh /buildbot/eclipse-android/3.4.0/ # #----------------- set -e # abort this script early if any command fails function die() { echo $@ exit 1 } V="--no-verbose" if [[ "$1" == "-v" ]]; then V="" shift fi if [[ "-p" == "$1" ]]; then GET_PID="-p" shift fi BASE_DIR="$1" [[ -n "$1" ]] || die "Usage: $0 <dest-dir>" # URL for 3.5.2 RCP Linux 32 Bits. Includes GEF, WTP as needed. DOWNLOAD_URL="http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR2/eclipse-rcp-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz" BIN="$BASE_DIR/eclipse/eclipse" # path to installed binary TARGZ="$BASE_DIR/${DOWNLOAD_URL##*/}" # base dir + filename of the download URL if [[ ! -f "$BIN" ]]; then echo "Downloading and installing Eclipse in $BASE_DIR." mkdir -p "$BASE_DIR" wget --continue $V --output-document="$TARGZ" "$DOWNLOAD_URL" echo "Unpacking $TARGZ" (cd "$BASE_DIR" && tar xzf "$TARGZ") echo echo "*** WARNING: To setup Eclipse correctly, it must be ran at least once manually" echo "*** Eclipse will now start." echo if [[ -n "$GET_PID" ]]; then # if started from the automatic eclipse build, run Eclipse in the background "$BIN" & ECLIPSE_PID=$! echo "*** Eclipse started in background with PID $ECLIPSE_PID" echo "$ECLIPSE_PID" > "$BASE_DIR"/eclipse.pid sleep 5 # give some time for Eclipse to start and setup its environment else # if started manually, run Eclipse in the foreground "$BIN" fi fi