# Determine if the emugen build needs to be builts from # sources. EMUGL_BUILD_EMUGEN := ifeq (true,$(BUILD_STANDALONE_EMULATOR)) # The emulator's standalone build system can build host Linux # binaries even when it targets Windows by setting # LOCAL_HOST_BUILD to true, so rebuild from sources. EMUGL_BUILD_EMUGEN := true else ifneq ($(HOST_OS),windows) # The platform build can only build emugen when targetting # the same host sytem. EMUGL_BUILD_EMUGEN := true endif endif LOCAL_PATH:=$(call my-dir) ifeq (true,$(EMUGL_BUILD_EMUGEN)) $(call emugl-begin-host-executable,emugen) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ ApiGen.cpp \ EntryPoint.cpp \ main.cpp \ strUtils.cpp \ TypeFactory.cpp \ ifeq (true,$(BUILD_STANDALONE_EMULATOR)) LOCAL_HOST_BUILD := true endif $(call emugl-end-module) # The location of the emugen host tool that is used to generate wire # protocol encoders/ decoders. This variable is used by other emugl modules. EMUGL_EMUGEN := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) else # windows platform build # on windows use the build host emugen executable # (that will be the linux exeutable when using mingw build) EMUGL_EMUGEN := $(BUILD_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/emugen endif