// Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project #include #include #include #include #include #include "trace_reader.h" #include "gtrace.h" #include "bitvector.h" #include "parse_options.h" struct symbol { int filenum; // the file number (for gtrace) int procnum; // the procedure number (for gtrace) }; typedef TraceReader TraceReaderType; #include "parse_options-inl.h" const int kMaxProcNum = 4095; int next_filenum = 1; int next_procnum = 1; void Usage(const char *program) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] trace_file elf_file gtrace_file\n", program); OptionsUsage(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ParseOptions(argc, argv); if (argc - optind != 3) { Usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } char *qemu_trace_file = argv[optind++]; char *elf_file = argv[optind++]; char *gtrace_file = argv[optind++]; TraceReader *trace = new TraceReader; trace->Open(qemu_trace_file); trace->ReadKernelSymbols(elf_file); trace->SetRoot(root); TraceHeader *qheader = trace->GetHeader(); // Get the first valid event to get the process id for the gtrace header. BBEvent event; BBEvent ignored; symbol_type *sym; if (GetNextValidEvent(trace, &event, &ignored, &sym)) return 0; Gtrace *gtrace = new Gtrace; gtrace->Open(gtrace_file, qheader->pdate, qheader->ptime); gtrace->WriteFirstHeader(qheader->start_sec, event.pid); symbol_type *prev_sym = NULL; bool eof = false; while (!eof) { if (sym != prev_sym) { // This procedure is different from the previous procedure. // If we have never seen this symbol before, then add it to the // list of known procedures. if (sym->filenum == 0) { sym->filenum = next_filenum; sym->procnum = next_procnum; gtrace->AddProcedure(sym->filenum, sym->procnum, sym->name); next_procnum += 1; if (next_procnum > kMaxProcNum) { next_filenum += 1; next_procnum = 1; } } // If we haven't yet recorded the procedure exit for the previous // procedure, then do it now. if (prev_sym) { gtrace->AddProcExit(prev_sym->filenum, prev_sym->procnum, event.time, event.pid); } // If this is not the terminating record, then record a procedure // entry. if (event.bb_num != 0) { gtrace->AddProcEntry(sym->filenum, sym->procnum, event.time, event.pid); prev_sym = sym; } } eof = GetNextValidEvent(trace, &event, &ignored, &sym); if (ignored.time != 0 && prev_sym) { // We read an event that we are ignoring. // If we haven't already recorded a procedure exit, then do so. gtrace->AddProcExit(prev_sym->filenum, prev_sym->procnum, ignored.time, ignored.pid); prev_sym = NULL; } } delete gtrace; delete trace; return 0; }