# Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project # # Android.mk for find_lock.exe & static library LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) # "find_lock.exe" # =============== include $(CLEAR_VARS) ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ find_lock.cpp \ find_lock_exe.cpp LOCAL_MODULE := find_lock LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libfindjava LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter LOCAL_CFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSH_HISTORY -DUSE_MINGW LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(TOPDIR)sdk/find_java LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional # Locate windres executable WINDRES := windres ifneq ($(USE_MINGW),) # When building the Windows resources under Linux, use the MinGW one WINDRES := i586-mingw32msvc-windres endif # Link the Windows icon file as well into the executable, based on the technique # used in external/qemu/Makefile.android. The variables need to have different # names to not interfere with the ones from qemu/Makefile.android. # INTERMEDIATE := $(call intermediates-dir-for,EXECUTABLES,$(LOCAL_MODULE),true) FIND_LOCK_ICON_OBJ := find_lock_icon.o FIND_LOCK_ICON_PATH := $(LOCAL_PATH)/images $(FIND_LOCK_ICON_PATH)/$(FIND_LOCK_ICON_OBJ): $(FIND_LOCK_ICON_PATH)/android_icon.rc $(WINDRES) $< -I $(FIND_LOCK_ICON_PATH) -o $@ # seems to be the only way to add an object file that was not generated from # a C/C++/Java source file to our build system. and very unfortunately, # $(TOPDIR)/$(LOCALPATH) will always be prepended to this value, which forces # us to put the object file in the source directory... # LOCAL_PREBUILT_OBJ_FILES += images/$(FIND_LOCK_ICON_OBJ) include $(BUILD_HOST_EXECUTABLE) $(call dist-for-goals,droid,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)) endif