/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ide.common.api; import com.android.annotations.NonNull; import com.android.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.List; /** * An {@link IViewRule} describes the rules that apply to a given Layout or View object * in the Graphical Layout Editor. *

* Rules are implemented by builtin layout helpers, or 3rd party layout rule implementations * provided with or for a given 3rd party widget. *

* A 3rd party layout rule should use the same fully qualified class name as the layout it * represents, plus "Rule" as a suffix. For example, the layout rule for the * LinearLayout class is LinearLayoutRule, in the same package. *

* Rule instances are stateless. They are created once per View class to handle and are shared * across platforms or editor instances. As such, rules methods should never cache editor-specific * arguments that they might receive. *

* NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared * to adjust your code for the next tools release. *

*/ public interface IViewRule { /** * This method is called by the rule engine when the script is first loaded. * It gives the rule a chance to initialize itself. * * @param fqcn The fully qualified class name of the Layout or View that will be managed by * this rule. This can be cached as it will never change for the lifetime of this rule * instance. This may or may not match the script's filename as it may be the fqcn of a * class derived from the one this rule can handle. * @param engine The engine that is managing the rules. A rule can store a reference to * the engine during initialization and then use it later to invoke some of the * {@link IClientRulesEngine} methods for example to request user input. * @return True if this rule can handle the given FQCN. False if the rule can't handle the * given FQCN, in which case the rule engine will find another rule matching a parent class. */ boolean onInitialize(@NonNull String fqcn, @NonNull IClientRulesEngine engine); /** * This method is called by the rules engine just before the script is unloaded. */ void onDispose(); /** * Returns the class name to display when an element is selected in the layout editor. *

* If null is returned, the layout editor will automatically shorten the class name using its * own heuristic, which is to keep the first 2 package components and the class name. * The class name is the fqcn argument that was given * to {@link #onInitialize(String,IClientRulesEngine)}. * * @return Null for the default behavior or a shortened string. */ @Nullable String getDisplayName(); /** * Invoked by the Rules Engine to produce a set of actions to customize * the context menu displayed for this view. The result is not cached and the * method is invoked every time the context menu is about to be shown. *

* The order of the menu items is determined by the sort priority set on * the actions. *

* Most rules should consider calling super.{@link #addContextMenuActions(List, INode)} * as well. *

* Menu actions are either toggles or fixed lists with one currently-selected * item. It is expected that the rule will need to recreate the actions with * different selections when a menu is going to shown, which is why the result * is not cached. However rules are encouraged to cache some or all of the result * to speed up following calls if it makes sense. * * @param actions a list of actions to add new context menu actions into. The order * of the actions in this list is not important; it will be sorted by * {@link RuleAction#getSortPriority()} later. * @param node the node to add actions for. */ void addContextMenuActions(@NonNull List actions, @NonNull INode node); /** * Invoked by the Rules Engine to ask the parent layout for the set of layout actions * to display in the layout bar. The layout rule should add these into the provided * list. The order the items are added in does not matter; the * {@link RuleAction#getSortPriority()} values will be used to sort the actions prior * to display, which makes it easier for parent rules and deriving rules to interleave * their respective actions. * * @param actions the list of actions to add newly registered actions into * @param parentNode the parent of the selection, or the selection itself if the root * @param targets the targeted/selected nodes, if any */ void addLayoutActions( @NonNull List actions, @NonNull INode parentNode, @NonNull List targets); // ==== Selection ==== /** * Returns a list of strings that will be displayed when a single child is being * selected in a layout corresponding to this rule. This gives the container a chance * to describe the child's layout attributes or other relevant information. *

* Note that this is called only for single selections. *

* * @param parentNode The parent of the node selected. Never null. * @param childNode The child node that was selected. Never null. * @return a list of strings to be displayed, or null or empty to display nothing */ @Nullable List getSelectionHint(@NonNull INode parentNode, @NonNull INode childNode); /** * Paints any layout-specific selection feedback for the given parent layout. * * @param graphics the graphics context to paint into * @param parentNode the parent layout node * @param childNodes the child nodes selected in the parent layout * @param view An instance of the view to be painted (may be null) */ void paintSelectionFeedback( @NonNull IGraphics graphics, @NonNull INode parentNode, @NonNull List childNodes, @Nullable Object view); // ==== Drag'n'drop support ==== /** * Called when the d'n'd starts dragging over the target node. If * interested, returns a DropFeedback passed to onDrop/Move/Leave/Paint. If * not interested in drop, return null. Followed by a paint. * * @param targetNode the {@link INode} for the target layout receiving a * drop event * @param targetView the corresponding View object for the target layout, or * null if not known * @param elements an array of {@link IDragElement} element descriptors for * the dragged views * @return a {@link DropFeedback} object with drop state (which will be * supplied to a follow-up {@link #onDropMove} call), or null if the * drop should be ignored */ @Nullable DropFeedback onDropEnter(@NonNull INode targetNode, @Nullable Object targetView, @Nullable IDragElement[] elements); /** * Called after onDropEnter. Returns a DropFeedback passed to * onDrop/Move/Leave/Paint (typically same as input one). Returning null * will invalidate the drop workflow. * * @param targetNode the {@link INode} for the target layout receiving a * drop event * @param elements an array of {@link IDragElement} element descriptors for * the dragged views * @param feedback the {@link DropFeedback} object created by * {@link #onDropEnter(INode, Object, IDragElement[])} * @param where the current mouse drag position * @return a {@link DropFeedback} (which is usually just the same one passed * into this method) */ @Nullable DropFeedback onDropMove( @NonNull INode targetNode, @NonNull IDragElement[] elements, @Nullable DropFeedback feedback, @NonNull Point where); /** * Called when drop leaves the target without actually dropping. *

* When switching between views, onDropLeave is called on the old node *after* onDropEnter * is called after a new node that returned a non-null feedback. The feedback received here * is the one given by the previous onDropEnter on the same target. *

* E.g. call order is: *

     * - onDropEnter(node1) => feedback1
     * ...user moves to new view...
     * - onDropEnter(node2) => feedback2
     * - onDropLeave(node1, feedback1)
     * ...user leaves canvas...
     * - onDropLeave(node2, feedback2)
* @param targetNode the {@link INode} for the target layout receiving a * drop event * @param elements an array of {@link IDragElement} element descriptors for * the dragged views * @param feedback the {@link DropFeedback} object created by * {@link #onDropEnter(INode, Object, IDragElement[])} */ void onDropLeave( @NonNull INode targetNode, @NonNull IDragElement[] elements, @Nullable DropFeedback feedback); /** * Called when drop is released over the target to perform the actual drop. *

* TODO: Document that this method will be called under an edit lock so you can * directly manipulate the nodes without wrapping it in an * {@link INode#editXml(String, INodeHandler)} call. * * @param targetNode the {@link INode} for the target layout receiving a * drop event * @param elements an array of {@link IDragElement} element descriptors for * the dragged views * @param feedback the {@link DropFeedback} object created by * {@link #onDropEnter(INode, Object, IDragElement[])} * @param where the mouse drop position */ void onDropped( @NonNull INode targetNode, @NonNull IDragElement[] elements, @Nullable DropFeedback feedback, @NonNull Point where); /** * Called when pasting elements in an existing document on the selected target. * * @param targetNode The first node selected. * @param targetView the corresponding View object for the target layout, or * null if not known * @param pastedElements The elements being pasted. */ void onPaste(@NonNull INode targetNode, @Nullable Object targetView, @NonNull IDragElement[] pastedElements); // ==== XML Creation ==== /** * Called when a view for this rule is being created. This allows for the rule to * customize the newly created object. Note that this method is called not just when a * view is created from a palette drag, but when views are constructed via a drag-move * (where views are created in the destination and then deleted from the source), and * even when views are constructed programmatically from other view rules. The * {@link InsertType} parameter can be used to distinguish the context for the * insertion. For example, the DialerFilterRule will insert EditText children * when a DialerFilter is first created, but not during a copy/paste or a move. * * @param node the newly created node (which will always be a View that applies to * this {@link IViewRule}) * @param parent the parent of the node (which may not yet contain the newly created * node in its child list) * @param insertType whether this node was created as part of a newly created view, or * as a copy, or as a move, etc. */ void onCreate(@NonNull INode node, @NonNull INode parent, @NonNull InsertType insertType); /** * Called when a child for this view has been created and is being inserted into the * view parent for which this {@link IViewRule} applies. Allows the parent to perform * customizations of the object. As with {@link #onCreate}, the {@link InsertType} * parameter can be used to handle new creation versus moves versus copy/paste * operations differently. * * @param child the newly created node * @param parent the parent of the newly created node (which may not yet contain the * newly created node in its child list) * @param insertType whether this node was created as part of a newly created view, or * as a copy, or as a move, etc. */ void onChildInserted(@NonNull INode child, @NonNull INode parent, @NonNull InsertType insertType); /** * Called when one or more children are about to be deleted by the user. Note that * children deleted programmatically from view rules (via * {@link INode#removeChild(INode)}) will not notify about deletion. *

* Note that this method will be called under an edit lock, so rules can directly * add/remove nodes and attributes as part of the deletion handling (and their * actions will be part of the same undo-unit.) * * @param deleted a nonempty list of children about to be deleted * @param parent the parent of the deleted children (which still contains the children * since this method is called before the deletion is performed) */ void onRemovingChildren(@NonNull List deleted, @NonNull INode parent); /** * Called by the IDE on the parent layout when a child widget is being resized. This * is called once at the beginning of the resizing operation. A horizontal edge, * or a vertical edge, or both, can be resized simultaneously. * * @param child the widget being resized * @param parent the layout containing the child * @param horizEdge The horizontal edge being resized, or null * @param verticalEdge the vertical edge being resized, or null * @param childView an instance of the resized node view, or null if not known * @param parentView an instance of the parent layout view object, or null if not known * @return a {@link DropFeedback} object which performs an update painter callback * etc. */ @Nullable DropFeedback onResizeBegin( @NonNull INode child, @NonNull INode parent, @Nullable SegmentType horizEdge, @Nullable SegmentType verticalEdge, @Nullable Object childView, @Nullable Object parentView); /** * Called by the IDE on the parent layout when a child widget is being resized. This * is called repeatedly during the resize as the mouse is dragged to update the drag * bounds, recompute guidelines, etc. The resize has not yet been "committed" so the * XML should not be edited yet. * * @param feedback the {@link DropFeedback} object created in {@link #onResizeBegin} * @param child the widget being resized * @param parent the layout containing the child * @param newBounds the new bounds the user has chosen to resize the widget to, * in absolute coordinates * @param modifierMask The modifier keys currently pressed by the user, as a bitmask * of the constants {@link DropFeedback#MODIFIER1}, {@link DropFeedback#MODIFIER2} * and {@link DropFeedback#MODIFIER3}. */ void onResizeUpdate( @Nullable DropFeedback feedback, @NonNull INode child, @NonNull INode parent, @NonNull Rect newBounds, int modifierMask); /** * Called by the IDE on the parent layout when a child widget is being resized. This * is called once at the end of the resize operation, if it was not canceled. * This method can call {@link INode#editXml} to update the node to reflect the * new bounds. * * @param feedback the {@link DropFeedback} object created in {@link #onResizeBegin} * @param child the widget being resized * @param parent the layout containing the child * @param newBounds the new bounds the user has chosen to resize the widget to, * in absolute coordinates */ void onResizeEnd( @Nullable DropFeedback feedback, @NonNull INode child, @NonNull INode parent, @NonNull Rect newBounds); }