/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mincrypt/rsa.h" #include "mincrypt/sha.h" #include "mincrypt/sha256.h" #include "ext4_sb.h" #include "fs_mgr_priv.h" #include "fs_mgr_priv_verity.h" #define VERITY_METADATA_SIZE 32768 #define VERITY_METADATA_MAGIC_NUMBER 0xb001b001 #define VERITY_TABLE_RSA_KEY "/verity_key" extern struct fs_info info; static RSAPublicKey *load_key(char *path) { FILE *f; RSAPublicKey *key; key = malloc(sizeof(RSAPublicKey)); if (!key) { ERROR("Can't malloc key\n"); return NULL; } f = fopen(path, "r"); if (!f) { ERROR("Can't open '%s'\n", path); free(key); return NULL; } if (!fread(key, sizeof(*key), 1, f)) { ERROR("Could not read key!"); fclose(f); free(key); return NULL; } if (key->len != RSANUMWORDS) { ERROR("Invalid key length %d\n", key->len); fclose(f); free(key); return NULL; } fclose(f); return key; } static int verify_table(char *signature, char *table, int table_length) { int fd; RSAPublicKey *key; uint8_t hash_buf[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE]; int retval = -1; // Hash the table SHA_hash((uint8_t*)table, table_length, hash_buf); // Now get the public key from the keyfile key = load_key(VERITY_TABLE_RSA_KEY); if (!key) { ERROR("Couldn't load verity keys"); goto out; } // verify the result if (!RSA_verify(key, (uint8_t*) signature, RSANUMBYTES, (uint8_t*) hash_buf, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE)) { ERROR("Couldn't verify table."); goto out; } retval = 0; out: free(key); return retval; } static int get_target_device_size(char *blk_device, uint64_t *device_size) { int data_device; struct ext4_super_block sb; struct fs_info info = {0}; data_device = open(blk_device, O_RDONLY); if (data_device < 0) { ERROR("Error opening block device (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (lseek64(data_device, 1024, SEEK_SET) < 0) { ERROR("Error seeking to superblock"); close(data_device); return -1; } if (read(data_device, &sb, sizeof(sb)) != sizeof(sb)) { ERROR("Error reading superblock"); close(data_device); return -1; } ext4_parse_sb(&sb, &info); *device_size = info.len; close(data_device); return 0; } static int read_verity_metadata(char *block_device, char **signature, char **table) { unsigned magic_number; unsigned table_length; uint64_t device_length; int protocol_version; FILE *device; int retval = -1; device = fopen(block_device, "r"); if (!device) { ERROR("Could not open block device %s (%s).\n", block_device, strerror(errno)); goto out; } // find the start of the verity metadata if (get_target_device_size(block_device, &device_length) < 0) { ERROR("Could not get target device size.\n"); goto out; } if (fseek(device, device_length, SEEK_SET) < 0) { ERROR("Could not seek to start of verity metadata block.\n"); goto out; } // check the magic number if (!fread(&magic_number, sizeof(int), 1, device)) { ERROR("Couldn't read magic number!\n"); goto out; } if (magic_number != VERITY_METADATA_MAGIC_NUMBER) { ERROR("Couldn't find verity metadata at offset %"PRIu64"!\n", device_length); goto out; } // check the protocol version if (!fread(&protocol_version, sizeof(int), 1, device)) { ERROR("Couldn't read verity metadata protocol version!\n"); goto out; } if (protocol_version != 0) { ERROR("Got unknown verity metadata protocol version %d!\n", protocol_version); goto out; } // get the signature *signature = (char*) malloc(RSANUMBYTES * sizeof(char)); if (!*signature) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for signature!\n"); goto out; } if (!fread(*signature, RSANUMBYTES, 1, device)) { ERROR("Couldn't read signature from verity metadata!\n"); free(*signature); goto out; } // get the size of the table if (!fread(&table_length, sizeof(int), 1, device)) { ERROR("Couldn't get the size of the verity table from metadata!\n"); free(*signature); goto out; } // get the table + null terminator table_length += 1; *table = malloc(table_length); if(!*table) { ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for verity table!\n"); goto out; } if (!fgets(*table, table_length, device)) { ERROR("Couldn't read the verity table from metadata!\n"); free(*table); free(*signature); goto out; } retval = 0; out: if (device) fclose(device); return retval; } static void verity_ioctl_init(struct dm_ioctl *io, char *name, unsigned flags) { memset(io, 0, DM_BUF_SIZE); io->data_size = DM_BUF_SIZE; io->data_start = sizeof(struct dm_ioctl); io->version[0] = 4; io->version[1] = 0; io->version[2] = 0; io->flags = flags | DM_READONLY_FLAG; if (name) { strlcpy(io->name, name, sizeof(io->name)); } } static int create_verity_device(struct dm_ioctl *io, char *name, int fd) { verity_ioctl_init(io, name, 1); if (ioctl(fd, DM_DEV_CREATE, io)) { ERROR("Error creating device mapping (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static int get_verity_device_name(struct dm_ioctl *io, char *name, int fd, char **dev_name) { verity_ioctl_init(io, name, 0); if (ioctl(fd, DM_DEV_STATUS, io)) { ERROR("Error fetching verity device number (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } int dev_num = (io->dev & 0xff) | ((io->dev >> 12) & 0xfff00); if (asprintf(dev_name, "/dev/block/dm-%u", dev_num) < 0) { ERROR("Error getting verity block device name (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static int load_verity_table(struct dm_ioctl *io, char *name, char *blockdev, int fd, char *table) { char *verity_params; char *buffer = (char*) io; uint64_t device_size = 0; if (get_target_device_size(blockdev, &device_size) < 0) { return -1; } verity_ioctl_init(io, name, DM_STATUS_TABLE_FLAG); struct dm_target_spec *tgt = (struct dm_target_spec *) &buffer[sizeof(struct dm_ioctl)]; // set tgt arguments here io->target_count = 1; tgt->status=0; tgt->sector_start=0; tgt->length=device_size/512; strcpy(tgt->target_type, "verity"); // build the verity params here verity_params = buffer + sizeof(struct dm_ioctl) + sizeof(struct dm_target_spec); if (sprintf(verity_params, "%s", table) < 0) { return -1; } // set next target boundary verity_params += strlen(verity_params) + 1; verity_params = (char*) (((unsigned long)verity_params + 7) & ~8); tgt->next = verity_params - buffer; // send the ioctl to load the verity table if (ioctl(fd, DM_TABLE_LOAD, io)) { ERROR("Error loading verity table (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static int resume_verity_table(struct dm_ioctl *io, char *name, int fd) { verity_ioctl_init(io, name, 0); if (ioctl(fd, DM_DEV_SUSPEND, io)) { ERROR("Error activating verity device (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } static int test_access(char *device) { int tries = 25; while (tries--) { if (!access(device, F_OK) || errno != ENOENT) { return 0; } usleep(40 * 1000); } return -1; } int fs_mgr_setup_verity(struct fstab_rec *fstab) { int retval = -1; char *verity_blk_name; char *verity_table; char *verity_table_signature; char buffer[DM_BUF_SIZE]; struct dm_ioctl *io = (struct dm_ioctl *) buffer; char *mount_point = basename(fstab->mount_point); // set the dm_ioctl flags io->flags |= 1; io->target_count = 1; // get the device mapper fd int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/device-mapper", O_RDWR)) < 0) { ERROR("Error opening device mapper (%s)", strerror(errno)); return retval; } // create the device if (create_verity_device(io, mount_point, fd) < 0) { ERROR("Couldn't create verity device!"); goto out; } // get the name of the device file if (get_verity_device_name(io, mount_point, fd, &verity_blk_name) < 0) { ERROR("Couldn't get verity device number!"); goto out; } // read the verity block at the end of the block device if (read_verity_metadata(fstab->blk_device, &verity_table_signature, &verity_table) < 0) { goto out; } // verify the signature on the table if (verify_table(verity_table_signature, verity_table, strlen(verity_table)) < 0) { goto out; } // load the verity mapping table if (load_verity_table(io, mount_point, fstab->blk_device, fd, verity_table) < 0) { goto out; } // activate the device if (resume_verity_table(io, mount_point, fd) < 0) { goto out; } // assign the new verity block device as the block device free(fstab->blk_device); fstab->blk_device = verity_blk_name; // make sure we've set everything up properly if (test_access(fstab->blk_device) < 0) { goto out; } retval = 0; out: close(fd); return retval; }