/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static uint64_t gBytesProcessed; static uint64_t gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs; static uint64_t gBenchmarkTotalTimeNsSquared; static uint64_t gBenchmarkNum; static uint64_t gBenchmarkStartTimeNs; typedef std::vector< ::testing::Benchmark* > BenchmarkList; static BenchmarkList* gBenchmarks; static int Round(int n) { int base = 1; while (base*10 < n) { base *= 10; } if (n < 2*base) { return 2*base; } if (n < 5*base) { return 5*base; } return 10*base; } static uint64_t NanoTime() { struct timespec t; t.tv_sec = t.tv_nsec = 0; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t); return static_cast(t.tv_sec) * 1000000000ULL + t.tv_nsec; } namespace testing { int PrettyPrintInt(char* str, int len, unsigned int arg) { if (arg >= (1<<30) && arg % (1<<30) == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uGi", arg/(1<<30)); } else if (arg >= (1<<20) && arg % (1<<20) == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uMi", arg/(1<<20)); } else if (arg >= (1<<10) && arg % (1<<10) == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uKi", arg/(1<<10)); } else if (arg >= 1000000000 && arg % 1000000000 == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uG", arg/1000000000); } else if (arg >= 1000000 && arg % 1000000 == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uM", arg/1000000); } else if (arg >= 1000 && arg % 1000 == 0) { return snprintf(str, len, "%uK", arg/1000); } else { return snprintf(str, len, "%u", arg); } } bool ShouldRun(Benchmark* b, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { return true; // With no arguments, we run all benchmarks. } // Otherwise, we interpret each argument as a regular expression and // see if any of our benchmarks match. for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { regex_t re; if (regcomp(&re, argv[i], 0) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't compile \"%s\" as a regular expression!\n", argv[i]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int match = regexec(&re, b->Name(), 0, NULL, 0); regfree(&re); if (match != REG_NOMATCH) { return true; } } return false; } void BenchmarkRegister(Benchmark* b) { if (gBenchmarks == NULL) { gBenchmarks = new BenchmarkList; } gBenchmarks->push_back(b); } void RunRepeatedly(Benchmark* b, int iterations) { gBytesProcessed = 0; ResetBenchmarkTiming(); uint64_t StartTimeNs = NanoTime(); b->RunFn(iterations); // Catch us if we fail to log anything. if ((gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs == 0) && (StartTimeNs != 0) && (gBenchmarkStartTimeNs == 0)) { gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs = NanoTime() - StartTimeNs; } } void Run(Benchmark* b) { // run once in case it's expensive unsigned iterations = 1; uint64_t s = NanoTime(); RunRepeatedly(b, iterations); s = NanoTime() - s; while (s < 2e9 && gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs < 1e9 && iterations < 1e9) { unsigned last = iterations; if (gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs/iterations == 0) { iterations = 1e9; } else { iterations = 1e9 / (gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs/iterations); } iterations = std::max(last + 1, std::min(iterations + iterations/2, 100*last)); iterations = Round(iterations); s = NanoTime(); RunRepeatedly(b, iterations); s = NanoTime() - s; } char throughput[100]; throughput[0] = '\0'; if (gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs > 0 && gBytesProcessed > 0) { double mib_processed = static_cast(gBytesProcessed)/1e6; double seconds = static_cast(gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs)/1e9; snprintf(throughput, sizeof(throughput), " %8.2f MiB/s", mib_processed/seconds); } char full_name[100]; snprintf(full_name, sizeof(full_name), "%s%s%s", b->Name(), b->ArgName() ? "/" : "", b->ArgName() ? b->ArgName() : ""); uint64_t mean = gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs / iterations; uint64_t sdev = 0; if (gBenchmarkNum == iterations) { mean = gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs / gBenchmarkNum; uint64_t nXvariance = gBenchmarkTotalTimeNsSquared * gBenchmarkNum - (gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs * gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs); sdev = (sqrt((double)nXvariance) / gBenchmarkNum / gBenchmarkNum) + 0.5; } if (mean > (10000 * sdev)) { printf("%-25s %10llu %10llu%s\n", full_name, static_cast(iterations), mean, throughput); } else { printf("%-25s %10llu %10llu(\317\203%llu)%s\n", full_name, static_cast(iterations), mean, sdev, throughput); } fflush(stdout); } } // namespace testing void SetBenchmarkBytesProcessed(uint64_t x) { gBytesProcessed = x; } void ResetBenchmarkTiming() { gBenchmarkStartTimeNs = 0; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs = 0; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNsSquared = 0; gBenchmarkNum = 0; } void StopBenchmarkTiming(void) { if (gBenchmarkStartTimeNs != 0) { int64_t diff = NanoTime() - gBenchmarkStartTimeNs; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs += diff; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNsSquared += diff * diff; ++gBenchmarkNum; } gBenchmarkStartTimeNs = 0; } void StartBenchmarkTiming(void) { if (gBenchmarkStartTimeNs == 0) { gBenchmarkStartTimeNs = NanoTime(); } } void StopBenchmarkTiming(uint64_t NanoTime) { if (gBenchmarkStartTimeNs != 0) { int64_t diff = NanoTime - gBenchmarkStartTimeNs; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNs += diff; gBenchmarkTotalTimeNsSquared += diff * diff; if (NanoTime != 0) { ++gBenchmarkNum; } } gBenchmarkStartTimeNs = 0; } void StartBenchmarkTiming(uint64_t NanoTime) { if (gBenchmarkStartTimeNs == 0) { gBenchmarkStartTimeNs = NanoTime; } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (gBenchmarks->empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "No benchmarks registered!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool need_header = true; for (auto b : *gBenchmarks) { if (ShouldRun(b, argc, argv)) { if (need_header) { printf("%-25s %10s %10s\n", "", "iterations", "ns/op"); fflush(stdout); need_header = false; } Run(b); } } if (need_header) { fprintf(stderr, "No matching benchmarks!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Available benchmarks:\n"); for (auto b : *gBenchmarks) { fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", b->Name()); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; }