#!/usr/bin/perl eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell use strict; use warnings; # $Id: release,v 1.1 2007/09/04 17:59:38 dsaff Exp $ =head1 NAME release - upload files to the CPAN and SourceForge.net =head1 SYNOPSIS release [ LOCAL_FILE [ REMOTE_FILE ] ] # try a dry run without uploading anything release -t # print a help message release -h # print debugging information release -d =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the prototype program for using Module::Release. You should modify it to fit your needs. This program automates Perl module releases. It makes the distribution, tests it, checks that source control is up to date, tags source control, uploads it to the PAUSE anonymous FTP directory and to the incoming directory for SourceForge.net, claims it on PAUSE for your CPAN account, and releases it on SourceForge.net. By default this script assumes that you use CVS, but recognizes SVN and switches when appropriate. =head2 Process The release script checks many things before it actually releases the file. Some of these are annoying, but they are also the last line of defense against releasing bad distributions. =over 4 =item Read the configuration data Look in the current working directory for C<.releaserc>. See the Configuration section. If release cannot find the configuration file, it dies. =item Test and make the distribution Run make realclean, perl Makefile.PL, make test, make dist, make disttest. If testing fails, release dies. make dist provides the name of the distribution if LOCAL_FILE is not provided on the command line. =item Check that source control is up-to-date If there are modified files, added files, or extra files so that source control complains, fail. =item Upload to PAUSE and SourceForge.net Simply drop the distribution in the incoming/ directory of these servers. =item Claim the file on PAUSE Connect to the PAUSE web thingy and claim the uploaded file for your CPAN account. =item Tag the repository Use the version number (in the distribution name) to tag the repository. You should be able to checkout the code from any release. =item Release to SourceForge.net The release name is the distribution name without the .tar.gz. The file name is the distribution name. SourceForge.net divides things into projects (with project IDs) and packages within the project (with package IDs). Specify these in the configuration file. =back =head2 Configuration The release script uses a configuration file in the current working directory. The file name is F<.releaserc>. Although most of the information is the same for all of your projects, the C is probably different. You can get the C from the data in the Quick Release Form. release's own F<.releaserc> looks like this: sf_user comdog sf_group_id 36221 sf_package_id 56559 cpan_user BDFOY =over 4 =item cpan_user =item sf_user If C or C is set to C<< >>, the program will skip releasing for that system. You must release for at least one system. =item sf_group_id =item sf_package_id =item sf_processor_id =item sf_type_id =item sf_release_match =item sf_release_replace To find C and C, go to the Add/Edit Release page for your project. The link for "[Add Release]" might look something like this (this is the link for the F package itself): https://sourceforge.net/project/admin/newrelease.php?package_id=56559&group_id=36221 so C is 56559 and C is 36221. C and C are optional, and default to "Any" and "Source .gz". See the HTML in a file release form on SourceForge.net for other options. C and C are for defining the release name, if you don't like the default. For example, the default would set the name for this program to something like "release-0.10". But if you want the name to be only the version number, set C and C. =item passive_ftp Set C to "y" or "yes" for passive FTP transfers. Usually this is to get around a firewall issue. =item release_subclass Specify the name of a subclass to use instead of Module::Release. The subclass can override any of the Module::Release methods. This makes it possible to maintain your own local releasing procedures. For instance, one such subclass might look like this: package Module::Release::KWILLIAMS; use base qw(Module::Release); sub make_cvs_tag { my $self = shift; (my $version) = $self->{remote} =~ / - (\d[\w.]*) \.tar \.gz $/x; $version =~ s/[^a-z0-9_]/_/gi; return "release-$version"; } 1; To use this subclass, you'd put it in your C<@INC> somewhere, then set C to C. =back =head2 Environment =over 4 =item * CPAN_PASS =item * SF_PASS release reads the C and C environment variables to set the passwords for PAUSE and SourceForge.net, respectively. Of course, you don't need to set the password for a system you're not uploading to. =item * RELEASE_DEBUG The C environment variable sets the debugging value, which is 0 by default. Set C to a true value to get debugging output. =item * PERL The C environment variable sets the path to perl for use in the make; otherwise, the perl used to run release will be used. =back =head1 TO DO =over 4 =item * check make disttest (to catch MANIFEST errors) -- needs error catching and reporting =back =head1 SOURCE AVAILABILITY This source is part of a SourceForge.net project which always has the latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases. http://sourceforge.net/projects/brian-d-foy/ If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other members of the project can shepherd this software appropriately. =head1 AUTHOR brian d foy, C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2002-2007, brian d foy, All rights reserved. You may use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 CREDITS Ken Williams turned the original release(1) script into a module. Andy Lester contributed to the module and script. =cut use Getopt::Std; use Module::Release; my $class = "Module::Release"; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # my %opts; getopts('hdt', \%opts) or $opts{h} = 1; if( $opts{h} ) { print <<"USE"; Use: release -hdt [ LOCAL_FILE [ REMOTE_FILE ] ] Will upload current release LOCAL_FILE, naming it REMOTE_FILE. Will get LOCAL_FILE and REMOTE_FILE automatically (using same name for both) if not supplied. -h This help -d Print extra debugging information -t Just make and test distribution, don't tag/upload The program works in the current directory, and looks for a .releaserc or releaserc file and the environment for its preferences. See `perldoc $0`, for more information. USE exit; } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # if( -d '.svn' ) { $class = "Module::Release::Subversion"; print STDERR "I see an .svn directory, so I'm loading $class" if $opts{d}; eval "use Module::Release::Subversion"; die "Could not load $class: $@\n" if $@; } my( $script_version ) = sprintf "%1.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ m/ (\d+) /xg; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # my %params; $params{local} = shift @ARGV if @ARGV; if( @ARGV ) { $params{remote} = shift @ARGV; } elsif( $params{local} ) { $params{remote} = $params{local}; } $params{debug} = 1 if $opts{d}; my $release = $class->new( %params ); print STDERR "release $script_version, using $class " . $class->VERSION . "\n" if $release->debug; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $release->clean; $release->build_makefile; $release->test; $release->dist; $release->check_kwalitee; $release->dist_test; # $release->check_cvs; my $Version = $release->dist_version; print STDERR "dist version is $Version\n" if $release->debug; exit if $opts{t}; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # my $Changes = do { my $changes = "Changes"; my $bak = $changes . ".bak"; die "Changes file does not exist!\n" unless -e $changes; print "\n", "-" x 73, "\n", "Enter Changes section\n\n> "; my $str = $Version . " - " . localtime() . "\n"; while( ) { $_ =~ s/^(\S)/\t$1/; # always indent $str .= $_; print "> "; } $str .= "\n"; rename $changes, $bak or die "Could not backup $changes. $!\n"; open my $in, $bak or die "Could not read old $changes file! $!\n"; open my $out, ">", $changes; while( <$in> ) { print $out $_; last unless m/\S/; } print $out $str; print $out $_ while( <$in> ); close $in; close $out; my $command = do { if( -d 'CVS' ) { 'cvs' } elsif( -d '.svn' ) { 'svn' } }; my $cvs_commit = `$command commit -m "* for version $Version" 2>&1`; print $cvs_commit; $str; }; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $release->clean; $release->build_makefile; $release->dist; $release->check_for_passwords; $release->ftp_upload; $release->pause_claim; $release->cvs_tag; $release->sf_login; $release->sf_qrs; $release->sf_release; print "Done.\n"; __END__