## Summary of Changes in version 4.5 ## ### Installation ### - We are releasing `junit-4.5.jar`, which contains all the classes necessary to run JUnit, and `junit-dep-4.5.jar`, which leaves out hamcrest classes, for developers who already use hamcrest outside of JUnit. ### Basic JUnit operation ### - JUnitCore now more often exits with the correct exit code (0 for success, 1 for failure) - Badly formed test classes (exceptions in constructors, classes without tests, multiple constructors, Suite without @SuiteClasses) produce more helpful error messages - Test classes whose only test methods are inherited from superclasses now run. - Optimization to annotation processing can cut JUnit overhead by more than half on large test classes, especially when using Theories. [Bug 1796847] - A failing assumption in a constructor ignores the class - Correct results when comparing the string "null" with potentially null values. [Bug 1857283] - Annotating a class with `@RunWith(JUnit4.class)` will always invoke the default JUnit 4 runner in the current version of JUnit. This default changed from `JUnit4ClassRunner` in 4.4 to `BlockJUnit4ClassRunner` in 4.5 (see below), and may change again. ### Extension ### - `BlockJUnit4Runner` is a new implementation of the standard JUnit 4 test class functionality. In contrast to `JUnit4ClassRunner` (the old implementation): - `BlockJUnit4Runner` has a much simpler implementation based on Statements, allowing new operations to be inserted into the appropriate point in the execution flow. - `BlockJUnit4Runner` is published, and extension and reuse are encouraged, whereas `JUnit4ClassRunner` was in an internal package, and is now deprecated. - `ParentRunner` is a base class for runners that iterate over a list of "children", each an object representing a test or suite to run. `ParentRunner` provides filtering, sorting, `@BeforeClass`, `@AfterClass`, and method validation to subclasses. - `TestClass` wraps a class to be run, providing efficient, repeated access to all methods with a given annotation. - The new `RunnerBuilder` API allows extending the behavior of Suite-like custom runners. - `AssumptionViolatedException.toString()` is more informative ### Extra Runners ### - `Parameterized.eachOne()` has been removed - New runner `Enclosed` runs all static inner classes of an outer class. ### Theories ### - `@Before` and `@After` methods are run before and after each set of attempted parameters on a Theory, and each set of parameters is run on a new instance of the test class. - Exposed API's `ParameterSignature.getType()` and `ParameterSignature.getAnnotations()` - An array of data points can be introduced by a field or method marked with the new annotation `@DataPoints` - The Theories custom runner has been refactored to make it faster and easier to extend ### Development ### - Source has been split into directories `src/main/java` and `src/test/java`, making it easier to exclude tests from builds, and making JUnit more maven-friendly - Test classes in `org.junit.tests` have been organized into subpackages, hopefully making finding tests easier. - `ResultMatchers` has more informative descriptions. - `TestSystem` allows testing return codes and other system-level interactions. ### Incompatible changes ### - Removed Request.classes(String, Class...) factory method