
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

Getting Started

To get started with unit testing and JUnit read the article: JUnit Cookbook.
This article describes basic test writing using JUnit 4.

You find additional samples in the org.junit.samples package:

JUnit 4.x only comes with a textual TestRunner. For graphical feedback, most major IDE's support JUnit 4. If necessary, you can run JUnit 4 tests in a JUnit 3 environment by adding the following method to each test class:

public static Test suite() {
   return new JUnit4TestAdapter(ThisClass.class);


JUnit Cookbook
    A cookbook for implementing tests with JUnit.
    API documentation generated with javadoc.
Frequently asked questions
    Some frequently asked questions about using JUnit.
Release notes
    Latest JUnit release notes
    The terms of the common public license used for JUnit.
The following documents still describe JUnit 3.8.

The JUnit 3.8 version of this homepage
Test Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests
    An article demonstrating the development process with JUnit.
JUnit - A cooks tour

JUnit Related Projects/Sites

Mailing Lists

There are three junit mailing lists:

Get Involved

JUnit celebrates programmers testing their own software. As a result bugs, patches, and feature requests which include JUnit TestCases have a better chance of being addressed than those without.
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JUnit source code is now hosted on GitHub.
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