_______________________________________________________________________________ The Watchmaker Framework for Evolutionary Computation - Version 0.7.1 (http://watchmaker.uncommons.org) Copyright 2006-2010 Daniel W. Dyer (http://www.dandyer.co.uk) _______________________________________________________________________________ 1). Getting Started ------------------- Please refer to the included LICENCE.txt and NOTICE.txt files for terms of use. User Manual: http://watchmaker.uncommons.org/manual/index.html API Reference: http://watchmaker.uncommons.org/api/index.html Source code for several example programs is included in the distribution. The examples can be run with the following command: java -jar watchmaker-examples-0.7.1.jar This will list the names of available example applications. Then just run the command again with one of those names as an argument. 2). Library Dependencies ------------------------ The following bundled JAR files are required by all programs that use the Watchmaker Framework: watchmaker-framework-0.7.1.jar (Apache Licence 2.0) uncommons-maths-1.2.1.jar (Apache Licence 2.0) google-collect-1.0.jar (Apache Licence 2.0) These additional JAR files are required to use the Watchmaker Framework Swing components: watchmaker-swing-0.7.1.jar (Apache Licence 2.0) jfreechart-1.0.13.jar (GNU LGPL 2.1) jcommon-1.0.16.jar (GNU LGPL 2.1) Example applications are included in the watchmaker-examples-0.7.1.jar file. This file is not required by other applications that use the Watchmaker Framework.