path: root/core/
diff options
authorThe Android Open Source Project <>2008-10-21 07:00:00 -0700
committerThe Android Open Source Project <>2008-10-21 07:00:00 -0700
commitb6c1cf6de79035f58b512f4400db458c8401379a (patch)
tree68979db37c85b499bc384e4ac337ed1424baab51 /core/
Initial Contribution
Diffstat (limited to 'core/')
1 files changed, 1466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0b9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,1466 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+## Common build system definitions. Mostly standard
+## commands for building various types of targets, which
+## are used by others to construct the final targets.
+# You can be dependent on this target to print to the
+# user the current configuration being used.
+.PHONY: report_config
+ @echo -e "============================================"\
+ "\nHOST_OS="$(HOST_OS)\
+ "\n============================================"
+# These are variables we use to collect overall lists
+# of things being processed.
+# Full paths to all of the documentation
+# The short names of all of the targets in the system.
+# For each element of ALL_MODULES, two other variables
+# are defined:
+# $(ALL_MODULES.$(target)).BUILT
+# The BUILT variable contains LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE for that
+# target, and the INSTALLED variable contains the LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE.
+# Some targets may have multiple files listed in the BUILT and INSTALLED
+# sub-variables.
+# Full paths to targets that should be added to the "make droid"
+# set of installed targets.
+# Full paths to all targets that will be built.
+# The list of tags that have been defined by
+# LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS. Each word in this variable maps
+# to a corresponding ALL_MODULE_TAGS.<tagname> variable
+# that contains all of the INSTALLED_MODULEs with that tag.
+# Similar to ALL_MODULE_TAGS, but contains the short names
+# of all targets for a particular tag. The top-level variable
+# won't have the list of tags; ust ALL_MODULE_TAGS to get
+# the list of all known tags. (This means that this variable
+# will always be empty; it's just here as a placeholder for
+# its sub-variables.)
+# Full paths to all prebuilt files that will be copied
+# (used to make the dependency on acp)
+# Full path to all files that are made by some tool
+# Full path to all asm, C, C++, lex and yacc generated C files.
+# These all have an order-only dependency on the copied headers
+# The list of dynamic binaries that haven't been stripped/compressed/prelinked.
+# These files go into the SDK
+# Files for dalvik. This is often build without building the rest of the OS.
+# All findbugs xml files
+## Debugging; prints a variable list to stdout
+# $(1): variable name list, not variable values
+define print-vars
+$(foreach var,$(1), \
+ $(info $(var):) \
+ $(foreach word,$($(var)), \
+ $(info $(space)$(space)$(word)) \
+ ) \
+ )
+## Retrieve the directory of the current makefile
+# Figure out where we are.
+define my-dir
+$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
+## Retrieve a list of all makefiles immediately below some directory
+define all-makefiles-under
+$(wildcard $(1)/*/
+## Look under a directory for makefiles that don't have parent
+## makefiles.
+# $(1): directory to search under
+# Ignores $(1)/
+define first-makefiles-under
+$(shell build/tools/ --mindepth=2 $(1)
+## Retrieve a list of all makefiles immediately below your directory
+define all-subdir-makefiles
+$(call all-makefiles-under,$(call my-dir))
+## Look in the named list of directories for makefiles,
+## relative to the current directory.
+# $(1): List of directories to look for under this directory
+define all-named-subdir-makefiles
+$(wildcard $(addsuffix /, $(addprefix $(my-dir)/,$(1))))
+## Find all of the java files under the named directories.
+## Meant to be used like:
+## SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src tests)
+define all-java-files-under
+$(patsubst ./%,%, \
+ $(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; \
+ find $(1) -name "*.java" -and -not -name ".*") \
+ )
+## Find all of the java files from here. Meant to be used like:
+## SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+define all-subdir-java-files
+$(call all-java-files-under,.)
+## Find all files named "I*.aidl" under the named directories,
+## which must be relative to $(LOCAL_PATH). The returned list
+## is relative to $(LOCAL_PATH).
+define all-Iaidl-files-under
+$(patsubst ./%,%, \
+ $(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; \
+ find $(1) -name "I*.aidl" -and -not -name ".*") \
+ )
+## Find all of the "I*.aidl" files under $(LOCAL_PATH).
+define all-subdir-Iaidl-files
+$(call all-Iaidl-files-under,.)
+## Find all of the html files from here. Meant to be used like:
+## SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-html-files)
+define all-subdir-html-files
+$(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; find . -name "*.html"))
+## Find all of the files matching pattern
+## SRC_FILES := $(call find-subdir-files, <pattern>)
+define find-subdir-files
+$(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell cd $(LOCAL_PATH) ; find $(1)))
+# find the files in the subdirectory $1 of LOCAL_DIR
+# matching pattern $2, filtering out files $3
+# e.g.
+# SRC_FILES += $(call find-subdir-subdir-files, \
+# css, *.cpp, DontWantThis.cpp)
+define find-subdir-subdir-files
+$(filter-out $(patsubst %,$(1)/%,$(3)),$(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell cd \
+ $(LOCAL_PATH) ; find $(1) -maxdepth 1 -name $(2))))
+## Find all of the files matching pattern
+## SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
+define find-subdir-assets
+$(if $(1),$(patsubst ./%,%, \
+ $(shell if [ -d $(1) ] ; then cd $(1) ; find ./ -type f -and -not -type l ; fi)), \
+ $(warning Empty argument supplied to find-subdir-assets) \
+## Find various file types in a list of directories relative to $(LOCAL_PATH)
+define find-other-java-files
+ $(call find-subdir-files,$(1) -name "*.java" -and -not -name ".*")
+define find-other-html-files
+ $(call find-subdir-files,$(1) -name "*.html" -and -not -name ".*")
+## Scan through each directory of $(1) looking for files
+## that match $(2) using $(wildcard). Useful for seeing if
+## a given directory or one of its parents contains
+## a particular file. Returns the first match found,
+## starting furthest from the root.
+define find-parent-file
+$(strip \
+ $(eval _fpf := $(wildcard $(strip $(1))/$(strip $(2)))) \
+ $(if $(_fpf),$(_fpf), \
+ $(if $(filter-out ./ .,$(1)), \
+ $(call find-parent-file,$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(1))),$(2)) \
+ ) \
+ ) \
+## Function we can evaluate to introduce a dynamic dependency
+define add-dependency
+$(1): $(2)
+## Set up the dependencies for a prebuilt target
+## $(call add-prebuilt-file, srcfile, [targetclass])
+define add-prebuilt-file
+ $(eval $(include-prebuilt))
+define include-prebuilt
+ include $$(CLEAR_VARS)
+ LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := $$(suffix $(1))
+ LOCAL_MODULE := $$(basename $(1))
+ include $$(BUILD_PREBUILT)
+## do multiple prebuilts
+## $(call target class, files ...)
+define add-prebuilt-files
+ $(foreach f,$(2),$(call add-prebuilt-file,$f,$(1)))
+## The intermediates directory. Where object files go for
+## a given target. We could technically get away without
+## the "_intermediates" suffix on the directory, but it's
+## nice to be able to grep for that string to find out if
+## anyone's abusing the system.
+# $(1): target class, like "APPS"
+# $(2): target name, like "NotePad"
+# $(3): if non-empty, this is a HOST target.
+# $(4): if non-empty, force the intermediates to be COMMON
+define intermediates-dir-for
+$(strip \
+ $(eval _idfClass := $(strip $(1))) \
+ $(if $(_idfClass),, \
+ $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Class not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
+ $(eval _idfName := $(strip $(2))) \
+ $(if $(_idfName),, \
+ $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Name not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
+ $(eval _idfPrefix := $(if $(strip $(3)),HOST,TARGET)) \
+ $(if $(filter $(_idfClass),$(COMMON_MODULE_CLASSES))$(4), \
+ $(eval _idfIntBase := $($(_idfPrefix)_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)) \
+ , \
+ $(eval _idfIntBase := $($(_idfPrefix)_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)) \
+ ) \
+ $(_idfIntBase)/$(_idfClass)/$(_idfName)_intermediates \
+# to determine the intermediates directory.
+# $(1): if non-empty, force the intermediates to be COMMON
+define local-intermediates-dir
+$(strip \
+ $(if $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)),, \
+ $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS not defined before call to local-intermediates-dir)) \
+ $(if $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE)),, \
+ $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE not defined before call to local-intermediates-dir)) \
+ $(call intermediates-dir-for,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS),$(LOCAL_MODULE),$(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),$(1)) \
+## Convert "path/to/" to "-lXXX".
+## Any "path/to/libXXX.a" elements pass through unchanged.
+define normalize-libraries
+$(foreach so,$(filter,$(1)),-l$(patsubst,%,$(notdir $(so))))\
+# TODO: change users to call the common version.
+define normalize-host-libraries
+$(call normalize-libraries,$(1))
+define normalize-target-libraries
+$(call normalize-libraries,$(1))
+## Convert a list of short module names (e.g., "framework", "Browser")
+## into the list of files that are built for those modules.
+## NOTE: this won't return reliable results until after all
+## sub-makefiles have been included.
+## $(1): target list
+define module-built-files
+$(foreach module,$(1),$(ALL_MODULES.$(module).BUILT))
+## Convert a list of short modules names (e.g., "framework", "Browser")
+## into the list of files that are installed for those modules.
+## NOTE: this won't return reliable results until after all
+## sub-makefiles have been included.
+## $(1): target list
+define module-installed-files
+$(foreach module,$(1),$(ALL_MODULES.$(module).INSTALLED))
+## Convert "framework framework-res ext" to "out/.../javalib.jar ..."
+## This lets us treat framework-res as a normal library.
+## $(1): library list
+## $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+# $(1): library name
+# $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+define _java-lib-dir
+$(call intermediates-dir-for, \
+ $(if $(filter framework-res,$(1)),APPS,JAVA_LIBRARIES),$(1),$(2))
+# $(1): library name
+define _java-lib-classes.jar
+$(if $(filter framework-res,$(1)),package$(COMMON_ANDROID_PACKAGE_SUFFIX),classes$(COMMON_JAVA_PACKAGE_SUFFIX))
+# $(1): library name
+# $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+define _java-lib-full-classes.jar
+$(call _java-lib-dir,$(1),$(2))/$(call _java-lib-classes.jar,$(1))
+# $(1): library name list
+# $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+define java-lib-files
+$(foreach lib,$(1),$(call _java-lib-full-classes.jar,$(lib),$(2)))
+# $(1): library name
+define _java-lib-dep
+$(if $(filter framework-res,$(1)),package$(COMMON_ANDROID_PACKAGE_SUFFIX),javalib$(COMMON_JAVA_PACKAGE_SUFFIX))
+# $(1): library name
+# $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+define _java-lib-full-dep
+$(call _java-lib-dir,$(1),$(2))/$(call _java-lib-dep,$(1))
+# $(1): library name list
+# $(2): Non-empty if IS_HOST_MODULE
+define java-lib-deps
+$(foreach lib,$(1),$(call _java-lib-full-dep,$(lib),$(2)))
+## Convert "a b c" into "a:b:c"
+empty :=
+space := $(empty) $(empty)
+define normalize-path-list
+$(subst $(space),:,$(strip $(1)))
+## Convert "a=b c= d e = f" into "a=b c=d e=f"
+## $(1): list to collapse
+## $(2): if set, separator word; usually "=", ":", or ":="
+## Defaults to "=" if not set.
+define collapse-pairs
+$(eval _cpSEP := $(strip $(if $(2),$(2),=)))\
+$(subst $(space)$(_cpSEP)$(space),$(_cpSEP),$(strip \
+ $(subst $(_cpSEP), $(_cpSEP) ,$(1))))
+## MODULE_TAG set operations
+# Given a list of tags, return the targets that specify
+# any of those tags.
+# $(1): tag list
+define modules-for-tag-list
+$(sort $(foreach tag,$(1),$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS.$(tag))))
+# Same as modules-for-tag-list, but operates on
+# $(1): tag list
+define module-names-for-tag-list
+$(sort $(foreach tag,$(1),$(ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS.$(tag))))
+# Given an accept and reject list, find the matching
+# set of targets. If a target has multiple tags and
+# any of them are rejected, the target is rejected.
+# Reject overrides accept.
+# $(1): list of tags to accept
+# $(2): list of tags to reject
+#TODO(dbort): do $(if $(strip $(1)),$(1),$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))
+define get-tagged-modules
+$(filter-out \
+ $(call modules-for-tag-list,$(2)), \
+ $(call modules-for-tag-list,$(1)))
+## Package filtering
+# Given a list of installed modules (short or long names)
+# return a list of the packages (yes, .apk packages, not
+# modules in general) that are overridden by this list and,
+# therefore, should not be installed.
+# $(1): mixed list of installed modules
+# TODO: This is fragile; find a reliable way to get this information.
+define _get-package-overrides
+ $(eval ### Discard any words containing slashes, unless they end in .apk, \
+ ### in which case trim off the directory component and the suffix. \
+ ### If there are no slashes, keep the entire word.)
+ $(eval _gpo_names := $(subst /,@@@ @@@,$(1)))
+ $(eval _gpo_names := \
+ $(filter %.apk,$(_gpo_names)) \
+ $(filter-out %@@@ @@@%,$(_gpo_names)))
+ $(eval _gpo_names := $(patsubst %.apk,%,$(_gpo_names)))
+ $(eval _gpo_names := $(patsubst @@@%,%,$(_gpo_names)))
+ $(eval ### Remove any remaining words that contain dots.)
+ $(eval _gpo_names := $(subst .,@@@ @@@,$(_gpo_names)))
+ $(eval _gpo_names := $(filter-out %@@@ @@@%,$(_gpo_names)))
+ $(eval ### Now we have a list of any words that could possibly refer to \
+ ### packages, although there may be words that do not. Only \
+ ### real packages will be present under PACKAGES.*, though.)
+ $(foreach _gpo_name,$(_gpo_names),$(PACKAGES.$(_gpo_name).OVERRIDES))
+define get-package-overrides
+$(strip $(sort $(call _get-package-overrides,$(1))))
+## Output the command lines, or not
+ifeq ($(strip $(SHOW_COMMANDS)),)
+define pretty
+@echo $1
+hide := @
+define pretty
+hide :=
+## Dump the variables that are associated with targets
+define dump-module-variables
+@echo all_dependencies=$^
+## Commands for using sed to replace given variable values
+define transform-variables
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "Sed: $(if $(PRIVATE_MODULE),$(PRIVATE_MODULE),$@) <= $<"
+$(hide) sed $(foreach var,$(REPLACE_VARS),-e "s/{{$(var)}}/$(subst /,\/,$(PWD)/$($(var)))/g") $< >$@
+$(hide) if [ "$(suffix $@)" = ".sh" ]; then chmod a+rx $@; fi
+## Commands for munging the dependency files GCC generates
+define transform-d-to-p
+@cp $(@:%.o=%.d) $(@:%.o=%.P); \
+ sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
+ -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(@:%.o=%.d) >> $(@:%.o=%.P); \
+ rm -f $(@:%.o=%.d)
+## Commands for running lex
+define transform-l-to-cpp
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "Lex: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(hide) $(LEX) -o$@ $<
+## Commands for running yacc
+## Because the extension of c++ files can change, the
+## extension must be specified in $1.
+## E.g, "$(call transform-y-to-cpp,.cpp)"
+define transform-y-to-cpp
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "Yacc: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+touch $(@:$1=$(YACC_HEADER_SUFFIX))
+echo '#ifndef '$(@F:$1=_h) > $(@:$1=.h)
+echo '#define '$(@F:$1=_h) >> $(@:$1=.h)
+cat $(@:$1=$(YACC_HEADER_SUFFIX)) >> $(@:$1=.h)
+echo '#endif' >> $(@:$1=.h)
+rm -f $(@:$1=$(YACC_HEADER_SUFFIX))
+## Commands for running aidl
+define transform-aidl-to-java
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "Aidl: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(hide) $(AIDL) -d$(patsubst,%.P,$@) $(PRIVATE_AIDL_FLAGS) $< $@
+#$(AIDL) $(PRIVATE_AIDL_FLAGS) $< - | indent -nut -br -npcs -l1000 > $@
+## Commands for running gcc to compile a C++ file
+define transform-cpp-to-o
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target $(PRIVATE_ARM_MODE) C++: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CXX) \
+ $(foreach incdir, \
+ ) \
+ , \
+ -I $(incdir) \
+ ) \
+ -c \
+ ) \
+ -fno-rtti \
+ -MD -o $@ $<
+$(hide) $(transform-d-to-p)
+## Commands for running gcc to compile a C file
+# $(1): extra flags
+define transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CC) \
+ $(foreach incdir, \
+ ) \
+ , \
+ -I $(incdir) \
+ ) \
+ -c \
+ ) \
+ $(1) \
+ -MD -o $@ $<
+define transform-c-to-o-no-deps
+@echo "target $(PRIVATE_ARM_MODE) C: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(call transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, )
+define transform-s-to-o-no-deps
+@echo "target asm: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(call transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, $(PRIVATE_ASFLAGS))
+define transform-c-to-o
+$(hide) $(transform-d-to-p)
+define transform-s-to-o
+$(hide) $(transform-d-to-p)
+## Commands for running gcc to compile a host C++ file
+define transform-host-cpp-to-o
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "host C++: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CXX) \
+ $(foreach incdir, \
+ ) \
+ , \
+ -I $(incdir) \
+ ) \
+ -c \
+ ) \
+ -MD -o $@ $<
+## Commands for running gcc to compile a host C file
+# $(1): extra flags
+define transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CC) \
+ $(foreach incdir, \
+ ) \
+ , \
+ -I $(incdir) \
+ ) \
+ -c \
+ ) \
+ $(1) \
+ -MD -o $@ $<
+define transform-host-c-to-o-no-deps
+@echo "host C: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(call transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, )
+define transform-host-s-to-o-no-deps
+@echo "host asm: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+$(call transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, $(PRIVATE_ASFLAGS))
+define transform-host-c-to-o
+define transform-host-s-to-o
+## Commands for running ar
+# Explicitly delete the archive first so that ar doesn't
+# try to add to an existing archive.
+define transform-o-to-static-lib
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target StaticLib: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+@rm -f $@
+## Commands for running host ar
+# Explicitly delete the archive first so that ar doesn't
+# try to add to an existing archive.
+define transform-host-o-to-static-lib
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "host StaticLib: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+@rm -f $@
+## Commands for running gcc to link a shared library or package
+# ld just seems to be so finicky with command order that we allow
+# it to be overriden en-masse see combo/linux-arm.make for an example.
+ifneq ($(HOST_CUSTOM_LD_COMMAND),true)
+define transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner
+$(HOST_CXX) \
+ -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib \
+ -shared -Wl,-soname,$(notdir $@) \
+ ) \
+ -Wl,--whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -o $@ \
+define transform-host-o-to-shared-lib
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "host SharedLib: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
+define transform-host-o-to-package
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "host Package: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
+## Commands for running gcc to link a shared library or package
+#echo >$@.vers "{"; \
+#echo >>$@.vers " global:"; \
+#$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ $(TARGET_NM) " " ";" $(filter %.o,$^) | sort -u >>$@.vers; \
+#echo >>$@.vers " local:"; \
+#echo >>$@.vers " *;"; \
+#echo >>$@.vers "};"; \
+# -Wl,--version-script=$@.vers \
+# ld just seems to be so finicky with command order that we allow
+# it to be overriden en-masse see combo/linux-arm.make for an example.
+define transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner
+ -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib \
+ -shared -Wl,-soname,$(notdir $@) \
+ -Wl,--whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-target-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ $(call normalize-target-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -o $@ \
+define transform-o-to-shared-lib
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target SharedLib: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
+define transform-o-to-package
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target Package: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
+## Commands for filtering a target executable or library
+# Because of bug 743462 ("Prelinked image magic gets stripped
+# by arm-elf-objcopy"), we have to use soslim to strip target
+# binaries.
+define transform-to-stripped
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target Strip: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(SOSLIM) --strip --shady --quiet $< --outfile $@
+define transform-to-prelinked
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target Prelink: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(APRIORI) \
+ --prelinkmap $(TARGET_PRELINKER_MAP) \
+ --locals-only \
+ --quiet \
+ $< \
+ --output $@
+## Commands for running gcc to link an executable
+define transform-o-to-executable-inner
+ -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib \
+ -Wl,--whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-target-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-target-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ $(call normalize-target-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -o $@ \
+define transform-o-to-executable
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target Executable: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-o-to-executable-inner)
+## Commands for running gcc to link a statically linked
+## executable. In practice, we only use this on arm, so
+## the other platforms don't have the
+## transform-o-to-static-executable defined
+define transform-o-to-static-executable-inner
+define transform-o-to-static-executable
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "target StaticExecutable: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-o-to-static-executable-inner)
+## Commands for running gcc to link a host executable
+ifneq ($(HOST_CUSTOM_LD_COMMAND),true)
+define transform-host-o-to-executable-inner
+$(HOST_CXX) \
+ -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib \
+ -Wl,--whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) \
+ $(call normalize-host-libraries,$(PRIVATE_ALL_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) \
+ -o $@ \
+define transform-host-o-to-executable
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@echo "host Executable: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+$(hide) $(transform-host-o-to-executable-inner)
+## Commands for running javac to make .class files
+#@echo "Source intermediates dir: $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)"
+#@echo "Source intermediates: $$(find $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) -name '*.java')"
+# TODO: Right now we generate the asset resources twice, first as part
+# of generating the Java classes, then at the end when packaging the final
+# assets. This should be changed to do one of two things: (1) Don't generate
+# any resource files the first time, only create classes during that stage;
+# or (2) Don't use the -c flag with the second stage, instead taking the
+# resource files from the first stage as additional input. My original intent
+# was to use approach (2), but this requires a little more work in the tool.
+# Maybe we should just use approach (1).
+# This rule creates the and files, both of which
+# are PRODUCT-neutral. Don't pass PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG to this invocation.
+define create-resource-java-files
+$(hide) $(AAPT) package $(PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS) -m -z \
+ $(eval # PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG is intentionally missing-- see comment.) \
+ $(addprefix -M , $(PRIVATE_ANDROID_MANIFEST)) \
+ $(addprefix -S , $(PRIVATE_RESOURCE_DIR)) \
+ $(addprefix -A , $(PRIVATE_ASSET_DIR)) \
+ $(addprefix -I , $(PRIVATE_AAPT_INCLUDES))
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
+xlint_unchecked :=
+#xlint_unchecked := -Xlint:unchecked
+# emit-line, <word list>, <output file>
+define emit-line
+ $(if $(1),echo -n '$(strip $(1)) ' >> $(2))
+# dump-words-to-file, <word list>, <output file>
+define dump-words-to-file
+ @rm -f $(2)
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1,200,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 201,400,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 401,600,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 601,800,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 801,1000,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1001,1200,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1201,1400,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1401,1600,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1601,1800,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 1801,2000,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 2001,2200,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 2201,2400,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 2401,2600,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 2601,2800,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 2801,3000,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 3001,3200,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 3201,3400,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 3401,3600,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 3601,3800,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(call emit-line,$(wordlist 3801,4000,$(1)),$(2))
+ @$(if $(wordlist 4001,4002,$(1)),$(error Too many words ($(words $(1)))))
+# For a list of jar files, unzip them to a specified directory,
+# but make sure that no META-INF files come along for the ride.
+# $(1): files to unzip
+# $(2): destination directory
+define unzip-jar-files
+ $(hide) for f in $(1); \
+ do \
+ if [ ! -f $$f ]; then \
+ echo Missing file $$f; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ unzip -q $$f -d $(2); \
+ (cd $(2) && rm -rf META-INF); \
+ done
+# below we write the list of java files to java-source-list to avoid argument list length problems with Cygwin
+# we filter out duplicate java file names because eclipse's compiler doesn't like them.
+define transform-java-to-classes.jar
+@rm -f $@
+$(call unzip-jar-files,$(PRIVATE_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES), \
+$(call dump-words-to-file,$(PRIVATE_JAVA_SOURCES),$(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list)
+ find $(PRIVATE_SOURCE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) -name '*.java' >> $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list; \
+$(hide) tr ' ' '\n' < $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list \
+ | sort -u > $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list-uniq
+$(hide) $(TARGET_JAVAC) -encoding ascii $(PRIVATE_BOOTCLASSPATH) \
+ $(addprefix -classpath ,$(strip \
+ $(call normalize-path-list,$(PRIVATE_ALL_JAVA_LIBRARIES)))) \
+ -g $(xlint_unchecked) \
+ \@$(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list-uniq \
+ || ( rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) ; exit 41 )
+@ rm -f $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list
+@ rm -f $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list-uniq
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) jar $(if $(strip $(PRIVATE_JAR_MANIFEST)),-cfm,-cf) \
+define transform-classes.jar-to-dex
+@echo "target Dex: $(PRIVATE_MODULE)"
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) $(DX) -JXms16M \
+ $(if $(GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG), -JXmx1536M, -JXmx1280M) \
+ --dex --output=$@ \
+ $(if $(NO_OPTIMIZE_DX), \
+ --no-optimize) \
+ --debug --verbose \
+ --dump-to=$(@:.dex=.lst) \
+ --dump-width=1000) \
+ $<
+# Create a mostly-empty .jar file that we'll add to later.
+# The MacOS jar tool doesn't like creating empty jar files,
+# so we need to give it something.
+define create-empty-package
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) touch $(dir $@)/dummy
+$(hide) (cd $(dir $@) && jar cf $(notdir $@) dummy)
+$(hide) zip -qd $@ dummy
+$(hide) rm $(dir $@)/dummy
+#TODO: we kinda want to build different asset packages for
+# different configurations, then combine them later (or something).
+# Per-locale, etc.
+# A list of dynamic and static parameters; build layers for
+# dynamic params that lay over the static ones.
+#TODO: update the manifest to point to the package file
+define add-assets-to-package
+$(hide) $(AAPT) package -z -u $(PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS) \
+ $(addprefix -c , $(PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG)) \
+ $(addprefix -M , $(PRIVATE_ANDROID_MANIFEST)) \
+ $(addprefix -S , $(PRIVATE_RESOURCE_DIR)) \
+ $(addprefix -A , $(PRIVATE_ASSET_DIR)) \
+ $(addprefix -I , $(PRIVATE_AAPT_INCLUDES)) \
+ -F $@
+#TODO: Allow library directory to be specified based on the target
+# CPU and ABI instead of being hard coded as armeabi.
+define add-jni-shared-libs-to-package
+$(hide) rm -rf $(dir $@)lib
+$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)lib/armeabi
+$(hide) cp $(PRIVATE_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES) $(dir $@)lib/armeabi
+$(hide) (cd $(dir $@) && zip -r $(notdir $@) lib)
+$(hide) rm -rf $(dir $@)lib
+#TODO: use aapt instead of zip, once it supports junking the path
+# (so adding "xxx/yyy/classes.dex" appears as "classes.dex")
+#TODO: update the manifest to point to the dex file
+define add-dex-to-package
+$(hide) zip -qj $@ $(PRIVATE_DEX_FILE)
+define add-java-resources-to-package
+$(hide) jar uf $@ $(PRIVATE_EXTRA_JAR_ARGS)
+# Sign a package using the specified key/cert.
+define sign-package
+$(hide) mv $@ $@.unsigned
+$(hide) java -jar $(SIGNAPK_JAR) \
+$(hide) mv $@.signed $@
+# Align STORED entries of a package on 4-byte boundaries
+# to make them easier to mmap.
+define align-package
+$(hide) mv $@ $@.unaligned
+$(hide) $(ZIPALIGN) -f 4 $@.unaligned $@.aligned
+$(hide) mv $@.aligned $@
+define install-dex-debug
+$(hide) if [ -f "$(PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/classes.dex" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $(TOP)/dalvik/DEBUG-FILES; \
+ $(TOP)/dalvik/DEBUG-FILES/$(PRIVATE_MODULE).dex; \
+ fi
+$(hide) if [ -f "$(PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/classes.lst" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $(TOP)/dalvik/DEBUG-FILES; \
+ $(TOP)/dalvik/DEBUG-FILES/$(PRIVATE_MODULE).lst; \
+ fi
+# TODO(joeo): If we can ever upgrade to post 3.81 make and get the
+# new prebuilt rules to work, we should change this to copy the
+# resources to the out directory and then copy the resources.
+# Note: not using aapt tool for this because we aren't making
+# an android package for the host.
+define transform-host-java-to-package
+@rm -f $@
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(call unzip-jar-files,$(PRIVATE_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES), \
+$(hide) $(HOST_JAVAC) -encoding ascii -g \
+ $(xlint_unchecked) \
+ $(addprefix -classpath ,$(strip \
+ $(call normalize-path-list,$(PRIVATE_ALL_JAVA_LIBRARIES)))) \
+ ( rm -rf $(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR) ; exit 41 )
+$(hide) jar $(if $(strip $(PRIVATE_JAR_MANIFEST)),-cfm,-cf) \
+## Obfuscate a jar file
+# PRIVATE_KEEP_FILE is a file containing a list of classes
+# PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR is a directory we can use for temporary files
+# The module using this must depend on
+# $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/proguard-4.0.1.jar
+define obfuscate-jar
+@echo "Obfuscate jar: $(notdir $@) ($@)"
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+@rm -f $@
+$(hide) sed -e 's/^/-keep class /' < $(PRIVATE_KEEP_FILE) > \
+$(hide) java -Xmx512M -jar $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/proguard-4.0.1.jar \
+ -injars $< \
+ -outjars $@ \
+ -target 1.5 \
+ -dontnote -dontwarn \
+ -printmapping $(PRIVATE_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/ \
+ -forceprocessing \
+ -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile \
+ -keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod \
+ -repackageclasses \
+ -keepclassmembers "class * { public protected *; }" \
+## Commands for copying files
+# Define a rule to copy a header. Used via $(eval) by copy_headers.make.
+# $(1): source header
+# $(2): destination header
+define copy-one-header
+$(2): $(1)
+ @echo "Header: $$@"
+ $$(copy-file-to-new-target-with-cp)
+# Define a rule to copy a file. For use via $(eval).
+# $(1): source file
+# $(2): destination file
+define copy-one-file
+$(2): $(1) | $(ACP)
+ @echo "Copy: $$@"
+ $$(copy-file-to-target)
+# The -t option to acp and the -p option to cp is
+# required for OSX. OSX has a ridiculous restriction
+# where it's an error for a .a file's modification time
+# to disagree with an internal timestamp, and this
+# macro is used to install .a files (among other things).
+# Copy a single file from one place to another,
+# preserving permissions and overwriting any existing
+# file.
+define copy-file-to-target
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) $(ACP) -fpt $< $@
+# The same as copy-file-to-target, but use the local
+# cp command instead of acp.
+define copy-file-to-target-with-cp
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) cp -fp $< $@
+# The same as copy-file-to-target, but don't preserve
+# the old modification time.
+define copy-file-to-new-target
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) $(ACP) -fp $< $@
+# The same as copy-file-to-new-target, but use the local
+# cp command instead of acp.
+define copy-file-to-new-target-with-cp
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+$(hide) cp -f $< $@
+# Copy a prebuilt file to a target location.
+define transform-prebuilt-to-target
+@echo "$(if $(PRIVATE_IS_HOST_MODULE),host,target) Prebuilt: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($@)"
+## On some platforms (MacOS), after copying a static
+## library, ranlib must be run to update an internal
+## timestamp!?!?!
+define transform-host-ranlib-copy-hack
+ $(hide) ranlib $@ || true
+define transform-host-ranlib-copy-hack
+define transform-ranlib-copy-hack
+ $(hide) ranlib $@
+define transform-ranlib-copy-hack
+## Stuff source generated from one-off tools
+define transform-generated-source
+@echo "target Generated: $(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $<"
+@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+## Assertions about attributes of the target
+# $(1): The file to check
+ifndef get-file-size
+$(error HOST_OS must define get-file-size)
+# $(1): The file to check (often $@)
+# $(2): The maximum size, in decimal bytes
+# If $(2) is empty, evaluates to "true"
+# Reserve bad blocks. Make sure that MAX(1% of partition size, 2 blocks)
+# is left over after the image has been flashed. Round the 1% up to the
+# next whole flash block size.
+define assert-max-file-size
+$(if $(2), \
+ fileSize=`$(call get-file-size,$(1))`; \
+ maxSize=$(2); \
+ onePct=`expr "(" $$maxSize + 99 ")" / 100`; \
+ onePct=`expr "(" "(" $$onePct + $(BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE) - 1 ")" / \
+ reserve=`expr 2 "*" $(BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE)`; \
+ if [ "$$onePct" -gt "$$reserve" ]; then \
+ reserve="$$onePct"; \
+ fi; \
+ maxSize=`expr $$maxSize - $$reserve`; \
+ if [ "$$fileSize" -gt "$$maxSize" ]; then \
+ echo "error: $(1) too large ($$fileSize > [$(2) - $$reserve])"; \
+ false; \
+ fi \
+ , \
+ true \
+ )
+## Other includes
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules and functions to help copy important files to DIST_DIR
+# when requested.
+include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
+# broken:
+# $(foreach file,$^,$(if $(findstring,.a,$(suffix $file)),-l$(file),$(file)))
+## Misc notes
+#DEPDIR = .deps
+#df = $(DEPDIR)/$(*F)
+#SRCS = foo.c bar.c ...
+#%.o : %.c
+# @$(MAKEDEPEND); \
+# cp $(df).d $(df).P; \
+# sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
+# -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(df).d >> $(df).P; \
+# rm -f $(df).d
+# $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
+#-include $(SRCS:%.c=$(DEPDIR)/%.P)
+#%.o : %.c
+# $(COMPILE.c) -MD -o $@ $<
+# @cp $*.d $*.P; \
+# sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
+# -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $*.d >> $*.P; \
+# rm -f $*.d