path: root/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
diff options
authorStephen Hines <srhines@google.com>2014-12-01 14:51:49 -0800
committerStephen Hines <srhines@google.com>2014-12-02 16:08:10 -0800
commit37ed9c199ca639565f6ce88105f9e39e898d82d0 (patch)
tree8fb36d3910e3ee4c4e1b7422f4f017108efc52f5 /test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
parentd2327b22152ced7bc46dc629fc908959e8a52d03 (diff)
Update aosp/master LLVM for rebase to r222494.
Change-Id: Ic787f5e0124df789bd26f3f24680f45e678eef2d
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41faefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/target.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.target -package llvm.all_backends -linkpkg %T/target.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.target -package llvm.all_backends -linkpkg %T/target.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_target
+let () = Llvm_all_backends.initialize ()
+let context = global_context ()
+let i32_type = Llvm.i32_type context
+let i64_type = Llvm.i64_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let _ =
+ Printexc.record_backtrace true
+let assert_equal a b =
+ if a <> b then failwith "assert_equal"
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+let target = Target.by_triple (Target.default_triple ())
+let machine = TargetMachine.create (Target.default_triple ()) target
+(*===-- Data Layout -------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target_data () =
+ let module DL = DataLayout in
+ let layout = "e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-n32-S32" in
+ let dl = DL.of_string layout in
+ let sty = struct_type context [| i32_type; i64_type |] in
+ assert_equal (DL.as_string dl) layout;
+ assert_equal (DL.byte_order dl) Endian.Little;
+ assert_equal (DL.pointer_size dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.intptr_type context dl) i32_type;
+ assert_equal (DL.qualified_pointer_size 0 dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.qualified_intptr_type context 0 dl) i32_type;
+ assert_equal (DL.size_in_bits sty dl) (Int64.of_int 96);
+ assert_equal (DL.store_size sty dl) (Int64.of_int 12);
+ assert_equal (DL.abi_size sty dl) (Int64.of_int 12);
+ assert_equal (DL.stack_align sty dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.preferred_align sty dl) 8;
+ assert_equal (DL.preferred_align_of_global (declare_global sty "g" m) dl) 8;
+ assert_equal (DL.element_at_offset sty (Int64.of_int 1) dl) 0;
+ assert_equal (DL.offset_of_element sty 1 dl) (Int64.of_int 4);
+ let pm = PassManager.create () in
+ ignore (DL.add_to_pass_manager pm dl)
+(*===-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target () =
+ let module T = Target in
+ ignore (T.succ target);
+ ignore (T.name target);
+ ignore (T.description target);
+ ignore (T.has_jit target);
+ ignore (T.has_target_machine target);
+ ignore (T.has_asm_backend target)
+(*===-- Target Machine ----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target_machine () =
+ let module TM = TargetMachine in
+ assert_equal (TM.target machine) target;
+ assert_equal (TM.triple machine) (Target.default_triple ());
+ assert_equal (TM.cpu machine) "";
+ assert_equal (TM.features machine) "";
+ ignore (TM.data_layout machine);
+ TM.set_verbose_asm true machine;
+ let pm = PassManager.create () in
+ TM.add_analysis_passes pm machine
+(*===-- Code Emission -----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_code_emission () =
+ TargetMachine.emit_to_file m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile filename machine;
+ try
+ TargetMachine.emit_to_file m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile
+ "/nonexistent/file" machine;
+ failwith "must raise"
+ with Llvm_target.Error _ ->
+ ();
+ let buf = TargetMachine.emit_to_memory_buffer m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile
+ machine in
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose buf
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ test_target_data ();
+ test_target ();
+ test_target_machine ();
+ test_code_emission ();
+ dispose_module m