path: root/test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll
diff options
authorNadav Rotem <nrotem@apple.com>2013-05-01 19:53:30 +0000
committerNadav Rotem <nrotem@apple.com>2013-05-01 19:53:30 +0000
commitfee6969463d455201a5179620ccd8c3171effaa6 (patch)
treed0409f54fd1c3472bf545f29eca59cb2eb2bbe8b /test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll
parentf0b0755b6ea0b5c55bbf51ddd29439c01c7102e5 (diff)
SROA: Generate selects instead of shuffles when blending values because this is the cannonical form.
Shuffles are more difficult to lower and we usually don't touch them, while we do optimize selects more often. git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@180875 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll b/test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll
index 02f6d04..3336515 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SROA/vector-promotion.ll
@@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ entry:
%a.cast0 = bitcast i32* %a.gep0 to <2 x i32>*
store <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 0>, <2 x i32>* %a.cast0
; CHECK-NOT: store
-; CHECK: %[[insert1:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 0, i32 undef, i32 undef>, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK: select <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false>
%a.gep1 = getelementptr <4 x i32>* %a, i32 0, i32 1
%a.cast1 = bitcast i32* %a.gep1 to <2 x i32>*
store <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 1>, <2 x i32>* %a.cast1
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert2:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> <i32 undef, i32 1, i32 1, i32 undef>, <4 x i32> %[[insert1]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 true, i1 true, i1 false>
%a.gep2 = getelementptr <4 x i32>* %a, i32 0, i32 2
%a.cast2 = bitcast i32* %a.gep2 to <2 x i32>*
store <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 2>, <2 x i32>* %a.cast2
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert3:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> <i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 2, i32 2>, <4 x i32> %[[insert2]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 2, i32 3>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 false, i1 true, i1 true>
%a.gep3 = getelementptr <4 x i32>* %a, i32 0, i32 3
store i32 3, i32* %a.gep3
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert4:.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> %[[insert3]], i32 3, i32 3
+; CHECK-NEXT: insertelement <4 x i32>
%ret = load <4 x i32>* %a
ret <4 x i32> %ret
-; CHECK-NEXT: ret <4 x i32> %[[insert4]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret <4 x i32>
define <4 x i32> @test_subvec_load() {
@@ -291,27 +291,27 @@ entry:
%a.cast0 = bitcast float* %a.gep0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* %a.cast0, i8 0, i32 8, i32 0, i1 false)
; CHECK-NOT: store
-; CHECK: %[[insert1:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> <float 0.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00, float undef, float undef>, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK: select <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false>
%a.gep1 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 1
%a.cast1 = bitcast float* %a.gep1 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* %a.cast1, i8 1, i32 8, i32 0, i1 false)
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert2:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> <float undef, float 0x3820202020000000, float 0x3820202020000000, float undef>, <4 x float> %[[insert1]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 true, i1 true, i1 false>
%a.gep2 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 2
%a.cast2 = bitcast float* %a.gep2 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* %a.cast2, i8 3, i32 8, i32 0, i1 false)
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert3:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> <float undef, float undef, float 0x3860606060000000, float 0x3860606060000000>, <4 x float> %[[insert2]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 2, i32 3>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 false, i1 true, i1 true>
%a.gep3 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 3
%a.cast3 = bitcast float* %a.gep3 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i32(i8* %a.cast3, i8 7, i32 4, i32 0, i1 false)
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert4:.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> %[[insert3]], float 0x38E0E0E0E0000000, i32 3
+; CHECK-NEXT: insertelement <4 x float>
%ret = load <4 x float>* %a
ret <4 x float> %ret
-; CHECK-NEXT: ret <4 x float> %[[insert4]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret <4 x float>
define <4 x float> @test_subvec_memcpy(i8* %x, i8* %y, i8* %z, i8* %f, i8* %out) {
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK: %[[xptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %x to <2 x float>*
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[x:.*]] = load <2 x float>* %[[xptr]]
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[expand_x:.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %[[x]], <2 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert_x:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> %[[expand_x]], <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false>
%a.gep1 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 1
%a.cast1 = bitcast float* %a.gep1 to i8*
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[yptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %y to <2 x float>*
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[y:.*]] = load <2 x float>* %[[yptr]]
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[expand_y:.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %[[y]], <2 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 undef, i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef>
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert_y:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> %[[expand_y]], <4 x float> %[[insert_x]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, {{.*}}>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 true, i1 true, i1 false>
%a.gep2 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 2
%a.cast2 = bitcast float* %a.gep2 to i8*
@@ -342,14 +342,14 @@ entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[zptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %z to <2 x float>*
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[z:.*]] = load <2 x float>* %[[zptr]]
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[expand_z:.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float> %[[z]], <2 x float> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 0, i32 1>
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert_z:.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float> %[[expand_z]], <4 x float> %[[insert_y]], <4 x i32> <i32 4, i32 5, i32 2, i32 3>
+; CHECK-NEXT: select <4 x i1> <i1 false, i1 false, i1 true, i1 true>
%a.gep3 = getelementptr <4 x float>* %a, i32 0, i32 3
%a.cast3 = bitcast float* %a.gep3 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %a.cast3, i8* %f, i32 4, i32 0, i1 false)
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[fptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %f to float*
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[f:.*]] = load float* %[[fptr]]
-; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert_f:.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> %[[insert_z]], float %[[f]], i32 3
+; CHECK-NEXT: %[[insert_f:.*]] = insertelement <4 x float>
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32(i8* %out, i8* %a.cast2, i32 8, i32 0, i1 false)
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[outptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %out to <2 x float>*