path: root/test
diff options
authorNico Rieck <nico.rieck@gmail.com>2013-04-12 04:07:13 +0000
committerNico Rieck <nico.rieck@gmail.com>2013-04-12 04:07:13 +0000
commit7e87373e91afe6a9ed1ead63d9d02448f02213d3 (patch)
treecaad7c2ed5830e4e899e695633a3244ff5e30592 /test
parentf89da7210b09a0a0f7c9ee216cd54dca03c6b64a (diff)
Remove obsolete object file dumpers
git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@179362 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
11 files changed, 2 insertions, 1261 deletions
diff --git a/test/Makefile.tests b/test/Makefile.tests
index aeb5871..c60c90c 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.tests
+++ b/test/Makefile.tests
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ LCCFLAGS += -O2 -Wall
LCXXFLAGS += -O2 -Wall
TESTRUNR = @echo Running test: $<; \
diff --git a/test/Scripts/README.txt b/test/Scripts/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b1105..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains scripts which are used by the TestRunner style
-tests, which allows them to be simpler and more direct.
diff --git a/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py b/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 36ec539..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#===-- coff-dump.py - COFF object file dump utility-------------------------===#
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# COFF File Definition
-def string_table_entry (offset):
- return ('ptr', '+ + PointerToSymbolTable * NumberOfSymbols 18 %s' % offset, ('scalar', 'cstr', '%s'))
-def secname(value):
- if value[0] == '/':
- return string_table_entry(value[1:].rstrip('\0'))
- else:
- return '%s'
-def symname(value):
- parts = struct.unpack("<2L", value)
- if parts[0] == 0:
- return string_table_entry(parts[1])
- else:
- return '%s'
-file = ('struct', [
- ('MachineType', ('enum', '<H', '0x%X', {
- 0x14c: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386',
- 0x166: 'IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000',
- })),
- ('NumberOfSections', ('scalar', '<H', '%d')),
- ('TimeDateStamp', ('scalar', '<L', '%d')),
- ('PointerToSymbolTable', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%0X')),
- ('NumberOfSymbols', ('scalar', '<L', '%d')),
- ('SizeOfOptionalHeader', ('scalar', '<H', '%d')),
- ('Characteristics', ('flags', '<H', '0x%x', [
- (0x0100, 'IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE', ),
- (0x1000, 'IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM', ),
- (0x2000, 'IMAGE_FILE_DLL', ),
- (0x4000, 'IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY', ),
- ])),
- ('Sections', ('array', '1', 'NumberOfSections', ('struct', [
- ('Name', ('scalar', '<8s', secname)),
- ('VirtualSize', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )),
- ('VirtualAddress', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )),
- ('SizeOfRawData', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )),
- ('PointerToRawData', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )),
- ('PointerToRelocations', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )),
- ('PointerToLineNumbers', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X' )),
- ('NumberOfRelocations', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )),
- ('NumberOfLineNumbers', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )),
- ('Charateristics', ('flags', '<L', '0x%X', [
- (0x00000008, 'IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD'),
- (0x00000020, 'IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE'),
- (0x00000100, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER'),
- (0x00000200, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO'),
- (0x00000800, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE'),
- (0x00001000, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT'),
- (0x00008000, 'IMAGE_SCN_GPREL'),
- (0x00020000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE'),
- (0x00020000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT'),
- (0x00040000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED'),
- (0x00080000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD'),
- (0x00F00000, 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN', {
- 0x00100000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES',
- 0x00200000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES',
- 0x00300000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES',
- 0x00400000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES',
- 0x00500000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES',
- 0x00600000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES',
- 0x00700000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES',
- 0x00800000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES',
- 0x00900000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES',
- 0x00A00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES',
- 0x00B00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES',
- 0x00C00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES',
- 0x00D00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES',
- 0x00E00000: 'IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES',
- }),
- (0x01000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL'),
- (0x02000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE'),
- (0x04000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED'),
- (0x08000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED'),
- (0x10000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED'),
- (0x20000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE'),
- (0x40000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ'),
- (0x80000000, 'IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE'),
- ])),
- ('SectionData', ('ptr', 'PointerToRawData', ('blob', 'SizeOfRawData'))),
- ('Relocations', ('ptr', 'PointerToRelocations', ('array', '0', 'NumberOfRelocations', ('struct', [
- ('VirtualAddress', ('scalar', '<L', '0x%X')),
- ('SymbolTableIndex', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )),
- ('Type', ('enum', '<H', '%d', ('MachineType', {
- 0x14c: {
- 0x0000: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE',
- 0x0001: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16',
- 0x0002: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16',
- 0x0006: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32',
- 0x0007: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB',
- 0x0009: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SEG12',
- 0x000A: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION',
- 0x000B: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL',
- 0x000C: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_TOKEN',
- 0x000D: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL7',
- 0x0014: 'IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32',
- },
- 0x8664: {
- 0x0001: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64',
- 0x0002: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32',
- 0x0003: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB',
- 0x0004: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32',
- 0x0005: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1',
- 0x0006: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2',
- 0x0007: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3',
- 0x0008: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4',
- 0x0009: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5',
- 0x000C: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7',
- 0x000D: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN',
- 0x000E: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32',
- 0x000F: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR',
- 0x0010: 'IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32',
- },
- }))),
- ('SymbolName', ('ptr', '+ PointerToSymbolTable * SymbolTableIndex 18', ('scalar', '<8s', symname)))
- ])))),
- ]))),
- ('Symbols', ('ptr', 'PointerToSymbolTable', ('byte-array', '18', '* NumberOfSymbols 18', ('struct', [
- ('Name', ('scalar', '<8s', symname)),
- ('Value', ('scalar', '<L', '%d' )),
- ('SectionNumber', ('scalar', '<H', '%d' )),
- ('_Type', ('scalar', '<H', None )),
- ('SimpleType', ('enum', '& _Type 15', '%d', {
- })), # (Type & 0xF0) >> 4
- ('ComplexType', ('enum', '>> & _Type 240 4', '%d', {
- })),
- ('StorageClass', ('enum', '<B', '%d', {
- })),
- ('NumberOfAuxSymbols', ('scalar', '<B', '%d' )),
- ('AuxillaryData', ('blob', '* NumberOfAuxSymbols 18')),
- ])))),
-# Definition Interpreter
-import sys, types, struct, re
-Input = None
-Stack = []
-Fields = {}
-Indent = 0
-NewLine = True
-def indent():
- global Indent
- Indent += 1
-def dedent():
- global Indent
- Indent -= 1
-def write(input):
- global NewLine
- output = ""
- for char in input:
- if NewLine:
- output += Indent * ' '
- NewLine = False
- output += char
- if char == '\n':
- NewLine = True
- sys.stdout.write(output)
-def read(format):
- return struct.unpack(format, Input.read(struct.calcsize(format)))
-def read_cstr():
- output = ""
- while True:
- char = Input.read(1)
- if len(char) == 0:
- raise RuntimeError ("EOF while reading cstr")
- if char == '\0':
- break
- output += char
- return output
-def push_pos(seek_to = None):
- Stack [0:0] = [Input.tell()]
- if seek_to:
- Input.seek(seek_to)
-def pop_pos():
- assert(len(Stack) > 0)
- Input.seek(Stack[0])
- del Stack[0]
-def print_binary_data(size):
- value = ""
- while size > 0:
- if size >= 16:
- data = Input.read(16)
- size -= 16
- else:
- data = Input.read(size)
- size = 0
- value += data
- bytes = ""
- text = ""
- for index in xrange(16):
- if index < len(data):
- if index == 8:
- bytes += "- "
- ch = ord(data[index])
- bytes += "%02X " % ch
- if ch >= 0x20 and ch <= 0x7F:
- text += data[index]
- else:
- text += "."
- else:
- if index == 8:
- bytes += " "
- bytes += " "
- write("%s|%s|\n" % (bytes, text))
- return value
-idlit = re.compile("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*")
-numlit = re.compile("[0-9]+")
-def read_value(expr):
- input = iter(expr.split())
- def eval():
- token = input.next()
- if expr == 'cstr':
- return read_cstr()
- if expr == 'true':
- return True
- if expr == 'false':
- return False
- if token == '+':
- return eval() + eval()
- if token == '-':
- return eval() - eval()
- if token == '*':
- return eval() * eval()
- if token == '/':
- return eval() / eval()
- if token == '&':
- return eval() & eval()
- if token == '|':
- return eval() | eval()
- if token == '>>':
- return eval() >> eval()
- if token == '<<':
- return eval() << eval()
- if len(token) > 1 and token[0] in ('=', '@', '<', '!', '>'):
- val = read(expr)
- assert(len(val) == 1)
- return val[0]
- if idlit.match(token):
- return Fields[token]
- if numlit.match(token):
- return int(token)
- raise RuntimeError("unexpected token %s" % repr(token))
- value = eval()
- try:
- input.next()
- except StopIteration:
- return value
- raise RuntimeError("unexpected input at end of expression")
-def write_value(format,value):
- format_type = type(format)
- if format_type is types.StringType:
- write(format % value)
- elif format_type is types.FunctionType:
- write_value(format(value), value)
- elif format_type is types.TupleType:
- Fields['this'] = value
- handle_element(format)
- elif format_type is types.NoneType:
- pass
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("unexpected type: %s" % repr(format_type))
-def handle_scalar(entry):
- iformat = entry[1]
- oformat = entry[2]
- value = read_value(iformat)
- write_value(oformat, value)
- return value
-def handle_enum(entry):
- iformat = entry[1]
- oformat = entry[2]
- definitions = entry[3]
- value = read_value(iformat)
- if type(definitions) is types.TupleType:
- selector = read_value(definitions[0])
- definitions = definitions[1][selector]
- if value in definitions:
- description = definitions[value]
- else:
- description = "unknown"
- write("%s (" % description)
- write_value(oformat, value)
- write(")")
- return value
-def handle_flags(entry):
- iformat = entry[1]
- oformat = entry[2]
- definitions = entry[3]
- value = read_value(iformat)
- write_value(oformat, value)
- indent()
- for entry in definitions:
- mask = entry[0]
- name = entry[1]
- if len (entry) == 3:
- map = entry[2]
- selection = value & mask
- if selection in map:
- write("\n%s" % map[selection])
- else:
- write("\n%s <%d>" % (name, selection))
- elif len(entry) == 2:
- if value & mask != 0:
- write("\n%s" % name)
- dedent()
- return value
-def handle_struct(entry):
- global Fields
- members = entry[1]
- newFields = {}
- write("{\n");
- indent()
- for member in members:
- name = member[0]
- type = member[1]
- if name[0] != "_":
- write("%s = " % name.ljust(24))
- value = handle_element(type)
- if name[0] != "_":
- write("\n")
- Fields[name] = value
- newFields[name] = value
- dedent()
- write("}")
- return newFields
-def handle_array(entry):
- start_index = entry[1]
- length = entry[2]
- element = entry[3]
- newItems = []
- write("[\n")
- indent()
- start_index = read_value(start_index)
- value = read_value(length)
- for index in xrange(value):
- write("%d = " % (index + start_index))
- value = handle_element(element)
- write("\n")
- newItems.append(value)
- dedent()
- write("]")
- return newItems
-def handle_byte_array(entry):
- ent_size = entry[1]
- length = entry[2]
- element = entry[3]
- newItems = []
- write("[\n")
- indent()
- item_size = read_value(ent_size)
- value = read_value(length)
- end_of_array = Input.tell() + value
- prev_loc = Input.tell()
- index = 0
- while Input.tell() < end_of_array:
- write("%d = " % index)
- value = handle_element(element)
- write("\n")
- newItems.append(value)
- index += (Input.tell() - prev_loc) / item_size
- prev_loc = Input.tell()
- dedent()
- write("]")
- return newItems
-def handle_ptr(entry):
- offset = entry[1]
- element = entry[2]
- value = None
- offset = read_value(offset)
- if offset != 0:
- push_pos(offset)
- value = handle_element(element)
- pop_pos()
- else:
- write("None")
- return value
-def handle_blob(entry):
- length = entry[1]
- write("\n")
- indent()
- value = print_binary_data(read_value(length))
- dedent()
- return value
-def handle_element(entry):
- handlers = {
- 'struct': handle_struct,
- 'scalar': handle_scalar,
- 'enum': handle_enum,
- 'flags': handle_flags,
- 'ptr': handle_ptr,
- 'blob': handle_blob,
- 'array': handle_array,
- 'byte-array': handle_byte_array,
- }
- if not entry[0] in handlers:
- raise RuntimeError ("unexpected type '%s'" % str (entry[0]))
- return handlers[entry[0]](entry)
-if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == '-':
- import StringIO
- Input = StringIO.StringIO(sys.stdin.read())
- Input = open (sys.argv[1], "rb")
- handle_element(file)
- Input.close()
- Input = None
diff --git a/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py.bat b/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 56428e1..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/coff-dump.py.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem We need to set -u to treat stdin as binary. Python 3 has support for doing
-@rem this in code, but I haven't found a way to do this in 2.6 yet.
-%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -u %LLVM_SRC_ROOT%\test\Scripts\coff-dump.py %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/test/Scripts/common_dump.py b/test/Scripts/common_dump.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd58993..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/common_dump.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-def dataToHex(d):
- """ Convert the raw data in 'd' to an hex string with a space every 4 bytes.
- """
- bytes = []
- for i,c in enumerate(d):
- byte = ord(c)
- hex_byte = hex(byte)[2:]
- if byte <= 0xf:
- hex_byte = '0' + hex_byte
- if i % 4 == 3:
- hex_byte += ' '
- bytes.append(hex_byte)
- return ''.join(bytes).strip()
-def dataToHexUnified(d):
- """ Convert the raw data in 'd' to an hex string with a space every 4 bytes.
- Each 4byte number is prefixed with 0x for easy sed/rx
- Fixme: convert all MC tests to use this routine instead of the above
- """
- bytes = []
- for i,c in enumerate(d):
- byte = ord(c)
- hex_byte = hex(byte)[2:]
- if byte <= 0xf:
- hex_byte = '0' + hex_byte
- if i % 4 == 0:
- hex_byte = '0x' + hex_byte
- if i % 4 == 3:
- hex_byte += ' '
- bytes.append(hex_byte)
- return ''.join(bytes).strip()
-def HexDump(valPair):
- """
- 1. do not print 'L'
- 2. Handle negatives and large numbers by mod (2^numBits)
- 3. print fixed length, prepend with zeros.
- Length is exactly 2+(numBits/4)
- 4. Do print 0x Why?
- so that they can be easily distinguished using sed/rx
- """
- val, numBits = valPair
- assert 0 <= val < (1 << numBits)
- val = val & (( 1 << numBits) - 1)
- newFmt = "0x%0" + "%d" % (numBits / 4) + "x"
- return newFmt % val
diff --git a/test/Scripts/elf-dump b/test/Scripts/elf-dump
deleted file mode 100755
index 61342d8..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/elf-dump
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import struct
-import sys
-import StringIO
-import common_dump
-class Reader:
- def __init__(self, path):
- if path == "-":
- # Snarf all the data so we can seek.
- self.file = StringIO.StringIO(sys.stdin.read())
- else:
- self.file = open(path, "rb")
- self.isLSB = None
- self.is64Bit = None
- self.isN64 = False
- def seek(self, pos):
- self.file.seek(pos)
- def read(self, N):
- data = self.file.read(N)
- if len(data) != N:
- raise ValueError, "Out of data!"
- return data
- def read8(self):
- return (ord(self.read(1)), 8)
- def read16(self):
- return (struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'H', self.read(2))[0], 16)
- def read32(self):
- return (struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'I', self.read(4))[0], 32)
- def read64(self):
- return (struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'Q', self.read(8))[0], 64)
- def readWord(self):
- if self.is64Bit:
- return self.read64()
- else:
- return self.read32()
-class StringTable:
- def __init__(self, strings):
- self.string_table = strings
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- end = self.string_table.index('\x00', index)
- return self.string_table[index:end]
-class ProgramHeader:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.p_type = f.read32()
- if f.is64Bit:
- self.p_flags = f.read32()
- self.p_offset = f.readWord()
- self.p_vaddr = f.readWord()
- self.p_paddr = f.readWord()
- self.p_filesz = f.readWord()
- self.p_memsz = f.readWord()
- if not f.is64Bit:
- self.p_flags = f.read32()
- self.p_align = f.readWord()
- def dump(self):
- print " (('p_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_type)
- print " ('p_flags', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_flags)
- print " ('p_offset', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_offset)
- print " ('p_vaddr', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_vaddr)
- print " ('p_paddr', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_paddr)
- print " ('p_filesz', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_filesz)
- print " ('p_memsz', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_memsz)
- print " ('p_align', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.p_align)
- print " ),"
-class Section:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.sh_name = f.read32()
- self.sh_type = f.read32()
- self.sh_flags = f.readWord()
- self.sh_addr = f.readWord()
- self.sh_offset = f.readWord()
- self.sh_size = f.readWord()
- self.sh_link = f.read32()
- self.sh_info = f.read32()
- self.sh_addralign = f.readWord()
- self.sh_entsize = f.readWord()
- def dump(self, shstrtab, f, strtab, dumpdata):
- print " (('sh_name', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_name), "# %r" % shstrtab[self.sh_name[0]]
- print " ('sh_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_type)
- print " ('sh_flags', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_flags)
- print " ('sh_addr', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_addr)
- print " ('sh_offset', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_offset)
- print " ('sh_size', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_size)
- print " ('sh_link', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_link)
- print " ('sh_info', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_info)
- print " ('sh_addralign', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_addralign)
- print " ('sh_entsize', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(self.sh_entsize)
- if self.sh_type[0] == 2: # SHT_SYMTAB
- print " ('_symbols', ["
- dumpSymtab(f, self, strtab)
- print " ])"
- elif self.sh_type[0] == 4 or self.sh_type[0] == 9: # SHT_RELA / SHT_REL
- print " ('_relocations', ["
- dumpRel(f, self, self.sh_type[0] == 4)
- print " ])"
- elif dumpdata:
- f.seek(self.sh_offset[0])
- if self.sh_type != 8: # != SHT_NOBITS
- data = f.read(self.sh_size[0])
- print " ('_section_data', '%s')" % common_dump.dataToHex(data)
- else:
- print " ('_section_data', '')"
- print " ),"
-def dumpSymtab(f, section, strtab):
- entries = section.sh_size[0] // section.sh_entsize[0]
- for index in range(entries):
- f.seek(section.sh_offset[0] + index * section.sh_entsize[0])
- print " # Symbol %s" % index
- name = f.read32()
- print " (('st_name', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(name), "# %r" % strtab[name[0]]
- if not f.is64Bit:
- print " ('st_value', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read32())
- print " ('st_size', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read32())
- st_info = f.read8()[0]
- st_bind = (st_info >> 4, 4)
- st_type = (st_info & 0xf, 4)
- print " ('st_bind', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(st_bind)
- print " ('st_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(st_type)
- print " ('st_other', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read8())
- print " ('st_shndx', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read16())
- if f.is64Bit:
- print " ('st_value', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read64())
- print " ('st_size', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read64())
- print " ),"
-def dumpRel(f, section, dumprela = False):
- entries = section.sh_size[0] // section.sh_entsize[0]
- for index in range(entries):
- f.seek(section.sh_offset[0] + index * section.sh_entsize[0])
- print " # Relocation %s" % index
- print " (('r_offset', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.readWord())
- if f.isN64:
- r_sym = f.read32()
- r_ssym = f.read8()
- r_type3 = f.read8()
- r_type2 = f.read8()
- r_type = f.read8()
- print " ('r_sym', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_sym)
- print " ('r_ssym', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_ssym)
- print " ('r_type3', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_type3)
- print " ('r_type2', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_type2)
- print " ('r_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_type)
- else:
- r_info = f.readWord()[0]
- if f.is64Bit:
- r_sym = (r_info >> 32, 32)
- r_type = (r_info & 0xffffffff, 32)
- else:
- r_sym = (r_info >> 8, 24)
- r_type = (r_info & 0xff, 8)
- print " ('r_sym', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_sym)
- print " ('r_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(r_type)
- if dumprela:
- print " ('r_addend', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.readWord())
- print " ),"
-def dumpELF(path, opts):
- f = Reader(path)
- magic = f.read(4)
- assert magic == '\x7FELF'
- fileclass = f.read8()
- if fileclass[0] == 1: # ELFCLASS32
- f.is64Bit = False
- elif fileclass[0] == 2: # ELFCLASS64
- f.is64Bit = True
- else:
- raise ValueError, "Unknown file class %s" % common_dump.HexDump(fileclass)
- print "('e_indent[EI_CLASS]', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(fileclass)
- byteordering = f.read8()
- if byteordering[0] == 1: # ELFDATA2LSB
- f.isLSB = True
- elif byteordering[0] == 2: # ELFDATA2MSB
- f.isLSB = False
- else:
- raise ValueError, "Unknown byte ordering %s" % common_dump.HexDump(byteordering)
- print "('e_indent[EI_DATA]', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(byteordering)
- print "('e_indent[EI_VERSION]', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read8())
- print "('e_indent[EI_OSABI]', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read8())
- print "('e_indent[EI_ABIVERSION]', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read8())
- f.seek(16) # Seek to end of e_ident.
- print "('e_type', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read16())
- # Does any other architecture use N64?
- e_machine = f.read16()
- if e_machine[0] == 0x0008 and f.is64Bit: # EM_MIPS && 64 bit
- f.isN64 = True
- print "('e_machine', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_machine)
- print "('e_version', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read32())
- print "('e_entry', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.readWord())
- e_phoff = f.readWord()
- print "('e_phoff', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_phoff)
- e_shoff = f.readWord()
- print "('e_shoff', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_shoff)
- print "('e_flags', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read32())
- print "('e_ehsize', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(f.read16())
- e_phentsize = f.read16()
- print "('e_phentsize', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_phentsize)
- e_phnum = f.read16()
- print "('e_phnum', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_phnum)
- e_shentsize = f.read16()
- print "('e_shentsize', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_shentsize)
- e_shnum = f.read16()
- print "('e_shnum', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_shnum)
- e_shstrndx = f.read16()
- print "('e_shstrndx', %s)" % common_dump.HexDump(e_shstrndx)
- # Read all section headers
- sections = []
- for index in range(e_shnum[0]):
- f.seek(e_shoff[0] + index * e_shentsize[0])
- s = Section(f)
- sections.append(s)
- # Read .shstrtab so we can resolve section names
- f.seek(sections[e_shstrndx[0]].sh_offset[0])
- shstrtab = StringTable(f.read(sections[e_shstrndx[0]].sh_size[0]))
- # Get the symbol string table
- strtab = None
- for section in sections:
- if shstrtab[section.sh_name[0]] == ".strtab":
- f.seek(section.sh_offset[0])
- strtab = StringTable(f.read(section.sh_size[0]))
- break
- print "('_sections', ["
- for index in range(e_shnum[0]):
- print " # Section %s" % index
- sections[index].dump(shstrtab, f, strtab, opts.dumpSectionData)
- print "])"
- # Read all program headers
- headers = []
- for index in range(e_phnum[0]):
- f.seek(e_phoff[0] + index * e_phentsize[0])
- h = ProgramHeader(f)
- headers.append(h)
- print "('_ProgramHeaders', ["
- for index in range(e_phnum[0]):
- print " # Program Header %s" % index
- headers[index].dump()
- print "])"
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] {files}")
- parser.add_option("", "--dump-section-data", dest="dumpSectionData",
- help="Dump the contents of sections",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- args.append('-')
- for arg in args:
- dumpELF(arg, opts)
diff --git a/test/Scripts/elf-dump.bat b/test/Scripts/elf-dump.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c70808..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/elf-dump.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem We need to set -u to treat stdin as binary. Python 3 has support for doing
-@rem this in code, but I haven't found a way to do this in 2.6 yet.
-%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -u %LLVM_SRC_ROOT%\test\Scripts\elf-dump %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/test/Scripts/ignore b/test/Scripts/ignore
deleted file mode 100755
index 865ae4d..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/ignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Program: ignore
-# Synopsis: Ignore the result code of the command and always return 0
-# Syntax: ignore command <arguments>
-"$@" || exit 0 && exit 0
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx b/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx
deleted file mode 100755
index 71e06d8..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import struct
-import sys
-import StringIO
-import common_dump
-class Reader:
- def __init__(self, path):
- if path == '-':
- # Snarf all the data so we can seek.
- self.file = StringIO.StringIO(sys.stdin.read())
- else:
- self.file = open(path,'rb')
- self.isLSB = None
- self.is64Bit = None
- self.string_table = None
- def tell(self):
- return self.file.tell()
- def seek(self, pos):
- self.file.seek(pos)
- def read(self, N):
- data = self.file.read(N)
- if len(data) != N:
- raise ValueError,"Out of data!"
- return data
- def read8(self):
- return ord(self.read(1))
- def read16(self):
- return struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'H', self.read(2))[0]
- def read32(self):
- # Force to 32-bit, if possible; otherwise these might be long ints on a
- # big-endian platform. FIXME: Why???
- Value = struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'I', self.read(4))[0]
- return int(Value)
- def read64(self):
- Value = struct.unpack('><'[self.isLSB] + 'Q', self.read(8))[0]
- if Value == int(Value):
- Value = int(Value)
- return Value
- def registerStringTable(self, strings):
- if self.string_table is not None:
- raise ValueError,"%s: warning: multiple string tables" % sys.argv[0]
- self.string_table = strings
- def getString(self, index):
- if self.string_table is None:
- raise ValueError,"%s: warning: no string table registered" % sys.argv[0]
- end = self.string_table.index('\x00', index)
- return self.string_table[index:end]
-def dumpmacho(path, opts):
- f = Reader(path)
- magic = f.read(4)
- if magic == '\xFE\xED\xFA\xCE':
- f.isLSB, f.is64Bit = False, False
- elif magic == '\xCE\xFA\xED\xFE':
- f.isLSB, f.is64Bit = True, False
- elif magic == '\xFE\xED\xFA\xCF':
- f.isLSB, f.is64Bit = False, True
- elif magic == '\xCF\xFA\xED\xFE':
- f.isLSB, f.is64Bit = True, True
- else:
- raise ValueError,"Not a Mach-O object file: %r (bad magic)" % path
- print "('cputype', %r)" % f.read32()
- print "('cpusubtype', %r)" % f.read32()
- filetype = f.read32()
- print "('filetype', %r)" % filetype
- numLoadCommands = f.read32()
- print "('num_load_commands', %r)" % numLoadCommands
- loadCommandsSize = f.read32()
- print "('load_commands_size', %r)" % loadCommandsSize
- print "('flag', %r)" % f.read32()
- if f.is64Bit:
- print "('reserved', %r)" % f.read32()
- start = f.tell()
- print "('load_commands', ["
- for i in range(numLoadCommands):
- dumpLoadCommand(f, i, opts)
- print "])"
- if f.tell() - start != loadCommandsSize:
- raise ValueError,"%s: warning: invalid load commands size: %r" % (
- sys.argv[0], loadCommandsSize)
-def dumpLoadCommand(f, i, opts):
- start = f.tell()
- print " # Load Command %r" % i
- cmd = f.read32()
- print " (('command', %r)" % cmd
- cmdSize = f.read32()
- print " ('size', %r)" % cmdSize
- if cmd == 1:
- dumpSegmentLoadCommand(f, opts, False)
- elif cmd == 2:
- dumpSymtabCommand(f, opts)
- elif cmd == 11:
- dumpDysymtabCommand(f, opts)
- elif cmd == 25:
- dumpSegmentLoadCommand(f, opts, True)
- elif cmd == 27:
- import uuid
- print " ('uuid', %s)" % uuid.UUID(bytes=f.read(16))
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr,"%s: warning: unknown load command: %r" % (
- sys.argv[0], cmd)
- f.read(cmdSize - 8)
- print " ),"
- if f.tell() - start != cmdSize:
- raise ValueError,"%s: warning: invalid load command size: %r" % (
- sys.argv[0], cmdSize)
-def dumpSegmentLoadCommand(f, opts, is64Bit):
- print " ('segment_name', %r)" % f.read(16)
- if is64Bit:
- print " ('vm_addr', %r)" % f.read64()
- print " ('vm_size', %r)" % f.read64()
- print " ('file_offset', %r)" % f.read64()
- print " ('file_size', %r)" % f.read64()
- else:
- print " ('vm_addr', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('vm_size', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('file_offset', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('file_size', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('maxprot', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('initprot', %r)" % f.read32()
- numSections = f.read32()
- print " ('num_sections', %r)" % numSections
- print " ('flags', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('sections', ["
- for i in range(numSections):
- dumpSection(f, i, opts, is64Bit)
- print " ])"
-def dumpSymtabCommand(f, opts):
- symoff = f.read32()
- print " ('symoff', %r)" % symoff
- nsyms = f.read32()
- print " ('nsyms', %r)" % nsyms
- stroff = f.read32()
- print " ('stroff', %r)" % stroff
- strsize = f.read32()
- print " ('strsize', %r)" % strsize
- prev_pos = f.tell()
- f.seek(stroff)
- string_data = f.read(strsize)
- print " ('_string_data', %r)" % string_data
- f.registerStringTable(string_data)
- f.seek(symoff)
- print " ('_symbols', ["
- for i in range(nsyms):
- dumpNlist32(f, i, opts)
- print " ])"
- f.seek(prev_pos)
-def dumpNlist32(f, i, opts):
- print " # Symbol %r" % i
- n_strx = f.read32()
- print " (('n_strx', %r)" % n_strx
- n_type = f.read8()
- print " ('n_type', %#x)" % n_type
- n_sect = f.read8()
- print " ('n_sect', %r)" % n_sect
- n_desc = f.read16()
- print " ('n_desc', %r)" % n_desc
- if f.is64Bit:
- n_value = f.read64()
- print " ('n_value', %r)" % n_value
- else:
- n_value = f.read32()
- print " ('n_value', %r)" % n_value
- print " ('_string', %r)" % f.getString(n_strx)
- print " ),"
-def dumpDysymtabCommand(f, opts):
- print " ('ilocalsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nlocalsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('iextdefsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nextdefsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('iundefsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nundefsym', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('tocoff', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('ntoc', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('modtaboff', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nmodtab', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('extrefsymoff', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nextrefsyms', %r)" % f.read32()
- indirectsymoff = f.read32()
- print " ('indirectsymoff', %r)" % indirectsymoff
- nindirectsyms = f.read32()
- print " ('nindirectsyms', %r)" % nindirectsyms
- print " ('extreloff', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nextrel', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('locreloff', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('nlocrel', %r)" % f.read32()
- prev_pos = f.tell()
- f.seek(indirectsymoff)
- print " ('_indirect_symbols', ["
- for i in range(nindirectsyms):
- print " # Indirect Symbol %r" % i
- print " (('symbol_index', %#x),)," % f.read32()
- print " ])"
- f.seek(prev_pos)
-def dumpSection(f, i, opts, is64Bit):
- print " # Section %r" % i
- print " (('section_name', %r)" % f.read(16)
- print " ('segment_name', %r)" % f.read(16)
- if is64Bit:
- print " ('address', %r)" % f.read64()
- size = f.read64()
- print " ('size', %r)" % size
- else:
- print " ('address', %r)" % f.read32()
- size = f.read32()
- print " ('size', %r)" % size
- offset = f.read32()
- print " ('offset', %r)" % offset
- print " ('alignment', %r)" % f.read32()
- reloc_offset = f.read32()
- print " ('reloc_offset', %r)" % reloc_offset
- num_reloc = f.read32()
- print " ('num_reloc', %r)" % num_reloc
- print " ('flags', %#x)" % f.read32()
- print " ('reserved1', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ('reserved2', %r)" % f.read32()
- if is64Bit:
- print " ('reserved3', %r)" % f.read32()
- print " ),"
- prev_pos = f.tell()
- f.seek(reloc_offset)
- print " ('_relocations', ["
- for i in range(num_reloc):
- print " # Relocation %r" % i
- print " (('word-0', %#x)," % f.read32()
- print " ('word-1', %#x))," % f.read32()
- print " ])"
- if opts.dumpSectionData:
- f.seek(offset)
- print " ('_section_data', '%s')" % common_dump.dataToHex(f.read(size))
- f.seek(prev_pos)
-def main():
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] {files}")
- parser.add_option("", "--dump-section-data", dest="dumpSectionData",
- help="Dump the contents of sections",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- args.append('-')
- for arg in args:
- dumpmacho(arg, opts)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx.bat b/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 81484f6..0000000
--- a/test/Scripts/macho-dumpx.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-@rem We need to set -u to treat stdin as binary. Python 3 has support for doing
-@rem this in code, but I haven't found a way to do this in 2.6 yet.
-%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -u %LLVM_SRC_ROOT%\test\Scripts\macho-dump %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
diff --git a/test/lit.cfg b/test/lit.cfg
index ac18e50..ea91f45 100644
--- a/test/lit.cfg
+++ b/test/lit.cfg
@@ -56,17 +56,8 @@ llvm_obj_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_obj_root', None)
if llvm_obj_root is not None:
config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(llvm_obj_root, 'test')
-# Tweak the PATH to include the scripts dir, the tools dir, and the llvm-gcc bin
-# dir (if available).
+# Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir.
if llvm_obj_root is not None:
- llvm_src_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_src_root', None)
- if not llvm_src_root:
- lit.fatal('No LLVM source root set!')
- path = os.path.pathsep.join((os.path.join(llvm_src_root, 'test',
- 'Scripts'),
- config.environment['PATH']))
- config.environment['PATH'] = path
llvm_tools_dir = getattr(config, 'llvm_tools_dir', None)
if not llvm_tools_dir:
lit.fatal('No LLVM tools dir set!')